// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart'; import 'running_processes.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// Maximum amount of time a single task is allowed to take to run. /// /// If exceeded the task is considered to have failed. const Duration _kDefaultTaskTimeout = Duration(minutes: 15); /// Represents a unit of work performed in the CI environment that can /// succeed, fail and be retried independently of others. typedef TaskFunction = Future<TaskResult> Function(); bool _isTaskRegistered = false; /// Registers a [task] to run, returns the result when it is complete. /// /// The task does not run immediately but waits for the request via the /// VM service protocol to run it. /// /// It is ok for a [task] to perform many things. However, only one task can be /// registered per Dart VM. Future<TaskResult> task(TaskFunction task) { if (_isTaskRegistered) throw StateError('A task is already registered'); _isTaskRegistered = true; // TODO(ianh): allow overriding logging. Logger.root.level = Level.ALL; Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) { print('${rec.level.name}: ${rec.time}: ${rec.message}'); }); final _TaskRunner runner = _TaskRunner(task); runner.keepVmAliveUntilTaskRunRequested(); return runner.whenDone; } class _TaskRunner { _TaskRunner(this.task) { registerExtension('ext.cocoonRunTask', (String method, Map<String, String> parameters) async { final Duration taskTimeout = parameters.containsKey('timeoutInMinutes') ? Duration(minutes: int.parse(parameters['timeoutInMinutes'])) : _kDefaultTaskTimeout; final TaskResult result = await run(taskTimeout); return ServiceExtensionResponse.result(json.encode(result.toJson())); }); registerExtension('ext.cocoonRunnerReady', (String method, Map<String, String> parameters) async { return ServiceExtensionResponse.result('"ready"'); }); } final TaskFunction task; // TODO(ianh): workaround for https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/23797 RawReceivePort _keepAlivePort; Timer _startTaskTimeout; bool _taskStarted = false; final Completer<TaskResult> _completer = Completer<TaskResult>(); static final Logger logger = Logger('TaskRunner'); /// Signals that this task runner finished running the task. Future<TaskResult> get whenDone => _completer.future; Future<TaskResult> run(Duration taskTimeout) async { try { _taskStarted = true; print('Running task.'); final String exe = Platform.isWindows ? '.exe' : ''; section('Checking running Dart$exe processes'); final Set<RunningProcessInfo> beforeRunningDartInstances = await getRunningProcesses( processName: 'dart$exe', ).toSet(); beforeRunningDartInstances.forEach(print); TaskResult result = await _performTask().timeout(taskTimeout); section('Checking running Dart$exe processes after task...'); final List<RunningProcessInfo> afterRunningDartInstances = await getRunningProcesses( processName: 'dart$exe', ).toList(); for (final RunningProcessInfo info in afterRunningDartInstances) { if (!beforeRunningDartInstances.contains(info)) { print('$info was leaked by this test.'); // TODO(dnfield): remove this special casing after https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/29141 is resolved. if (result is TaskResultCheckProcesses) { result = TaskResult.failure('This test leaked dart processes'); } final bool killed = await killProcess(info.pid); if (!killed) { print('Failed to kill process ${info.pid}.'); } else { print('Killed process id ${info.pid}.'); } } } _completer.complete(result); return result; } on TimeoutException catch (_) { print('Task timed out in framework.dart after $taskTimeout.'); return TaskResult.failure('Task timed out after $taskTimeout'); } finally { print('Cleaning up after task...'); await forceQuitRunningProcesses(); _closeKeepAlivePort(); } } /// Causes the Dart VM to stay alive until a request to run the task is /// received via the VM service protocol. void keepVmAliveUntilTaskRunRequested() { if (_taskStarted) throw StateError('Task already started.'); // Merely creating this port object will cause the VM to stay alive and keep // the VM service server running until the port is disposed of. _keepAlivePort = RawReceivePort(); // Timeout if nothing bothers to connect and ask us to run the task. const Duration taskStartTimeout = Duration(seconds: 60); _startTaskTimeout = Timer(taskStartTimeout, () { if (!_taskStarted) { logger.severe('Task did not start in $taskStartTimeout.'); _closeKeepAlivePort(); exitCode = 1; } }); } /// Disables the keep-alive port, allowing the VM to exit. void _closeKeepAlivePort() { _startTaskTimeout?.cancel(); _keepAlivePort?.close(); } Future<TaskResult> _performTask() { final Completer<TaskResult> completer = Completer<TaskResult>(); Chain.capture(() async { completer.complete(await task()); }, onError: (dynamic taskError, Chain taskErrorStack) { final String message = 'Task failed: $taskError'; stderr ..writeln(message) ..writeln('\nStack trace:') ..writeln(taskErrorStack.terse); // IMPORTANT: We're completing the future _successfully_ but with a value // that indicates a task failure. This is intentional. At this point we // are catching errors coming from arbitrary (and untrustworthy) task // code. Our goal is to convert the failure into a readable message. // Propagating it further is not useful. if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.complete(TaskResult.failure(message)); }); return completer.future; } } /// A result of running a single task. class TaskResult { /// Constructs a successful result. TaskResult.success(this.data, {this.benchmarkScoreKeys = const <String>[]}) : succeeded = true, message = 'success' { const JsonEncoder prettyJson = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' '); if (benchmarkScoreKeys != null) { for (String key in benchmarkScoreKeys) { if (!data.containsKey(key)) { throw 'Invalid Golem score key "$key". It does not exist in task ' 'result data ${prettyJson.convert(data)}'; } else if (data[key] is! num) { throw 'Invalid Golem score for key "$key". It is expected to be a num ' 'but was ${data[key].runtimeType}: ${prettyJson.convert(data[key])}'; } } } } /// Constructs a successful result using JSON data stored in a file. factory TaskResult.successFromFile(File file, {List<String> benchmarkScoreKeys}) { return TaskResult.success(json.decode(file.readAsStringSync()), benchmarkScoreKeys: benchmarkScoreKeys); } /// Constructs an unsuccessful result. TaskResult.failure(this.message) : succeeded = false, data = null, benchmarkScoreKeys = const <String>[]; /// Whether the task succeeded. final bool succeeded; /// Task-specific JSON data final Map<String, dynamic> data; /// Keys in [data] that store scores that will be submitted to Golem. /// /// Each key is also part of a benchmark's name tracked by Golem. /// A benchmark name is computed by combining [Task.name] with a key /// separated by a dot. For example, if a task's name is /// `"complex_layout__start_up"` and score key is /// `"engineEnterTimestampMicros"`, the score will be submitted to Golem under /// `"complex_layout__start_up.engineEnterTimestampMicros"`. /// /// This convention reduces the amount of configuration that needs to be done /// to submit benchmark scores to Golem. final List<String> benchmarkScoreKeys; /// Whether the task failed. bool get failed => !succeeded; /// Explains the result in a human-readable format. final String message; /// Serializes this task result to JSON format. /// /// The JSON format is as follows: /// /// { /// "success": true|false, /// "data": arbitrary JSON data valid only for successful results, /// "benchmarkScoreKeys": [ /// contains keys into "data" that represent benchmarks scores, which /// can be uploaded, for example. to golem, valid only for successful /// results /// ], /// "reason": failure reason string valid only for unsuccessful results /// } Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { final Map<String, dynamic> json = <String, dynamic>{ 'success': succeeded, }; if (succeeded) { json['data'] = data; json['benchmarkScoreKeys'] = benchmarkScoreKeys; } else { json['reason'] = message; } return json; } } class TaskResultCheckProcesses extends TaskResult { TaskResultCheckProcesses() : super.success(null); }