// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/terminal.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/attach.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/resident_runner.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/run_hot.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart'; import 'package:multicast_dns/multicast_dns.dart'; import '../src/common.dart'; import '../src/context.dart'; import '../src/mocks.dart'; void main() { final StreamLogger logger = StreamLogger(); group('attach', () { final FileSystem testFileSystem = MemoryFileSystem( style: platform.isWindows ? FileSystemStyle.windows : FileSystemStyle .posix, ); setUp(() { Cache.disableLocking(); testFileSystem.directory('lib').createSync(); testFileSystem.file('lib/main.dart').createSync(); }); group('with one device and no specified target file', () { const int devicePort = 499; const int hostPort = 42; MockDeviceLogReader mockLogReader; MockPortForwarder portForwarder; MockAndroidDevice device; setUp(() { mockLogReader = MockDeviceLogReader(); portForwarder = MockPortForwarder(); device = MockAndroidDevice(); when(device.getLogReader()).thenAnswer((_) { // Now that the reader is used, start writing messages to it. Timer.run(() { mockLogReader.addLine('Foo'); mockLogReader.addLine('Observatory listening on$devicePort'); }); return mockLogReader; }); when(device.portForwarder) .thenReturn(portForwarder); when(portForwarder.forward(devicePort, hostPort: anyNamed('hostPort'))) .thenAnswer((_) async => hostPort); when(portForwarder.forwardedPorts) .thenReturn([ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort)]); when(portForwarder.unforward(any)) .thenAnswer((_) async => null); // We cannot add the device to a device manager because that is // only enabled by the context of each testUsingContext call. // // Instead each test will add the device to the device manager // on its own. }); tearDown(() { mockLogReader.dispose(); }); testUsingContext('finds observatory port and forwards', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final Completer completer = Completer(); final StreamSubscription loggerSubscription = logger.stream.listen((String message) { if (message == '[stdout] Done.') { // The "Done." message is output by the AttachCommand when it's done. completer.complete(); } }); final Future task = createTestCommandRunner(AttachCommand()).run(['attach']); await completer.future; verify( portForwarder.forward(devicePort, hostPort: anyNamed('hostPort')), ).called(1); await expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(task, logger); await loggerSubscription.cancel(); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, Logger: () => logger, }); testUsingContext('accepts filesystem parameters', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); const String filesystemScheme = 'foo'; const String filesystemRoot = '/build-output/'; const String projectRoot = '/build-output/project-root'; const String outputDill = '/tmp/output.dill'; final MockHotRunner mockHotRunner = MockHotRunner(); when(mockHotRunner.attach()).thenAnswer((_) async => 0); final MockHotRunnerFactory mockHotRunnerFactory = MockHotRunnerFactory(); when( mockHotRunnerFactory.build( any, target: anyNamed('target'), projectRootPath: anyNamed('projectRootPath'), dillOutputPath: anyNamed('dillOutputPath'), debuggingOptions: anyNamed('debuggingOptions'), packagesFilePath: anyNamed('packagesFilePath'), usesTerminalUI: anyNamed('usesTerminalUI'), ipv6: false, ), ).thenReturn(mockHotRunner); final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand( hotRunnerFactory: mockHotRunnerFactory, ); await createTestCommandRunner(command).run([ 'attach', '--filesystem-scheme', filesystemScheme, '--filesystem-root', filesystemRoot, '--project-root', projectRoot, '--output-dill', outputDill, '-v', // enables verbose logging ]); // Validate the attach call built a mock runner with the right // project root and output dill. final VerificationResult verificationResult = verify( mockHotRunnerFactory.build( captureAny, target: anyNamed('target'), projectRootPath: projectRoot, dillOutputPath: outputDill, debuggingOptions: anyNamed('debuggingOptions'), packagesFilePath: anyNamed('packagesFilePath'), usesTerminalUI: anyNamed('usesTerminalUI'), ipv6: false, ), )..called(1); final List flutterDevices = verificationResult.captured.first; expect(flutterDevices, hasLength(1)); // Validate that the attach call built a flutter device with the right // output dill, filesystem scheme, and filesystem root. final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = flutterDevices.first; expect(flutterDevice.dillOutputPath, outputDill); expect(flutterDevice.fileSystemScheme, filesystemScheme); expect(flutterDevice.fileSystemRoots, const [filesystemRoot]); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, }); testUsingContext('exits when ipv6 is specified and debug-port is not', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand(); await expectLater( createTestCommandRunner(command).run(['attach', '--ipv6']), throwsToolExit( message: 'When the --debug-port is unknown, this command determines ' 'the value of --ipv6 on its own.', ), ); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, },); testUsingContext('exits when observatory-port is specified and debug-port is not', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand(); await expectLater( createTestCommandRunner(command).run(['attach', '--observatory-port', '100']), throwsToolExit( message: 'When the --debug-port is unknown, this command does not use ' 'the value of --observatory-port.', ), ); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, },); }); testUsingContext('selects specified target', () async { const int devicePort = 499; const int hostPort = 42; final MockDeviceLogReader mockLogReader = MockDeviceLogReader(); final MockPortForwarder portForwarder = MockPortForwarder(); final MockAndroidDevice device = MockAndroidDevice(); final MockHotRunner mockHotRunner = MockHotRunner(); final MockHotRunnerFactory mockHotRunnerFactory = MockHotRunnerFactory(); when(device.portForwarder) .thenReturn(portForwarder); when(portForwarder.forward(devicePort, hostPort: anyNamed('hostPort'))) .thenAnswer((_) async => hostPort); when(portForwarder.forwardedPorts) .thenReturn([ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort)]); when(portForwarder.unforward(any)) .thenAnswer((_) async => null); when(mockHotRunner.attach()) .thenAnswer((_) async => 0); when(mockHotRunnerFactory.build( any, target: anyNamed('target'), debuggingOptions: anyNamed('debuggingOptions'), packagesFilePath: anyNamed('packagesFilePath'), usesTerminalUI: anyNamed('usesTerminalUI'), ipv6: false, )).thenReturn(mockHotRunner); testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); when(device.getLogReader()) .thenAnswer((_) { // Now that the reader is used, start writing messages to it. Timer.run(() { mockLogReader.addLine('Foo'); mockLogReader.addLine( 'Observatory listening on$devicePort'); }); return mockLogReader; }); final File foo = fs.file('lib/foo.dart') ..createSync(); // Delete the main.dart file to be sure that attach works without it. fs.file('lib/main.dart').deleteSync(); final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand(hotRunnerFactory: mockHotRunnerFactory); await createTestCommandRunner(command).run(['attach', '-t', foo.path, '-v']); verify(mockHotRunnerFactory.build( any, target: foo.path, debuggingOptions: anyNamed('debuggingOptions'), packagesFilePath: anyNamed('packagesFilePath'), usesTerminalUI: anyNamed('usesTerminalUI'), ipv6: false, )).called(1); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, }); group('forwarding to given port', () { const int devicePort = 499; const int hostPort = 42; MockPortForwarder portForwarder; MockAndroidDevice device; setUp(() { portForwarder = MockPortForwarder(); device = MockAndroidDevice(); when(device.portForwarder) .thenReturn(portForwarder); when(portForwarder.forward(devicePort)) .thenAnswer((_) async => hostPort); when(portForwarder.forwardedPorts) .thenReturn([ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort)]); when(portForwarder.unforward(any)) .thenAnswer((_) async => null); }); testUsingContext('succeeds in ipv4 mode', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final Completer completer = Completer(); final StreamSubscription loggerSubscription = logger.stream.listen((String message) { if (message == '[verbose] Connecting to service protocol:') { // Wait until resident_runner.dart tries to connect. // There's nothing to connect _to_, so that's as far as we care to go. completer.complete(); } }); final Future task = createTestCommandRunner(AttachCommand()) .run(['attach', '--debug-port', '$devicePort']); await completer.future; verify(portForwarder.forward(devicePort)).called(1); await expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(task, logger); await loggerSubscription.cancel(); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, Logger: () => logger, }); testUsingContext('succeeds in ipv6 mode', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final Completer completer = Completer(); final StreamSubscription loggerSubscription = logger.stream.listen((String message) { if (message == '[verbose] Connecting to service protocol: http://[::1]:42/') { // Wait until resident_runner.dart tries to connect. // There's nothing to connect _to_, so that's as far as we care to go. completer.complete(); } }); final Future task = createTestCommandRunner(AttachCommand()) .run(['attach', '--debug-port', '$devicePort', '--ipv6']); await completer.future; verify(portForwarder.forward(devicePort)).called(1); await expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(task, logger); await loggerSubscription.cancel(); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, Logger: () => logger, }); testUsingContext('skips in ipv4 mode with a provided observatory port', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final Completer completer = Completer(); final StreamSubscription loggerSubscription = logger.stream.listen((String message) { if (message == '[verbose] Connecting to service protocol:') { // Wait until resident_runner.dart tries to connect. // There's nothing to connect _to_, so that's as far as we care to go. completer.complete(); } }); final Future task = createTestCommandRunner(AttachCommand()).run( [ 'attach', '--debug-port', '$devicePort', '--observatory-port', '$hostPort', ], ); await completer.future; verifyNever(portForwarder.forward(devicePort)); await expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(task, logger); await loggerSubscription.cancel(); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, Logger: () => logger, }); testUsingContext('skips in ipv6 mode with a provided observatory port', () async { testDeviceManager.addDevice(device); final Completer completer = Completer(); final StreamSubscription loggerSubscription = logger.stream.listen((String message) { if (message == '[verbose] Connecting to service protocol: http://[::1]:42/') { // Wait until resident_runner.dart tries to connect. // There's nothing to connect _to_, so that's as far as we care to go. completer.complete(); } }); final Future task = createTestCommandRunner(AttachCommand()).run( [ 'attach', '--debug-port', '$devicePort', '--observatory-port', '$hostPort', '--ipv6', ], ); await completer.future; verifyNever(portForwarder.forward(devicePort)); await expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(task, logger); await loggerSubscription.cancel(); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, Logger: () => logger, }); }); testUsingContext('exits when no device connected', () async { final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand(); await expectLater( createTestCommandRunner(command).run(['attach']), throwsA(isInstanceOf()), ); expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('No connected devices')); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, }); testUsingContext('exits when multiple devices connected', () async { Device aDeviceWithId(String id) { final MockAndroidDevice device = MockAndroidDevice(); when(device.name).thenReturn('d$id'); when(device.id).thenReturn(id); when(device.isLocalEmulator).thenAnswer((_) async => false); when(device.sdkNameAndVersion).thenAnswer((_) async => 'Android 46'); return device; } final AttachCommand command = AttachCommand(); testDeviceManager.addDevice(aDeviceWithId('xx1')); testDeviceManager.addDevice(aDeviceWithId('yy2')); await expectLater( createTestCommandRunner(command).run(['attach']), throwsA(isInstanceOf()), ); expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('More than one device')); expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('xx1')); expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('yy2')); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => testFileSystem, }); }); group('mDNS Discovery', () { final int year3000 = DateTime(3000).millisecondsSinceEpoch; MDnsClient getMockClient( List ptrRecords, Map> srvResponse, ) { final MDnsClient client = MockMDnsClient(); when(client.lookup( ResourceRecordQuery.serverPointer(MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery.dartObservatoryName), )).thenAnswer((_) => Stream.fromIterable(ptrRecords)); for (final MapEntry> entry in srvResponse.entries) { when(client.lookup( ResourceRecordQuery.service(entry.key), )).thenAnswer((_) => Stream.fromIterable(entry.value)); } return client; } testUsingContext('No ports available', () async { final MDnsClient client = getMockClient([], >{}); final MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery portDiscovery = MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery(mdnsClient: client); final int port = await portDiscovery.queryForPort(); expect(port, isNull); }); testUsingContext('One port available, no appId', () async { final MDnsClient client = getMockClient( [ PtrResourceRecord('foo', year3000, domainName: 'bar'), ], >{ 'bar': [ SrvResourceRecord('bar', year3000, port: 123, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'appId'), ], }, ); final MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery portDiscovery = MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery(mdnsClient: client); final int port = await portDiscovery.queryForPort(); expect(port, 123); }); testUsingContext('Multiple ports available, without appId', () async { final MDnsClient client = getMockClient( [ PtrResourceRecord('foo', year3000, domainName: 'bar'), PtrResourceRecord('baz', year3000, domainName: 'fiz'), ], >{ 'bar': [ SrvResourceRecord('bar', year3000, port: 123, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'appId'), ], 'fiz': [ SrvResourceRecord('fiz', year3000, port: 321, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'local'), ], }, ); final MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery portDiscovery = MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery(mdnsClient: client); expect(() => portDiscovery.queryForPort(), throwsToolExit()); }); testUsingContext('Multiple ports available, with appId', () async { final MDnsClient client = getMockClient( [ PtrResourceRecord('foo', year3000, domainName: 'bar'), PtrResourceRecord('baz', year3000, domainName: 'fiz'), ], >{ 'bar': [ SrvResourceRecord('bar', year3000, port: 123, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'appId'), ], 'fiz': [ SrvResourceRecord('fiz', year3000, port: 321, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'local'), ], }, ); final MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery portDiscovery = MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery(mdnsClient: client); final int port = await portDiscovery.queryForPort(applicationId: 'fiz'); expect(port, 321); }); testUsingContext('Multiple ports available per process, with appId', () async { final MDnsClient client = getMockClient( [ PtrResourceRecord('foo', year3000, domainName: 'bar'), PtrResourceRecord('baz', year3000, domainName: 'fiz'), ], >{ 'bar': [ SrvResourceRecord('bar', year3000, port: 1234, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'appId'), SrvResourceRecord('bar', year3000, port: 123, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'appId'), ], 'fiz': [ SrvResourceRecord('fiz', year3000, port: 4321, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'local'), SrvResourceRecord('fiz', year3000, port: 321, weight: 1, priority: 1, target: 'local'), ], }, ); final MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery portDiscovery = MDnsObservatoryPortDiscovery(mdnsClient: client); final int port = await portDiscovery.queryForPort(applicationId: 'bar'); expect(port, 1234); }); }); } class MockMDnsClient extends Mock implements MDnsClient {} class MockPortForwarder extends Mock implements DevicePortForwarder {} class MockHotRunner extends Mock implements HotRunner {} class MockHotRunnerFactory extends Mock implements HotRunnerFactory {} class StreamLogger extends Logger { @override bool get isVerbose => true; @override void printError( String message, { StackTrace stackTrace, bool emphasis, TerminalColor color, int indent, int hangingIndent, bool wrap, }) { _log('[stderr] $message'); } @override void printStatus( String message, { bool emphasis, TerminalColor color, bool newline, int indent, int hangingIndent, bool wrap, }) { _log('[stdout] $message'); } @override void printTrace(String message) { _log('[verbose] $message'); } @override Status startProgress( String message, { @required Duration timeout, String progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }) { _log('[progress] $message'); return SilentStatus(timeout: timeout)..start(); } bool _interrupt = false; void interrupt() { _interrupt = true; } final StreamController _controller = StreamController.broadcast(); void _log(String message) { _controller.add(message); if (_interrupt) { _interrupt = false; throw const LoggerInterrupted(); } } Stream get stream => _controller.stream; } class LoggerInterrupted implements Exception { const LoggerInterrupted(); } Future expectLoggerInterruptEndsTask(Future task, StreamLogger logger) async { logger.interrupt(); // an exception during the task should cause it to fail... try { await task; expect(false, isTrue); // (shouldn't reach here) } on ToolExit catch (error) { expect(error.exitCode, 2); // ...with exit code 2. } }