// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

/// A result of running a single task.
class TaskResult {
      : succeeded = true,
        data = null,
        detailFiles = null,
        benchmarkScoreKeys = null,
        message = 'No tests run';

  /// Constructs a successful result.
  TaskResult.success(this.data, {
    this.benchmarkScoreKeys = const <String>[],
    this.detailFiles = const <String>[],
    this.message = 'success',
      : succeeded = true {
    const JsonEncoder prettyJson = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
    if (benchmarkScoreKeys != null) {
      for (final String key in benchmarkScoreKeys!) {
        if (!data!.containsKey(key)) {
          throw 'Invalid benchmark score key "$key". It does not exist in task '
              'result data ${prettyJson.convert(data)}';
        } else if (data![key] is! num) {
          throw 'Invalid benchmark score for key "$key". It is expected to be a num '
              'but was ${(data![key] as Object).runtimeType}: ${prettyJson.convert(data![key])}';

  /// Constructs a successful result using JSON data stored in a file.
  factory TaskResult.successFromFile(File file, {
    List<String> benchmarkScoreKeys = const <String>[],
    List<String> detailFiles = const <String>[],
  }) {
    return TaskResult.success(
      json.decode(file.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, dynamic>?,
      benchmarkScoreKeys: benchmarkScoreKeys,
      detailFiles: detailFiles,

  /// Constructs a [TaskResult] from JSON.
  factory TaskResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    final bool success = json['success'] as bool;
    if (success) {
      final List<String> benchmarkScoreKeys = (json['benchmarkScoreKeys'] as List<dynamic>? ?? <String>[]).cast<String>();
      final List<String> detailFiles = (json['detailFiles'] as List<dynamic>? ?? <String>[]).cast<String>();
      return TaskResult.success(json['data'] as Map<String, dynamic>?,
        benchmarkScoreKeys: benchmarkScoreKeys,
        detailFiles: detailFiles,
        message: json['reason'] as String?,

    return TaskResult.failure(json['reason'] as String?);

  /// Constructs an unsuccessful result.
      : succeeded = false,
        data = null,
        detailFiles = null,
        benchmarkScoreKeys = null;

  /// Whether the task succeeded.
  final bool succeeded;

  /// Task-specific JSON data
  final Map<String, dynamic>? data;

  /// Files containing detail on the run (e.g. timeline trace files)
  final List<String>? detailFiles;

  /// Keys in [data] that store scores that will be submitted to Cocoon.
  /// Each key is also part of a benchmark's name tracked by Cocoon.
  final List<String>? benchmarkScoreKeys;

  /// Whether the task failed.
  bool get failed => !succeeded;

  /// Explains the result in a human-readable format.
  final String? message;

  /// Serializes this task result to JSON format.
  /// The JSON format is as follows:
  ///     {
  ///       "success": true|false,
  ///       "data": arbitrary JSON data valid only for successful results,
  ///       "detailFiles": list of filenames containing detail on the run
  ///       "benchmarkScoreKeys": [
  ///         contains keys into "data" that represent benchmarks scores, which
  ///         can be uploaded, for example. to golem, valid only for successful
  ///         results
  ///       ],
  ///       "reason": failure reason string valid only for unsuccessful results
  ///     }
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final Map<String, dynamic> json = <String, dynamic>{
      'success': succeeded,

    if (succeeded) {
      json['data'] = data;
      json['detailFiles'] = detailFiles;
      json['benchmarkScoreKeys'] = benchmarkScoreKeys;

    if (message != null || !succeeded) {
      json['reason'] = message;

    return json;

  String toString() => message ?? '';

class TaskResultCheckProcesses extends TaskResult {
  TaskResultCheckProcesses() : super.success(null);