// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/devfs.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vmservice.dart'; import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc; import 'src/common.dart'; import 'src/context.dart'; import 'src/mocks.dart'; void main() { FileSystem fs; String filePath; Directory tempDir; String basePath; DevFS devFS; setUpAll(() { fs = MemoryFileSystem(); filePath = fs.path.join('lib', 'foo.txt'); }); group('DevFSContent', () { test('bytes', () { final DevFSByteContent content = DevFSByteContent([4, 5, 6]); expect(content.bytes, orderedEquals([4, 5, 6])); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); content.bytes = [7, 8, 9, 2]; expect(content.bytes, orderedEquals([7, 8, 9, 2])); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); }); test('string', () { final DevFSStringContent content = DevFSStringContent('some string'); expect(content.string, 'some string'); expect(content.bytes, orderedEquals(utf8.encode('some string'))); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); content.string = 'another string'; expect(content.string, 'another string'); expect(content.bytes, orderedEquals(utf8.encode('another string'))); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); content.bytes = utf8.encode('foo bar'); expect(content.string, 'foo bar'); expect(content.bytes, orderedEquals(utf8.encode('foo bar'))); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); }); testUsingContext('file', () async { final File file = fs.file(filePath); final DevFSFileContent content = DevFSFileContent(file); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); file.parent.createSync(recursive: true); file.writeAsBytesSync([1, 2, 3], flush: true); final DateTime fiveSecondsAgo = DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(seconds:5)); expect(content.isModifiedAfter(fiveSecondsAgo), isTrue); expect(content.isModifiedAfter(fiveSecondsAgo), isTrue); expect(content.isModifiedAfter(null), isTrue); file.writeAsBytesSync([2, 3, 4], flush: true); expect(content.fileDependencies, [filePath]); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); expect(await content.contentsAsBytes(), [2, 3, 4]); updateFileModificationTime(file.path, fiveSecondsAgo, 0); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); file.deleteSync(); expect(content.isModified, isTrue); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); expect(content.isModified, isFalse); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => fs, }); }); group('devfs remote', () { MockVMService vmService; final MockResidentCompiler residentCompiler = MockResidentCompiler(); setUpAll(() async { tempDir = _newTempDir(fs); basePath = tempDir.path; vmService = MockVMService(); await vmService.setUp(); }); tearDownAll(() async { await vmService.tearDown(); _cleanupTempDirs(); }); testUsingContext('create dev file system', () async { // simulate workspace final File file = fs.file(fs.path.join(basePath, filePath)); await file.parent.create(recursive: true); file.writeAsBytesSync([1, 2, 3]); // simulate package await _createPackage(fs, 'somepkg', 'somefile.txt'); devFS = DevFS(vmService, 'test', tempDir); await devFS.create(); vmService.expectMessages(['create test']); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); final UpdateFSReport report = await devFS.update( mainPath: 'lib/foo.txt', generator: residentCompiler, pathToReload: 'lib/foo.txt.dill', trackWidgetCreation: false, invalidatedFiles: [], ); vmService.expectMessages([ 'writeFile test lib/foo.txt.dill', ]); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); expect(report.syncedBytes, 22); expect(report.success, true); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => fs, }); testUsingContext('delete dev file system', () async { expect(vmService.messages, isEmpty, reason: 'prior test timeout'); await devFS.destroy(); vmService.expectMessages(['destroy test']); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => fs, }); testUsingContext('cleanup preexisting file system', () async { // simulate workspace final File file = fs.file(fs.path.join(basePath, filePath)); await file.parent.create(recursive: true); file.writeAsBytesSync([1, 2, 3]); // simulate package await _createPackage(fs, 'somepkg', 'somefile.txt'); devFS = DevFS(vmService, 'test', tempDir); await devFS.create(); vmService.expectMessages(['create test']); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); // Try to create again. await devFS.create(); vmService.expectMessages(['create test', 'destroy test', 'create test']); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); // Really destroy. await devFS.destroy(); vmService.expectMessages(['destroy test']); expect(devFS.assetPathsToEvict, isEmpty); }, overrides: { FileSystem: () => fs, }); }); } class MockVMService extends BasicMock implements VMService { MockVMService() { _vm = MockVM(this); } Uri _httpAddress; HttpServer _server; MockVM _vm; @override Uri get httpAddress => _httpAddress; @override VM get vm => _vm; Future setUp() async { try { _server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6, 0); _httpAddress = Uri.parse('http://[::1]:${_server.port}'); } on SocketException { // Fall back to IPv4 if the host doesn't support binding to IPv6 localhost _server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0); _httpAddress = Uri.parse('${_server.port}'); } _server.listen((HttpRequest request) { final String fsName = request.headers.value('dev_fs_name'); final String devicePath = utf8.decode(base64.decode(request.headers.value('dev_fs_uri_b64'))); messages.add('writeFile $fsName $devicePath'); request.drain>().then((List value) { request.response ..write('Got it') ..close(); }); }); } Future tearDown() async { await _server?.close(); } @override dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation); } class MockVM implements VM { MockVM(this._service); final MockVMService _service; final Uri _baseUri = Uri.parse('file:///tmp/devfs/test'); bool _devFSExists = false; static const int kFileSystemAlreadyExists = 1001; @override Future> createDevFS(String fsName) async { _service.messages.add('create $fsName'); if (_devFSExists) { throw rpc.RpcException(kFileSystemAlreadyExists, 'File system already exists'); } _devFSExists = true; return {'uri': '$_baseUri'}; } @override Future> deleteDevFS(String fsName) async { _service.messages.add('destroy $fsName'); _devFSExists = false; return {'type': 'Success'}; } @override Future> invokeRpcRaw( String method, { Map params = const {}, Duration timeout, bool timeoutFatal = true, }) async { _service.messages.add('$method $params'); return {'success': true}; } @override dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation); } final List _tempDirs = []; final Map _packages = {}; Directory _newTempDir(FileSystem fs) { final Directory tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_devfs${_tempDirs.length}_test.'); _tempDirs.add(tempDir); return tempDir; } void _cleanupTempDirs() { while (_tempDirs.isNotEmpty) tryToDelete(_tempDirs.removeLast()); } Future _createPackage(FileSystem fs, String pkgName, String pkgFileName, { bool doubleSlash = false }) async { final Directory pkgTempDir = _newTempDir(fs); String pkgFilePath = fs.path.join(pkgTempDir.path, pkgName, 'lib', pkgFileName); if (doubleSlash) { // Force two separators into the path. final String doubleSlash = fs.path.separator + fs.path.separator; pkgFilePath = pkgTempDir.path + doubleSlash + fs.path.join(pkgName, 'lib', pkgFileName); } final File pkgFile = fs.file(pkgFilePath); await pkgFile.parent.create(recursive: true); pkgFile.writeAsBytesSync([11, 12, 13]); _packages[pkgName] = fs.path.toUri(pkgFile.parent.path); final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer(); _packages.forEach((String pkgName, Uri pkgUri) { sb.writeln('$pkgName:$pkgUri'); }); fs.file(fs.path.join(_tempDirs[0].path, '.packages')).writeAsStringSync(sb.toString()); }