# Material Library Localizations The `.arb` files in this directory contain localized values (primarily strings) used by the material library. The `localizations.dart` file combines all of the localizations into a single Map that is linked with the rest of flutter_localizations package. If you're looking for information about internationalizing Flutter apps in general, see the [Internationalizing Flutter Apps](https://flutter.dev/tutorials/internationalization/) tutorial. ### Translations for one locale: .arb files The Material library uses [Application Resource Bundle](https://code.google.com/p/arb/wiki/ApplicationResourceBundleSpecification) files, which have a `.arb` extension, to store localized translations of messages, format strings, and other values. This format is also used by the Dart [intl](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/intl) package and it is supported by the [Google Translators Toolkit](https://translate.google.com/toolkit). The material library only depends on a small subset of the ARB format. Each .arb file contains a single JSON table that maps from resource IDs to localized values. Filenames contain the locale that the values have been translated for. For example `material_de.arb` contains German translations, and `material_ar.arb` contains Arabic translations. Files that contain regional translations have names that include the locale's regional suffix. For example `material_en_GB.arb` contains additional English translations that are specific to Great Britain. There is one language-specific .arb file for each supported locale. If an additional file with a regional suffix is present, the regional localizations are automatically merged with the language-specific ones. The JSON table's keys, called resource IDs, are valid Dart variable names. They correspond to methods from the `MaterialLocalizations` class. For example: ```dart Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FlatButton( child: Text( MaterialLocalizations.of(context).cancelButtonLabel, ), ); } ``` This widget build method creates a button whose label is the local translation of "CANCEL" which is defined for the `cancelButtonLabel` resource ID. Each of the language-specific .arb files contains an entry for `cancelButtonLabel`. They're all represented by the `Map` in the generated `localizations.dart` file. The Map is used by the MaterialLocalizations class. ### material_en.arb Defines all of the resource IDs All of the `.arb` files whose names do not include a regional suffix contain translations for the same set of resource IDs as `material_en.arb`. For each resource ID defined for English in material_en.arb, there is an additional resource with an '@' prefix. These '@' resources are not used by the material library at run time, they just exist to inform translators about how the value will be used, and to inform the code generator about what code to write. ```dart "cancelButtonLabel": "CANCEL", "@cancelButtonLabel": { "description": "The label for cancel buttons and menu items.", "type": "text" }, ``` ### Values with Parameters, Plurals A few of material translations contain `$variable` tokens. The material library replaces these tokens with values at run-time. For example: ```dart "aboutListTileTitle": "About $applicationName", ``` The value for this resource ID is retrieved with a parameterized method instead of a simple getter: ```dart MaterialLocalizations.of(context).aboutListTileTitle(yourAppTitle) ``` The names of the `$variable` tokens match the names of the `MaterialLocalizations` method parameters. Plurals are handled similarly, with a lookup method that includes a quantity parameter. For example `selectedRowCountTitle` returns a string like "1 item selected" or "no items selected". ```dart MaterialLocalizations.of(context).selectedRowCountTitle(yourRowCount) ``` Plural translations can be provided for several quantities: 0, 1, 2, "few", "many", "other". The variations are identified by a resource ID suffix which must be one of "Zero", "One", "Two", "Few", "Many", "Other". The "Other" variation is used when none of the other quantities apply. All plural resources must include a resource with the "Other" suffix. For example the English translations ('material_en.arb') for `selectedRowCountTitle` are: ```dart "selectedRowCountTitleZero": "No items selected", "selectedRowCountTitleOne": "1 item selected", "selectedRowCountTitleOther": "$selectedRowCount items selected", ``` ### scriptCategory and timeOfDayFormat The values of these resource IDs are not translations, they're keywords that help define an app's text theme and time picker layout respectively. The value of `timeOfDayFormat` defines how a time picker displayed by [showTimePicker()](https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/showTimePicker.html) formats and lays out its time controls. The value of `timeOfDayFormat` must be a string that matches one of the formats defined by <https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/TimeOfDayFormat-class.html>. It is converted to an enum value because the `material_en.arb` file has this value labeled as `"x-flutter-type": "icuShortTimePattern"`. The value of `scriptCategory` is based on the [Language categories reference](https://material.io/design/typography/language-support.html#language-categories-reference) section in the Material spec. The Material theme uses the `scriptCategory` value to lookup a localized version of the default `TextTheme`, see [Typography.geometryThemeFor](https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/Typography/geometryThemeFor.html). ### Generated file localizations.dart: all of the localizations as a Map If you look at the comment at the top of `localizations.dart` you'll see that it was manually generated using a `dev/tools/localization` app called `gen_localizations`. You can see what that script would generate by running this command: ```dart dart dev/tools/localization/gen_localizations.dart packages/flutter_localizations/lib/src/l10n material ``` The gen_localizations app just combines the contents of all of the .arb files into a single `Map` that has entries for each .arb file's locale. The `MaterialLocalizations` class implementation uses this Map to implement the methods that lookup localized resource values. The gen_localizations app must be run by hand after .arb files have been updated. The app's first parameter is the path to this directory, the second is the file name prefix (the file name less the locale suffix) for the .arb files in this directory. To in-place update the `localizations.dart` file using the default values, you can just run: ```dart dart dev/tools/localization/gen_localizations.dart --overwrite ``` ### Translations Status, Reporting Errors The translations (the `.arb` files) in this directory are based on the English translations in `material_en.arb`. Google contributes translations for all the languages supported by this package. (Googlers, for more details see <go/flutter-l10n>.) If you have feedback about the translations please [file an issue on the Flutter github repo](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new?template=BUG.md). ### See Also The [Internationalizing Flutter Apps](https://flutter.dev/tutorials/internationalization/) tutorial describes how to use the internationalization APIs in an ordinary Flutter app. [Application Resource Bundle](https://code.google.com/p/arb/wiki/ApplicationResourceBundleSpecification) covers the `.arb` file format used to store localized translations of messages, format strings, and other values. The Dart [intl](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/intl) package supports internationalization.