// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'button.dart'; import 'colors.dart'; import 'localizations.dart'; import 'theme.dart'; // Read off from the output on iOS 12. This color does not vary with the // application's theme color. const double _kSelectionHandleOverlap = 1.5; // Extracted from https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/. const double _kSelectionHandleRadius = 6; // Minimal padding from all edges of the selection toolbar to all edges of the // screen. const double _kToolbarScreenPadding = 8.0; // Minimal padding from tip of the selection toolbar arrow to horizontal edges of the // screen. Eyeballed value. const double _kArrowScreenPadding = 26.0; // Vertical distance between the tip of the arrow and the line of text the arrow // is pointing to. The value used here is eyeballed. const double _kToolbarContentDistance = 8.0; // Values derived from https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/. // 92% Opacity ~= 0xEB // Values extracted from https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/. // The height of the toolbar, including the arrow. const double _kToolbarHeight = 43.0; const Size _kToolbarArrowSize = Size(14.0, 7.0); const Radius _kToolbarBorderRadius = Radius.circular(8); // Colors extracted from https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/. // TODO(LongCatIsLooong): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41507. const Color _kToolbarBackgroundColor = Color(0xEB202020); const Color _kToolbarDividerColor = Color(0xFF808080); const TextStyle _kToolbarButtonFontStyle = TextStyle( inherit: false, fontSize: 14.0, letterSpacing: -0.15, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, color: CupertinoColors.white, ); const TextStyle _kToolbarButtonDisabledFontStyle = TextStyle( inherit: false, fontSize: 14.0, letterSpacing: -0.15, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, color: CupertinoColors.inactiveGray, ); // Eyeballed value. const EdgeInsets _kToolbarButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 18.0); // Generates the child that's passed into CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar. class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapper extends StatefulWidget { const _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapper({ Key? key, required this.arrowTipX, required this.barTopY, this.clipboardStatus, this.handleCut, this.handleCopy, this.handlePaste, this.handleSelectAll, required this.isArrowPointingDown, }) : super(key: key); final double arrowTipX; final double barTopY; final ClipboardStatusNotifier? clipboardStatus; final VoidCallback? handleCut; final VoidCallback? handleCopy; final VoidCallback? handlePaste; final VoidCallback? handleSelectAll; final bool isArrowPointingDown; @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapperState createState() => _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapperState(); } class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapperState extends State<_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapper> { late ClipboardStatusNotifier _clipboardStatus; void _onChangedClipboardStatus() { setState(() { // Inform the widget that the value of clipboardStatus has changed. }); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _clipboardStatus = widget.clipboardStatus ?? ClipboardStatusNotifier(); _clipboardStatus.addListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); _clipboardStatus.update(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapper oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (oldWidget.clipboardStatus == null && widget.clipboardStatus != null) { _clipboardStatus.removeListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); _clipboardStatus.dispose(); _clipboardStatus = widget.clipboardStatus!; } else if (oldWidget.clipboardStatus != null) { if (widget.clipboardStatus == null) { _clipboardStatus = ClipboardStatusNotifier(); _clipboardStatus.addListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); oldWidget.clipboardStatus!.removeListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); } else if (widget.clipboardStatus != oldWidget.clipboardStatus) { _clipboardStatus = widget.clipboardStatus!; _clipboardStatus.addListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); oldWidget.clipboardStatus!.removeListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); } } if (widget.handlePaste != null) { _clipboardStatus.update(); } } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); // When used in an Overlay, this can be disposed after its creator has // already disposed _clipboardStatus. if (!_clipboardStatus.disposed) { _clipboardStatus.removeListener(_onChangedClipboardStatus); if (widget.clipboardStatus == null) { _clipboardStatus.dispose(); } } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Don't render the menu until the state of the clipboard is known. if (widget.handlePaste != null && _clipboardStatus.value == ClipboardStatus.unknown) { return const SizedBox(width: 0.0, height: 0.0); } final List items = []; final CupertinoLocalizations localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context); final EdgeInsets arrowPadding = widget.isArrowPointingDown ? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: _kToolbarArrowSize.height) : EdgeInsets.only(top: _kToolbarArrowSize.height); final Widget onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider = SizedBox(width: 1.0 / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio); void addToolbarButton( String text, VoidCallback onPressed, ) { if (items.isNotEmpty) { items.add(onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider); } items.add(CupertinoButton( child: Text( text, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: _kToolbarButtonFontStyle, ), borderRadius: null, color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor, minSize: _kToolbarHeight, onPressed: onPressed, padding: _kToolbarButtonPadding.add(arrowPadding), pressedOpacity: 0.7, )); } if (widget.handleCut != null) { addToolbarButton(localizations.cutButtonLabel, widget.handleCut!); } if (widget.handleCopy != null) { addToolbarButton(localizations.copyButtonLabel, widget.handleCopy!); } if (widget.handlePaste != null && _clipboardStatus.value == ClipboardStatus.pasteable) { addToolbarButton(localizations.pasteButtonLabel, widget.handlePaste!); } if (widget.handleSelectAll != null) { addToolbarButton(localizations.selectAllButtonLabel, widget.handleSelectAll!); } return CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar._( barTopY: widget.barTopY, arrowTipX: widget.arrowTipX, isArrowPointingDown: widget.isArrowPointingDown, child: items.isEmpty ? null : _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent( isArrowPointingDown: widget.isArrowPointingDown, children: items, ), ); } } /// An iOS-style toolbar that appears in response to text selection. /// /// Typically displays buttons for text manipulation, e.g. copying and pasting text. /// /// See also: /// /// * [TextSelectionControls.buildToolbar], where [CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar] /// will be used to build an iOS-style toolbar. @visibleForTesting class CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget { const CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar._({ Key? key, required double barTopY, required double arrowTipX, required bool isArrowPointingDown, Widget? child, }) : _barTopY = barTopY, _arrowTipX = arrowTipX, _isArrowPointingDown = isArrowPointingDown, super(key: key, child: child); // The y-coordinate of toolbar's top edge, in global coordinate system. final double _barTopY; // The y-coordinate of the tip of the arrow, in global coordinate system. final double _arrowTipX; // Whether the arrow should point down and be attached to the bottom // of the toolbar, or point up and be attached to the top of the toolbar. final bool _isArrowPointingDown; @override _ToolbarRenderBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => _ToolbarRenderBox(_barTopY, _arrowTipX, _isArrowPointingDown, null); @override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _ToolbarRenderBox renderObject) { renderObject ..barTopY = _barTopY ..arrowTipX = _arrowTipX ..isArrowPointingDown = _isArrowPointingDown; } } class _ToolbarParentData extends BoxParentData { // The x offset from the tip of the arrow to the center of the toolbar. // Positive if the tip of the arrow has a larger x-coordinate than the // center of the toolbar. double? arrowXOffsetFromCenter; @override String toString() => 'offset=$offset, arrowXOffsetFromCenter=$arrowXOffsetFromCenter'; } class _ToolbarRenderBox extends RenderShiftedBox { _ToolbarRenderBox( this._barTopY, this._arrowTipX, this._isArrowPointingDown, RenderBox? child, ) : super(child); @override bool get isRepaintBoundary => true; double _barTopY; set barTopY(double value) { if (_barTopY == value) { return; } _barTopY = value; markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } double _arrowTipX; set arrowTipX(double value) { if (_arrowTipX == value) { return; } _arrowTipX = value; markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } bool _isArrowPointingDown; set isArrowPointingDown(bool value) { if (_isArrowPointingDown == value) { return; } _isArrowPointingDown = value; markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } final BoxConstraints heightConstraint = const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: _kToolbarHeight); @override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (child.parentData is! _ToolbarParentData) { child.parentData = _ToolbarParentData(); } } @override void performLayout() { final BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints; size = constraints.biggest; if (child == null) { return; } final BoxConstraints enforcedConstraint = constraints .deflate(const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: _kToolbarScreenPadding)) .loosen(); child!.layout(heightConstraint.enforce(enforcedConstraint), parentUsesSize: true,); final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as _ToolbarParentData; // The local x-coordinate of the center of the toolbar. final double lowerBound = child!.size.width/2 + _kToolbarScreenPadding; final double upperBound = size.width - child!.size.width/2 - _kToolbarScreenPadding; final double adjustedCenterX = _arrowTipX.clamp(lowerBound, upperBound); childParentData.offset = Offset(adjustedCenterX - child!.size.width / 2, _barTopY); childParentData.arrowXOffsetFromCenter = _arrowTipX - adjustedCenterX; } // The path is described in the toolbar's coordinate system. Path _clipPath() { final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as _ToolbarParentData; final Path rrect = Path() ..addRRect( RRect.fromRectAndRadius( Offset(0, _isArrowPointingDown ? 0 : _kToolbarArrowSize.height) & Size(child!.size.width, child!.size.height - _kToolbarArrowSize.height), _kToolbarBorderRadius, ), ); final double arrowTipX = child!.size.width / 2 + childParentData.arrowXOffsetFromCenter!; final double arrowBottomY = _isArrowPointingDown ? child!.size.height - _kToolbarArrowSize.height : _kToolbarArrowSize.height; final double arrowTipY = _isArrowPointingDown ? child!.size.height : 0; final Path arrow = Path() ..moveTo(arrowTipX, arrowTipY) ..lineTo(arrowTipX - _kToolbarArrowSize.width / 2, arrowBottomY) ..lineTo(arrowTipX + _kToolbarArrowSize.width / 2, arrowBottomY) ..close(); return Path.combine(PathOperation.union, rrect, arrow); } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (child == null) { return; } final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as _ToolbarParentData; _clipPathLayer = context.pushClipPath( needsCompositing, offset + childParentData.offset, Offset.zero & child!.size, _clipPath(), (PaintingContext innerContext, Offset innerOffset) => innerContext.paintChild(child!, innerOffset), oldLayer: _clipPathLayer ); } ClipPathLayer? _clipPathLayer; Paint? _debugPaint; @override void debugPaintSize(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { assert(() { if (child == null) { return true; } _debugPaint ??= Paint() ..shader = ui.Gradient.linear( const Offset(0.0, 0.0), const Offset(10.0, 10.0), const [Color(0x00000000), Color(0xFFFF00FF), Color(0xFFFF00FF), Color(0x00000000)], const [0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75], TileMode.repeated, ) ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke; final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as _ToolbarParentData; context.canvas.drawPath(_clipPath().shift(offset + childParentData.offset), _debugPaint!); return true; }()); } } /// Draws a single text selection handle with a bar and a ball. class _TextSelectionHandlePainter extends CustomPainter { const _TextSelectionHandlePainter(this.color); final Color color; @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { const double halfStrokeWidth = 1.0; final Paint paint = Paint()..color = color; final Rect circle = Rect.fromCircle( center: const Offset(_kSelectionHandleRadius, _kSelectionHandleRadius), radius: _kSelectionHandleRadius, ); final Rect line = Rect.fromPoints( const Offset( _kSelectionHandleRadius - halfStrokeWidth, 2 * _kSelectionHandleRadius - _kSelectionHandleOverlap, ), Offset(_kSelectionHandleRadius + halfStrokeWidth, size.height), ); final Path path = Path() ..addOval(circle) // Draw line so it slightly overlaps the circle. ..addRect(line); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(_TextSelectionHandlePainter oldPainter) => color != oldPainter.color; } class _CupertinoTextSelectionControls extends TextSelectionControls { /// Returns the size of the Cupertino handle. @override Size getHandleSize(double textLineHeight) { return Size( _kSelectionHandleRadius * 2, textLineHeight + _kSelectionHandleRadius * 2 - _kSelectionHandleOverlap, ); } /// Builder for iOS-style copy/paste text selection toolbar. @override Widget buildToolbar( BuildContext context, Rect globalEditableRegion, double textLineHeight, Offset position, List endpoints, TextSelectionDelegate delegate, ClipboardStatusNotifier clipboardStatus, ) { assert(debugCheckHasMediaQuery(context)); final MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context); // The toolbar should appear below the TextField when there is not enough // space above the TextField to show it, assuming there's always enough space // at the bottom in this case. final double toolbarHeightNeeded = mediaQuery.padding.top + _kToolbarScreenPadding + _kToolbarHeight + _kToolbarContentDistance; final double availableHeight = globalEditableRegion.top + endpoints.first.point.dy - textLineHeight; final bool isArrowPointingDown = toolbarHeightNeeded <= availableHeight; final double arrowTipX = (position.dx + globalEditableRegion.left).clamp( _kArrowScreenPadding + mediaQuery.padding.left, mediaQuery.size.width - mediaQuery.padding.right - _kArrowScreenPadding, ); // The y-coordinate has to be calculated instead of directly quoting position.dy, // since the caller (TextSelectionOverlay._buildToolbar) does not know whether // the toolbar is going to be facing up or down. final double localBarTopY = isArrowPointingDown ? endpoints.first.point.dy - textLineHeight - _kToolbarContentDistance - _kToolbarHeight : endpoints.last.point.dy + _kToolbarContentDistance; return _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarWrapper( arrowTipX: arrowTipX, barTopY: localBarTopY + globalEditableRegion.top, clipboardStatus: clipboardStatus, handleCut: canCut(delegate) ? () => handleCut(delegate) : null, handleCopy: canCopy(delegate) ? () => handleCopy(delegate, clipboardStatus) : null, handlePaste: canPaste(delegate) ? () => handlePaste(delegate) : null, handleSelectAll: canSelectAll(delegate) ? () => handleSelectAll(delegate) : null, isArrowPointingDown: isArrowPointingDown, ); } /// Builder for iOS text selection edges. @override Widget buildHandle(BuildContext context, TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight) { // We want a size that's a vertical line the height of the text plus a 18.0 // padding in every direction that will constitute the selection drag area. final Size desiredSize = getHandleSize(textLineHeight); final Widget handle = SizedBox.fromSize( size: desiredSize, child: CustomPaint( painter: _TextSelectionHandlePainter(CupertinoTheme.of(context).primaryColor), ), ); // [buildHandle]'s widget is positioned at the selection cursor's bottom // baseline. We transform the handle such that the SizedBox is superimposed // on top of the text selection endpoints. switch (type) { case TextSelectionHandleType.left: return handle; case TextSelectionHandleType.right: // Right handle is a vertical mirror of the left. return Transform( transform: Matrix4.identity() ..translate(desiredSize.width / 2, desiredSize.height / 2) ..rotateZ(math.pi) ..translate(-desiredSize.width / 2, -desiredSize.height / 2), child: handle, ); // iOS doesn't draw anything for collapsed selections. case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed: return const SizedBox(); } } /// Gets anchor for cupertino-style text selection handles. /// /// See [TextSelectionControls.getHandleAnchor]. @override Offset getHandleAnchor(TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight) { final Size handleSize = getHandleSize(textLineHeight); switch (type) { // The circle is at the top for the left handle, and the anchor point is // all the way at the bottom of the line. case TextSelectionHandleType.left: return Offset( handleSize.width / 2, handleSize.height, ); // The right handle is vertically flipped, and the anchor point is near // the top of the circle to give slight overlap. case TextSelectionHandleType.right: return Offset( handleSize.width / 2, handleSize.height - 2 * _kSelectionHandleRadius + _kSelectionHandleOverlap, ); // A collapsed handle anchors itself so that it's centered. case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed: return Offset( handleSize.width / 2, textLineHeight + (handleSize.height - textLineHeight) / 2, ); } } } // Renders the content of the selection menu and maintains the page state. class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent extends StatefulWidget { const _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent({ Key? key, required this.children, required this.isArrowPointingDown, }) : assert(children != null), // This ignore is used because .isNotEmpty isn't compatible with const. assert(children.length > 0), // ignore: prefer_is_empty super(key: key); final List children; final bool isArrowPointingDown; @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState createState() => _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState(); } class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState extends State<_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent> with TickerProviderStateMixin { // Controls the fading of the buttons within the menu during page transitions. late AnimationController _controller; int _page = 0; int? _nextPage; void _handleNextPage() { _controller.reverse(); _controller.addStatusListener(_statusListener); _nextPage = _page + 1; } void _handlePreviousPage() { _controller.reverse(); _controller.addStatusListener(_statusListener); _nextPage = _page - 1; } void _statusListener(AnimationStatus status) { if (status != AnimationStatus.dismissed) { return; } setState(() { _page = _nextPage!; _nextPage = null; }); _controller.forward(); _controller.removeStatusListener(_statusListener); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = AnimationController( value: 1.0, vsync: this, // This was eyeballed on a physical iOS device running iOS 13. duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 150), ); } @override void didUpdateWidget(_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent oldWidget) { // If the children are changing, the current page should be reset. if (widget.children != oldWidget.children) { _page = 0; _nextPage = null; _controller.forward(); _controller.removeStatusListener(_statusListener); } super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final EdgeInsets arrowPadding = widget.isArrowPointingDown ? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: _kToolbarArrowSize.height) : EdgeInsets.only(top: _kToolbarArrowSize.height); return DecoratedBox( decoration: const BoxDecoration(color: _kToolbarDividerColor), child: FadeTransition( opacity: _controller, child: _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems( page: _page, backButton: CupertinoButton( borderRadius: null, color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor, minSize: _kToolbarHeight, onPressed: _handlePreviousPage, padding: arrowPadding, pressedOpacity: 0.7, child: const Text('◀', style: _kToolbarButtonFontStyle), ), dividerWidth: 1.0 / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio, nextButton: CupertinoButton( borderRadius: null, color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor, minSize: _kToolbarHeight, onPressed: _handleNextPage, padding: arrowPadding, pressedOpacity: 0.7, child: const Text('▶', style: _kToolbarButtonFontStyle), ), nextButtonDisabled: CupertinoButton( borderRadius: null, color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor, disabledColor: _kToolbarBackgroundColor, minSize: _kToolbarHeight, onPressed: null, padding: arrowPadding, pressedOpacity: 1.0, child: const Text('▶', style: _kToolbarButtonDisabledFontStyle), ), children: widget.children, ), ), ); } } // The custom RenderObjectWidget that, together with // _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox and // _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement, paginates the menu items. class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems extends RenderObjectWidget { _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems({ Key? key, required this.page, required this.children, required this.backButton, required this.dividerWidth, required this.nextButton, required this.nextButtonDisabled, }) : assert(children != null), assert(children.isNotEmpty), assert(backButton != null), assert(dividerWidth != null), assert(nextButton != null), assert(nextButtonDisabled != null), assert(page != null), super(key: key); final Widget backButton; final List children; final double dividerWidth; final Widget nextButton; final Widget nextButtonDisabled; final int page; @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox( dividerWidth: dividerWidth, page: page, ); } @override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox renderObject) { renderObject ..page = page ..dividerWidth = dividerWidth; } @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement createElement() => _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement(this); } // The custom RenderObjectElement that helps paginate the menu items. class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement extends RenderObjectElement { _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement( _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems widget, ) : super(widget); late List _children; final Map<_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, Element> slotToChild = <_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, Element>{}; // We keep a set of forgotten children to avoid O(n^2) work walking _children // repeatedly to remove children. final Set _forgottenChildren = HashSet(); @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems get widget => super.widget as _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems; @override _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox get renderObject => super.renderObject as _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox; void _updateRenderObject(RenderBox? child, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot slot) { switch (slot) { case _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.backButton: renderObject.backButton = child; break; case _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButton: renderObject.nextButton = child; break; case _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButtonDisabled: renderObject.nextButtonDisabled = child; break; } } @override void insertRenderObjectChild(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) { if (slot is _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot) { assert(child is RenderBox); _updateRenderObject(child as RenderBox, slot); assert(renderObject.slottedChildren.containsKey(slot)); return; } if (slot is IndexedSlot) { assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child)); renderObject.insert(child as RenderBox, after: slot.value?.renderObject as RenderBox?); return; } assert(false, 'slot must be _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot or IndexedSlot'); } // This is not reachable for children that don't have an IndexedSlot. @override void moveRenderObjectChild(RenderObject child, IndexedSlot oldSlot, IndexedSlot newSlot) { assert(child.parent == renderObject); renderObject.move(child as RenderBox, after: newSlot.value.renderObject as RenderBox?); } static bool _shouldPaint(Element child) { return (child.renderObject!.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData).shouldPaint; } @override void removeRenderObjectChild(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) { // Check if the child is in a slot. if (slot is _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot) { assert(child is RenderBox); assert(renderObject.slottedChildren.containsKey(slot)); _updateRenderObject(null, slot); assert(!renderObject.slottedChildren.containsKey(slot)); return; } // Otherwise look for it in the list of children. assert(slot is IndexedSlot); assert(child.parent == renderObject); renderObject.remove(child as RenderBox); } @override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { slotToChild.values.forEach(visitor); for (final Element child in _children) { if (!_forgottenChildren.contains(child)) visitor(child); } } @override void forgetChild(Element child) { assert(slotToChild.containsValue(child) || _children.contains(child)); assert(!_forgottenChildren.contains(child)); // Handle forgetting a child in children or in a slot. if (slotToChild.containsKey(child.slot)) { final _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot slot = child.slot as _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot; slotToChild.remove(slot); } else { _forgottenChildren.add(child); } super.forgetChild(child); } // Mount or update slotted child. void _mountChild(Widget widget, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot slot) { final Element? oldChild = slotToChild[slot]; final Element? newChild = updateChild(oldChild, widget, slot); if (oldChild != null) { slotToChild.remove(slot); } if (newChild != null) { slotToChild[slot] = newChild; } } @override void mount(Element? parent, dynamic newSlot) { super.mount(parent, newSlot); // Mount slotted children. _mountChild(widget.backButton, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.backButton); _mountChild(widget.nextButton, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButton); _mountChild(widget.nextButtonDisabled, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButtonDisabled); // Mount list children. _children = List.filled(widget.children.length, _NullElement.instance); Element? previousChild; for (int i = 0; i < _children.length; i += 1) { final Element newChild = inflateWidget(widget.children[i], IndexedSlot(i, previousChild)); _children[i] = newChild; previousChild = newChild; } } @override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { // Visit slot children. for (final Element child in slotToChild.values) { if (_shouldPaint(child) && !_forgottenChildren.contains(child)) { visitor(child); } } // Visit list children. _children .where((Element child) => !_forgottenChildren.contains(child) && _shouldPaint(child)) .forEach(visitor); } @override void update(_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems newWidget) { super.update(newWidget); assert(widget == newWidget); // Update slotted children. _mountChild(widget.backButton, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.backButton); _mountChild(widget.nextButton, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButton); _mountChild(widget.nextButtonDisabled, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButtonDisabled); // Update list children. _children = updateChildren(_children, widget.children, forgottenChildren: _forgottenChildren); _forgottenChildren.clear(); } } // The custom RenderBox that helps paginate the menu items. class _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin, RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin { _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsRenderBox({ required double dividerWidth, required int page, }) : assert(dividerWidth != null), assert(page != null), _dividerWidth = dividerWidth, _page = page, super(); final Map<_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, RenderBox> slottedChildren = <_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, RenderBox>{}; RenderBox? _updateChild(RenderBox? oldChild, RenderBox? newChild, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot slot) { if (oldChild != null) { dropChild(oldChild); slottedChildren.remove(slot); } if (newChild != null) { slottedChildren[slot] = newChild; adoptChild(newChild); } return newChild; } bool _isSlottedChild(RenderBox child) { return child == _backButton || child == _nextButton || child == _nextButtonDisabled; } int _page; int get page => _page; set page(int value) { if (value == _page) { return; } _page = value; markNeedsLayout(); } double _dividerWidth; double get dividerWidth => _dividerWidth; set dividerWidth(double value) { if (value == _dividerWidth) { return; } _dividerWidth = value; markNeedsLayout(); } RenderBox? _backButton; RenderBox? get backButton => _backButton; set backButton(RenderBox? value) { _backButton = _updateChild(_backButton, value, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.backButton); } RenderBox? _nextButton; RenderBox? get nextButton => _nextButton; set nextButton(RenderBox? value) { _nextButton = _updateChild(_nextButton, value, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButton); } RenderBox? _nextButtonDisabled; RenderBox? get nextButtonDisabled => _nextButtonDisabled; set nextButtonDisabled(RenderBox? value) { _nextButtonDisabled = _updateChild(_nextButtonDisabled, value, _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.nextButtonDisabled); } @override void performLayout() { if (firstChild == null) { performResize(); return; } // Layout slotted children. _backButton!.layout(constraints.loosen(), parentUsesSize: true); _nextButton!.layout(constraints.loosen(), parentUsesSize: true); _nextButtonDisabled!.layout(constraints.loosen(), parentUsesSize: true); final double subsequentPageButtonsWidth = _backButton!.size.width + _nextButton!.size.width; double currentButtonPosition = 0.0; late double toolbarWidth; // The width of the whole widget. late double firstPageWidth; int currentPage = 0; int i = -1; visitChildren((RenderObject renderObjectChild) { i++; final RenderBox child = renderObjectChild as RenderBox; final ToolbarItemsParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; childParentData.shouldPaint = false; // Skip slotted children and children on pages after the visible page. if (_isSlottedChild(child) || currentPage > _page) { return; } double paginationButtonsWidth = 0.0; if (currentPage == 0) { // If this is the last child, it's ok to fit without a forward button. paginationButtonsWidth = i == childCount - 1 ? 0.0 : _nextButton!.size.width; } else { paginationButtonsWidth = subsequentPageButtonsWidth; } // The width of the menu is set by the first page. child.layout( BoxConstraints.loose(Size( (currentPage == 0 ? constraints.maxWidth : firstPageWidth) - paginationButtonsWidth, constraints.maxHeight, )), parentUsesSize: true, ); // If this child causes the current page to overflow, move to the next // page and relayout the child. final double currentWidth = currentButtonPosition + paginationButtonsWidth + child.size.width; if (currentWidth > constraints.maxWidth) { currentPage++; currentButtonPosition = _backButton!.size.width + dividerWidth; paginationButtonsWidth = _backButton!.size.width + _nextButton!.size.width; child.layout( BoxConstraints.loose(Size( firstPageWidth - paginationButtonsWidth, constraints.maxHeight, )), parentUsesSize: true, ); } childParentData.offset = Offset(currentButtonPosition, 0.0); currentButtonPosition += child.size.width + dividerWidth; childParentData.shouldPaint = currentPage == page; if (currentPage == 0) { firstPageWidth = currentButtonPosition + _nextButton!.size.width; } if (currentPage == page) { toolbarWidth = currentButtonPosition; } }); // It shouldn't be possible to navigate beyond the last page. assert(page <= currentPage); // Position page nav buttons. if (currentPage > 0) { final ToolbarItemsParentData nextButtonParentData = _nextButton!.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; final ToolbarItemsParentData nextButtonDisabledParentData = _nextButtonDisabled!.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; final ToolbarItemsParentData backButtonParentData = _backButton!.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; // The forward button always shows if there is more than one page, even on // the last page (it's just disabled). if (page == currentPage) { nextButtonDisabledParentData.offset = Offset(toolbarWidth, 0.0); nextButtonDisabledParentData.shouldPaint = true; toolbarWidth += nextButtonDisabled!.size.width; } else { nextButtonParentData.offset = Offset(toolbarWidth, 0.0); nextButtonParentData.shouldPaint = true; toolbarWidth += nextButton!.size.width; } if (page > 0) { backButtonParentData.offset = Offset.zero; backButtonParentData.shouldPaint = true; // No need to add the width of the back button to toolbarWidth here. It's // already been taken care of when laying out the children to // accommodate the back button. } } else { // No divider for the next button when there's only one page. toolbarWidth -= dividerWidth; } size = constraints.constrain(Size(toolbarWidth, _kToolbarHeight)); } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { visitChildren((RenderObject renderObjectChild) { final RenderBox child = renderObjectChild as RenderBox; final ToolbarItemsParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; if (childParentData.shouldPaint) { final Offset childOffset = childParentData.offset + offset; context.paintChild(child, childOffset); } }); } @override void setupParentData(RenderBox child) { if (child.parentData is! ToolbarItemsParentData) { child.parentData = ToolbarItemsParentData(); } } // Returns true iff the single child is hit by the given position. static bool hitTestChild(RenderBox? child, BoxHitTestResult result, { required Offset position }) { if (child == null) { return false; } final ToolbarItemsParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; return result.addWithPaintOffset( offset: childParentData.offset, position: position, hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult result, Offset transformed) { assert(transformed == position - childParentData.offset); return child.hitTest(result, position: transformed); }, ); } @override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, { required Offset position }) { // Hit test list children. // The x, y parameters have the top left of the node's box as the origin. RenderBox? child = lastChild; while (child != null) { final ToolbarItemsParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; // Don't hit test children that aren't shown. if (!childParentData.shouldPaint) { child = childParentData.previousSibling; continue; } if (hitTestChild(child, result, position: position)) { return true; } child = childParentData.previousSibling; } // Hit test slot children. if (hitTestChild(backButton, result, position: position)) { return true; } if (hitTestChild(nextButton, result, position: position)) { return true; } if (hitTestChild(nextButtonDisabled, result, position: position)) { return true; } return false; } @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { // Attach list children. super.attach(owner); // Attach slot children. for (final RenderBox child in slottedChildren.values) { child.attach(owner); } } @override void detach() { // Detach list children. super.detach(); // Detach slot children. for (final RenderBox child in slottedChildren.values) { child.detach(); } } @override void redepthChildren() { visitChildren((RenderObject renderObjectChild) { final RenderBox child = renderObjectChild as RenderBox; redepthChild(child); }); } @override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { // Visit the slotted children. if (_backButton != null) { visitor(_backButton!); } if (_nextButton != null) { visitor(_nextButton!); } if (_nextButtonDisabled != null) { visitor(_nextButtonDisabled!); } // Visit the list children. super.visitChildren(visitor); } // Visit only the children that should be painted. @override void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { visitChildren((RenderObject renderObjectChild) { final RenderBox child = renderObjectChild as RenderBox; final ToolbarItemsParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as ToolbarItemsParentData; if (childParentData.shouldPaint) { visitor(renderObjectChild); } }); } @override List debugDescribeChildren() { final List value = []; visitChildren((RenderObject renderObjectChild) { final RenderBox child = renderObjectChild as RenderBox; if (child == backButton) { value.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'back button')); } else if (child == nextButton) { value.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'next button')); } else if (child == nextButtonDisabled) { value.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'next button disabled')); // List children. } else { value.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'menu item')); } }); return value; } } // The slots that can be occupied by widgets in // _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems, excluding the list of children. enum _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot { backButton, nextButton, nextButtonDisabled, } /// Text selection controls that follows iOS design conventions. final TextSelectionControls cupertinoTextSelectionControls = _CupertinoTextSelectionControls(); class _NullElement extends Element { _NullElement() : super(_NullWidget()); static _NullElement instance = _NullElement(); @override bool get debugDoingBuild => throw UnimplementedError(); @override void performRebuild() { } } class _NullWidget extends Widget { @override Element createElement() => throw UnimplementedError(); }