// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // @dart = 2.8 import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart'; import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart'; import '../integration.shard/test_data/basic_project.dart'; import '../integration.shard/test_data/tests_project.dart'; import '../integration.shard/test_driver.dart'; import '../integration.shard/test_utils.dart'; import '../src/common.dart'; void batch1() { final BasicProject _project = BasicProject(); Directory tempDir; FlutterRunTestDriver _flutter; Future<void> initProject() async { tempDir = createResolvedTempDirectorySync('run_expression_eval_test.'); await _project.setUpIn(tempDir); _flutter = FlutterRunTestDriver(tempDir); } Future<void> cleanProject() async { await _flutter.stop(); tryToDelete(tempDir); } Future<void> start({bool expressionEvaluation}) { // The non-test project has a loop around its breakpoints. // No need to start paused as all breakpoint would be eventually reached. return _flutter.run( withDebugger: true, chrome: true, expressionEvaluation: expressionEvaluation, additionalCommandArgs: <String>['--verbose']); } Future<void> breakInBuildMethod(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { await _flutter.breakAt( _project.buildMethodBreakpointUri, _project.buildMethodBreakpointLine, ); } Future<void> breakInTopLevelFunction(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { await _flutter.breakAt( _project.topLevelFunctionBreakpointUri, _project.topLevelFunctionBreakpointLine, ); } testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - error if expression evaluation disabled', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: false); await breakInTopLevelFunction(_flutter); await failToEvaluateExpression(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - no native javascript objects in static scope', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInTopLevelFunction(_flutter); await checkStaticScope(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - can handle compilation errors', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInTopLevelFunction(_flutter); await evaluateErrorExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - can evaluate trivial expressions in top level function', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInTopLevelFunction(_flutter); await evaluateTrivialExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - can evaluate trivial expressions in build method', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInBuildMethod(_flutter); await evaluateTrivialExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - can evaluate complex expressions in top level function', () async { await initProject(); await start(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInTopLevelFunction(_flutter); await evaluateComplexExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter run expression evaluation - can evaluate complex expressions in build method', () async { await initProject(); await _flutter.run(withDebugger: true, chrome: true); await breakInBuildMethod(_flutter); await evaluateComplexExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); } void batch2() { final TestsProject _project = TestsProject(); Directory tempDir; FlutterRunTestDriver _flutter; Future<void> initProject() async { tempDir = createResolvedTempDirectorySync('test_expression_eval_test.'); await _project.setUpIn(tempDir); _flutter = FlutterRunTestDriver(tempDir); } Future<void> cleanProject() async { await _flutter.stop(); tryToDelete(tempDir); } Future<void> breakInMethod(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { await _flutter.addBreakpoint( _project.breakpointAppUri, _project.breakpointLine, ); await _flutter.resume(); await _flutter.waitForPause(); } Future<void> startPaused({bool expressionEvaluation}) { // The test project does not have a loop around its breakpoints. // Start paused so we can set a breakpoint before passing it // in the execution. return _flutter.run( withDebugger: true, chrome: true, expressionEvaluation: expressionEvaluation, startPaused: true, script: _project.testFilePath, additionalCommandArgs: <String>['--verbose']); } testWithoutContext('flutter test expression evaluation - error if expression evaluation disabled', () async { await initProject(); await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: false); await breakInMethod(_flutter); await failToEvaluateExpression(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter test expression evaluation - can evaluate trivial expressions in a test', () async { await initProject(); await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInMethod(_flutter); await evaluateTrivialExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }); testWithoutContext('flutter test expression evaluation - can evaluate complex expressions in a test', () async { await initProject(); await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true); await breakInMethod(_flutter); await evaluateComplexExpressions(_flutter); await cleanProject(); }, skip: 'https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/41480'); } Future<void> failToEvaluateExpression(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { ObjRef res; try { res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('"test"'); } on RPCError catch (e) { expect(e.message, contains('Expression evaluation is not supported for this configuration')); } expect(res, null); } Future<void> checkStaticScope(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { final Frame res = await flutter.getTopStackFrame(); expect(res.vars, equals(<BoundVariable>[])); } Future<void> evaluateErrorExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('typo'); expectError(res, 'CompilationError: Getter not found: \'typo\'.\ntypo\n^^^^'); } Future<void> evaluateTrivialExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { ObjRef res; res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('"test"'); expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kString, 'test'); res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('1'); expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kDouble, 1.toString()); res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('true'); expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kBool, true.toString()); } Future<void> evaluateComplexExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async { final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('new DateTime.now().year'); expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kDouble, DateTime.now().year.toString()); } void expectInstance(ObjRef result, String kind, String message) { expect(result, const TypeMatcher<InstanceRef>() .having((InstanceRef instance) => instance.kind, 'kind', kind) .having((InstanceRef instance) => instance.valueAsString, 'valueAsString', message)); } void expectError(ObjRef result, String message) { expect(result, const TypeMatcher<ErrorRef>() .having((ErrorRef instance) => instance.message, 'message', message)); } void main() { batch1(); batch2(); }