// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, LineSplitter, json, utf8; import 'dart:io' as io; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart'; /// The number of samples used to extract metrics, such as noise, means, /// max/min values. /// /// Keep this constant in sync with the same constant defined in `dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks/lib/src/web/recorder.dart`. const int _kMeasuredSampleCount = 10; /// Options passed to Chrome when launching it. class ChromeOptions { ChromeOptions({ this.userDataDirectory, this.url, this.windowWidth = 1024, this.windowHeight = 1024, this.headless, this.debugPort, }); /// If not null passed as `--user-data-dir`. final String? userDataDirectory; /// If not null launches a Chrome tab at this URL. final String? url; /// The width of the Chrome window. /// /// This is important for screenshots and benchmarks. final int windowWidth; /// The height of the Chrome window. /// /// This is important for screenshots and benchmarks. final int windowHeight; /// Launches code in "headless" mode, which allows running Chrome in /// environments without a display, such as LUCI and Cirrus. final bool? headless; /// The port Chrome will use for its debugging protocol. /// /// If null, Chrome is launched without debugging. When running in headless /// mode without a debug port, Chrome quits immediately. For most tests it is /// typical to set [headless] to true and set a non-null debug port. final int? debugPort; } /// A function called when the Chrome process encounters an error. typedef ChromeErrorCallback = void Function(String); /// Manages a single Chrome process. class Chrome { Chrome._(this._chromeProcess, this._onError, this._debugConnection) { // If the Chrome process quits before it was asked to quit, notify the // error listener. _chromeProcess.exitCode.then((int exitCode) { if (!_isStopped) { _onError('Chrome process exited prematurely with exit code $exitCode'); } }); } /// Launches Chrome with the give [options]. /// /// The [onError] callback is called with an error message when the Chrome /// process encounters an error. In particular, [onError] is called when the /// Chrome process exits prematurely, i.e. before [stop] is called. static Future launch(ChromeOptions options, { String? workingDirectory, required ChromeErrorCallback onError }) async { if (!io.Platform.isWindows) { final io.ProcessResult versionResult = io.Process.runSync(_findSystemChromeExecutable(), const ['--version']); print('Launching ${versionResult.stdout}'); } else { print('Launching Chrome...'); } final bool withDebugging = options.debugPort != null; final List args = [ if (options.userDataDirectory != null) '--user-data-dir=${options.userDataDirectory}', if (options.url != null) options.url!, if (io.Platform.environment['CHROME_NO_SANDBOX'] == 'true') '--no-sandbox', if (options.headless ?? false) '--headless', if (withDebugging) '--remote-debugging-port=${options.debugPort}', '--window-size=${options.windowWidth},${options.windowHeight}', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-popup-blocking', // Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) mode. '--bwsi', '--no-first-run', '--no-default-browser-check', '--disable-default-apps', '--disable-translate', ]; final io.Process chromeProcess = await _spawnChromiumProcess( _findSystemChromeExecutable(), args, workingDirectory: workingDirectory, ); WipConnection? debugConnection; if (withDebugging) { debugConnection = await _connectToChromeDebugPort(chromeProcess, options.debugPort!); } return Chrome._(chromeProcess, onError, debugConnection); } final io.Process _chromeProcess; final ChromeErrorCallback _onError; final WipConnection? _debugConnection; bool _isStopped = false; Completer ?_tracingCompleter; StreamSubscription? _tracingSubscription; List>? _tracingData; /// Starts recording a performance trace. /// /// If there is already a tracing session in progress, throws an error. Call /// [endRecordingPerformance] before starting a new tracing session. /// /// The [label] is for debugging convenience. Future beginRecordingPerformance(String label) async { if (_tracingCompleter != null) { throw StateError( 'Cannot start a new performance trace. A tracing session labeled ' '"$label" is already in progress.' ); } _tracingCompleter = Completer(); _tracingData = >[]; // Subscribe to tracing events prior to calling "Tracing.start". Otherwise, // we'll miss tracing data. _tracingSubscription = _debugConnection?.onNotification.listen((WipEvent event) { // We receive data as a sequence of "Tracing.dataCollected" followed by // "Tracing.tracingComplete" at the end. Until "Tracing.tracingComplete" // is received, the data may be incomplete. if (event.method == 'Tracing.tracingComplete') { _tracingCompleter!.complete(); _tracingSubscription!.cancel(); _tracingSubscription = null; } else if (event.method == 'Tracing.dataCollected') { final dynamic value = event.params?['value']; if (value is! List) { throw FormatException('"Tracing.dataCollected" returned malformed data. ' 'Expected a List but got: ${value.runtimeType}'); } _tracingData?.addAll((event.params?['value'] as List).cast>()); } }); await _debugConnection?.sendCommand('Tracing.start', { // The choice of categories is as follows: // // blink: // provides everything on the UI thread, including scripting, // style recalculations, layout, painting, and some compositor // work. // blink.user_timing: // provides marks recorded using window.performance. We use marks // to find frames that the benchmark cares to measure. // gpu: // provides tracing data from the GPU data // disabled due to https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1068259 // TODO(yjbanov): extract useful GPU data 'categories': 'blink,blink.user_timing', 'transferMode': 'SendAsStream', }); } /// Stops a performance tracing session started by [beginRecordingPerformance]. /// /// Returns all the collected tracing data unfiltered. Future>?> endRecordingPerformance() async { await _debugConnection!.sendCommand('Tracing.end'); await _tracingCompleter!.future; final List>? data = _tracingData; _tracingCompleter = null; _tracingData = null; return data; } Future reloadPage({bool ignoreCache = false}) async { await _debugConnection?.page.reload(ignoreCache: ignoreCache); } /// Stops the Chrome process. void stop() { _isStopped = true; _tracingSubscription?.cancel(); _chromeProcess.kill(); } } String _findSystemChromeExecutable() { // On some environments, such as the Dart HHH tester, Chrome resides in a // non-standard location and is provided via the following environment // variable. final String? envExecutable = io.Platform.environment['CHROME_EXECUTABLE']; if (envExecutable != null) { return envExecutable; } if (io.Platform.isLinux) { final io.ProcessResult which = io.Process.runSync('which', ['google-chrome']); if (which.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to locate system Chrome installation.'); } return (which.stdout as String).trim(); } else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) { return '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; } else if (io.Platform.isWindows) { const String kWindowsExecutable = r'Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'; final List kWindowsPrefixes = [ io.Platform.environment['LOCALAPPDATA'], io.Platform.environment['PROGRAMFILES'], io.Platform.environment['PROGRAMFILES(X86)'], ].whereType().toList(); final String windowsPrefix = kWindowsPrefixes.firstWhere((String prefix) { final String expectedPath = path.join(prefix, kWindowsExecutable); return io.File(expectedPath).existsSync(); }, orElse: () => '.'); return path.join(windowsPrefix, kWindowsExecutable); } else { throw Exception('Web benchmarks cannot run on ${io.Platform.operatingSystem}.'); } } /// Waits for Chrome to print DevTools URI and connects to it. Future _connectToChromeDebugPort(io.Process chromeProcess, int port) async { final Uri devtoolsUri = await _getRemoteDebuggerUrl(Uri.parse('http://localhost:$port')); print('Connecting to DevTools: $devtoolsUri'); final ChromeConnection chromeConnection = ChromeConnection('localhost', port); final Iterable tabs = (await chromeConnection.getTabs()).where((ChromeTab tab) { return tab.url.startsWith('http://localhost'); }); final ChromeTab tab = tabs.single; final WipConnection debugConnection = await tab.connect(); print('Connected to Chrome tab: ${tab.title} (${tab.url})'); return debugConnection; } /// Gets the Chrome debugger URL for the web page being benchmarked. Future _getRemoteDebuggerUrl(Uri base) async { final io.HttpClient client = io.HttpClient(); final io.HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(base.resolve('/json/list')); final io.HttpClientResponse response = await request.close(); final List? jsonObject = await json.fuse(utf8).decoder.bind(response).single as List?; if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.isEmpty) { return base; } return base.resolve((jsonObject.first as Map)['webSocketDebuggerUrl'] as String); } /// Summarizes a Blink trace down to a few interesting values. class BlinkTraceSummary { BlinkTraceSummary._({ required this.averageBeginFrameTime, required this.averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime, }) : averageTotalUIFrameTime = averageBeginFrameTime + averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime; static BlinkTraceSummary? fromJson(List> traceJson) { try { // Convert raw JSON data to BlinkTraceEvent objects sorted by timestamp. List events = traceJson .map(BlinkTraceEvent.fromJson) .toList() ..sort((BlinkTraceEvent a, BlinkTraceEvent b) => a.ts! - b.ts!); Exception noMeasuredFramesFound() => Exception( 'No measured frames found in benchmark tracing data. This likely ' 'indicates a bug in the benchmark. For example, the benchmark failed ' "to pump enough frames. It may also indicate a change in Chrome's " 'tracing data format. Check if Chrome version changed recently and ' 'adjust the parsing code accordingly.', ); // Use the pid from the first "measured_frame" event since the event is // emitted by the script running on the process we're interested in. // // We previously tried using the "CrRendererMain" event. However, for // reasons unknown, Chrome in the devicelab refuses to emit this event // sometimes, causing to flakes. final BlinkTraceEvent firstMeasuredFrameEvent = events.firstWhere( (BlinkTraceEvent event) => event.isBeginMeasuredFrame, orElse: () => throw noMeasuredFramesFound(), ); final int tabPid = firstMeasuredFrameEvent.pid!; // Filter out data from unrelated processes events = events.where((BlinkTraceEvent element) => element.pid == tabPid).toList(); // Extract frame data. final List frames = []; int skipCount = 0; BlinkFrame frame = BlinkFrame(); for (final BlinkTraceEvent event in events) { if (event.isBeginFrame) { frame.beginFrame = event; } else if (event.isUpdateAllLifecyclePhases) { frame.updateAllLifecyclePhases = event; if (frame.endMeasuredFrame != null) { frames.add(frame); } else { skipCount += 1; } frame = BlinkFrame(); } else if (event.isBeginMeasuredFrame) { frame.beginMeasuredFrame = event; } else if (event.isEndMeasuredFrame) { frame.endMeasuredFrame = event; } } print('Extracted ${frames.length} measured frames.'); print('Skipped $skipCount non-measured frames.'); if (frames.isEmpty) { throw noMeasuredFramesFound(); } // Compute averages and summarize. return BlinkTraceSummary._( averageBeginFrameTime: _computeAverageDuration(frames.map((BlinkFrame frame) => frame.beginFrame).whereType().toList()), averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime: _computeAverageDuration(frames.map((BlinkFrame frame) => frame.updateAllLifecyclePhases).whereType().toList()), ); } catch (_) { final io.File traceFile = io.File('./chrome-trace.json'); io.stderr.writeln('Failed to interpret the Chrome trace contents. The trace was saved in ${traceFile.path}'); traceFile.writeAsStringSync(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(traceJson)); rethrow; } } /// The average duration of "WebViewImpl::beginFrame" events. /// /// This event contains all of scripting time of an animation frame, plus an /// unknown small amount of work browser does before and after scripting. final Duration averageBeginFrameTime; /// The average duration of "WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases" events. /// /// This event contains style, layout, painting, and compositor computations, /// which are not included in the scripting time. This event does not /// include GPU time, which happens on a separate thread. final Duration averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime; /// The average sum of [averageBeginFrameTime] and /// [averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime]. /// /// This value contains the vast majority of work the UI thread performs in /// any given animation frame. final Duration averageTotalUIFrameTime; @override String toString() => '$BlinkTraceSummary(' 'averageBeginFrameTime: ${averageBeginFrameTime.inMicroseconds / 1000}ms, ' 'averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime: ${averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime.inMicroseconds / 1000}ms)'; } /// Contains events pertaining to a single frame in the Blink trace data. class BlinkFrame { /// Corresponds to 'WebViewImpl::beginFrame' event. BlinkTraceEvent? beginFrame; /// Corresponds to 'WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases' event. BlinkTraceEvent? updateAllLifecyclePhases; /// Corresponds to 'measured_frame' begin event. BlinkTraceEvent? beginMeasuredFrame; /// Corresponds to 'measured_frame' end event. BlinkTraceEvent? endMeasuredFrame; } /// Takes a list of events that have non-null [BlinkTraceEvent.tdur] computes /// their average as a [Duration] value. Duration _computeAverageDuration(List events) { // Compute the sum of "tdur" fields of the last _kMeasuredSampleCount events. final double sum = events .skip(math.max(events.length - _kMeasuredSampleCount, 0)) .fold(0.0, (double previousValue, BlinkTraceEvent event) { if (event.tdur == null) { throw FormatException('Trace event lacks "tdur" field: $event'); } return previousValue + event.tdur!; }); final int sampleCount = math.min(events.length, _kMeasuredSampleCount); return Duration(microseconds: sum ~/ sampleCount); } /// An event collected by the Blink tracer (in Chrome accessible using chrome://tracing). /// /// See also: /// * https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvAClvFfyA5R-PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/preview class BlinkTraceEvent { BlinkTraceEvent._({ required this.args, required this.cat, required this.name, required this.ph, this.pid, this.tid, this.ts, this.tts, this.tdur, }); /// Parses an event from its JSON representation. /// /// Sample event encoded as JSON (the data is bogus, this just shows the format): /// /// ``` /// { /// "name": "myName", /// "cat": "category,list", /// "ph": "B", /// "ts": 12345, /// "pid": 123, /// "tid": 456, /// "args": { /// "someArg": 1, /// "anotherArg": { /// "value": "my value" /// } /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// For detailed documentation of the format see: /// /// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvAClvFfyA5R-PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/preview static BlinkTraceEvent fromJson(Map json) { return BlinkTraceEvent._( args: json['args'] as Map, cat: json['cat'] as String, name: json['name'] as String, ph: json['ph'] as String, pid: _readInt(json, 'pid'), tid: _readInt(json, 'tid'), ts: _readInt(json, 'ts'), tts: _readInt(json, 'tts'), tdur: _readInt(json, 'tdur'), ); } /// Event-specific data. final Map args; /// Event category. final String cat; /// Event name. final String name; /// Event "phase". final String ph; /// Process ID of the process that emitted the event. final int? pid; /// Thread ID of the thread that emitted the event. final int? tid; /// Timestamp in microseconds using tracer clock. final int? ts; /// Timestamp in microseconds using thread clock. final int? tts; /// Event duration in microseconds. final int? tdur; /// A "begin frame" event contains all of the scripting time of an animation /// frame (JavaScript, WebAssembly), plus a negligible amount of internal /// browser overhead. /// /// This event does not include non-UI thread scripting, such as web workers, /// service workers, and CSS Paint paintlets. /// /// WebViewImpl::beginFrame was used in earlier versions of Chrome, kept /// for compatibility. /// /// This event is a duration event that has its `tdur` populated. bool get isBeginFrame { return ph == 'X' && ( name == 'WebViewImpl::beginFrame' || name == 'WebFrameWidgetBase::BeginMainFrame' || name == 'WebFrameWidgetImpl::BeginMainFrame' ); } /// An "update all lifecycle phases" event contains UI thread computations /// related to an animation frame that's outside the scripting phase. /// /// This event includes style recalculation, layer tree update, layout, /// painting, and parts of compositing work. /// /// WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases was used in earlier versions of /// Chrome, kept for compatibility. /// /// This event is a duration event that has its `tdur` populated. bool get isUpdateAllLifecyclePhases { return ph == 'X' && ( name == 'WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases' || name == 'WebFrameWidgetImpl::UpdateLifecycle' ); } /// Whether this is the beginning of a "measured_frame" event. /// /// This event is a custom event emitted by our benchmark test harness. /// /// See also: /// * `recorder.dart`, which emits this event. bool get isBeginMeasuredFrame => ph == 'b' && name == 'measured_frame'; /// Whether this is the end of a "measured_frame" event. /// /// This event is a custom event emitted by our benchmark test harness. /// /// See also: /// * `recorder.dart`, which emits this event. bool get isEndMeasuredFrame => ph == 'e' && name == 'measured_frame'; @override String toString() => '$BlinkTraceEvent(' 'args: ${json.encode(args)}, ' 'cat: $cat, ' 'name: $name, ' 'ph: $ph, ' 'pid: $pid, ' 'tid: $tid, ' 'ts: $ts, ' 'tts: $tts, ' 'tdur: $tdur)'; } /// Read an integer out of [json] stored under [key]. /// /// Since JSON does not distinguish between `int` and `double`, extra /// validation and conversion is needed. /// /// Returns null if the value is null. int? _readInt(Map json, String key) { final num? jsonValue = json[key] as num?; if (jsonValue == null) { return null; } return jsonValue.toInt(); } /// Used by [Chrome.launch] to detect a glibc bug and retry launching the /// browser. /// /// Once every few thousands of launches we hit this glibc bug: /// /// https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19329. /// /// When this happens Chrome spits out something like the following then exits with code 127: /// /// Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../elf/dl-tls.c: 493: _dl_allocate_tls_init: Assertion `listp->slotinfo[cnt].gen <= GL(dl_tls_generation)' failed! const String _kGlibcError = 'Inconsistency detected by ld.so'; Future _spawnChromiumProcess(String executable, List args, { String? workingDirectory }) async { // Keep attempting to launch the browser until one of: // - Chrome launched successfully, in which case we just return from the loop. // - The tool detected an unretryable Chrome error, in which case we throw ToolExit. while (true) { final io.Process process = await io.Process.start(executable, args, workingDirectory: workingDirectory); process.stdout .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { print('[CHROME STDOUT]: $line'); }); // Wait until the DevTools are listening before trying to connect. This is // only required for flutter_test --platform=chrome and not flutter run. bool hitGlibcBug = false; await process.stderr .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .map((String line) { print('[CHROME STDERR]:$line'); if (line.contains(_kGlibcError)) { hitGlibcBug = true; } return line; }) .firstWhere((String line) => line.startsWith('DevTools listening'), orElse: () { if (hitGlibcBug) { print( 'Encountered glibc bug https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19329. ' 'Will try launching browser again.', ); return ''; } print('Failed to launch browser. Command used to launch it: ${args.join(' ')}'); throw Exception( 'Failed to launch browser. Make sure you are using an up-to-date ' 'Chrome or Edge. Otherwise, consider using -d web-server instead ' 'and filing an issue at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues.', ); }); if (!hitGlibcBug) { return process; } // A precaution that avoids accumulating browser processes, in case the // glibc bug doesn't cause the browser to quit and we keep looping and // launching more processes. unawaited(process.exitCode.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 1), onTimeout: () { process.kill(); return 0; })); } }