// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import '../android/android_device.dart'; import '../base/context.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../globals.dart'; import '../ios/devices.dart'; import '../ios/simulators.dart'; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; import 'run.dart'; import 'stop.dart' as stop; const String protocolVersion = '0.1.0'; /// A server process command. This command will start up a long-lived server. /// It reads JSON-RPC based commands from stdin, executes them, and returns /// JSON-RPC based responses and events to stdout. /// /// It can be shutdown with a `daemon.shutdown` command (or by killing the /// process). class DaemonCommand extends FlutterCommand { DaemonCommand({ bool hideCommand: false }) : _hideCommand = hideCommand; final String name = 'daemon'; final String description = 'Run a persistent, JSON-RPC based server to communicate with devices.'; final bool _hideCommand; bool get requiresProjectRoot => false; bool get hidden => _hideCommand; Future<int> runInProject() { printStatus('Starting device daemon...'); AppContext appContext = new AppContext(); NotifyingLogger notifyingLogger = new NotifyingLogger(); appContext[Logger] = notifyingLogger; return appContext.runInZone(() { Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> commandStream = stdin .transform(UTF8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .where((String line) => line.startsWith('[{') && line.endsWith('}]')) .map((String line) { line = line.substring(1, line.length - 1); return JSON.decode(line); }); Daemon daemon = new Daemon(commandStream, (Map command) { stdout.writeln('[${JSON.encode(command, toEncodable: _jsonEncodeObject)}]'); }, daemonCommand: this, notifyingLogger: notifyingLogger); return daemon.onExit; }); } dynamic _jsonEncodeObject(dynamic object) { if (object is Device) return _deviceToMap(object); return object; } } typedef void DispatchComand(Map<String, dynamic> command); typedef Future<dynamic> CommandHandler(dynamic args); class Daemon { Daemon(Stream<Map> commandStream, this.sendCommand, { this.daemonCommand, this.notifyingLogger }) { // Set up domains. _registerDomain(new DaemonDomain(this)); _registerDomain(new AppDomain(this)); _registerDomain(new DeviceDomain(this)); // Start listening. commandStream.listen( (Map request) => _handleRequest(request), onDone: () => _onExitCompleter.complete(0) ); } final DispatchComand sendCommand; final DaemonCommand daemonCommand; final NotifyingLogger notifyingLogger; final Completer<int> _onExitCompleter = new Completer<int>(); final Map<String, Domain> _domainMap = <String, Domain>{}; void _registerDomain(Domain domain) { _domainMap[domain.name] = domain; } Future<int> get onExit => _onExitCompleter.future; void _handleRequest(Map request) { // {id, method, params} // [id] is an opaque type to us. dynamic id = request['id']; if (id == null) { stderr.writeln('no id for request: $request'); return; } try { String method = request['method']; if (method.indexOf('.') == -1) throw 'method not understood: $method'; String prefix = method.substring(0, method.indexOf('.')); String name = method.substring(method.indexOf('.') + 1); if (_domainMap[prefix] == null) throw 'no domain for method: $method'; _domainMap[prefix].handleCommand(name, id, request['params']); } catch (error) { _send({'id': id, 'error': _toJsonable(error)}); } } void _send(Map map) => sendCommand(map); void shutdown() { _domainMap.values.forEach((Domain domain) => domain.dispose()); if (!_onExitCompleter.isCompleted) _onExitCompleter.complete(0); } } abstract class Domain { Domain(this.daemon, this.name); final Daemon daemon; final String name; final Map<String, CommandHandler> _handlers = {}; void registerHandler(String name, CommandHandler handler) { _handlers[name] = handler; } FlutterCommand get command => daemon.daemonCommand; String toString() => name; void handleCommand(String command, dynamic id, dynamic args) { new Future.sync(() { if (_handlers.containsKey(command)) return _handlers[command](args); throw 'command not understood: $name.$command'; }).then((result) { if (result == null) { _send({'id': id}); } else { _send({'id': id, 'result': _toJsonable(result)}); } }).catchError((error, trace) { _send({'id': id, 'error': _toJsonable(error)}); }); } void sendEvent(String name, [dynamic args]) { Map<String, dynamic> map = { 'event': name }; if (args != null) map['params'] = _toJsonable(args); _send(map); } void _send(Map map) => daemon._send(map); void dispose() { } } /// This domain responds to methods like [version] and [shutdown]. /// /// This domain fires the `daemon.logMessage` event. class DaemonDomain extends Domain { DaemonDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'daemon') { registerHandler('version', version); registerHandler('shutdown', shutdown); _subscription = daemon.notifyingLogger.onMessage.listen((LogMessage message) { if (message.stackTrace != null) { sendEvent('daemon.logMessage', { 'level': message.level, 'message': message.message, 'stackTrace': message.stackTrace.toString() }); } else { sendEvent('daemon.logMessage', { 'level': message.level, 'message': message.message }); } }); } StreamSubscription<LogMessage> _subscription; Future<String> version(dynamic args) { return new Future.value(protocolVersion); } Future shutdown(dynamic args) { Timer.run(() => daemon.shutdown()); return new Future.value(); } void dispose() { _subscription?.cancel(); } } /// This domain responds to methods like [start] and [stopAll]. /// /// It'll be extended to fire events for when applications start, stop, and /// log data. class AppDomain extends Domain { AppDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'app') { registerHandler('start', start); registerHandler('stopAll', stopAll); } Future<dynamic> start(Map<String, dynamic> args) async { // TODO(devoncarew): We need to be able to specify the target device. if (args['projectDirectory'] is! String) throw "A 'projectDirectory' is required"; String projectDirectory = args['projectDirectory']; if (!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(projectDirectory)) throw "The '$projectDirectory' does not exist"; // We change the current working directory for the duration of the `start` // command. This would have race conditions with other commands happening in // parallel and doesn't play well with the caching built into `FlutterCommand`. // TODO(devoncarew): Make flutter_tools work better with commands run from any directory. Directory cwd = Directory.current; Directory.current = new Directory(projectDirectory); try { await Future.wait([ command.downloadToolchain(), command.downloadApplicationPackagesAndConnectToDevices(), ], eagerError: true); int result = await startApp( command.devices, command.applicationPackages, command.toolchain, command.buildConfigurations, target: args['target'], route: args['route'], checked: args['checked'] ?? true ); if (result != 0) throw 'Error starting app: $result'; } finally { Directory.current = cwd; } return null; } Future<bool> stopAll(dynamic args) { return stop.stopAll(command.devices, command.applicationPackages); } } /// This domain lets callers list and monitor connected devices. /// /// It exports a `getDevices()` call, as well as firing `device.added` and /// `device.removed` events. class DeviceDomain extends Domain { DeviceDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'device') { registerHandler('getDevices', getDevices); registerHandler('enable', enable); registerHandler('disable', disable); PollingDeviceDiscovery deviceDiscovery = new AndroidDevices(); if (deviceDiscovery.supportsPlatform) _discoverers.add(deviceDiscovery); deviceDiscovery = new IOSDevices(); if (deviceDiscovery.supportsPlatform) _discoverers.add(deviceDiscovery); deviceDiscovery = new IOSSimulators(); if (deviceDiscovery.supportsPlatform) _discoverers.add(deviceDiscovery); for (PollingDeviceDiscovery discoverer in _discoverers) { discoverer.onAdded.listen((Device device) { sendEvent('device.added', _deviceToMap(device)); }); discoverer.onRemoved.listen((Device device) { sendEvent('device.removed', _deviceToMap(device)); }); } } List<PollingDeviceDiscovery> _discoverers = <PollingDeviceDiscovery>[]; Future<List<Device>> getDevices(dynamic args) { List<Device> devices = _discoverers.expand((PollingDeviceDiscovery discoverer) { return discoverer.devices; }).toList(); return new Future.value(devices); } /// Enable device events. Future enable(dynamic args) { for (PollingDeviceDiscovery discoverer in _discoverers) { discoverer.startPolling(); } return new Future.value(); } /// Disable device events. Future disable(dynamic args) { for (PollingDeviceDiscovery discoverer in _discoverers) { discoverer.stopPolling(); } return new Future.value(); } void dispose() { for (PollingDeviceDiscovery discoverer in _discoverers) { discoverer.dispose(); } } } Map<String, dynamic> _deviceToMap(Device device) { return <String, dynamic>{ 'id': device.id, 'name': device.name, 'platform': _enumToString(device.platform), 'available': true }; } /// Take an enum value and get the best string representation of that. /// /// toString() on enums returns 'EnumType.enumName'. String _enumToString(dynamic enumValue) { String str = '$enumValue'; if (str.contains('.')) return str.substring(str.indexOf('.') + 1); return str; } dynamic _toJsonable(dynamic obj) { if (obj is String || obj is int || obj is bool || obj is Map || obj is List || obj == null) return obj; if (obj is Device) return obj; return '$obj'; } class NotifyingLogger extends Logger { StreamController<LogMessage> _messageController = new StreamController<LogMessage>.broadcast(); Stream<LogMessage> get onMessage => _messageController.stream; void printError(String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) { _messageController.add(new LogMessage('error', message, stackTrace)); } void printStatus(String message) { _messageController.add(new LogMessage('status', message)); } void printTrace(String message) { // This is a lot of traffic to send over the wire. } } class LogMessage { final String level; final String message; final StackTrace stackTrace; LogMessage(this.level, this.message, [this.stackTrace]); }