// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show DragStartBehavior;

import 'button_bar.dart';
import 'colors.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'dialog.dart';
import 'feedback.dart';
import 'flat_button.dart';
import 'icon_button.dart';
import 'icons.dart';
import 'ink_well.dart';
import 'material.dart';
import 'material_localizations.dart';
import 'text_theme.dart';
import 'theme.dart';

// Examples can assume:
// BuildContext context;

/// Initial display mode of the date picker dialog.
/// Date picker UI mode for either showing a list of available years or a
/// monthly calendar initially in the dialog shown by calling [showDatePicker].
/// See also:
///  * [showDatePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    date picker.
enum DatePickerMode {
  /// Show a date picker UI for choosing a month and day.

  /// Show a date picker UI for choosing a year.

const Duration _kMonthScrollDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
const double _kDayPickerRowHeight = 42.0;
const int _kMaxDayPickerRowCount = 6; // A 31 day month that starts on Saturday.
// Two extra rows: one for the day-of-week header and one for the month header.
const double _kMaxDayPickerHeight = _kDayPickerRowHeight * (_kMaxDayPickerRowCount + 2);

// Shows the selected date in large font and toggles between year and day mode
class _DatePickerHeader extends StatelessWidget {
  const _DatePickerHeader({
    Key key,
    @required this.selectedDate,
    @required this.mode,
    @required this.onModeChanged,
    @required this.orientation,
  }) : assert(selectedDate != null),
       assert(mode != null),
       assert(orientation != null),
       super(key: key);

  final DateTime selectedDate;
  final DatePickerMode mode;
  final ValueChanged<DatePickerMode> onModeChanged;
  final Orientation orientation;

  void _handleChangeMode(DatePickerMode value) {
    if (value != mode)

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
    final ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
    final TextTheme headerTextTheme = themeData.primaryTextTheme;
    Color dayColor;
    Color yearColor;
    switch (themeData.primaryColorBrightness) {
      case Brightness.light:
        dayColor = mode == DatePickerMode.day ? Colors.black87 : Colors.black54;
        yearColor = mode == DatePickerMode.year ? Colors.black87 : Colors.black54;
      case Brightness.dark:
        dayColor = mode == DatePickerMode.day ? Colors.white : Colors.white70;
        yearColor = mode == DatePickerMode.year ? Colors.white : Colors.white70;
    final TextStyle dayStyle = headerTextTheme.display1.copyWith(color: dayColor);
    final TextStyle yearStyle = headerTextTheme.subhead.copyWith(color: yearColor);

    Color backgroundColor;
    switch (themeData.brightness) {
      case Brightness.light:
        backgroundColor = themeData.primaryColor;
      case Brightness.dark:
        backgroundColor = themeData.backgroundColor;

    EdgeInsets padding;
    MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment;
    switch (orientation) {
      case Orientation.portrait:
        padding = const EdgeInsets.all(16.0);
        mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.center;
      case Orientation.landscape:
        padding = const EdgeInsets.all(8.0);
        mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.start;

    final Widget yearButton = IgnorePointer(
      ignoring: mode != DatePickerMode.day,
      ignoringSemantics: false,
      child: _DateHeaderButton(
        color: backgroundColor,
        onTap: Feedback.wrapForTap(() => _handleChangeMode(DatePickerMode.year), context),
        child: Semantics(
          selected: mode == DatePickerMode.year,
          child: Text(localizations.formatYear(selectedDate), style: yearStyle),

    final Widget dayButton = IgnorePointer(
      ignoring: mode == DatePickerMode.day,
      ignoringSemantics: false,
      child: _DateHeaderButton(
        color: backgroundColor,
        onTap: Feedback.wrapForTap(() => _handleChangeMode(DatePickerMode.day), context),
        child: Semantics(
          selected: mode == DatePickerMode.day,
          child: Text(localizations.formatMediumDate(selectedDate), style: dayStyle),

    return Container(
      padding: padding,
      color: backgroundColor,
      child: Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment,
        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
        children: <Widget>[yearButton, dayButton],

class _DateHeaderButton extends StatelessWidget {
  const _DateHeaderButton({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final VoidCallback onTap;
  final Color color;
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);

    return Material(
      type: MaterialType.button,
      color: color,
      child: InkWell(
        borderRadius: kMaterialEdges[MaterialType.button],
        highlightColor: theme.highlightColor,
        splashColor: theme.splashColor,
        onTap: onTap,
        child: Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
          child: child,

class _DayPickerGridDelegate extends SliverGridDelegate {
  const _DayPickerGridDelegate();

  SliverGridLayout getLayout(SliverConstraints constraints) {
    const int columnCount = DateTime.daysPerWeek;
    final double tileWidth = constraints.crossAxisExtent / columnCount;
    final double viewTileHeight = constraints.viewportMainAxisExtent / (_kMaxDayPickerRowCount + 1);
    final double tileHeight = math.max(_kDayPickerRowHeight, viewTileHeight);
    return SliverGridRegularTileLayout(
      crossAxisCount: columnCount,
      mainAxisStride: tileHeight,
      crossAxisStride: tileWidth,
      childMainAxisExtent: tileHeight,
      childCrossAxisExtent: tileWidth,
      reverseCrossAxis: axisDirectionIsReversed(constraints.crossAxisDirection),

  bool shouldRelayout(_DayPickerGridDelegate oldDelegate) => false;

const _DayPickerGridDelegate _kDayPickerGridDelegate = _DayPickerGridDelegate();

/// Displays the days of a given month and allows choosing a day.
/// The days are arranged in a rectangular grid with one column for each day of
/// the week.
/// The day picker widget is rarely used directly. Instead, consider using
/// [showDatePicker], which creates a date picker dialog.
/// See also:
///  * [showDatePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    date picker.
///  * [showTimePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    time picker.
class DayPicker extends StatelessWidget {
  /// Creates a day picker.
  /// Rarely used directly. Instead, typically used as part of a [MonthPicker].
    Key key,
    @required this.selectedDate,
    @required this.currentDate,
    @required this.onChanged,
    @required this.firstDate,
    @required this.lastDate,
    @required this.displayedMonth,
    this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
  }) : assert(selectedDate != null),
       assert(currentDate != null),
       assert(onChanged != null),
       assert(displayedMonth != null),
       assert(dragStartBehavior != null),
       assert(selectedDate.isAfter(firstDate) || selectedDate.isAtSameMomentAs(firstDate)),
       super(key: key);

  /// The currently selected date.
  /// This date is highlighted in the picker.
  final DateTime selectedDate;

  /// The current date at the time the picker is displayed.
  final DateTime currentDate;

  /// Called when the user picks a day.
  final ValueChanged<DateTime> onChanged;

  /// The earliest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime firstDate;

  /// The latest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime lastDate;

  /// The month whose days are displayed by this picker.
  final DateTime displayedMonth;

  /// Optional user supplied predicate function to customize selectable days.
  final SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate;

  /// Determines the way that drag start behavior is handled.
  /// If set to [DragStartBehavior.start], the drag gesture used to scroll a
  /// date picker wheel will begin upon the detection of a drag gesture. If set
  /// to [DragStartBehavior.down] it will begin when a down event is first
  /// detected.
  /// In general, setting this to [DragStartBehavior.start] will make drag
  /// animation smoother and setting it to [DragStartBehavior.down] will make
  /// drag behavior feel slightly more reactive.
  /// By default, the drag start behavior is [DragStartBehavior.start].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [DragGestureRecognizer.dragStartBehavior], which gives an example for the different behaviors.
  final DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;

  /// Builds widgets showing abbreviated days of week. The first widget in the
  /// returned list corresponds to the first day of week for the current locale.
  /// Examples:
  /// ```
  /// ┌ Sunday is the first day of week in the US (en_US)
  /// |
  /// S M T W T F S  <-- the returned list contains these widgets
  /// _ _ _ _ _ 1 2
  /// 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  /// ┌ But it's Monday in the UK (en_GB)
  /// |
  /// M T W T F S S  <-- the returned list contains these widgets
  /// _ _ _ _ 1 2 3
  /// 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  /// ```
  List<Widget> _getDayHeaders(TextStyle headerStyle, MaterialLocalizations localizations) {
    final List<Widget> result = <Widget>[];
    for (int i = localizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex; true; i = (i + 1) % 7) {
      final String weekday = localizations.narrowWeekdays[i];
        child: Center(child: Text(weekday, style: headerStyle)),
      if (i == (localizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex - 1) % 7)
    return result;

  // Do not use this directly - call getDaysInMonth instead.
  static const List<int> _daysInMonth = <int>[31, -1, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];

  /// Returns the number of days in a month, according to the proleptic
  /// Gregorian calendar.
  /// This applies the leap year logic introduced by the Gregorian reforms of
  /// 1582. It will not give valid results for dates prior to that time.
  static int getDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
    if (month == DateTime.february) {
      final bool isLeapYear = (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);
      if (isLeapYear)
        return 29;
      return 28;
    return _daysInMonth[month - 1];

  /// Computes the offset from the first day of week that the first day of the
  /// [month] falls on.
  /// For example, September 1, 2017 falls on a Friday, which in the calendar
  /// localized for United States English appears as:
  /// ```
  /// S M T W T F S
  /// _ _ _ _ _ 1 2
  /// ```
  /// The offset for the first day of the months is the number of leading blanks
  /// in the calendar, i.e. 5.
  /// The same date localized for the Russian calendar has a different offset,
  /// because the first day of week is Monday rather than Sunday:
  /// ```
  /// M T W T F S S
  /// _ _ _ _ 1 2 3
  /// ```
  /// So the offset is 4, rather than 5.
  /// This code consolidates the following:
  /// - [DateTime.weekday] provides a 1-based index into days of week, with 1
  ///   falling on Monday.
  /// - [MaterialLocalizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex] provides a 0-based index
  ///   into the [MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays] list.
  /// - [MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays] list provides localized names of
  ///   days of week, always starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday.
  int _computeFirstDayOffset(int year, int month, MaterialLocalizations localizations) {
    // 0-based day of week, with 0 representing Monday.
    final int weekdayFromMonday = DateTime(year, month).weekday - 1;
    // 0-based day of week, with 0 representing Sunday.
    final int firstDayOfWeekFromSunday = localizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex;
    // firstDayOfWeekFromSunday recomputed to be Monday-based
    final int firstDayOfWeekFromMonday = (firstDayOfWeekFromSunday - 1) % 7;
    // Number of days between the first day of week appearing on the calendar,
    // and the day corresponding to the 1-st of the month.
    return (weekdayFromMonday - firstDayOfWeekFromMonday) % 7;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
    final MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
    final int year = displayedMonth.year;
    final int month = displayedMonth.month;
    final int daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(year, month);
    final int firstDayOffset = _computeFirstDayOffset(year, month, localizations);
    final List<Widget> labels = <Widget>[
      ..._getDayHeaders(themeData.textTheme.caption, localizations),
    for (int i = 0; true; i += 1) {
      // 1-based day of month, e.g. 1-31 for January, and 1-29 for February on
      // a leap year.
      final int day = i - firstDayOffset + 1;
      if (day > daysInMonth)
      if (day < 1) {
      } else {
        final DateTime dayToBuild = DateTime(year, month, day);
        final bool disabled = dayToBuild.isAfter(lastDate)
            || dayToBuild.isBefore(firstDate)
            || (selectableDayPredicate != null && !selectableDayPredicate(dayToBuild));

        BoxDecoration decoration;
        TextStyle itemStyle = themeData.textTheme.body1;

        final bool isSelectedDay = selectedDate.year == year && selectedDate.month == month && selectedDate.day == day;
        if (isSelectedDay) {
          // The selected day gets a circle background highlight, and a contrasting text color.
          itemStyle = themeData.accentTextTheme.body2;
          decoration = BoxDecoration(
            color: themeData.accentColor,
            shape: BoxShape.circle,
        } else if (disabled) {
          itemStyle = themeData.textTheme.body1.copyWith(color: themeData.disabledColor);
        } else if (currentDate.year == year && currentDate.month == month && currentDate.day == day) {
          // The current day gets a different text color.
          itemStyle = themeData.textTheme.body2.copyWith(color: themeData.accentColor);

        Widget dayWidget = Container(
          decoration: decoration,
          child: Center(
            child: Semantics(
              // We want the day of month to be spoken first irrespective of the
              // locale-specific preferences or TextDirection. This is because
              // an accessibility user is more likely to be interested in the
              // day of month before the rest of the date, as they are looking
              // for the day of month. To do that we prepend day of month to the
              // formatted full date.
              label: '${localizations.formatDecimal(day)}, ${localizations.formatFullDate(dayToBuild)}',
              selected: isSelectedDay,
              sortKey: OrdinalSortKey(day.toDouble()),
              child: ExcludeSemantics(
                child: Text(localizations.formatDecimal(day), style: itemStyle),

        if (!disabled) {
          dayWidget = GestureDetector(
            behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
            onTap: () {
            child: dayWidget,
            dragStartBehavior: dragStartBehavior,


    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
      child: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            height: _kDayPickerRowHeight,
            child: Center(
              child: ExcludeSemantics(
                child: Text(
                  style: themeData.textTheme.subhead,
            child: GridView.custom(
              gridDelegate: _kDayPickerGridDelegate,
              childrenDelegate: SliverChildListDelegate(labels, addRepaintBoundaries: false),
              padding: EdgeInsets.zero,

/// A scrollable list of months to allow picking a month.
/// Shows the days of each month in a rectangular grid with one column for each
/// day of the week.
/// The month picker widget is rarely used directly. Instead, consider using
/// [showDatePicker], which creates a date picker dialog.
/// See also:
///  * [showDatePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    date picker.
///  * [showTimePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    time picker.
class MonthPicker extends StatefulWidget {
  /// Creates a month picker.
  /// Rarely used directly. Instead, typically used as part of the dialog shown
  /// by [showDatePicker].
    Key key,
    @required this.selectedDate,
    @required this.onChanged,
    @required this.firstDate,
    @required this.lastDate,
    this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
  }) : assert(selectedDate != null),
       assert(onChanged != null),
       assert(selectedDate.isAfter(firstDate) || selectedDate.isAtSameMomentAs(firstDate)),
       super(key: key);

  /// The currently selected date.
  /// This date is highlighted in the picker.
  final DateTime selectedDate;

  /// Called when the user picks a month.
  final ValueChanged<DateTime> onChanged;

  /// The earliest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime firstDate;

  /// The latest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime lastDate;

  /// Optional user supplied predicate function to customize selectable days.
  final SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate;

  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.scrollable.dragStartBehavior}
  final DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;

  _MonthPickerState createState() => _MonthPickerState();

class _MonthPickerState extends State<MonthPicker> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  static final Animatable<double> _chevronOpacityTween = Tween<double>(begin: 1.0, end: 0.0)
    .chain(CurveTween(curve: Curves.easeInOut));

  void initState() {
    // Initially display the pre-selected date.
    final int monthPage = _monthDelta(widget.firstDate, widget.selectedDate);
    _dayPickerController = PageController(initialPage: monthPage);

    // Setup the fade animation for chevrons
    _chevronOpacityController = AnimationController(
      duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250), vsync: this,
    _chevronOpacityAnimation = _chevronOpacityController.drive(_chevronOpacityTween);

  void didUpdateWidget(MonthPicker oldWidget) {
    if (widget.selectedDate != oldWidget.selectedDate) {
      final int monthPage = _monthDelta(widget.firstDate, widget.selectedDate);
      _dayPickerController = PageController(initialPage: monthPage);

  MaterialLocalizations localizations;
  TextDirection textDirection;

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
    textDirection = Directionality.of(context);

  DateTime _todayDate;
  DateTime _currentDisplayedMonthDate;
  Timer _timer;
  PageController _dayPickerController;
  AnimationController _chevronOpacityController;
  Animation<double> _chevronOpacityAnimation;

  void _updateCurrentDate() {
    _todayDate = DateTime.now();
    final DateTime tomorrow = DateTime(_todayDate.year, _todayDate.month, _todayDate.day + 1);
    Duration timeUntilTomorrow = tomorrow.difference(_todayDate);
    timeUntilTomorrow += const Duration(seconds: 1); // so we don't miss it by rounding
    _timer = Timer(timeUntilTomorrow, () {
      setState(() {

  static int _monthDelta(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) {
    return (endDate.year - startDate.year) * 12 + endDate.month - startDate.month;

  /// Add months to a month truncated date.
  DateTime _addMonthsToMonthDate(DateTime monthDate, int monthsToAdd) {
    return DateTime(monthDate.year + monthsToAdd ~/ 12, monthDate.month + monthsToAdd % 12);

  Widget _buildItems(BuildContext context, int index) {
    final DateTime month = _addMonthsToMonthDate(widget.firstDate, index);
    return DayPicker(
      key: ValueKey<DateTime>(month),
      selectedDate: widget.selectedDate,
      currentDate: _todayDate,
      onChanged: widget.onChanged,
      firstDate: widget.firstDate,
      lastDate: widget.lastDate,
      displayedMonth: month,
      selectableDayPredicate: widget.selectableDayPredicate,
      dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior,

  void _handleNextMonth() {
    if (!_isDisplayingLastMonth) {
      SemanticsService.announce(localizations.formatMonthYear(_nextMonthDate), textDirection);
      _dayPickerController.nextPage(duration: _kMonthScrollDuration, curve: Curves.ease);

  void _handlePreviousMonth() {
    if (!_isDisplayingFirstMonth) {
      SemanticsService.announce(localizations.formatMonthYear(_previousMonthDate), textDirection);
      _dayPickerController.previousPage(duration: _kMonthScrollDuration, curve: Curves.ease);

  /// True if the earliest allowable month is displayed.
  bool get _isDisplayingFirstMonth {
    return !_currentDisplayedMonthDate.isAfter(
        DateTime(widget.firstDate.year, widget.firstDate.month));

  /// True if the latest allowable month is displayed.
  bool get _isDisplayingLastMonth {
    return !_currentDisplayedMonthDate.isBefore(
        DateTime(widget.lastDate.year, widget.lastDate.month));

  DateTime _previousMonthDate;
  DateTime _nextMonthDate;

  void _handleMonthPageChanged(int monthPage) {
    setState(() {
      _previousMonthDate = _addMonthsToMonthDate(widget.firstDate, monthPage - 1);
      _currentDisplayedMonthDate = _addMonthsToMonthDate(widget.firstDate, monthPage);
      _nextMonthDate = _addMonthsToMonthDate(widget.firstDate, monthPage + 1);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(
      // The month picker just adds month navigation to the day picker, so make
      // it the same height as the DayPicker
      height: _kMaxDayPickerHeight,
      child: Stack(
        children: <Widget>[
            sortKey: _MonthPickerSortKey.calendar,
            child: NotificationListener<ScrollStartNotification>(
              onNotification: (_) {
                return false;
              child: NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>(
                onNotification: (_) {
                  return false;
                child: PageView.builder(
                  dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior,
                  key: ValueKey<DateTime>(widget.selectedDate),
                  controller: _dayPickerController,
                  scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
                  itemCount: _monthDelta(widget.firstDate, widget.lastDate) + 1,
                  itemBuilder: _buildItems,
                  onPageChanged: _handleMonthPageChanged,
            top: 0.0,
            start: 8.0,
            child: Semantics(
              sortKey: _MonthPickerSortKey.previousMonth,
              child: FadeTransition(
                opacity: _chevronOpacityAnimation,
                child: IconButton(
                  icon: const Icon(Icons.chevron_left),
                  tooltip: _isDisplayingFirstMonth ? null : '${localizations.previousMonthTooltip} ${localizations.formatMonthYear(_previousMonthDate)}',
                  onPressed: _isDisplayingFirstMonth ? null : _handlePreviousMonth,
            top: 0.0,
            end: 8.0,
            child: Semantics(
              sortKey: _MonthPickerSortKey.nextMonth,
              child: FadeTransition(
                opacity: _chevronOpacityAnimation,
                child: IconButton(
                  icon: const Icon(Icons.chevron_right),
                  tooltip: _isDisplayingLastMonth ? null : '${localizations.nextMonthTooltip} ${localizations.formatMonthYear(_nextMonthDate)}',
                  onPressed: _isDisplayingLastMonth ? null : _handleNextMonth,

  void dispose() {

// Defines semantic traversal order of the top-level widgets inside the month
// picker.
class _MonthPickerSortKey extends OrdinalSortKey {
  const _MonthPickerSortKey(double order) : super(order);

  static const _MonthPickerSortKey previousMonth = _MonthPickerSortKey(1.0);
  static const _MonthPickerSortKey nextMonth = _MonthPickerSortKey(2.0);
  static const _MonthPickerSortKey calendar = _MonthPickerSortKey(3.0);

/// A scrollable list of years to allow picking a year.
/// The year picker widget is rarely used directly. Instead, consider using
/// [showDatePicker], which creates a date picker dialog.
/// Requires one of its ancestors to be a [Material] widget.
/// See also:
///  * [showDatePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    date picker.
///  * [showTimePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    time picker.
class YearPicker extends StatefulWidget {
  /// Creates a year picker.
  /// The [selectedDate] and [onChanged] arguments must not be null. The
  /// [lastDate] must be after the [firstDate].
  /// Rarely used directly. Instead, typically used as part of the dialog shown
  /// by [showDatePicker].
    Key key,
    @required this.selectedDate,
    @required this.onChanged,
    @required this.firstDate,
    @required this.lastDate,
    this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
  }) : assert(selectedDate != null),
       assert(onChanged != null),
       super(key: key);

  /// The currently selected date.
  /// This date is highlighted in the picker.
  final DateTime selectedDate;

  /// Called when the user picks a year.
  final ValueChanged<DateTime> onChanged;

  /// The earliest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime firstDate;

  /// The latest date the user is permitted to pick.
  final DateTime lastDate;

  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.scrollable.dragStartBehavior}
  final DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;

  _YearPickerState createState() => _YearPickerState();

class _YearPickerState extends State<YearPicker> {
  static const double _itemExtent = 50.0;
  ScrollController scrollController;

  void initState() {
    scrollController = ScrollController(
      // Move the initial scroll position to the currently selected date's year.
      initialScrollOffset: (widget.selectedDate.year - widget.firstDate.year) * _itemExtent,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
    final TextStyle style = themeData.textTheme.body1;
    return ListView.builder(
      dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior,
      controller: scrollController,
      itemExtent: _itemExtent,
      itemCount: widget.lastDate.year - widget.firstDate.year + 1,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        final int year = widget.firstDate.year + index;
        final bool isSelected = year == widget.selectedDate.year;
        final TextStyle itemStyle = isSelected
          ? themeData.textTheme.headline.copyWith(color: themeData.accentColor)
          : style;
        return InkWell(
          key: ValueKey<int>(year),
          onTap: () {
            widget.onChanged(DateTime(year, widget.selectedDate.month, widget.selectedDate.day));
          child: Center(
            child: Semantics(
              selected: isSelected,
              child: Text(year.toString(), style: itemStyle),

class _DatePickerDialog extends StatefulWidget {
  const _DatePickerDialog({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final DateTime initialDate;
  final DateTime firstDate;
  final DateTime lastDate;
  final SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate;
  final DatePickerMode initialDatePickerMode;

  _DatePickerDialogState createState() => _DatePickerDialogState();

class _DatePickerDialogState extends State<_DatePickerDialog> {
  void initState() {
    _selectedDate = widget.initialDate;
    _mode = widget.initialDatePickerMode;

  bool _announcedInitialDate = false;

  MaterialLocalizations localizations;
  TextDirection textDirection;

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
    textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
    if (!_announcedInitialDate) {
      _announcedInitialDate = true;

  DateTime _selectedDate;
  DatePickerMode _mode;
  final GlobalKey _pickerKey = GlobalKey();

  void _vibrate() {
    switch (Theme.of(context).platform) {
      case TargetPlatform.android:
      case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
      case TargetPlatform.iOS:

  void _handleModeChanged(DatePickerMode mode) {
    setState(() {
      _mode = mode;
      if (_mode == DatePickerMode.day) {
        SemanticsService.announce(localizations.formatMonthYear(_selectedDate), textDirection);
      } else {
        SemanticsService.announce(localizations.formatYear(_selectedDate), textDirection);

  void _handleYearChanged(DateTime value) {
    if (value.isBefore(widget.firstDate))
      value = widget.firstDate;
    else if (value.isAfter(widget.lastDate))
      value = widget.lastDate;
    if (value == _selectedDate)

    setState(() {
      _mode = DatePickerMode.day;
      _selectedDate = value;

  void _handleDayChanged(DateTime value) {
    setState(() {
      _selectedDate = value;

  void _handleCancel() {

  void _handleOk() {
    Navigator.pop(context, _selectedDate);

  Widget _buildPicker() {
    assert(_mode != null);
    switch (_mode) {
      case DatePickerMode.day:
        return MonthPicker(
          key: _pickerKey,
          selectedDate: _selectedDate,
          onChanged: _handleDayChanged,
          firstDate: widget.firstDate,
          lastDate: widget.lastDate,
          selectableDayPredicate: widget.selectableDayPredicate,
      case DatePickerMode.year:
        return YearPicker(
          key: _pickerKey,
          selectedDate: _selectedDate,
          onChanged: _handleYearChanged,
          firstDate: widget.firstDate,
          lastDate: widget.lastDate,
    return null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
    final Widget picker = _buildPicker();
    final Widget actions = ButtonBar(
      children: <Widget>[
          child: Text(localizations.cancelButtonLabel),
          onPressed: _handleCancel,
          child: Text(localizations.okButtonLabel),
          onPressed: _handleOk,

    final Dialog dialog = Dialog(
      child: OrientationBuilder(
        builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {
          assert(orientation != null);
          final Widget header = _DatePickerHeader(
            selectedDate: _selectedDate,
            mode: _mode,
            onModeChanged: _handleModeChanged,
            orientation: orientation,
          switch (orientation) {
            case Orientation.portrait:
              return Container(
                color: theme.dialogBackgroundColor,
                child: Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                  children: <Widget>[
                    Flexible(child: picker),
            case Orientation.landscape:
              return Container(
                color: theme.dialogBackgroundColor,
                child: Row(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                  children: <Widget>[
                    Flexible(child: header),
                      flex: 2, // have the picker take up 2/3 of the dialog width
                      child: Column(
                        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                        children: <Widget>[
                          Flexible(child: picker),
          return null;

    return Theme(
      data: theme.copyWith(
        dialogBackgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
      child: dialog,

/// Signature for predicating dates for enabled date selections.
/// See [showDatePicker].
typedef SelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(DateTime day);

/// Shows a dialog containing a material design date picker.
/// The returned [Future] resolves to the date selected by the user when the
/// user closes the dialog. If the user cancels the dialog, null is returned.
/// An optional [selectableDayPredicate] function can be passed in to customize
/// the days to enable for selection. If provided, only the days that
/// [selectableDayPredicate] returned true for will be selectable.
/// An optional [initialDatePickerMode] argument can be used to display the
/// date picker initially in the year or month+day picker mode. It defaults
/// to month+day, and must not be null.
/// An optional [locale] argument can be used to set the locale for the date
/// picker. It defaults to the ambient locale provided by [Localizations].
/// An optional [textDirection] argument can be used to set the text direction
/// (RTL or LTR) for the date picker. It defaults to the ambient text direction
/// provided by [Directionality]. If both [locale] and [textDirection] are not
/// null, [textDirection] overrides the direction chosen for the [locale].
/// The [context] and [useRootNavigator] arguments are passed to [showDialog],
/// the documentation for which discusses how it is used.
/// The [builder] parameter can be used to wrap the dialog widget
/// to add inherited widgets like [Theme].
/// {@tool sample}
/// Show a date picker with the dark theme.
/// ```dart
/// Future<DateTime> selectedDate = showDatePicker(
///   context: context,
///   initialDate: DateTime.now(),
///   firstDate: DateTime(2018),
///   lastDate: DateTime(2030),
///   builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
///     return Theme(
///       data: ThemeData.dark(),
///       child: child,
///     );
///   },
/// );
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// The [context], [initialDate], [firstDate], and [lastDate] parameters must
/// not be null.
/// See also:
///  * [showTimePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a material design
///    time picker.
///  * [DayPicker], which displays the days of a given month and allows
///    choosing a day.
///  * [MonthPicker], which displays a scrollable list of months to allow
///    picking a month.
///  * [YearPicker], which displays a scrollable list of years to allow picking
///    a year.
Future<DateTime> showDatePicker({
  @required BuildContext context,
  @required DateTime initialDate,
  @required DateTime firstDate,
  @required DateTime lastDate,
  SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate,
  DatePickerMode initialDatePickerMode = DatePickerMode.day,
  Locale locale,
  TextDirection textDirection,
  TransitionBuilder builder,
  bool useRootNavigator = true,
}) async {
  assert(initialDate != null);
  assert(firstDate != null);
  assert(lastDate != null);
  assert(useRootNavigator != null);
  assert(!initialDate.isBefore(firstDate), 'initialDate must be on or after firstDate');
  assert(!initialDate.isAfter(lastDate), 'initialDate must be on or before lastDate');
  assert(!firstDate.isAfter(lastDate), 'lastDate must be on or after firstDate');
    selectableDayPredicate == null || selectableDayPredicate(initialDate),
    'Provided initialDate must satisfy provided selectableDayPredicate'
  assert(initialDatePickerMode != null, 'initialDatePickerMode must not be null');
  assert(context != null);

  Widget child = _DatePickerDialog(
    initialDate: initialDate,
    firstDate: firstDate,
    lastDate: lastDate,
    selectableDayPredicate: selectableDayPredicate,
    initialDatePickerMode: initialDatePickerMode,

  if (textDirection != null) {
    child = Directionality(
      textDirection: textDirection,
      child: child,

  if (locale != null) {
    child = Localizations.override(
      context: context,
      locale: locale,
      child: child,

  return await showDialog<DateTime>(
    context: context,
    useRootNavigator: useRootNavigator,
    builder: (BuildContext context) {
      return builder == null ? child : builder(context, child);