// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import '../framework/devices.dart'; import '../framework/framework.dart'; import '../framework/task_result.dart'; import '../framework/utils.dart'; TaskFunction createAndroidRunDebugTest() { return AndroidRunOutputTest(release: false).call; } TaskFunction createAndroidRunReleaseTest() { return AndroidRunOutputTest(release: true).call; } TaskFunction createMacOSRunDebugTest() { return DesktopRunOutputTest( // TODO(cbracken): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/87508#issuecomment-1043753201 // Switch to dev/integration_tests/ui once we have CocoaPods working on M1 Macs. '${flutterDirectory.path}/examples/hello_world', 'lib/main.dart', release: false, allowStderr: true, ).call; } TaskFunction createMacOSRunReleaseTest() { return DesktopRunOutputTest( // TODO(cbracken): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/87508#issuecomment-1043753201 // Switch to dev/integration_tests/ui once we have CocoaPods working on M1 Macs. '${flutterDirectory.path}/examples/hello_world', 'lib/main.dart', release: true, allowStderr: true, ).call; } TaskFunction createWindowsRunDebugTest() { return DesktopRunOutputTest( '${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/integration_tests/ui', 'lib/empty.dart', release: false, ).call; } TaskFunction createWindowsRunReleaseTest() { return DesktopRunOutputTest( '${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/integration_tests/ui', 'lib/empty.dart', release: true, ).call; } class AndroidRunOutputTest extends RunOutputTask { AndroidRunOutputTest({required super.release}) : super( '${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/integration_tests/ui', 'lib/main.dart', ); @override Future prepare(String deviceId) async { // Uninstall if the app is already installed on the device to get to a clean state. final List stderr = []; print('uninstalling...'); final Process uninstall = await startFlutter( 'install', options: ['--suppress-analytics', '--uninstall-only', '-d', deviceId], isBot: false, ); uninstall.stdout .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { print('uninstall:stdout: $line'); }); uninstall.stderr .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { print('uninstall:stderr: $line'); stderr.add(line); }); if (await uninstall.exitCode != 0) { throw 'flutter install --uninstall-only failed.'; } if (stderr.isNotEmpty) { throw 'flutter install --uninstall-only had output on standard error.'; } } @override bool isExpectedStderr(String line) { // TODO(egarciad): Remove once https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/95131 is fixed. return line.contains('Mapping new ns'); } @override TaskResult verify(List stdout, List stderr) { final String gradleTask = release ? 'assembleRelease' : 'assembleDebug'; final String apk = release ? 'app-release.apk' : 'app-debug.apk'; _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.startsWith('Launching lib/main.dart on ') && line.endsWith(' in ${release ? 'release' : 'debug'} mode...'), 'Launching lib/main.dart on', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.startsWith("Running Gradle task '$gradleTask'..."), "Running Gradle task '$gradleTask'...", ); // Size information is only included in release builds. _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.contains('Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/$apk') && (!release || line.contains('MB).')), 'Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/$apk', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.startsWith('Installing build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/$apk...'), 'Installing build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/$apk...', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.contains('Quit (terminate the application on the device).'), 'q Quit (terminate the application on the device)', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line == 'Application finished.', 'Application finished.', ); return TaskResult.success(null); } } class DesktopRunOutputTest extends RunOutputTask { DesktopRunOutputTest( super.testDirectory, super.testTarget, { required super.release, this.allowStderr = false, } ); /// Whether `flutter run` is expected to produce output on stderr. final bool allowStderr; @override bool isExpectedStderr(String line) => allowStderr; @override TaskResult verify(List stdout, List stderr) { _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.startsWith('Launching $testTarget on ') && line.endsWith(' in ${release ? 'release' : 'debug'} mode...'), 'Launching $testTarget on', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line.contains('Quit (terminate the application on the device).'), 'q Quit (terminate the application on the device)', ); _findNextMatcherInList( stdout, (String line) => line == 'Application finished.', 'Application finished.', ); return TaskResult.success(null); } } /// Test that the output of `flutter run` is expected. abstract class RunOutputTask { RunOutputTask( this.testDirectory, this.testTarget, { required this.release, } ); static final RegExp _engineLogRegex = RegExp( r'\[(VERBOSE|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL):.+\(\d+\)\]', ); /// The directory where the app under test is defined. final String testDirectory; /// The main entry-point file of the application, as run on the device. final String testTarget; /// Whether to run the app in release mode. final bool release; Future call() { return inDirectory(testDirectory, () async { final Device device = await devices.workingDevice; await device.unlock(); final String deviceId = device.deviceId; final Completer ready = Completer(); final List stdout = []; final List stderr = []; await prepare(deviceId); final List options = [ testTarget, '-d', deviceId, if (release) '--release', ]; final Process run = await startFlutter( 'run', options: options, isBot: false, ); int? runExitCode; run.stdout .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { print('run:stdout: $line'); stdout.add(line); if (line.contains('Quit (terminate the application on the device).')) { ready.complete(); } }); final Stream runStderr = run.stderr .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .asBroadcastStream(); runStderr.listen((String line) => print('run:stderr: $line')); runStderr .skipWhile(isExpectedStderr) .listen((String line) => stderr.add(line)); unawaited(run.exitCode.then((int exitCode) { runExitCode = exitCode; })); await Future.any(>[ ready.future, run.exitCode ]); if (runExitCode != null) { throw 'Failed to run test app; runner unexpected exited, with exit code $runExitCode.'; } run.stdin.write('q'); await run.exitCode; if (stderr.isNotEmpty) { throw 'flutter run ${release ? '--release' : ''} had unexpected output on standard error.'; } final List engineLogs = List.from( stdout.where(_engineLogRegex.hasMatch), ); if (engineLogs.isNotEmpty) { throw 'flutter run had unexpected Flutter engine logs $engineLogs'; } return verify(stdout, stderr); }); } /// Prepare the device for running the test app. Future prepare(String deviceId) => Future.value(); /// Returns true if this stderr output line is expected. bool isExpectedStderr(String line) => false; /// Verify the output of `flutter run`. TaskResult verify(List stdout, List stderr) => throw UnimplementedError('verify is not implemented'); /// Helper that verifies a line in [list] matches [matcher]. /// The [list] is updated to contain the lines remaining after the match. void _findNextMatcherInList( List list, bool Function(String testLine) matcher, String errorMessageExpectedLine ) { final List copyOfListForErrorMessage = List.from(list); while (list.isNotEmpty) { final String nextLine = list.first; list.removeAt(0); if (matcher(nextLine)) { return; } } throw ''' Did not find expected line $errorMessageExpectedLine in flutter run ${release ? '--release' : ''} stdout $copyOfListForErrorMessage '''; } }