// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; enum TabsDemoStyle { iconsAndText, iconsOnly, textOnly } class _Page { const _Page({ this.icon, this.text }); final IconData icon; final String text; } const List<_Page> _allPages = const <_Page>[ const _Page(icon: Icons.grade, text: 'TRIUMPH'), const _Page(icon: Icons.playlist_add, text: 'NOTE'), const _Page(icon: Icons.check_circle, text: 'SUCCESS'), const _Page(icon: Icons.question_answer, text: 'OVERSTATE'), const _Page(icon: Icons.sentiment_very_satisfied, text: 'SATISFACTION'), const _Page(icon: Icons.camera, text: 'APERTURE'), const _Page(icon: Icons.assignment_late, text: 'WE MUST'), const _Page(icon: Icons.assignment_turned_in, text: 'WE CAN'), const _Page(icon: Icons.group, text: 'ALL'), const _Page(icon: Icons.block, text: 'EXCEPT'), const _Page(icon: Icons.sentiment_very_dissatisfied, text: 'CRYING'), const _Page(icon: Icons.error, text: 'MISTAKE'), const _Page(icon: Icons.loop, text: 'TRYING'), const _Page(icon: Icons.cake, text: 'CAKE'), ]; class ScrollableTabsDemo extends StatefulWidget { static const String routeName = '/material/scrollable-tabs'; @override ScrollableTabsDemoState createState() => new ScrollableTabsDemoState(); } class ScrollableTabsDemoState extends State<ScrollableTabsDemo> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { TabController _controller; TabsDemoStyle _demoStyle = TabsDemoStyle.iconsAndText; bool _customIndicator = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = new TabController(vsync: this, length: _allPages.length); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } void changeDemoStyle(TabsDemoStyle style) { setState(() { _demoStyle = style; }); } Decoration getIndicator() { if (!_customIndicator) return const UnderlineTabIndicator(); switch(_demoStyle) { case TabsDemoStyle.iconsAndText: return new ShapeDecoration( shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(const Radius.circular(4.0)), side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.white24, width: 2.0, ), ) + const RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(const Radius.circular(4.0)), side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.transparent, width: 4.0, ), ), ); case TabsDemoStyle.iconsOnly: return new ShapeDecoration( shape: const CircleBorder( side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.white24, width: 4.0, ), ) + const CircleBorder( side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.transparent, width: 4.0, ), ), ); case TabsDemoStyle.textOnly: return new ShapeDecoration( shape: const StadiumBorder( side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.white24, width: 2.0, ), ) + const StadiumBorder( side: const BorderSide( color: Colors.transparent, width: 4.0, ), ), ); } return null; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final Color iconColor = Theme.of(context).accentColor; return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: const Text('Scrollable tabs'), actions: <Widget>[ new IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.sentiment_very_satisfied), onPressed: () { setState(() { _customIndicator = !_customIndicator; }); }, ), new PopupMenuButton<TabsDemoStyle>( onSelected: changeDemoStyle, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => <PopupMenuItem<TabsDemoStyle>>[ const PopupMenuItem<TabsDemoStyle>( value: TabsDemoStyle.iconsAndText, child: const Text('Icons and text') ), const PopupMenuItem<TabsDemoStyle>( value: TabsDemoStyle.iconsOnly, child: const Text('Icons only') ), const PopupMenuItem<TabsDemoStyle>( value: TabsDemoStyle.textOnly, child: const Text('Text only') ), ], ), ], bottom: new TabBar( controller: _controller, isScrollable: true, indicator: getIndicator(), tabs: _allPages.map((_Page page) { switch (_demoStyle) { case TabsDemoStyle.iconsAndText: return new Tab(text: page.text, icon: new Icon(page.icon)); case TabsDemoStyle.iconsOnly: return new Tab(icon: new Icon(page.icon)); case TabsDemoStyle.textOnly: return new Tab(text: page.text); } }).toList(), ), ), body: new TabBarView( controller: _controller, children: _allPages.map((_Page page) { return new SafeArea( top: false, bottom: false, child: new Container( key: new ObjectKey(page.icon), padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: new Card( child: new Center( child: new Icon( page.icon, color: iconColor, size: 128.0, semanticLabel: 'Placeholder for ${page.text} tab', ), ), ), ), ); }).toList() ), ); } }