@ECHO off REM Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be REM found in the LICENSE file. SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET "flutter_root=%%~fi" REM Get the parent directory SET flutter_tools_dir=%flutter_root%\packages\flutter_tools SET flutter_dir=%flutter_root%\packages\flutter SET snapshot_path=%flutter_root%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot SET stamp_path=%flutter_root%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.stamp SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart REM TODO: Don't require dart to be on the user's path SET dart=dart REM Set current working directory to the flutter directory PUSHD %flutter_root% REM IF doesn't have an "or". Instead, just use GOTO FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO SET revision=%%r IF NOT EXIST %snapshot_path% GOTO do_snapshot IF NOT EXIST %stamp_path% GOTO do_snapshot FOR /f "delims=" %%x in (%stamp_path%) do set stamp_value=%%x IF "!stamp_value!" NEQ "!revision!" GOTO do_snapshot REM Getting modified timestamps in a batch file is ... troublesome REM More info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1687014/how-do-i-compare-timestamps-of-files-in-a-dos-batch-script FOR %%f IN (%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml) DO SET yamlt=%%~tf FOR %%a IN (%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock) DO SET lockt=%%~ta IF !lockt! LSS !yamlt! GOTO do_snapshot GOTO :after_snapshot :do_snapshot CD "%flutter_tools_dir%" ECHO Updating flutter tool... CALL pub.bat get CD "%flutter_dir" REM Allows us to check if sky_engine's REVISION is correct CALL pub.bat get CD "%flutter_root%" CALL %dart% --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --package-root="%flutter_tools_dir%\packages" "%script_path%" <nul SET /p=%revision%> "%stamp_path%" :after_snapshot REM Go back to last working directory POPD CALL %dart% "%snapshot_path%" %* IF /I "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "253" ( CALL %dart% --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --package-root="%flutter_tools_dir%\packages" "%script_path%" CALL %dart% "%snapshot_path%" %* )