Unverified Commit fcbe8f44 authored by James D. Lin's avatar James D. Lin Committed by GitHub

Restructure ProjectFileInvalidator.findInvalidated a bit (#42008)

Restructure ProjectFileInvalidator.findInvalidated a bit

I plan to modify `ProjectFileInvalidator.findInvalidated` to allow
it to use `FileStat.stat` instead of `FileStat.statSync`.
Restructure `findInvalidated` a bit so that `FileStat.statSync` is
called in only one place.

Note that this change now always counts the `.packages` file as one
of the files scanned, even if it does not exist.  I think that this
is okay since it more accurately reflects the number of times that we
hit the filesystem with `stat()`, and it is consistent with how other
files are counted.
parent 71497367
......@@ -1049,33 +1049,37 @@ class ProjectFileInvalidator {
assert(packagesPath != null);
if (lastCompiled == null) {
// Initial load.
return <Uri>[];
final List<Uri> invalidatedFiles = <Uri>[];
int scanned = 0;
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
for (Uri uri in urisToMonitor) {
if ((platform.isWindows && uri.path.contains(_pubCachePathWindows))
|| uri.path.contains(_pubCachePathLinuxAndMac)) {
final List<Uri> urisToScan = <Uri>[
// Don't watch pub cache directories to speed things up a little.
// We need to check the .packages file too since it is not used in compilation.
final List<Uri> invalidatedFiles = <Uri>[];
for (final Uri uri in urisToScan) {
final DateTime updatedAt = fs.statSync(
uri.toFilePath(windows: platform.isWindows)).modified;
if (updatedAt != null && updatedAt.isAfter(lastCompiled)) {
// We need to check the .packages file too since it is not used in compilation.
final DateTime packagesUpdatedAt = fs.statSync(packagesPath).modified;
if (packagesUpdatedAt != null && packagesUpdatedAt.isAfter(lastCompiled)) {
printTrace('Scanned through $scanned files in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms');
'Scanned through ${urisToScan.length} files in '
return invalidatedFiles;
static bool _isNotInPubCache(Uri uri) {
return !(platform.isWindows && uri.path.contains(_pubCachePathWindows))
&& !uri.path.contains(_pubCachePathLinuxAndMac);
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