Unverified Commit f8f7b899 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Revert "Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App...

Revert "Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles (#33696)" (#34121)
parent 966b15b4
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
......@@ -47,263 +46,6 @@ Future<void> main() async {
print('\nUsing JAVA_HOME=$javaHome');
try {
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleDebug without explicit target platform');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleDebug');
if (!pluginProject.hasDebugApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a debug apk file at: ${pluginProject.debugApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.debugApkPath);
// Debug mode intentionally includes `x86` and `x86_64`.
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleDebug with target platform = android-arm');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleDebug',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm']);
if (!pluginProject.hasDebugApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a debug apk file at: ${pluginProject.debugApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.debugApkPath);
// Debug mode intentionally includes `x86` and `x86_64`.
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleRelease without explicit target platform');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleRelease');
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk file at: ${pluginProject.releaseApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseApkPath);
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleRelease with target platform = android-arm');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleRelease',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm']);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk file at: ${pluginProject.releaseApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseApkPath);
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleRelease with target platform = android-arm64');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleRelease',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm64']);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk file at: ${pluginProject.releaseApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseApkPath);
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleRelease with target platform = android-arm, android-arm64');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleRelease',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm,android-arm64']);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk at: ${pluginProject.releaseApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> apkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseApkPath);
], apkFiles);
], apkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('APK content for task assembleRelease with '
'target platform = android-arm, android-arm64 and split per ABI');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('assembleRelease',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm,android-arm64', '-Psplit-per-abi=true']);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseArmApk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk at: ${pluginProject.releaseArmApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> armApkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseArmApkPath);
], armApkFiles);
], armApkFiles);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseArm64Apk)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release apk at: ${pluginProject.releaseArm64ApkPath}');
final Iterable<String> arm64ApkFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInApk(pluginProject.releaseArm64ApkPath);
], arm64ApkFiles);
], arm64ApkFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('App bundle content for task bundleRelease without explicit target platform');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('bundleRelease');
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseBundle)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release aab file at: ${pluginProject.releaseBundlePath}');
final Iterable<String> bundleFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInAppBundle(pluginProject.releaseBundlePath);
], bundleFiles);
await runPluginProjectTest((FlutterPluginProject pluginProject) async {
section('App bundle content for task bundleRelease with target platform = android-arm');
await pluginProject.runGradleTask('bundleRelease',
options: <String>['-Ptarget-platform=android-arm']);
if (!pluginProject.hasReleaseBundle)
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Gradle did not produce a release aab file at: ${pluginProject.releaseBundlePath}');
final Iterable<String> bundleFiles = await pluginProject.getFilesInAppBundle(pluginProject.releaseBundlePath);
], bundleFiles);
], bundleFiles);
await runProjectTest((FlutterProject project) async {
section('gradlew assembleDebug');
await project.runGradleTask('assembleDebug');
......@@ -338,9 +80,32 @@ Future<void> main() async {
final String sharedLibrary = path.join(androidArmSnapshotPath, 'app.so');
if (!File(sharedLibrary).existsSync()) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Shared library doesn\'t exist');
final String isolateSnapshotData =
path.join(androidArmSnapshotPath, 'isolate_snapshot_data');
if (!File(isolateSnapshotData).existsSync()) {
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Snapshot doesn\'t exist: $isolateSnapshotData');
final String isolateSnapshotInstr =
path.join(androidArmSnapshotPath, 'isolate_snapshot_instr');
if (!File(isolateSnapshotInstr).existsSync()) {
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Snapshot doesn\'t exist: $isolateSnapshotInstr');
final String vmSnapshotData =
path.join(androidArmSnapshotPath, 'vm_snapshot_data');
if (!File(isolateSnapshotData).existsSync()) {
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Snapshot doesn\'t exist: $vmSnapshotData');
final String vmSnapshotInstr =
path.join(androidArmSnapshotPath, 'vm_snapshot_instr');
if (!File(isolateSnapshotData).existsSync()) {
throw TaskResult.failure(
'Snapshot doesn\'t exist: $vmSnapshotInstr');
......@@ -418,23 +183,6 @@ Future<void> main() async {
void _checkItContains<T>(Iterable<T> values, Iterable<T> collection) {
for (T value in values) {
if (!collection.contains(value)) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Expected to find `$value` in `$collection`.');
void _checkItDoesNotContain<T>(Iterable<T> values, Iterable<T> collection) {
for (T value in values) {
if (collection.contains(value)) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Did not expect to find `$value` in `$collection`.');
TaskResult _failure(String message, ProcessResult result) {
print('Unexpected process result:');
print('Exit code: ${result.exitCode}');
......@@ -540,37 +288,12 @@ class FlutterPluginProject {
String get examplePath => path.join(rootPath, 'example');
String get exampleAndroidPath => path.join(examplePath, 'android');
String get debugApkPath => path.join(examplePath, 'build', 'app', 'outputs', 'apk', 'debug', 'app-debug.apk');
String get releaseApkPath => path.join(examplePath, 'build', 'app', 'outputs', 'apk', 'release', 'app-release.apk');
String get releaseArmApkPath => path.join(examplePath, 'build', 'app', 'outputs', 'apk', 'release', 'app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk');
String get releaseArm64ApkPath => path.join(examplePath, 'build', 'app', 'outputs', 'apk', 'release', 'app-arm64-v8a-release.apk');
String get releaseBundlePath => path.join(examplePath, 'build', 'app', 'outputs', 'bundle', 'release', 'app.aab');
bool get hasDebugApk => File(debugApkPath).existsSync();
bool get hasReleaseApk => File(releaseApkPath).existsSync();
bool get hasReleaseArmApk => File(releaseArmApkPath).existsSync();
bool get hasReleaseArm64Apk => File(releaseArm64ApkPath).existsSync();
bool get hasReleaseBundle => File(releaseBundlePath).existsSync();
Future<void> runGradleTask(String task, {List<String> options}) async {
return _runGradleTask(workingDirectory: exampleAndroidPath, task: task, options: options);
Future<Iterable<String>> getFilesInApk(String apk) async {
final Process unzip = await startProcess(
<String>['-v', apk],
isBot: false, // we just want to test the output, not have any debugging info
return unzip.stdout
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.map((String line) => line.split(' ').last)
Future<Iterable<String>> getFilesInAppBundle(String bundle) {
return getFilesInApk(bundle);
bool get hasDebugApk => File(debugApkPath).existsSync();
Future<void> _runGradleTask({String workingDirectory, String task, List<String> options}) async {
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ homepage: https://github.com/flutter/flutter
# The pub client defaults to an <2.0.0 sdk constraint which we need to explicitly overwrite.
sdk: ">=2.3.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: ">=2.2.2 <3.0.0"
args: 1.5.2
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import com.android.builder.model.AndroidProject
import com.android.build.OutputFile
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
......@@ -37,49 +36,6 @@ android {
apply plugin: FlutterPlugin
class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// The platforms that can be passed to the `--Ptarget-platform` flag.
private static final String PLATFORM_ARM32 = "android-arm";
private static final String PLATFORM_ARM64 = "android-arm64";
private static final String PLATFORM_X86 = "android-x86";
private static final String PLATFORM_X86_64 = "android-x64";
// The ABI architectures.
private static final String ARCH_ARM32 = "armeabi-v7a";
private static final String ARCH_ARM64 = "arm64-v8a";
private static final String ARCH_X86 = "x86";
private static final String ARCH_X86_64 = "x86_64";
// Maps platforms to ABI architectures.
private static final Map PLATFORM_ARCH_MAP = [
(PLATFORM_X86_64) : ARCH_X86_64,
// The version code that gives each ABI a value.
// For each APK variant, use the following versions to override the version of the Universal APK.
// Otherwise, the Play Store will complain that the APK variants have the same version.
private static final Map ABI_VERSION = [
(ARCH_ARM32) : 1,
(ARCH_ARM64) : 2,
(ARCH_X86) : 3,
(ARCH_X86_64) : 4,
// When split is enabled, multiple APKs are generated per each ABI.
private static final List DEFAULT_PLATFORMS = [
// The name prefix for flutter builds. This is used to identify gradle tasks
// where we expect the flutter tool to provide any error output, and skip the
// standard Gradle error output in the FlutterEventLogger. If you change this,
// be sure to change any instances of this string in symbols in the code below
// to match.
static final String FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX = "flutterBuild"
private Path baseEnginePath
private File flutterRoot
private File flutterExecutable
......@@ -93,6 +49,29 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private File dynamicProfileFlutterJar
private File dynamicReleaseFlutterJar
// The name prefix for flutter builds. This is used to identify gradle tasks
// where we expect the flutter tool to provide any error output, and skip the
// standard Gradle error output in the FlutterEventLogger. If you change this,
// be sure to change any instances of this string in symbols in the code below
// to match.
static final String flutterBuildPrefix = "flutterBuild"
// The platforms (or CPU architectures) for which native code is generated.
static final Map allTargetPlatforms = [
'android-arm': 'armeabi-v7a',
'android-arm64': 'arm64-v8a',
'android-x64': 'x86_64',
'android-x86': 'x86',
// Supports ARM 32 and 64 bits.
// When splits are enabled, multiple APKs are generated per each CPU architecture,
// which helps decrease the size of each APK.
static final Set allArmPlatforms = [
private Properties readPropertiesIfExist(File propertiesFile) {
Properties result = new Properties()
if (propertiesFile.exists()) {
......@@ -101,16 +80,11 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
return result
private List<String> getTargetPlatforms(Project project) {
if (!project.hasProperty('target-platform')) {
return project.property('target-platform').split(',').collect {
throw new GradleException("Invalid platform: $it.")
return it
private String getTargetPlatform(Project project) {
if (project.hasProperty('target-platform')) {
return project.property('target-platform')
return 'android-arm-all';
private Boolean getBuildShareLibrary(Project project) {
......@@ -120,13 +94,6 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
return false;
private Boolean splitPerAbi(Project project) {
if (project.hasProperty('split-per-abi')) {
return project.property('split-per-abi').toBoolean()
return false;
private String resolveProperty(Project project, String name, String defaultValue) {
if (localProperties == null) {
localProperties = readPropertiesIfExist(new File(project.projectDir.parentFile, "local.properties"))
......@@ -144,55 +111,21 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
return result
* Returns the platform that is used to extract the `libflutter.so` and the .class files.
* Note: This is only needed to add the .class files.
* Unfortunately, the engine artifacts include the .class and libflutter.so files.
private String getBasePlatform(Project project) {
if (PLATFORM_ARM64 in getTargetPlatforms(project)) {
return PLATFORM_ARM64;
return PLATFORM_ARM32;
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create("flutter", FlutterExtension)
project.afterEvaluate this.&addFlutterTask
// By default, assembling APKs generates fat APKs if multiple platforms are passed.
// Configuring split per ABI allows to generate separate APKs for each abi.
// This is a noop when building a bundle.
if (this.splitPerAbi(project)) {
project.android {
splits {
abi {
// Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
enable true
// Resets the list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for to none.
// Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs.
universalApk false
this.getTargetPlatforms(project).each { targetArch ->
String abiValue = PLATFORM_ARCH_MAP[targetArch]
allTargetPlatforms.each { currentTargetPlatformValue, abi ->
project.android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst "lib/${abiValue}/libflutter.so"
// Prevent the ELF library from getting corrupted.
doNotStrip "*/${abiValue}/libapp.so"
if (this.splitPerAbi(project)) {
splits {
abi {
include abiValue
pickFirst "lib/${abi}/libflutter.so"
// Disable warning by *-android-strip: File format not recognized
doNotStrip "*/${abi}/lib_vm_snapshot_data.so"
doNotStrip "*/${abi}/lib_vm_snapshot_instr.so"
doNotStrip "*/${abi}/lib_isolate_snapshot_data.so"
doNotStrip "*/${abi}/lib_isolate_snapshot_instr.so"
......@@ -240,7 +173,7 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
baseEnginePath = Paths.get(engineOut.absolutePath)
flutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
if (!flutterJar.isFile()) {
throw new GradleException('Local engine jar not found: ' + flutterJar)
throw new GradleException('File not found: ' + flutterJar)
localEngine = engineOut.name
......@@ -253,14 +186,14 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
dynamicProfileFlutterJar = flutterJar
dynamicReleaseFlutterJar = flutterJar
} else {
String basePlatformArch = getBasePlatform(project)
// This is meant to include the compiled classes only, however it will include `libflutter.so` as well.
String targetPlatform = getTargetPlatform(project)
String targetArch = targetPlatform == 'android-arm64' ? 'arm64' : 'arm'
baseEnginePath = Paths.get(flutterRoot.absolutePath, "bin", "cache", "artifacts", "engine")
debugFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("${basePlatformArch}").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
profileFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("${basePlatformArch}-profile").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
releaseFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("${basePlatformArch}-release").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
dynamicProfileFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("${basePlatformArch}-dynamic-profile").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
dynamicReleaseFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("${basePlatformArch}-dynamic-release").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
debugFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("android-${targetArch}").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
profileFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("android-${targetArch}-profile").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
releaseFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("android-${targetArch}-release").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
dynamicProfileFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("android-${targetArch}-dynamic-profile").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
dynamicReleaseFlutterJar = baseEnginePath.resolve("android-${targetArch}-dynamic-release").resolve("flutter.jar").toFile()
if (!debugFlutterJar.isFile()) {
......@@ -276,7 +209,7 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// Add x86/x86_64 native library. Debug mode only, for now.
File flutterX86Jar = project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/flutter-x86.jar")
Task debugX86JarTask = project.tasks.create("${FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX}X86Jar", Jar) {
Task debugX86JarTask = project.tasks.create("${flutterBuildPrefix}X86Jar", Jar) {
destinationDir flutterX86Jar.parentFile
archiveName flutterX86Jar.name
from("${flutterRoot}/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/android-x86/libflutter.so") {
......@@ -405,19 +338,6 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
return "release"
private static String getEngineArtifactDirName(buildType, targetArch) {
if (buildType.name == "profile") {
return "${targetArch}-profile"
} else if (buildType.name == "dynamicProfile") {
return "${targetArch}-dynamic-profile"
} else if (buildType.name == "dynamicRelease") {
return "${targetArch}-dynamic-release"
} else if (buildType.debuggable) {
return "${targetArch}"
return "${targetArch}-release"
private void addFlutterTask(Project project) {
if (project.state.failure) {
......@@ -475,24 +395,13 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
extraGenSnapshotOptionsValue = project.property('extra-gen-snapshot-options')
def targetPlatforms = this.getTargetPlatforms(project)
def addFlutterDeps = { variant ->
if (this.splitPerAbi(project)) {
variant.outputs.each { output ->
// Assigns the new version code to versionCodeOverride, which changes the version code
// for only the output APK, not for the variant itself. Skipping this step simply
// causes Gradle to use the value of variant.versionCode for the APK.
// For more, see https://developer.android.com/studio/build/configure-apk-splits
def abiVersionCode = ABI_VERSION.get(output.getFilter(OutputFile.ABI))
if (abiVersionCode != null) {
output.versionCodeOverride =
abiVersionCode * 1000 + variant.versionCode
Boolean buildSharedLibraryValue = this.getBuildShareLibrary(project)
String targetPlatformValue = this.getTargetPlatform(project)
def addFlutterDeps = { variant ->
String flutterBuildMode = buildModeFor(variant.buildType)
if (flutterBuildMode == 'debug' && project.tasks.findByName("${FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX}X86Jar")) {
if (flutterBuildMode == 'debug' && project.tasks.findByName('${flutterBuildPrefix}X86Jar')) {
Task task = project.tasks.findByName("compile${variant.name.capitalize()}JavaWithJavac")
if (task) {
task.dependsOn project.flutterBuildX86Jar
......@@ -504,10 +413,22 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
def flutterTasks = []
targetPlatforms.each { targetArch ->
String abiValue = PLATFORM_ARCH_MAP[targetArch]
String taskName = "compile${FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX}${variant.name.capitalize()}${targetArch.replace('android-', '').capitalize()}"
FlutterTask compileTask = project.tasks.create(name: taskName, type: FlutterTask) {
def targetPlatforms = []
if (targetPlatformValue == 'android-arm-all') {
if (flutterBuildMode == 'release') {
} else {
} else {
targetPlatforms.each { currentTargetPlatformValue ->
String abiValue = allTargetPlatforms[currentTargetPlatformValue]
FlutterTask compileTask = project.tasks.create(name: "compile${flutterBuildPrefix}${variant.name.capitalize()}${currentTargetPlatformValue}",
type: FlutterTask) {
flutterRoot this.flutterRoot
flutterExecutable this.flutterExecutable
buildMode flutterBuildMode
......@@ -523,43 +444,45 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
createPatch createPatchValue
buildNumber buildNumberValue
baselineDir baselineDirValue
targetPlatform targetArch
buildSharedLibrary buildSharedLibraryValue
targetPlatform currentTargetPlatformValue
sourceDir project.file(project.flutter.source)
intermediateDir project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/${variant.name}/${targetArch}")
intermediateDir project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/${variant.name}/${currentTargetPlatformValue}")
extraFrontEndOptions extraFrontEndOptionsValue
extraGenSnapshotOptions extraGenSnapshotOptionsValue
def libJar = project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/${variant.name}/libs.jar")
Task packFlutterSnapshotsAndLibsTask = project.tasks.create(name: "packLibs${FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX}${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: Jar) {
def libJar = project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/libs.jar")
Task packFlutterSnapshotsAndLibsTask = project.tasks.create(name: "packFlutterSnapshotsAndLibs${flutterBuildPrefix}${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: Jar) {
destinationDir libJar.parentFile
archiveName libJar.name
targetPlatforms.each { targetArch ->
// This check prevents including `libflutter.so` twice, since it's included in the base platform jar.
// Unfortunately, the `pickFirst` setting in `packagingOptions` does not work when the project `:flutter`
// is included as an implementation dependency, which causes duplicated `libflutter.so`.
if (getBasePlatform(project) != targetArch) {
def engineArtifactSubdir = getEngineArtifactDirName(variant.buildType, targetArch);
// Include `libflutter.so`.
targetPlatforms.each { targetPlatform ->
// Include `libflutter.so` for each abi.
// TODO(blasten): The libs should be outside `flutter.jar` when the artifacts are downloaded.
from(project.zipTree("${flutterRoot}/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/${engineArtifactSubdir}/flutter.jar")) {
from(project.zipTree("${flutterRoot}/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/${targetPlatform}-release/flutter.jar")) {
include 'lib/**'
dependsOn flutterTasks
// Add the ELF library.
// Add the snapshots and rename them as `lib/{abi}/*.so`.
flutterTasks.each { flutterTask ->
from(flutterTask.intermediateDir) {
include '*.so'
include 'vm_snapshot_data'
include 'vm_snapshot_instr'
include 'isolate_snapshot_data'
include 'isolate_snapshot_instr'
rename { String filename ->
return "lib/${flutterTask.abi}/lib${filename}"
return "lib/${flutterTask.abi}/lib_${filename}.so"
// Include the snapshots and libflutter.so in `lib/`.
if (flutterBuildMode == 'release' && targetPlatformValue == 'android-arm-all') {
project.dependencies {
String configuration;
if (project.getConfigurations().findByName("api")) {
......@@ -571,6 +494,7 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// We know that the flutter app is a subproject in another Android app when these tasks exist.
Task packageAssets = project.tasks.findByPath(":flutter:package${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets")
Task cleanPackageAssets = project.tasks.findByPath(":flutter:cleanPackage${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets")
......@@ -588,6 +512,10 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
flutterTasks.each { flutterTask ->
with flutterTask.assets
// Include the snapshots in the assets directory.
if (flutterBuildMode != 'release' || targetPlatformValue != 'android-arm-all') {
with flutterTask.snapshots
if (packageAssets) {
......@@ -648,6 +576,8 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
@Optional @Input
String baselineDir
@Optional @Input
Boolean buildSharedLibrary
@Optional @Input
String targetPlatform
String abi
......@@ -692,10 +622,8 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
args "build", "aot"
args "--suppress-analytics"
args "--quiet"
args "--build-shared-library"
args "--target", targetPath
args "--output-dir", "${intermediateDir}"
args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
if (trackWidgetCreation) {
args "--track-widget-creation"
......@@ -705,6 +633,14 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null) {
args "--extra-gen-snapshot-options", "${extraGenSnapshotOptions}"
if (buildSharedLibrary) {
args "--build-shared-library"
if (targetPlatform == null) {
args "--target-platform", "android-arm"
} else {
args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
args "--${buildMode}"
......@@ -719,7 +655,6 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
args "build", "bundle"
args "--suppress-analytics"
args "--target", targetPath
args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
if (verbose) {
args "--verbose"
......@@ -753,6 +688,9 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null) {
args "--extra-gen-snapshot-options", "${extraGenSnapshotOptions}"
if (targetPlatform != null) {
args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
if (buildMode == "release" || buildMode == "profile") {
args "--precompiled"
} else {
......@@ -793,7 +731,14 @@ class FlutterTask extends BaseFlutterTask {
from "${intermediateDir}"
if (buildMode == 'release' || buildMode == 'profile') {
if (buildSharedLibrary) {
include "app.so"
} else {
include "vm_snapshot_data"
include "vm_snapshot_instr"
include "isolate_snapshot_data"
include "isolate_snapshot_instr"
......@@ -860,7 +805,7 @@ class FlutterEventLogger extends BuildAdapter implements TaskExecutionListener {
void buildFinished(BuildResult result) {
if (result.failure != null) {
if (!(result.failure instanceof GradleException) || !mostRecentTask.startsWith(FlutterPlugin.FLUTTER_BUILD_PREFIX)) {
if (!(result.failure instanceof GradleException) || !mostRecentTask.startsWith(FlutterPlugin.flutterBuildPrefix)) {
......@@ -388,37 +388,26 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
if (!await _checkForSupportedAdbVersion() || !await _checkForSupportedAndroidVersion())
return LaunchResult.failed();
if (!debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isDebug &&
!debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isDynamic) {
printError('Profile and release builds are only supported.');
return LaunchResult.failed();
final TargetPlatform devicePlatform = await targetPlatform;
AndroidArch androidArch;
switch (devicePlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.android_arm:
androidArch = AndroidArch.armeabi_v7a;
case TargetPlatform.android_arm64:
androidArch = AndroidArch.arm64_v8a;
printError('ARM targets are only supported.');
if (!(devicePlatform == TargetPlatform.android_arm ||
devicePlatform == TargetPlatform.android_arm64) &&
!(debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isDebug ||
debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isDynamic)) {
printError('Profile and release builds are only supported on ARM targets.');
return LaunchResult.failed();
BuildInfo buildInfo = debuggingOptions.buildInfo;
if (buildInfo.targetPlatform == null && devicePlatform == TargetPlatform.android_arm64)
buildInfo = buildInfo.withTargetPlatform(TargetPlatform.android_arm64);
if (!prebuiltApplication || androidSdk.licensesAvailable && androidSdk.latestVersion == null) {
printTrace('Building APK');
final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.current();
await buildApk(
project: project,
target: mainPath,
androidBuildInfo: AndroidBuildInfo(debuggingOptions.buildInfo,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[androidArch]
buildInfo: buildInfo,
// Package has been built, so we can get the updated application ID and
// activity name from the .apk.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import 'gradle.dart';
Future<void> buildApk({
@required FlutterProject project,
@required String target,
@required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo.debug,
}) async {
if (!project.android.isUsingGradle) {
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Future<void> buildApk({
await buildGradleProject(
project: project,
androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
target: target,
isBuildingBundle: false,
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import 'gradle.dart';
Future<void> buildAppBundle({
@required FlutterProject project,
@required String target,
@required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo.debug,
}) async {
if (!project.android.isUsingGradle) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Future<void> buildAppBundle({
return buildGradleProject(
project: project,
androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
target: target,
isBuildingBundle: true,
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
......@@ -319,7 +318,7 @@ void _exitIfNoAndroidSdk() {
Future<void> buildGradleProject({
@required FlutterProject project,
@required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
@required BuildInfo buildInfo,
@required String target,
@required bool isBuildingBundle,
}) async {
......@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ Future<void> buildGradleProject({
// and can be overwritten with flutter build command.
// The default Gradle script reads the version name and number
// from the local.properties file.
updateLocalProperties(project: project, buildInfo: androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
updateLocalProperties(project: project, buildInfo: buildInfo);
final String gradle = await _ensureGradle(project);
......@@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ Future<void> buildGradleProject({
case FlutterPluginVersion.managed:
// Fall through. Managed plugin builds the same way as plugin v2.
case FlutterPluginVersion.v2:
return _buildGradleProjectV2(project, gradle, androidBuildInfo, target, isBuildingBundle);
return _buildGradleProjectV2(project, gradle, buildInfo, target, isBuildingBundle);
......@@ -392,12 +391,11 @@ String _calculateSha(File file) {
Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String gradle,
AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
BuildInfo buildInfo,
String target,
bool isBuildingBundle,
) async {
final GradleProject project = await _gradleProject();
final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo;
String assembleTask;
......@@ -455,13 +453,12 @@ Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
if (buildInfo.fileSystemScheme != null)
if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi)
if (androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.isNotEmpty) {
final String targetPlatforms = androidBuildInfo.targetArchs
if (buildInfo.buildSharedLibrary) {
if (buildInfo.targetPlatform != null)
bool potentialAndroidXFailure = false;
final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start();
......@@ -511,27 +508,24 @@ Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle-v2', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
if (!isBuildingBundle) {
final Iterable<File> apkFiles = _findApkFiles(project, androidBuildInfo);
if (apkFiles.isEmpty)
final File apkFile = _findApkFile(project, buildInfo);
if (apkFile == null)
throwToolExit('Gradle build failed to produce an Android package.');
// Copy the first APK to app.apk, so `flutter run`, `flutter install`, etc. can find it.
// TODO(blasten): Handle multiple APKs.
// Copy the APK to app.apk, so `flutter run`, `flutter install`, etc. can find it.
printTrace('calculateSha: ${project.apkDirectory}/app.apk');
final File apkShaFile = project.apkDirectory.childFile('app.apk.sha1');
for (File apkFile in apkFiles) {
String appSize;
if (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) {
appSize = '';
} else {
appSize = ' (${getSizeAsMB(apkFile.lengthSync())})';
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(apkFile.path)}$appSize.',
color: TerminalColor.green);
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(apkFile.path)}$appSize.');
} else {
final File bundleFile = _findBundleFile(project, buildInfo);
if (bundleFile == null)
......@@ -543,38 +537,28 @@ Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
} else {
appSize = ' (${getSizeAsMB(bundleFile.lengthSync())})';
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(bundleFile.path)}$appSize.',
color: TerminalColor.green);
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(bundleFile.path)}$appSize.');
Iterable<File> _findApkFiles(GradleProject project, AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) {
final Iterable<String> apkFileNames = project.apkFilesFor(androidBuildInfo);
if (apkFileNames.isEmpty)
return const <File>[];
return apkFileNames.map<File>((String apkFileName) {
File apkFile = project.apkDirectory.childFile(apkFileName);
File _findApkFile(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String apkFileName = project.apkFileFor(buildInfo);
if (apkFileName == null)
return null;
File apkFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.apkDirectory.path, apkFileName));
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return apkFile;
final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo;
final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName);
apkFile = project.apkDirectory
apkFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.apkDirectory.path, modeName, apkFileName));
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return apkFile;
if (buildInfo.flavor != null) {
// Android Studio Gradle plugin v3 adds flavor to path.
apkFile = project.apkDirectory
apkFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.apkDirectory.path, buildInfo.flavor, modeName, apkFileName));
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return apkFile;
return null;
File _findBundleFile(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
......@@ -583,12 +567,12 @@ File _findBundleFile(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
if (bundleFileName == null)
return null;
final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName);
File bundleFile = project.bundleDirectory.childDirectory(modeName).childFile(bundleFileName);
File bundleFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.bundleDirectory.path, modeName, bundleFileName));
if (bundleFile.existsSync())
return bundleFile;
if (buildInfo.flavor != null) {
// Android Studio Gradle plugin v3 adds the flavor to the path. For the bundle the folder name is the flavor plus the mode name.
bundleFile = project.bundleDirectory.childDirectory(buildInfo.flavor + modeName).childFile(bundleFileName);
bundleFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.bundleDirectory.path, buildInfo.flavor + modeName, bundleFileName));
if (bundleFile.existsSync())
return bundleFile;
......@@ -677,20 +661,13 @@ class GradleProject {
return 'assemble${toTitleCase(productFlavor)}${toTitleCase(buildType)}';
Iterable<String> apkFilesFor(AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
String apkFileFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(buildInfo);
if (buildType == null || productFlavor == null)
return const <String>[];
return null;
final String flavorString = productFlavor.isEmpty ? '' : '-' + productFlavor;
if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi) {
return androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.map<String>((AndroidArch arch) {
final String abi = getNameForAndroidArch(arch);
return 'app$flavorString-$abi-$buildType.apk';
return <String>['app$flavorString-$buildType.apk'];
return 'app$flavorString-$buildType.apk';
String bundleTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
final String aotSharedLibrary = fs.path.join(outputDir.path, 'app.so');
} else {
// Blob AOT snapshot.
final String vmSnapshotData = fs.path.join(outputDir.path, 'vm_snapshot_data');
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ class BuildInfo {
......@@ -48,6 +50,12 @@ class BuildInfo {
/// Extra command-line options for gen_snapshot.
final String extraGenSnapshotOptions;
/// Whether to prefer AOT compiling to a *so file.
final bool buildSharedLibrary;
/// Target platform for the build (e.g. android_arm versus android_arm64).
final TargetPlatform targetPlatform;
/// Internal version number (not displayed to users).
/// Each build must have a unique number to differentiate it from previous builds.
/// It is used to determine whether one build is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent build.
......@@ -90,31 +98,15 @@ class BuildInfo {
bool get supportsSimulator => isEmulatorBuildMode(mode);
String get modeName => getModeName(mode);
String get friendlyModeName => getFriendlyModeName(mode);
/// Information about an Android build to be performed or used.
class AndroidBuildInfo {
const AndroidBuildInfo(
this.buildInfo, {
this.targetArchs = const <AndroidArch>[
this.splitPerAbi = false,
// The build info containing the mode and flavor.
final BuildInfo buildInfo;
/// Whether to split the shared library per ABI.
/// When this is false, multiple ABIs will be contained within one primary
/// build artifact. When this is true, multiple build artifacts (one per ABI)
/// will be produced.
final bool splitPerAbi;
/// The target platforms for the build.
final Iterable<AndroidArch> targetArchs;
BuildInfo withTargetPlatform(TargetPlatform targetPlatform) =>
BuildInfo(mode, flavor,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
compilationTraceFilePath: compilationTraceFilePath,
extraFrontEndOptions: extraFrontEndOptions,
extraGenSnapshotOptions: extraGenSnapshotOptions,
buildSharedLibrary: buildSharedLibrary,
targetPlatform: targetPlatform);
/// The type of build.
......@@ -262,13 +254,6 @@ enum IOSArch {
enum AndroidArch {
/// The default set of iOS device architectures to build for.
const List<IOSArch> defaultIOSArchs = <IOSArch>[
......@@ -350,51 +335,6 @@ TargetPlatform getTargetPlatformForName(String platform) {
return null;
AndroidArch getAndroidArchForName(String platform) {
switch (platform) {
case 'android-arm':
return AndroidArch.armeabi_v7a;
case 'android-arm64':
return AndroidArch.arm64_v8a;
case 'android-x64':
return AndroidArch.x86_64;
case 'android-x86':
return AndroidArch.x86;
return null;
String getNameForAndroidArch(AndroidArch arch) {
switch (arch) {
case AndroidArch.armeabi_v7a:
return 'armeabi-v7a';
case AndroidArch.arm64_v8a:
return 'arm64-v8a';
case AndroidArch.x86_64:
return 'x86_64';
case AndroidArch.x86:
return 'x86';
return null;
String getPlatformNameForAndroidArch(AndroidArch arch) {
switch (arch) {
case AndroidArch.armeabi_v7a:
return 'android-arm';
case AndroidArch.arm64_v8a:
return 'android-arm64';
case AndroidArch.x86_64:
return 'android-x64';
case AndroidArch.x86:
return 'android-x86';
return null;
HostPlatform getCurrentHostPlatform() {
if (platform.isMacOS)
return HostPlatform.darwin_x64;
......@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
import 'dart:async';
import '../android/apk.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart' show DevelopmentArtifact, FlutterCommandResult;
import 'build.dart';
......@@ -24,14 +21,12 @@ class BuildApkCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
..addFlag('track-widget-creation', negatable: false, hide: !verboseHelp)
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to split the APKs per ABIs.'
'To learn more, see: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/configure-apk-splits#configure-abi-split',
help: 'Whether to prefer compiling to a *.so file (android only).',
splitCommas: true,
defaultsTo: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64'],
defaultsTo: 'android-arm',
allowed: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64', 'android-x86', 'android-x64'],
help: 'The target platform for which the app is compiled.',
......@@ -54,33 +49,10 @@ class BuildApkCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
final BuildInfo buildInfo = getBuildInfo();
final AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo = AndroidBuildInfo(buildInfo,
splitPerAbi: argResults['split-per-abi'],
targetArchs: argResults['target-platform'].map<AndroidArch>(getAndroidArchForName)
if (buildInfo.isRelease && !androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi && androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.length > 1) {
final String targetPlatforms = argResults['target-platform'].join(', ');
printStatus('You are building a fat APK that includes binaries for '
'$targetPlatforms.', emphasis: true, color: TerminalColor.green);
printStatus('If you are deploying the app to the Play Store, '
'it\'s recommended to use app bundles or split the APK to reduce the APK size.', emphasis: true);
printStatus('To generate an app bundle, run:', emphasis: true, indent: 4);
printStatus('flutter build appbundle '
'--target-platform ${targetPlatforms.replaceAll(' ', '')}',indent: 8);
printStatus('Learn more on: https://developer.android.com/guide/app-bundle',indent: 8);
printStatus('To split the APKs per ABI, run:', emphasis: true, indent: 4);
printStatus('flutter build apk '
'--target-platform ${targetPlatforms.replaceAll(' ', '')} '
'--split-per-abi', indent: 8);
printStatus('Learn more on: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/configure-apk-splits#configure-abi-split',indent: 8);
await buildApk(
project: FlutterProject.current(),
target: targetFile,
androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo,
buildInfo: getBuildInfo(),
return null;
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
import 'dart:async';
import '../android/app_bundle.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart' show FlutterCommandResult;
import 'build.dart';
......@@ -21,11 +20,18 @@ class BuildAppBundleCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
..addFlag('track-widget-creation', negatable: false, hide: !verboseHelp)
splitCommas: true,
defaultsTo: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64'],
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to prefer compiling to a *.so file (android only).',
allowed: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64'],
help: 'The target platform for which the app is compiled.',
help: 'The target platform for which the app is compiled.\n'
'By default, the bundle will include \'arm\' and \'arm64\', '
'which is the recommended configuration for app bundles.\n'
'For more, see https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/64-bit',
......@@ -41,13 +47,10 @@ class BuildAppBundleCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
final AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo = AndroidBuildInfo(getBuildInfo(),
targetArchs: argResults['target-platform'].map<AndroidArch>(getAndroidArchForName)
await buildAppBundle(
project: FlutterProject.current(),
target: targetFile,
androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo,
buildInfo: getBuildInfo(),
return null;
......@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ class IOSSimulator extends Device {
final BuildInfo debugBuildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, buildInfo.flavor,
trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
extraFrontEndOptions: buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions,
extraGenSnapshotOptions: buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions);
extraGenSnapshotOptions: buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions,
buildSharedLibrary: buildInfo.buildSharedLibrary);
final XcodeBuildResult buildResult = await buildXcodeProject(
app: app,
......@@ -320,6 +320,12 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
BuildInfo getBuildInfo() {
TargetPlatform targetPlatform;
if (argParser.options.containsKey('target-platform') &&
argResults['target-platform'] != 'default') {
targetPlatform = getTargetPlatformForName(argResults['target-platform']);
final bool trackWidgetCreation = argParser.options.containsKey('track-widget-creation')
? argResults['track-widget-creation']
: false;
......@@ -356,6 +362,10 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
extraGenSnapshotOptions: argParser.options.containsKey(FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions)
? argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions]
: null,
buildSharedLibrary: argParser.options.containsKey('build-shared-library')
? argResults['build-shared-library']
: false,
targetPlatform: targetPlatform,
fileSystemRoots: argParser.options.containsKey(FlutterOptions.kFileSystemRoot)
? argResults[FlutterOptions.kFileSystemRoot] : null,
fileSystemScheme: argParser.options.containsKey(FlutterOptions.kFileSystemScheme)
......@@ -157,102 +157,16 @@ someOtherTask
test('should provide apk file name for default build types', () {
final GradleProject project = GradleProject(<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'], <String>[], fs.directory('/some/dir'),fs.directory('/some/dir'));
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo.debug)).first, 'app-debug.apk');
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo.profile)).first, 'app-profile.apk');
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo.release)).first, 'app-release.apk');
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown'))).isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(project.apkFileFor(BuildInfo.debug), 'app-debug.apk');
expect(project.apkFileFor(BuildInfo.profile), 'app-profile.apk');
expect(project.apkFileFor(BuildInfo.release), 'app-release.apk');
expect(project.apkFileFor(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown')), isNull);
test('should provide apk file name for flavored build types', () {
final GradleProject project = GradleProject(<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'], <String>['free', 'paid'], fs.directory('/some/dir'),fs.directory('/some/dir'));
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, 'free'))).first, 'app-free-debug.apk');
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'paid'))).first, 'app-paid-release.apk');
expect(project.apkFilesFor(const AndroidBuildInfo(BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown'))).isEmpty, isTrue);
test('should provide apks for default build types and each ABI', () {
final GradleProject project = GradleProject(<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'], <String>[], fs.directory('/some/dir'),fs.directory('/some/dir'));
const AndroidBuildInfo(
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
const AndroidBuildInfo(
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
const AndroidBuildInfo(
BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown'),
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
).isEmpty, isTrue);
test('should provide apks for each ABI and flavored build types', () {
final GradleProject project = GradleProject(<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'], <String>['free', 'paid'], fs.directory('/some/dir'),fs.directory('/some/dir'));
const AndroidBuildInfo(
BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, 'free'),
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
const AndroidBuildInfo(
BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'paid'),
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
const AndroidBuildInfo(
BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown'),
splitPerAbi: true,
targetArchs: <AndroidArch>[
).isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(project.apkFileFor(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, 'free')), 'app-free-debug.apk');
expect(project.apkFileFor(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'paid')), 'app-paid-release.apk');
expect(project.apkFileFor(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, 'unknown')), isNull);
test('should provide bundle file name for default build types', () {
final GradleProject project = GradleProject(<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'], <String>[], fs.directory('/some/dir'),fs.directory('/some/dir'));
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void main() {
group('Snapshotter - AOT', () {
group('Snapshotter - iOS AOT', () {
const String kSnapshotDart = 'snapshot.dart';
String skyEnginePath;
......@@ -395,43 +395,13 @@ void main() {
}, overrides: contextOverrides);
testUsingContext('builds shared library for android-arm', () async {
fs.file('main.dill').writeAsStringSync('binary magic');
testUsingContext('returns failure if buildSharedLibrary is true but no NDK is found', () async {
final String outputPath = fs.path.join('build', 'foo');
fs.directory(outputPath).createSync(recursive: true);
final int genSnapshotExitCode = await snapshotter.build(
platform: TargetPlatform.android_arm,
buildMode: BuildMode.release,
mainPath: 'main.dill',
packagesPath: '.packages',
outputPath: outputPath,
buildSharedLibrary: true,
expect(genSnapshotExitCode, 0);
expect(genSnapshot.callCount, 1);
expect(genSnapshot.snapshotType.platform, TargetPlatform.android_arm);
expect(genSnapshot.snapshotType.mode, BuildMode.release);
expect(genSnapshot.additionalArgs, <String>[
}, overrides: contextOverrides);
testUsingContext('builds shared library for android-arm64', () async {
fs.file('main.dill').writeAsStringSync('binary magic');
final String outputPath = fs.path.join('build', 'foo');
fs.directory(outputPath).createSync(recursive: true);
final int genSnapshotExitCode = await snapshotter.build(
platform: TargetPlatform.android_arm64,
platform: TargetPlatform.android_arm,
buildMode: BuildMode.release,
mainPath: 'main.dill',
packagesPath: '.packages',
......@@ -439,16 +409,8 @@ void main() {
buildSharedLibrary: true,
expect(genSnapshotExitCode, 0);
expect(genSnapshot.callCount, 1);
expect(genSnapshot.snapshotType.platform, TargetPlatform.android_arm64);
expect(genSnapshot.snapshotType.mode, BuildMode.release);
expect(genSnapshot.additionalArgs, <String>[
expect(genSnapshotExitCode, isNot(0));
expect(genSnapshot.callCount, 0);
}, overrides: contextOverrides);
testUsingContext('builds Android arm release AOT snapshot', () async {
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Information about project "Runner":
platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: anyNamed('mode'))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null);
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.fromPath('path/to/project');
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: project,
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Information about project "Runner":
platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: anyNamed('mode'))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, trackWidgetCreation: true);
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, trackWidgetCreation: true, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.fromPath('path/to/project');
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: project,
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Information about project "Runner":
platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: anyNamed('mode'))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null);
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.fromPath('path/to/project');
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: project,
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Information about project "Runner":
platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: anyNamed('mode'))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null);
const BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.fromPath('path/to/project');
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
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