Unverified Commit f87c5102 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Add more documentation around layers. (#45648)

parent 59ca523b
......@@ -182,11 +182,12 @@ mixin RendererBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, Gesture
void handleTextScaleFactorChanged() { }
/// {@template on_platform_brightness_change}
/// Called when the platform brightness changes.
/// The current platform brightness can be queried either from a Flutter
/// binding, or from a [MediaQuery] widget.
/// The current platform brightness can be queried from a Flutter binding or
/// from a [MediaQuery] widget. The latter is preferred from widgets because
/// it causes the widget to be automatically rebuilt when the brightness
/// changes.
/// {@tool sample}
/// Querying [Window.platformBrightness].
......@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ mixin RendererBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, Gesture
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Querying [MediaQuery] directly.
/// Querying [MediaQuery] directly. Preferred.
/// ```dart
/// final Brightness brightness = MediaQuery.platformBrightnessOf(context);
......@@ -214,7 +215,6 @@ mixin RendererBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, Gesture
/// {@end-tool}
/// See [Window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged].
/// {@endtemplate}
void handlePlatformBrightnessChanged() { }
......@@ -1673,6 +1673,11 @@ class OpacityLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// A composited layer that applies a shader to its children.
/// The shader is only applied inside the given [maskRect]. The shader itself
/// uses the top left of the [maskRect] as its origin.
/// The [maskRect] does not affect the positions of any child layers.
class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a shader mask layer.
......@@ -1688,8 +1693,16 @@ class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// The shader to apply to the children.
/// The origin of the shader (e.g. of the coordinate system used by the `from`
/// and `to` arguments to [ui.Gradient.linear]) is at the top left of the
/// [maskRect].
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// See also:
/// * [ui.Gradient] and [ui.ImageShader], two shader types that can be used.
Shader get shader => _shader;
Shader _shader;
set shader(Shader value) {
......@@ -1699,7 +1712,10 @@ class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// The size of the shader.
/// The position and size of the shader.
/// The [shader] is only rendered inside this rectangle, using the top left of
/// the rectangle as its origin.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
......@@ -1730,6 +1746,7 @@ class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
assert(shader != null);
assert(maskRect != null);
assert(blendMode != null);
assert(layerOffset != null);
final Rect shiftedMaskRect = layerOffset == Offset.zero ? maskRect : maskRect.shift(layerOffset);
engineLayer = builder.pushShaderMask(shader, shiftedMaskRect, blendMode, oldLayer: _engineLayer);
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
......@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// See also:
/// * [pushLayer], for adding a layer and using its canvas to paint with that
/// layer.
/// * [pushLayer], for adding a layer and painting further contents within
/// it.
void addLayer(Layer layer) {
......@@ -360,17 +360,24 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// object, rather than reusing an existing layer, satisfies that
/// requirement.)
/// The `offset` is the offset to pass to the `painter`.
/// {@template flutter.rendering.object.pushLayer.offset}
/// The `offset` is the offset to pass to the `painter`. In particular, it is
/// not an offset applied to the layer itself. Layers conceptually by default
/// have no position or size, though they can transform their contents. For
/// example, an [OffsetLayer] applies an offset to its children.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// If the `childPaintBounds` are not specified then the current layer's paint
/// bounds are used. This is appropriate if the child layer does not apply any
/// transformation or clipping to its contents. The `childPaintBounds`, if
/// specified, must be in the coordinate system of the new layer, and should
/// not go outside the current layer's paint bounds.
/// specified, must be in the coordinate system of the new layer (i.e. as seen
/// by its children after it applies whatever transform to its contents), and
/// should not go outside the current layer's paint bounds.
/// See also:
/// * [addLayer], for pushing a leaf layer whose canvas is not used.
/// * [addLayer], for pushing a layer without painting further contents
/// within it.
void pushLayer(ContainerLayer childLayer, PaintingContextCallback painter, Offset offset, { Rect childPaintBounds }) {
assert(painter != null);
// If a layer is being reused, it may already contain children. We remove
......@@ -385,7 +392,9 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Creates a compatible painting context to paint onto [childLayer].
/// Creates a painting context configured to paint into [childLayer].
/// The `bounds` are estimated paint bounds for debugging purposes.
PaintingContext createChildContext(ContainerLayer childLayer, Rect bounds) {
return PaintingContext(childLayer, bounds);
......@@ -394,28 +403,40 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Clip further painting using a rectangle.
/// {@template flutter.rendering.object.needsCompositing}
/// * `needsCompositing` is whether the child needs compositing. Typically
/// matches the value of [RenderObject.needsCompositing] for the caller. If
/// false, this method returns null, indicating that a layer is no longer
/// necessary. If a render object calling this method stores the `oldLayer`
/// in its [RenderObject.layer] field, it should set that field to null.
/// {@end template}
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `clipRect` is rectangle (in the caller's coordinate system) to use to
/// clip the painting done by [painter].
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the [clipRect] applied. This
/// function calls the [painter] synchronously.
/// * `clipBehavior` controls how the rectangle is clipped.
/// The `needsCompositing` argument specifies whether the child needs
/// compositing. Typically this matches the value of
/// [RenderObject.needsCompositing] for the caller. If false, this method
/// returns null, indicating that a layer is no longer necessary. If a render
/// object calling this method stores the `oldLayer` in its
/// [RenderObject.layer] field, it should set that field to null.
/// When `needsCompositing` is false, this method will use a more efficient
/// way to apply the layer effect than actually creating a layer.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@template flutter.rendering.object.pushClipLayer.offset}
/// The `offset` argument is the offset from the origin of the canvas'
/// coordinate system to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// The `clipRect` is the rectangle (in the caller's coordinate system) to use
/// to clip the painting done by [painter]. It should not include the
/// `offset`.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipRect` is applied. It
/// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipRect].
/// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the rectangle is clipped.
/// {@template flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
/// * `oldLayer` is the layer created in the previous frame. Specifying the
/// old layer gives the engine more information for performance
/// optimizations. Typically this is the value of [RenderObject.layer] that
/// a render object creates once, then reuses for all subsequent frames
/// until a layer is no longer needed (e.g. the render object no longer
/// needs compositing) or until the render object changes the type of the
/// layer (e.g. from opacity layer to a clip rect layer).
/// {@end template}
/// For the `oldLayer` argument, specify the layer created in the previous
/// frame. This gives the engine more information for performance
/// optimizations. Typically this is the value of [RenderObject.layer] that a
/// render object creates once, then reuses for all subsequent frames until a
/// layer is no longer needed (e.g. the render object no longer needs
/// compositing) or until the render object changes the type of the layer
/// (e.g. from opacity layer to a clip rect layer).
/// {@endtemplate}
ClipRectLayer pushClipRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect clipRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, ClipRectLayer oldLayer }) {
final Rect offsetClipRect = clipRect.shift(offset);
if (needsCompositing) {
......@@ -434,15 +455,21 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Clip further painting using a rounded rectangle.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.needsCompositing}
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `bounds` is the region of the canvas (in the caller's coordinate system)
/// into which `painter` will paint in.
/// * `clipRRect` is the rounded-rectangle (in the caller's coordinate system)
/// to use to clip the painting done by `painter`.
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the `clipRRect` applied. This
/// function calls the `painter` synchronously.
/// * `clipBehavior` controls how the path is clipped.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.pushClipLayer.offset}
/// The `bounds` argument is used to specify the region of the canvas (in the
/// caller's coordinate system) into which `painter` will paint.
/// The `clipRRect` argument specifies the rounded-rectangle (in the caller's
/// coordinate system) to use to clip the painting done by `painter`. It
/// should not include the `offset`.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipRRect` is applied. It
/// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipRRect].
/// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the rounded rectangle is clipped.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
ClipRRectLayer pushClipRRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, RRect clipRRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipRRectLayer oldLayer }) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
......@@ -464,15 +491,21 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Clip further painting using a path.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.needsCompositing}
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `bounds` is the region of the canvas (in the caller's coordinate system)
/// into which `painter` will paint in.
/// * `clipPath` is the path (in the coordinate system of the caller) to use to
/// clip the painting done by `painter`.
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the `clipPath` applied. This
/// function calls the `painter` synchronously.
/// * `clipBehavior` controls how the rounded rectangle is clipped.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.pushClipLayer.offset}
/// The `bounds` argument is used to specify the region of the canvas (in the
/// caller's coordinate system) into which `painter` will paint.
/// The `clipPath` argument specifies the [Path] (in the caller's coordinate
/// system) to use to clip the painting done by `painter`. It should not
/// include the `offset`.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipPath` is applied. It
/// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipPath].
/// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the path is clipped.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
ClipPathLayer pushClipPath(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, Path clipPath, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipPathLayer oldLayer }) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
......@@ -493,12 +526,14 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Blend further painting with a color filter.
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `colorFilter` is the [ColorFilter] value to use when blending the
/// painting done by `painter`.
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the `colorFilter` applied.
/// This function calls the `painter` synchronously.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.pushLayer.offset}
/// The `colorFilter` argument is the [ColorFilter] value to use when blending
/// the painting done by `painter`.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `colorFilter` is applied.
/// It is called synchronously during the call to [pushColorFilter].
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
/// A [RenderObject] that uses this function is very likely to require its
......@@ -516,11 +551,17 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Transform further painting using a matrix.
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.needsCompositing}
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `transform` is the matrix to apply to the painting done by `painter`.
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the `transform` applied. This
/// function calls the `painter` synchronously.
/// The `offset` argument is the offset to pass to `painter` and the offset to
/// the origin used by `transform`.
/// The `transform` argument is the [Matrix4] with which to transform the
/// coordinate system while calling `painter`. It should not include `offset`.
/// It is applied effectively after applying `offset`.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `transform` is applied. It
/// is called synchronously during the call to [pushTransform].
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
TransformLayer pushTransform(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Matrix4 transform, PaintingContextCallback painter, { TransformLayer oldLayer }) {
final Matrix4 effectiveTransform = Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0)
......@@ -548,13 +589,16 @@ class PaintingContext extends ClipContext {
/// Blend further painting with an alpha value.
/// * `offset` is the offset from the origin of the canvas' coordinate system
/// to the origin of the caller's coordinate system.
/// * `alpha` is the alpha value to use when blending the painting done by
/// `painter`. An alpha value of 0 means the painting is fully transparent
/// and an alpha value of 255 means the painting is fully opaque.
/// * `painter` is a callback that will paint with the `alpha` applied. This
/// function calls the `painter` synchronously.
/// The `offset` argument indicates an offset to apply to all the children
/// (the rendering created by `painter`).
/// The `alpha` argument is the alpha value to use when blending the painting
/// done by `painter`. An alpha value of 0 means the painting is fully
/// transparent and an alpha value of 255 means the painting is fully opaque.
/// The `painter` callback will be called while the `alpha` is applied. It
/// is called synchronously during the call to [pushOpacity].
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.object.oldLayer}
/// A [RenderObject] that uses this function is very likely to require its
......@@ -968,6 +968,9 @@ class RenderShaderMask extends RenderProxyBox {
/// The shader callback is called with the current size of the child so that
/// it can customize the shader to the size and location of the child.
/// The rectangle will always be at the origin when called by
/// [RenderShaderMask].
// TODO(abarth): Use the delegate pattern here to avoid generating spurious
// repaints when the ShaderCallback changes identity.
ShaderCallback get shaderCallback => _shaderCallback;
......@@ -214,7 +214,9 @@ abstract class WidgetsBindingObserver {
/// boilerplate.
void didChangeTextScaleFactor() { }
/// {@macro on_platform_brightness_change}
/// Called when the platform brightness changes.
/// This method exposes notifications from [Window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged].
void didChangePlatformBrightness() { }
/// Called when the system tells the app that the user's locale has
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