Unverified Commit f4f1c210 authored by David Martos's avatar David Martos Committed by GitHub

Fix scrollbar error message and test (#84570)

parent a714c97c
......@@ -1048,8 +1048,8 @@ class RawScrollbarState<T extends RawScrollbar> extends State<T> with TickerProv
final ScrollController? scrollController = widget.controller ?? PrimaryScrollController.of(context);
final bool tryPrimary = widget.controller == null;
final String controllerForError = tryPrimary
? 'provided ScrollController'
: 'PrimaryScrollController';
? 'PrimaryScrollController'
: 'provided ScrollController';
String when = '';
if (showScrollbar) {
......@@ -1448,8 +1448,12 @@ void main() {
Widget _buildApp({ ScrollController? scrollController }) {
Widget _buildApp({
required String id,
ScrollController? scrollController,
}) {
return MaterialApp(
key: ValueKey<String>(id),
home: DefaultTabController(
length: 2,
child: Scaffold(
......@@ -1465,33 +1469,37 @@ void main() {
// Asserts when using the PrimaryScrollController.
await tester.pumpWidget(_buildApp());
await tester.pumpWidget(_buildApp(id: 'PrimaryScrollController'));
// Swipe to the second tab, resulting in two attached ScrollPositions during
// the transition.
try {
await tester.drag(find.text('Test').first, const Offset(10.0, 0.0));
} on FlutterError catch (error) {
await tester.drag(find.text('Test').first, const Offset(-100.0, 0.0));
await tester.pump();
FlutterError error = tester.takeException() as FlutterError;
contains('The Scrollbar attempted to paint using the position attached to the PrimaryScrollController.'),
contains('The PrimaryScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.'),
// Asserts when using the ScrollController provided by the user.
final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();
await tester.pumpWidget(_buildApp(scrollController: scrollController));
await tester.pumpWidget(
id: 'Provided ScrollController',
scrollController: scrollController,
// Swipe to the second tab, resulting in two attached ScrollPositions during
// the transition.
try {
await tester.drag(find.text('Test').first, const Offset(10.0, 0.0));
} on AssertionError catch (error) {
await tester.drag(find.text('Test').first, const Offset(-100.0, 0.0));
await tester.pump();
error = tester.takeException() as FlutterError;
contains('The Scrollbar attempted to paint using the position attached to the provided ScrollController.'),
contains('The provided ScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.'),
testWidgets('Scrollbar scrollOrientation works correctly', (WidgetTester tester) async {
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