Commit ec7c49e4 authored by Todd Volkert's avatar Todd Volkert Committed by GitHub

Introduce log filtering whitelist for iOS simulator (#6973)

parent 5274ffa5
......@@ -683,19 +683,21 @@ class _IOSSimulatorLogReader extends DeviceLogReader {
static final RegExp _flutterRunnerRegex = new RegExp(r' FlutterRunner\[\d+\] ');
/// List of log categories to always show in the logs, even if this is an
/// app-secific [DeviceLogReader]. Add to this list to make the log output
/// more verbose.
static final List<String> _whitelistedLogCategories = <String>[
String _filterDeviceLine(String string) {
Match match = _mapRegex.matchAsPrefix(string);
if (match != null) {
// Filter out some messages that clearly aren't related to Flutter.
if (string.contains(': could not find icon for representation ->'))
return null;
String category =;
String content =;
if (category == 'Game Center' || category == 'itunesstored' ||
category == 'nanoregistrylaunchd' || category == 'mstreamd' ||
category == 'syncdefaultsd' || category == 'companionappd' ||
category == 'searchd')
// Filter out some messages that clearly aren't related to Flutter.
if (string.contains(': could not find icon for representation ->'))
return null;
if (category == 'CoreSimulatorBridge'
......@@ -710,18 +712,25 @@ class _IOSSimulatorLogReader extends DeviceLogReader {
return null;
// assertiond: assertion failed: 15E65 13E230: assertiond + 15801 [3C808658-78EC-3950-A264-79A64E0E463B]: 0x1
if (category == 'assertiond' && content.startsWith('assertion failed: ')
if (category == 'assertiond'
&& content.startsWith('assertion failed: ')
&& content.endsWith(']: 0x1'))
return null;
if (_appName != null && category == _appName) {
return content;
if (_appName == null || _whitelistedLogCategories.contains(category))
return '$category: $content';
else if (category == _appName)
return content;
return null;
match = _lastMessageSingleRegex.matchAsPrefix(string);
if (match != null)
if (_lastMessageSingleRegex.matchAsPrefix(string) != null)
return null;
if (new RegExp(r'assertion failed: .* libxpc.dylib .* 0x7d$').matchAsPrefix(string) != null)
return null;
return string;
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