Unverified Commit ea520138 authored by Kate Lovett's avatar Kate Lovett Committed by GitHub

Close tree if unapproved golden images get in (#93516)

parent 0a2227c2
......@@ -153,6 +153,45 @@ void main() {
test('throws for error state from imgtestAdd', () {
final File goldenFile = fs.file('/workDirectory/temp/golden_file_test.png')
..createSync(recursive: true);
platform = FakePlatform(
environment: <String, String>{
'FLUTTER_ROOT': _kFlutterRoot,
'GOLDCTL' : 'goldctl',
operatingSystem: 'macos'
skiaClient = SkiaGoldClient(
fs: fs,
process: process,
platform: platform,
httpClient: fakeHttpClient,
process.fallbackProcessResult = ProcessResult(123, 1, 'fail', 'fail');
const RunInvocation goldctlInvocation = RunInvocation(
'imgtest', 'add',
'--work-dir', '/workDirectory/temp',
'--test-name', 'golden_file_test',
'--png-file', '/workDirectory/temp/golden_file_test.png',
process.processResults[goldctlInvocation] = ProcessResult(123, 1, 'fail', 'fail');
skiaClient.imgtestAdd('golden_file_test', goldenFile),
test('correctly inits tryjob for luci', () async {
platform = FakePlatform(
environment: <String, String>{
......@@ -177,17 +177,28 @@ class SkiaGoldClient {
'--test-name', cleanTestName(testName),
'--png-file', goldenFile.path,
final io.ProcessResult result = await process.run(imgtestCommand);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
// We do not want to throw for non-zero exit codes here, as an intentional
// change or new golden file test expect non-zero exit codes. Logging here
// is meant to help debugging in CI when an unexpected result occurs.
// See also: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/91285
print('goldctl imgtest add stdout: ${result.stdout}'); // ignore: avoid_print
print('goldctl imgtest add stderr: ${result.stderr}'); // ignore: avoid_print
// If an unapproved image has made it to post-submit, throw to close the
// tree.
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Skia Gold received an unapproved image in post-submit ')
..writeln('testing. Golden file images in flutter/flutter are triaged ')
..writeln('in pre-submit during code review for the given PR.')
..writeln('Visit https://flutter-gold.skia.org/ to view and approve ')
..writeln('the image(s), or revert the associated change. For more ')
..writeln('information, visit the wiki: ')
..writeln('Debug information for Gold:')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}');
throw Exception(buf.toString());
return true;
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