Unverified Commit e7d63488 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Add arguments for pushing named routes (#27058)

parent f365217e
......@@ -84,22 +84,8 @@ class StocksAppState extends State<StocksApp> {
Route<dynamic> _getRoute(RouteSettings settings) {
// Routes, by convention, are split on slashes, like filesystem paths.
final List<String> path = settings.name.split('/');
// We only support paths that start with a slash, so bail if
// the first component is not empty:
if (path[0] != '')
return null;
// If the path is "/stock:..." then show a stock page for the
// specified stock symbol.
if (path[1].startsWith('stock:')) {
// We don't yet support subpages of a stock, so bail if there's
// any more path components.
if (path.length != 2)
return null;
// Extract the symbol part of "stock:..." and return a route
// for that symbol.
final String symbol = path[1].substring(6);
if (settings.name == '/stocks') {
final String symbol = settings.arguments;
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
settings: settings,
builder: (BuildContext context) => StockSymbolPage(symbol: symbol, stocks: stocks),
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class StockHomeState extends State<StockHome> {
stocks: stocks.toList(),
onAction: _buyStock,
onOpen: (Stock stock) {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/stock:${stock.symbol}');
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/stock', arguments: stock.symbol);
onShow: (Stock stock) {
_scaffoldKey.currentState.showBottomSheet<void>((BuildContext context) => StockSymbolBottomSheet(stock: stock));
......@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ class RouteSettings {
const RouteSettings({
this.isInitialRoute = false,
/// Creates a copy of this route settings object with the given fields
......@@ -296,10 +297,12 @@ class RouteSettings {
RouteSettings copyWith({
String name,
bool isInitialRoute,
Object arguments,
}) {
return RouteSettings(
name: name ?? this.name,
isInitialRoute: isInitialRoute ?? this.isInitialRoute,
arguments: arguments ?? this.arguments,
......@@ -313,8 +316,13 @@ class RouteSettings {
/// The initial route typically skips any entrance transition to speed startup.
final bool isInitialRoute;
/// The arguments passed to this route.
/// May be used when building the route, e.g. in [Navigator.onGenerateRoute].
final Object arguments;
String toString() => '"$name"';
String toString() => '$runtimeType("$name", $arguments)';
/// An interface for observing the behavior of a [Navigator].
......@@ -725,19 +733,77 @@ class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
/// The `T` type argument is the type of the return value of the route.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@template flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// The provided `arguments` are passed to the pushed route via
/// [RouteSettings.arguments]. Any object can be passed as `arguments` (e.g. a
/// [String], [int], or an instance of a custom `MyRouteArguments` class).
/// Often, a [Map] is used to pass key-value pairs.
/// The `arguments` may be used in [Navigator.onGenerateRoute] or
/// [Navigator.onUnknownRoute] to construct the route.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// void _didPushButton() {
/// Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nyc/1776');
/// Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/settings');
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool sample}
/// The following example shows how to pass additional `arguments` to the
/// route:
/// ```dart
/// void _showBerlinWeather() {
/// Navigator.pushNamed(
/// context,
/// '/weather',
/// arguments: <String, String>{
/// 'city': 'Berlin',
/// 'country': 'Germany',
/// },
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool sample}
/// The following example shows how to pass a custom Object to the route:
/// ```dart
/// class WeatherRouteArguments {
/// WeatherRouteArguments({ this.city, this.country });
/// final String city;
/// final String country;
/// bool get isGermanCapital {
/// return country == 'Germany' && city == 'Berlin';
/// }
/// }
/// void _showWeather() {
/// Navigator.pushNamed(
/// context,
/// '/weather',
/// arguments: WeatherRouteArguments(city: 'Berlin', country: 'Germany'),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
static Future<T> pushNamed<T extends Object>(BuildContext context, String routeName) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushNamed<T>(routeName);
static Future<T> pushNamed<T extends Object>(
BuildContext context,
String routeName, {
Object arguments,
}) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments);
/// Replace the current route of the navigator that most tightly encloses the
......@@ -773,19 +839,26 @@ class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
/// and `TO` is the type of the return value of the old route.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// void _showNext() {
/// Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, '/jouett/1781');
/// void _switchToBrightness() {
/// Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, '/settings/brightness');
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
static Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(BuildContext context, String routeName, { TO result }) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed<T, TO>(routeName, result: result);
static Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(
BuildContext context,
String routeName, {
TO result,
Object arguments,
}) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed<T, TO>(routeName, arguments: arguments, result: result);
/// Pop the current route off the navigator that most tightly encloses the
......@@ -821,19 +894,26 @@ class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
/// and `TO` is the return value type of the old route.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// void _selectNewYork() {
/// Navigator.popAndPushNamed(context, '/nyc/1776');
/// void _selectAccessibility() {
/// Navigator.popAndPushNamed(context, '/settings/accessibility');
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
static Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(BuildContext context, String routeName, { TO result }) {
return Navigator.of(context).popAndPushNamed<T, TO>(routeName, result: result);
static Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(
BuildContext context,
String routeName, {
TO result,
Object arguments,
}) {
return Navigator.of(context).popAndPushNamed<T, TO>(routeName, arguments: arguments, result: result);
/// Push the route with the given name onto the navigator that most tightly
......@@ -875,6 +955,8 @@ class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
/// The `T` type argument is the type of the return value of the new route.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
......@@ -886,8 +968,13 @@ class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
static Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object>(BuildContext context, String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T>(newRouteName, predicate);
static Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object>(
BuildContext context,
String newRouteName,
RoutePredicate predicate, {
Object arguments,
}) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T>(newRouteName, predicate, arguments: arguments);
/// Push the given route onto the navigator that most tightly encloses the
......@@ -1329,7 +1416,7 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
final List<Route<dynamic>> plannedInitialRoutes = <Route<dynamic>>[
_routeNamed<dynamic>(Navigator.defaultRouteName, allowNull: true),
_routeNamed<dynamic>(Navigator.defaultRouteName, allowNull: true, arguments: null),
final List<String> routeParts = initialRouteName.split('/');
if (initialRouteName.isNotEmpty) {
......@@ -1337,7 +1424,7 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
for (String part in routeParts) {
routeName += '/$part';
plannedInitialRoutes.add(_routeNamed<dynamic>(routeName, allowNull: true));
plannedInitialRoutes.add(_routeNamed<dynamic>(routeName, allowNull: true, arguments: null));
if (plannedInitialRoutes.contains(null)) {
......@@ -1357,15 +1444,15 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
return true;
push(_routeNamed<Object>(Navigator.defaultRouteName, arguments: null));
} else {
} else {
Route<Object> route;
if (initialRouteName != Navigator.defaultRouteName)
route = _routeNamed<Object>(initialRouteName, allowNull: true);
route ??= _routeNamed<Object>(Navigator.defaultRouteName);
route = _routeNamed<Object>(initialRouteName, allowNull: true, arguments: null);
route ??= _routeNamed<Object>(Navigator.defaultRouteName, arguments: null);
for (Route<dynamic> route in _history)
......@@ -1416,12 +1503,13 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
bool _debugLocked = false; // used to prevent re-entrant calls to push, pop, and friends
Route<T> _routeNamed<T>(String name, { bool allowNull = false }) {
Route<T> _routeNamed<T>(String name, { @required Object arguments, bool allowNull = false }) {
assert(name != null);
final RouteSettings settings = RouteSettings(
name: name,
isInitialRoute: _history.isEmpty,
arguments: arguments,
Route<T> route = widget.onGenerateRoute(settings);
if (route == null && !allowNull) {
......@@ -1458,6 +1546,8 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
......@@ -1469,8 +1559,11 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Future<T> pushNamed<T extends Object>(String routeName) {
return push<T>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName));
Future<T> pushNamed<T extends Object>(
String routeName, {
Object arguments,
}) {
return push<T>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments));
/// Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the route named
......@@ -1479,6 +1572,8 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushReplacementNamed}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
......@@ -1490,8 +1585,12 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(String routeName, { TO result }) {
return pushReplacement<T, TO>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName), result: result);
Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(
String routeName, {
TO result,
Object arguments,
}) {
return pushReplacement<T, TO>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments), result: result);
/// Pop the current route off the navigator and push a named route in its
......@@ -1499,6 +1598,8 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.popAndPushNamed}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
......@@ -1510,9 +1611,13 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(String routeName, { TO result }) {
Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T extends Object, TO extends Object>(
String routeName, {
TO result,
Object arguments,
}) {
return pushNamed<T>(routeName);
return pushNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments);
/// Push the route with the given name onto the navigator, and then remove all
......@@ -1520,6 +1625,8 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.navigator.pushNamed.arguments}
/// {@tool sample}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
......@@ -1531,8 +1638,12 @@ class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object>(String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate) {
return pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(_routeNamed<T>(newRouteName), predicate);
Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object>(
String newRouteName,
RoutePredicate predicate, {
Object arguments,
}) {
return pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(_routeNamed<T>(newRouteName, arguments: arguments), predicate);
/// Push the given route onto the navigator.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
......@@ -870,4 +871,149 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('arguments for named routes on Navigator', (WidgetTester tester) async {
GlobalKey currentRouteKey;
final List<Object> arguments = <Object>[];
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
settings: settings,
builder: (BuildContext context) => Center(key: currentRouteKey = GlobalKey(), child: Text(settings.name)),
expect(find.text('/'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, isNull);
arguments: 'pushNamed',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushNamed');
arguments: 'popAndPushNamed',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'popAndPushNamed');
(Route<dynamic> route) => route.isFirst,
arguments: 'pushNamedAndRemoveUntil',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/C'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushNamedAndRemoveUntil');
arguments: 'pushReplacementNamed',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/C'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/D'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushReplacementNamed');
testWidgets('arguments for named routes on NavigatorState', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
final List<Object> arguments = <Object>[];
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
settings: settings,
builder: (BuildContext context) => Center(child: Text(settings.name)),
expect(find.text('/'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, isNull);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushNamed');
arguments: 'popAndPushNamed',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'popAndPushNamed');
(Route<dynamic> route) => route.isFirst,
arguments: 'pushNamedAndRemoveUntil',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/C'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushNamedAndRemoveUntil');
arguments: 'pushReplacementNamed',
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('/'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/A'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/B'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/C'), findsNothing);
expect(find.text('/D'), findsOneWidget);
expect(arguments.single, 'pushReplacementNamed');
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
......@@ -114,6 +115,23 @@ void main() {
expect(settings3.isInitialRoute, true);
testWidgets('Route settings arguments', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const RouteSettings settings = RouteSettings(name: 'A');
expect(settings.arguments, isNull);
final Object arguments = Object();
final RouteSettings settings2 = RouteSettings(name: 'A', arguments: arguments);
expect(settings2.arguments, same(arguments));
final RouteSettings settings3 = settings2.copyWith();
expect(settings3.arguments, equals(arguments));
final Object arguments2 = Object();
final RouteSettings settings4 = settings2.copyWith(arguments: arguments2);
expect(settings4.arguments, same(arguments2));
expect(settings4.arguments, isNot(same(arguments)));
testWidgets('Route management - push, replace, pop', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
await tester.pumpWidget(
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