Commit e43fd1c5 authored by Gityuan's avatar Gityuan Committed by Francisco Magdaleno

fix duration event of timeline summary (#47742)

* fix duration event of timeline summary

* Revert "fix duration event of timeline summary"

This reverts commit 699aa45ed3d115f8bbea95cf6d37116b442db399.

* fix duration event of timeline summary
parent ae24f184
......@@ -57,27 +57,27 @@ class TimelineSummary {
/// Returns null if no frames were recorded.
double computeAverageFrameRasterizerTimeMillis() {
return _averageInMillis(_extractDuration(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents()));
return _averageInMillis(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations());
/// The longest frame rasterization time in milliseconds.
/// Returns null if no frames were recorded.
double computeWorstFrameRasterizerTimeMillis() {
return _maxInMillis(_extractDuration(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents()));
return _maxInMillis(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations());
/// The [p]-th percentile frame rasterization time in milliseconds.
/// Returns null if no frames were recorded.
double computePercentileFrameRasterizerTimeMillis(double p) {
return _percentileInMillis(_extractDuration(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents()), p);
return _percentileInMillis(_extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations(), p);
/// The number of frames that missed the [kBuildBudget] on the GPU and
/// therefore are in the danger of missing frames.
int computeMissedFrameRasterizerBudgetCount([ Duration frameBuildBudget = kBuildBudget ]) => _extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents()
.where((TimedEvent event) => event.duration > kBuildBudget)
int computeMissedFrameRasterizerBudgetCount([ Duration frameBuildBudget = kBuildBudget ]) => _extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations()
.where((Duration duration) => duration > kBuildBudget)
/// The total number of frames recorded in the timeline.
......@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ class TimelineSummary {
'frame_build_times': _extractFrameDurations()
.map<int>((Duration duration) => duration.inMicroseconds)
'frame_rasterizer_times': _extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents()
.map<int>((TimedEvent event) => event.duration.inMicroseconds)
'frame_rasterizer_times': _extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations()
.map<int>((Duration duration) => duration.inMicroseconds)
......@@ -142,15 +142,11 @@ class TimelineSummary {
List<Duration> _extractDurations(String name) {
return _extractNamedEvents(name).map<Duration>((TimelineEvent event) => event.duration).toList();
/// Extracts timed events that are reported as a pair of begin/end events.
/// Extracts Duration list that are reported as a pair of begin/end events.
/// See:
List<TimedEvent> _extractBeginEndEvents(String name) {
final List<TimedEvent> result = <TimedEvent>[];
List<Duration> _extractBeginEndEvents(String name) {
final List<Duration> result = <Duration>[];
// Timeline does not guarantee that the first event is the "begin" event.
final Iterator<TimelineEvent> events = _extractNamedEvents(name)
......@@ -159,10 +155,7 @@ class TimelineSummary {
final TimelineEvent beginEvent = events.current;
if (events.moveNext()) {
final TimelineEvent endEvent = events.current;
result.add(Duration(microseconds: endEvent.timestampMicros - beginEvent.timestampMicros));
......@@ -194,21 +187,7 @@ class TimelineSummary {
List<TimedEvent> _extractGpuRasterizerDrawEvents() => _extractBeginEndEvents('GPURasterizer::Draw');
List<Duration> _extractFrameDurations() => _extractDurations('Frame');
Iterable<Duration> _extractDuration(Iterable<TimedEvent> events) {
return<Duration>((TimedEvent e) => e.duration);
/// Timing information about an event that happened in the event loop.
class TimedEvent {
/// Creates a timed event given begin and end timestamps in microseconds.
TimedEvent(int beginTimeMicros, int endTimeMicros)
: duration = Duration(microseconds: endTimeMicros - beginTimeMicros);
List<Duration> _extractGpuRasterizerDrawDurations() => _extractBeginEndEvents('GPURasterizer::Draw');
/// The duration of the event.
final Duration duration;
List<Duration> _extractFrameDurations() => _extractBeginEndEvents('Frame');
......@@ -20,11 +20,16 @@ void main() {
Map<String, dynamic> build(int timeStamp, int duration) => <String, dynamic>{
Map<String, dynamic> frameBegin(int timeStamp) => <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'Frame',
'ph': 'X',
'ph': 'B',
'ts': timeStamp,
Map<String, dynamic> frameEnd(int timeStamp) => <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'Frame',
'ph': 'E',
'ts': timeStamp,
'dur': duration,
Map<String, dynamic> begin(int timeStamp) => <String, dynamic>{
......@@ -54,8 +59,8 @@ void main() {
test('counts frames', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
build(1000, 1000),
build(3000, 2000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(2000),
frameBegin(3000), frameEnd(5000),
......@@ -73,12 +78,32 @@ void main() {
test('computes average frame build time in milliseconds', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
build(1000, 1000),
build(3000, 2000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(2000),
frameBegin(3000), frameEnd(5000),
test('skips leading "end" events', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
frameBegin(2000), frameEnd(4000),
test('skips trailing "begin" events', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
frameBegin(2000), frameEnd(4000),
group('worst_frame_build_time_millis', () {
......@@ -92,15 +117,35 @@ void main() {
test('computes worst frame build time in milliseconds', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
build(1000, 1000),
build(3000, 2000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(2000),
frameBegin(3000), frameEnd(5000),
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
frameBegin(3000), frameEnd(5000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(2000),
test('skips leading "end" events', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
frameBegin(2000), frameEnd(4000),
test('skips trailing "begin" events', () {
summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
build(3000, 2000),
build(1000, 1000),
frameBegin(2000), frameEnd(4000),
......@@ -110,9 +155,9 @@ void main() {
group('computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount', () {
test('computes the number of missed build budgets', () {
final TimelineSummary summary = summarize(<Map<String, dynamic>>[
build(1000, 17000),
build(19000, 9000),
build(29000, 18000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(18000),
frameBegin(19000), frameEnd(28000),
frameBegin(29000), frameEnd(47000),
expect(summary.countFrames(), 3);
......@@ -267,9 +312,9 @@ void main() {
begin(1000), end(19000),
begin(19000), end(29000),
begin(29000), end(49000),
build(1000, 17000),
build(19000, 9000),
build(29000, 19000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(18000),
frameBegin(19000), frameEnd(28000),
frameBegin(29000), frameEnd(48000),
<String, dynamic>{
'average_frame_build_time_millis': 15.0,
......@@ -317,9 +362,9 @@ void main() {
begin(1000), end(19000),
begin(19000), end(29000),
begin(29000), end(49000),
build(1000, 17000),
build(19000, 9000),
build(29000, 19000),
frameBegin(1000), frameEnd(18000),
frameBegin(19000), frameEnd(28000),
frameBegin(29000), frameEnd(48000),
]).writeSummaryToFile('test', destinationDirectory: tempDir.path);
final String written =
await fs.file(path.join(tempDir.path, 'test.timeline_summary.json')).readAsString();
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