Commit e01470a8 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Lock Cache before downloading Dart SDK on Windows (#7931)

parent af587a15
FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET FLUTTER_ROOT=%%~fi FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET FLUTTER_ROOT=%%~fi
SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools
SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache
SET snapshot_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot SET snapshot_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot
SET stamp_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.stamp SET stamp_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\flutter_tools.stamp
SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart
...@@ -33,27 +34,39 @@ IF NOT EXIST "%flutter_root%\.git" ( ...@@ -33,27 +34,39 @@ IF NOT EXIST "%flutter_root%\.git" (
) )
REM Ensure that bin/cache exists.
IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" MKDIR "%cache_dir%"
REM To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following line to enable checked mode and set an observatory port: REM To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following line to enable checked mode and set an observatory port:
REM SET FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS="--observe=65432 --checked" REM SET FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS="--observe=65432 --checked"
PUSHD "%flutter_root%" :acquire_lock
FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO SET revision=%%r 2>NUL (
POPD REM "3" is now stderr because of "2>NUL".
CALL :subroutine %* 2>&3 9> "%cache_dir%\flutter.bat.lock" || GOTO acquire_lock
GOTO :after_subroutine
REM The following IF conditions are all linked with a logical OR. However, :subroutine
REM there is no OR operator in batch and a GOTO construct is used as replacement. PUSHD "%flutter_root%"
IF NOT EXIST "%snapshot_path%" GOTO do_snapshot FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO SET revision=%%r
IF NOT EXIST "%stamp_path%" GOTO do_snapshot POPD
SET /p stamp_value=<"%stamp_path%"
IF !stamp_value! NEQ !revision! GOTO do_snapshot
REM Get modified timestamps
FOR %%f IN ("%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml") DO SET yamlt=%%~tf
FOR %%a IN ("%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock") DO SET lockt=%%~ta
IF !lockt! LSS !yamlt! GOTO do_snapshot
GOTO after_snapshot REM The following IF conditions are all linked with a logical OR. However,
REM there is no OR operator in batch and a GOTO construct is used as replacement.
IF NOT EXIST "%snapshot_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
IF NOT EXIST "%stamp_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
SET /p stamp_value=<"%stamp_path%"
IF !stamp_value! NEQ !revision! GOTO do_snapshot
REM Get modified timestamps
FOR %%f IN ("%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml") DO SET yamlt=%%~tf
FOR %%a IN ("%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock") DO SET lockt=%%~ta
IF !lockt! LSS !yamlt! GOTO do_snapshot
REM Everything is uptodate - exit subroutine
:do_snapshot :do_snapshot
MKDIR "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache" 2> NUL MKDIR "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache" 2> NUL
ECHO: > "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\.dartignore" ECHO: > "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache\.dartignore"
...@@ -68,7 +81,10 @@ GOTO after_snapshot ...@@ -68,7 +81,10 @@ GOTO after_snapshot
CALL "%dart%" --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" "%script_path%" CALL "%dart%" --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" "%script_path%"
>"%stamp_path%" ECHO %revision% >"%stamp_path%" ECHO %revision%
:after_snapshot REM Exit Subroutine
CALL "%dart%" %FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS% "%snapshot_path%" %* CALL "%dart%" %FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS% "%snapshot_path%" %*
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