Unverified Commit dcd8957b authored by Ray Rischpater, KF6GPE's avatar Ray Rischpater, KF6GPE Committed by GitHub

l10n updates for June beta (#83826)

Co-authored-by: 's avatarShi Hao Hong <shihaohong94@gmail.com>
parent 8e43587a
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"datePickerHourSemanticsLabelFew": "$hour sata",
"datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelFew": "$minute minute",
"timerPickerHourLabelFew": "sata",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelFew": "min.",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelFew": "min",
"timerPickerSecondLabelFew": "sec.",
"datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne": "$hour sat",
"datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther": "$hour sati",
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"alertDialogLabel": "Upozorenje",
"timerPickerHourLabelOne": "sat",
"timerPickerHourLabelOther": "sati",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelOne": "min.",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelOther": "min.",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelOne": "min",
"timerPickerMinuteLabelOther": "min",
"timerPickerSecondLabelOne": "sec.",
"timerPickerSecondLabelOther": "sec.",
"cutButtonLabel": "Izreži",
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"timerPickerSecondLabelOther": "sek.",
"cutButtonLabel": "Klip",
"copyButtonLabel": "Kopiér",
"pasteButtonLabel": "Sæt ind",
"pasteButtonLabel": "Indsæt",
"selectAllButtonLabel": "Vælg alle",
"tabSemanticsLabel": "Fane $tabIndex af $tabCount",
"modalBarrierDismissLabel": "Afvis",
......@@ -1394,16 +1394,16 @@ class CupertinoLocalizationBs extends GlobalCupertinoLocalizations {
String? get timerPickerHourLabelZero => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelFew => 'min.';
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelFew => 'min';
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelMany => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => 'min.';
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => 'min';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther => 'min.';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther => 'min';
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelTwo => null;
......@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ class CupertinoLocalizationDa extends GlobalCupertinoLocalizations {
String get modalBarrierDismissLabel => 'Afvis';
String get pasteButtonLabel => 'Sæt ind';
String get pasteButtonLabel => 'Indsæt';
String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => 'PM';
......@@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@ class MaterialLocalizationDa extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations {
String get pageRowsInfoTitleApproximateRaw => r'$firstRow-$lastRow af ca. $rowCount';
String get pasteButtonLabel => 'Sæt ind';
String get pasteButtonLabel => 'Indsæt';
String get popupMenuLabel => 'Pop op-menu';
......@@ -12467,7 +12467,7 @@ class MaterialLocalizationHy extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations {
String get dialogLabel => 'Երկխոսության պատուհան';
String get drawerLabel => 'Նավարկման ընտրացանկ';
String get drawerLabel => 'Նավիգացիայի ընտրացանկ';
String get expandedIconTapHint => 'Ծալել';
......@@ -12533,7 +12533,7 @@ class MaterialLocalizationHy extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations {
String get okButtonLabel => 'Եղավ';
String get openAppDrawerTooltip => 'Բացել նավարկման ընտրացանկը';
String get openAppDrawerTooltip => 'Բացել նավիգացիայի ընտրացանկը';
String get pageRowsInfoTitleRaw => r'$firstRow–$lastRow $rowCount-ից';
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"copyButtonLabel": "Kopiér",
"cutButtonLabel": "Klip",
"okButtonLabel": "OK",
"pasteButtonLabel": "Sæt ind",
"pasteButtonLabel": "Indsæt",
"selectAllButtonLabel": "Markér alt",
"viewLicensesButtonLabel": "SE LICENSER",
"anteMeridiemAbbreviation": "AM",
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"timeOfDayFormat": "H:mm",
"selectedRowCountTitleFew": "Ընտրված է $selectedRowCount օբյեկտ",
"selectedRowCountTitleMany": "Ընտրված է $selectedRowCount օբյեկտ",
"openAppDrawerTooltip": "Բացել նավարկման ընտրացանկը",
"openAppDrawerTooltip": "Բացել նավիգացիայի ընտրացանկը",
"backButtonTooltip": "Հետ",
"closeButtonTooltip": "Փակել",
"deleteButtonTooltip": "Ջնջել",
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"hideAccountsLabel": "Թաքցնել հաշիվները",
"showAccountsLabel": "Ցույց տալ հաշիվները",
"modalBarrierDismissLabel": "Փակել",
"drawerLabel": "Նավարկման ընտրացանկ",
"drawerLabel": "Նավիգացիայի ընտրացանկ",
"popupMenuLabel": "Ելնող ընտրացանկ",
"dialogLabel": "Երկխոսության պատուհան",
"alertDialogLabel": "Ծանուցում",
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