Unverified Commit da24f105 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Removing Shorcuts.of and Shortctus.maybeOf (#104215)

This removes Shorcuts.of and Shortctus.maybeOf because they're not especially useful, since the only thing you can really set on a ShortcutManager is the shortcuts, and the Shortcuts widget that you give it to manages those, so if it rebuilds, it overwrites what you set.

Also, adds a Shortcuts.manager constructor and removes the manager argument to the Shortcuts widget.

Removing these will also eliminate an InheritedWidget for each Shortcuts widget, improving memory usage.
parent d5fbc375
......@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ typedef ActionListenerCallback = void Function(Action<Intent> action);
/// developers to change that if they add an ancestor [Actions] widget that maps
/// [SelectAllTextIntent] to a different [Action].
/// See the article on [Using Actions and
/// Shortcuts](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/advanced/actions_and_shortcuts)
/// for a detailed explanation.
/// See also:
/// * [Shortcuts], which is a widget that contains a key map, in which it looks
......@@ -636,13 +636,15 @@ class _ActivatorIntentPair with Diagnosticable {
/// A manager of keyboard shortcut bindings.
/// A `ShortcutManager` is obtained by calling [Shortcuts.of] on the context of
/// the widget that you want to find a manager for.
/// A manager of keyboard shortcut bindings used by [Shortcuts] to handle key
/// events.
/// The manager may be listened to (with [addListener]/[removeListener]) for
/// change notifications when the shortcuts change.
/// Typically, a [Shortcuts] widget supplies its own manager, but in uncommon
/// cases where overriding the usual shortcut manager behavior is desired, a
/// subclassed [ShortcutManager] may be supplied.
class ShortcutManager with Diagnosticable, ChangeNotifier {
/// Constructs a [ShortcutManager].
......@@ -773,6 +775,10 @@ class ShortcutManager with Diagnosticable, ChangeNotifier {
/// when invoking an [Action] via a keyboard key combination that maps to an
/// [Intent].
/// See the article on [Using Actions and
/// Shortcuts](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/advanced/actions_and_shortcuts)
/// for a detailed explanation.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// Here, we will use the [Shortcuts] and [Actions] widgets to add and subtract
/// from a counter. When the child widget has keyboard focus, and a user presses
......@@ -810,35 +816,61 @@ class ShortcutManager with Diagnosticable, ChangeNotifier {
/// * [Action], a class for defining an invocation of a user action.
/// * [CallbackAction], a class for creating an action from a callback.
class Shortcuts extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a const [Shortcuts] widget.
/// Creates a const [Shortcuts] widget that owns the map of shortcuts and
/// creates its own manager.
/// When using this constructor, [manager] will return null.
/// The [child] and [shortcuts] arguments are required.
/// See also:
/// * [Shortcuts.manager], a constructor that uses a [ShortcutManager] to
/// manage the shortcuts list instead.
const Shortcuts({
required this.shortcuts,
required Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> shortcuts,
required this.child,
}) : assert(shortcuts != null),
}) : _shortcuts = shortcuts,
manager = null,
assert(shortcuts != null),
assert(child != null);
/// Creates a const [Shortcuts] widget that uses the [manager] to
/// manage the map of shortcuts.
/// If this constructor is used, [shortcuts] will return the contents of
/// [ShortcutManager.shortcuts].
/// The [child] and [manager] arguments are required.
const Shortcuts.manager({
required ShortcutManager this.manager,
required this.child,
}) : _shortcuts = const <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{},
assert(manager != null),
assert(child != null);
/// The [ShortcutManager] that will manage the mapping between key
/// combinations and [Action]s.
/// If not specified, uses a default-constructed [ShortcutManager].
/// This manager will be given new [shortcuts] to manage whenever the
/// [shortcuts] change materially.
/// If this widget was created with [Shortcuts.manager], then
/// [ShortcutManager.shortcuts] will be used as the source for shortcuts. If
/// the unnamed constructor is used, this manager will be null, and a
/// default-constructed `ShortcutsManager` will be used.
final ShortcutManager? manager;
/// {@template flutter.widgets.shortcuts.shortcuts}
/// The map of shortcuts that the [ShortcutManager] will be given to manage.
/// For performance reasons, it is recommended that a pre-built map is passed
/// in here (e.g. a final variable from your widget class) instead of defining
/// it inline in the build function.
/// The map of shortcuts that describes the mapping between a key sequence
/// defined by a [ShortcutActivator] and the [Intent] that will be emitted
/// when that key sequence is pressed.
/// {@endtemplate}
final Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> shortcuts;
Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> get shortcuts {
return manager == null ? _shortcuts : manager!.shortcuts;
final Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> _shortcuts;
/// The child widget for this [Shortcuts] widget.
......@@ -854,52 +886,6 @@ class Shortcuts extends StatefulWidget {
/// unnecessarily with large default shortcut maps.
final String? debugLabel;
/// Returns the [ShortcutManager] that most tightly encloses the given
/// [BuildContext].
/// If no [Shortcuts] widget encloses the context given, will assert in debug
/// mode and throw an exception in release mode.
/// See also:
/// * [maybeOf], which is similar to this function, but will return null if
/// it doesn't find a [Shortcuts] ancestor.
static ShortcutManager of(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final _ShortcutsMarker? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ShortcutsMarker>();
assert(() {
if (inherited == null) {
throw FlutterError(
'Unable to find a $Shortcuts widget in the context.\n'
'$Shortcuts.of() was called with a context that does not contain a '
'$Shortcuts widget.\n'
'No $Shortcuts ancestor could be found starting from the context that was '
'passed to $Shortcuts.of().\n'
'The context used was:\n'
' $context',
return true;
return inherited!.manager;
/// Returns the [ShortcutManager] that most tightly encloses the given
/// [BuildContext].
/// If no [Shortcuts] widget encloses the context given, will return null.
/// See also:
/// * [of], which is similar to this function, but returns a non-nullable
/// result, and will throw an exception if it doesn't find a [Shortcuts]
/// ancestor.
static ShortcutManager? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final _ShortcutsMarker? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ShortcutsMarker>();
return inherited?.manager;
State<Shortcuts> createState() => _ShortcutsState();
......@@ -926,8 +912,8 @@ class _ShortcutsState extends State<Shortcuts> {
if (widget.manager == null) {
_internalManager = ShortcutManager();
_internalManager!.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts;
manager.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts;
......@@ -941,7 +927,7 @@ class _ShortcutsState extends State<Shortcuts> {
_internalManager ??= ShortcutManager();
manager.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts;
_internalManager?.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts;
KeyEventResult _handleOnKey(FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent event) {
......@@ -1331,8 +1317,7 @@ class _ShortcutRegistrarState extends State<ShortcutRegistrar> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Shortcuts(
shortcuts: registry.shortcuts,
return Shortcuts.manager(
manager: manager,
child: _ShortcutRegistrarMarker(
registry: registry,
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