Unverified Commit d63987f7 authored by Jesús S Guerrero's avatar Jesús S Guerrero Committed by GitHub

Parser machine logs (#118707)

* remove file reporter optional

* decouple stack trace from metric collections

* update tests; add collect metrics option

* add failed tests property

* add test for multiple stack failed

* change path on result

* create factory method

* throw exception when test file failed to generate

* remove catch of file exception

* handle when no stacktrace on file reporter
parent d4b68984
......@@ -1802,6 +1802,7 @@ Future<void> _runDartTest(String workingDirectory, {
final List<String> args = <String>[
if (shuffleTests) '--test-randomize-ordering-seed=$shuffleSeed',
if (!hasColor)
......@@ -1813,8 +1814,6 @@ Future<void> _runDartTest(String workingDirectory, {
if (testPaths != null)
for (final String testPath in testPaths)
if (collectMetrics)
final Map<String, String> environment = <String, String>{
'FLUTTER_ROOT': flutterRoot,
......@@ -1840,19 +1839,24 @@ Future<void> _runDartTest(String workingDirectory, {
removeLine: useBuildRunner ? (String line) => line.startsWith('[INFO]') : null,
final TestFileReporterResults test = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(metricFile); // --file-reporter name
final File info = fileSystem.file(path.join(flutterRoot, 'error.log'));
if (collectMetrics) {
try {
final List<String> testList = <String>[];
final Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs = generateMetrics(metricFile);
final Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs = test.allTestSpecs;
for (final TestSpecs testSpecs in allTestSpecs.values) {
if (testList.isNotEmpty) {
final String testJson = json.encode(testList);
final File testResults = fileSystem.file(path.join(flutterRoot, 'test_results.json'));
final File testResults = fileSystem.file(
path.join(flutterRoot, 'test_results.json'));
} on fs.FileSystemException catch (e){
} on fs.FileSystemException catch (e) {
print('Failed to generate metrics: $e');
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ void main() {
{"missing": "entry"}
{"other": true}''';
final Map<int, TestSpecs> result = generateMetrics(file);
expect(result, isEmpty);
final TestFileReporterResults result = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(file);
expect(result.allTestSpecs, isEmpty);
test('have metrics', () async {
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void main() {
final Map<int, TestSpecs> result = generateMetrics(file);
final Map<int, TestSpecs> result = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(file).allTestSpecs;
expect(result, contains(0));
expect(result, contains(1));
expect(result[0]!.path, 'test/general.shard/project_validator_result_test.dart');
......@@ -62,8 +62,37 @@ void main() {
final Map<int, TestSpecs> result = generateMetrics(file);
expect(result, isEmpty);
final TestFileReporterResults result = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(file);
expect(result.hasFailedTests, true);
test('has failed stack traces', () async {
final File file = fileSystem.file('success_file');
const String output = '''
{"test":{"id":1,"name":"loading test/tool_subsharding_test.dart","suiteID":0,"groupIDs":[],"metadata":{"skip":false,"skipReason":null},"line":null,"column":null,"url":null},"type":"testStart","time":2}
{"test":{"id":4,"name":"generateMetrics empty metrics","suiteID":0,"groupIDs":[2,3],"metadata":{"skip":false,"skipReason":null},"line":20,"column":5,"url":"file:///Users/user/Documents/flutter/dev/bots/test/tool_subsharding_test.dart"},"type":"testStart","time":1027}
{"testID":4,"error":"Expected: <true> Actual: <false>","stackTrace":"package:test_api expect test/tool_subsharding_test.dart 28:7 main.<fn>.<fn> ","isFailure":true,"type":"error","time":1095}
{"test":{"id":5,"name":"generateMetrics have metrics","suiteID":0,"groupIDs":[2,3],"metadata":{"skip":false,"skipReason":null},"line":31,"column":5,"url":"file:///Users/user/Documents/flutter/dev/bots/test/tool_subsharding_test.dart"},"type":"testStart","time":1097}
{"test":{"id":6,"name":"generateMetrics missing success entry","suiteID":0,"groupIDs":[2,3],"metadata":{"skip":false,"skipReason":null},"line":60,"column":5,"url":"file:///Users/user/Documents/flutter/dev/bots/test/tool_subsharding_test.dart"},"type":"testStart","time":1103}
{"testID":6,"error":"Expected: <false> Actual: <true>","stackTrace":"package:test_api expect test/tool_subsharding_test.dart 68:7 main.<fn>.<fn> ","isFailure":true,"type":"error","time":1107}
{"testID":6,"error":"my error","isFailure":true,"type":"error","time":1107}
final TestFileReporterResults result = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(file);
expect(result.hasFailedTests, true);
expect(result.errors.length == 3, true);
expect(result.errors[0].contains('Expected: <true> Actual: <false>'), true);
expect(result.errors[1].contains('Expected: <false> Actual: <true>'), true);
expect(result.errors[2].contains('my error'), true);
......@@ -38,42 +38,65 @@ class TestSpecs {
/// Intended to parse the output file of `dart test --file-reporter json:file_name
Map<int, TestSpecs> generateMetrics(File metrics) {
final Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs = <int, TestSpecs>{};
class TestFileReporterResults {
required this.allTestSpecs,
required this.hasFailedTests,
required this.errors,
/// Intended to parse the output file of `dart test --file-reporter json:file_name
factory TestFileReporterResults.fromFile(File metrics) {
if (!metrics.existsSync()) {
return allTestSpecs;
throw Exception('${metrics.path} does not exist');
bool success = false;
for(final String metric in metrics.readAsLinesSync()) {
final Map<String, dynamic> entry = json.decode(metric) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final Map<int, TestSpecs> testSpecs = <int, TestSpecs>{};
bool hasFailedTests = true;
final List<String> errors = <String>[];
for (final String metric in metrics.readAsLinesSync()) {
final Map<String, Object?> entry = json.decode(metric) as Map<String, Object?>;
if (entry.containsKey('suite')) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> suite = entry['suite'] as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
allTestSpecs[suite['id'] as int] = TestSpecs(
path: suite['path'] as String,
startTime: entry['time'] as int,
} else if (_isMetricDone(entry, allTestSpecs)) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> group = entry['group'] as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
final int suiteID = group['suiteID'] as int;
final TestSpecs testSpec = allTestSpecs[suiteID]!;
testSpec.endTime = entry['time'] as int;
final Map<String, Object?> suite = entry['suite']! as Map<String, Object?>;
addTestSpec(suite, entry['time']! as int, testSpecs);
} else if (isMetricDone(entry, testSpecs)) {
final Map<String, Object?> group = entry['group']! as Map<String, Object?>;
final int suiteID = group['suiteID']! as int;
addMetricDone(suiteID, entry['time']! as int, testSpecs);
} else if (entry.containsKey('error')) {
final String stackTrace = entry.containsKey('stackTrace') ? entry['stackTrace']! as String : '';
errors.add('${entry['error']}\n $stackTrace');
} else if (entry.containsKey('success') && entry['success'] == true) {
success = true;
hasFailedTests = false;
if (!success) { // means that not all tests succeeded therefore no metrics are stored
return <int, TestSpecs>{};
return TestFileReporterResults._(allTestSpecs: testSpecs, hasFailedTests: hasFailedTests, errors: errors);
return allTestSpecs;
bool _isMetricDone(Map<String, dynamic> entry, Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs) {
if (entry.containsKey('group') && entry['type'] as String == 'group') {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> group = entry['group'] as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
return allTestSpecs.containsKey(group['suiteID'] as int);
final Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs;
final bool hasFailedTests;
final List<String> errors;
static void addTestSpec(Map<String, Object?> suite, int time, Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs) {
allTestSpecs[suite['id']! as int] = TestSpecs(
path: suite['path']! as String,
startTime: time,
static void addMetricDone(int suiteID, int time, Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs) {
final TestSpecs testSpec = allTestSpecs[suiteID]!;
testSpec.endTime = time;
static bool isMetricDone(Map<String, Object?> entry, Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs) {
if (entry.containsKey('group') && entry['type']! as String == 'group') {
final Map<String, Object?> group = entry['group']! as Map<String, Object?>;
return allTestSpecs.containsKey(group['suiteID']! as int);
return false;
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