Commit ccd4add7 authored by Ian Fischer's avatar Ian Fischer

Merge pull request #903 from iansf/fix_dumb_mistake

Fix infinite loop
parents 24d1e09b ec503ea9
......@@ -632,20 +632,19 @@ class StartListening(object):
if not args.local_build:
if args.local_build:
# Currently sending to iOS only works if you are building Sky locally
# since we aren't shipping the sky_snapshot binary yet.
# Build the snapshot
# Check if we can make a snapshot
sky_snapshot_path = None
if args.ios_sim_build_available:
sky_snapshot_path = os.path.join(args.sky_src_path, args.ios_sim_debug_build_path, 'clang_x64', 'sky_snapshot')
elif args.ios_build_available:
sky_snapshot_path = os.path.join(args.sky_src_path, args.ios_debug_build_path, 'clang_x64', 'sky_snapshot')
# If there is no build available, we can't make a snapshot
if sky_snapshot_path is not None:
# If we can make a snapshot, do so and then send it to running iOS instances
cmd = [
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