Commit c1bd6af9 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Add dartdocs for RenderObject

... and other code in object.dart.
parent 99356d10
......@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Includes and re-exports all Sky rendering classes.
// Includes and re-exports all Sky rendering classes.
/// The Sky render tree
library rendering;
export 'package:sky/rendering/auto_layout.dart';
export 'package:sky/rendering/block.dart';
......@@ -16,50 +16,71 @@ import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
export 'dart:sky' show Point, Offset, Size, Rect, Color, Paint, Path;
export 'package:sky/base/hit_test.dart' show EventDisposition, HitTestTarget, HitTestEntry, HitTestResult;
/// Base class for data associated with a [RenderObject] by its parent
/// Some render objects wish to store data on their children, such as their
/// input parameters to the parent's layout algorithm or their position relative
/// to other children.
class ParentData {
void detach() {
void detachSiblings() { } // workaround for lack of inter-class mixins in Dart
/// Override this function in subclasses to merge in data from other instance into this instance
void merge(ParentData other) {
// override this in subclasses to merge in data from other into this
assert(other.runtimeType == this.runtimeType);
String toString() => '<none>';
/// Obsolete class that will be removed eventually
class PaintingCanvas extends sky.Canvas {
PaintingCanvas(sky.PictureRecorder recorder, Rect bounds) : super(recorder, bounds);
// TODO(ianh): Just use sky.Canvas everywhere instead
/// A place to paint
/// Rather than holding a canvas directly, render objects paint using a painting
/// context. The painting context has a canvas, which receives the
/// individual draw operations, and also has functions for painting child
/// render objects.
/// When painting a child render object, the canvas held by the painting context
/// can change because the draw operations issued before and after painting the
/// child might be recorded in separate compositing layers. For this reason, do
/// not hold a reference to the canvas across operations that might paint
/// child render objects.
class PaintingContext {
// A PaintingContext wraps a canvas, so that the canvas can be
// hot-swapped whenever we need to start a new layer.
// Don't keep a reference to the PaintingContext.canvas, since it
// can change dynamically after any call to this object's methods.
/// Construct a painting context at a given offset with the given bounds
PaintingContext.withOffset(Offset offset, Rect paintBounds) {
_containerLayer = new ContainerLayer(offset: offset);
/// Construct a painting context for paiting into the given layer with the given bounds
PaintingContext.withLayer(ContainerLayer containerLayer, Rect paintBounds) {
_containerLayer = containerLayer;
/// A backdoor for testing that lets the test set a specific canvas
ContainerLayer _containerLayer;
/// The layer contain all the composting layers that will be used for this context
ContainerLayer get containerLayer => _containerLayer;
PictureLayer _currentLayer;
sky.PictureRecorder _recorder;
PaintingCanvas _canvas;
PaintingCanvas get canvas => _canvas; // Paint on this.
/// The canvas on which to paint
/// This getter can return a different canvas object after painting child
/// render objects using this canvas because draw operations before and after
/// a child might need to be recorded in separate compositing layers.
PaintingCanvas get canvas => _canvas;
void _startRecording(Rect paintBounds) {
assert(_currentLayer == null);
......@@ -71,6 +92,7 @@ class PaintingContext {
/// Stop recording draw operations into the current compositing layer
void endRecording() {
assert(_currentLayer != null);
assert(_recorder != null);
......@@ -81,6 +103,7 @@ class PaintingContext {
_canvas = null;
/// Whether the canvas is in a state that permits drawing the given child
bool debugCanPaintChild(RenderObject child) {
// You need to use layers if you are applying transforms, clips,
// or similar, to a child. To do so, use the paintChildWith*()
......@@ -90,6 +113,13 @@ class PaintingContext {
return true;
/// Paint a child render object at the given position
/// If the child needs compositing, a new composited layer will be created
/// and inserted into the containerLayer. If the child does not require
/// compositing, the child will be painted into the current canvas.
/// Note: After calling this function, the current canvas might change.
void paintChild(RenderObject child, Point childPosition) {
final Offset childOffset = childPosition.toOffset();
......@@ -116,8 +146,13 @@ class PaintingContext {
static final Paint _disableAntialias = new Paint()..isAntiAlias = false;
/// Paint a child with a rectangular clip
/// If the child needs compositing, the clip will be applied by a
/// compositing layer. Otherwise, the clip will be applied by the canvas.
/// Note: clipRect is in the parent's coordinate space
void paintChildWithClipRect(RenderObject child, Point childPosition, Rect clipRect) {
// clipRect is in the parent's coordinate space
final Offset childOffset = childPosition.toOffset();
if (!child.needsCompositing) {
......@@ -132,8 +167,13 @@ class PaintingContext {
/// Paint a child with a rounded-rectangular clip
/// If the child needs compositing, the clip will be applied by a
/// compositing layer. Otherwise, the clip will be applied by the canvas.
/// Note: clipRRect is in the parent's coordinate space
void paintChildWithClipRRect(RenderObject child, Point childPosition, Rect bounds, sky.RRect clipRRect) {
// clipRRect is in the parent's coordinate space
final Offset childOffset = childPosition.toOffset();
if (!child.needsCompositing) {
......@@ -148,8 +188,13 @@ class PaintingContext {
/// Paint a child with a clip path
/// If the child needs compositing, the clip will be applied by a
/// compositing layer. Otherwise, the clip will be applied by the canvas.
/// Note: bounds and clipPath are in the parent's coordinate space
void paintChildWithClipPath(RenderObject child, Point childPosition, Rect bounds, Path clipPath) {
// bounds and clipPath are in the parent's coordinate space
final Offset childOffset = childPosition.toOffset();
if (!child.needsCompositing) {
......@@ -165,6 +210,10 @@ class PaintingContext {
/// Paint a child with a transform
/// If the child needs compositing, the transform will be applied by a
/// compositing layer. Otherwise, the transform will be applied by the canvas.
void paintChildWithTransform(RenderObject child, Point childPosition, Matrix4 transform) {
final Offset childOffset = childPosition.toOffset();
......@@ -188,6 +237,11 @@ class PaintingContext {
..isAntiAlias = false;
/// Paint a child with an opacity
/// If the child needs compositing, the blending operation will be applied by
/// a compositing layer. Otherwise, the blending operation will be applied by
/// the canvas.
void paintChildWithOpacity(RenderObject child,
Point childPosition,
Rect bounds,
......@@ -215,6 +269,14 @@ class PaintingContext {
..isAntiAlias = false;
/// Paint a child with a color filter
/// The color filter is constructed by combining the given color and the given
/// transfer mode, as if they were passed to the [ColorFilter.mode] constructor.
/// If the child needs compositing, the blending operation will be applied by
/// a compositing layer. Otherwise, the blending operation will be applied by
/// the canvas.
void paintChildWithColorFilter(RenderObject child,
Point childPosition,
Rect bounds,
......@@ -238,12 +300,18 @@ class PaintingContext {
// do not call directly
/// Instructs the child to draw itself onto this context at the given offset
/// Do not call directly. This function is visible so that it can be
/// overridden in tests.
void insertChild(RenderObject child, Offset offset) {
child._paintWithContext(this, offset);
// do not call directly
/// Instructs the child to paint itself into a new composited layer using this context
/// Do not call directly. This function is visible so that it can be
/// overridden in tests.
void compositeChild(RenderObject child, { Offset childOffset:, ContainerLayer parentLayer }) {
// This ends the current layer and starts a new layer for the
// remainder of our rendering. It also creates a new layer for the
......@@ -285,8 +353,14 @@ class PaintingContext {
/// An abstract set of layout constraints
/// Concrete layout models (such as box) will create concrete subclasses to
/// communicate layout constraints between parents and children.
abstract class Constraints {
const Constraints();
/// Whether there is exactly one size possible given these constraints
bool get isTight;
......@@ -294,31 +368,61 @@ typedef void RenderObjectVisitor(RenderObject child);
typedef void LayoutCallback(Constraints constraints);
typedef double DimensionCallback(Constraints constraints);
/// An object in the render tree
/// Render objects have a reference to their parent but do not commit to a model
/// for their children.
abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
// parentData is only for use by the RenderObject that actually lays this
// node out, and any other nodes who happen to know exactly what
// kind of node that is.
/// Data for use by the parent render object
/// The parent data is used by the render object that lays out this object
/// (typically this object's parent in the render tree) to store information
/// relevant to itself and to any other nodes who happen to know exactly what
/// the data means. The parent data is opaque to the child.
/// - The parent data object must inherit from [ParentData] (despite being
/// typed as `dynamic`).
/// - The parent data field must not be directly set, except by calling
/// [setupParentData] on the parent node.
/// - The parent data can be set before the child is added to the parent, by
/// calling [setupParentData] on the future parent node.
/// - The conventions for using the parent data depend on the layout protocol
/// used between the parent and child. For example, in box layout, the
/// parent data is completely opaque but in sector layout the child is
/// permitted to read some fields of the parent data.
dynamic parentData; // TODO(ianh): change the type of this back to ParentData once the analyzer is cleverer
/// Override to setup parent data correctly for your children
/// You can call this function to set up the parent data for child before the
/// child is added to the parent's child list.
void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
// override this to setup .parentData correctly for your class
if (child.parentData is! ParentData)
child.parentData = new ParentData();
void adoptChild(RenderObject child) { // only for use by subclasses
// call this whenever you decide a node is a child
/// Called by subclases when they decide a render object is a child
/// Only for use by subclasses when changing their child lists. Calling this
/// in other cases will lead to an inconsistent tree and probably cause crashes.
void adoptChild(RenderObject child) {
assert(child != null);
void dropChild(RenderObject child) { // only for use by subclasses
/// Called by subclases when they decide a render object is no longer a child
/// Only for use by subclasses when changing their child lists. Calling this
/// in other cases will lead to an inconsistent tree and probably cause crashes.
void dropChild(RenderObject child) {
assert(child != null);
assert(child.parentData != null);
......@@ -326,10 +430,12 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
// Override in subclasses with children and call the visitor for each child.
/// Calls visitor for each immediate child of this render object
/// Override in subclasses with children and call the visitor for each child
void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { }
dynamic debugExceptionContext = '';
......@@ -376,12 +482,15 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
static List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingLayout = new List<RenderObject>();
bool _needsLayout = true;
/// Whether this render object's layout information is dirty
bool get needsLayout => _needsLayout;
RenderObject _relayoutSubtreeRoot;
bool _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
Constraints _constraints;
/// The layout constraints most recently supplied by the parent
Constraints get constraints => _constraints;
bool debugDoesMeetConstraints(); // override this in a subclass to verify that your state matches the constraints object
/// Override this function in a subclass to verify that your state matches the constraints object
bool debugDoesMeetConstraints();
bool debugAncestorsAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout() {
if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot == null)
return true; // we haven't yet done layout even once, so there's nothing for us to do
......@@ -396,6 +505,21 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
assert(node._relayoutSubtreeRoot == node);
return true;
/// Mark this render object's layout information as dirty
/// Rather than eagerly updating layout information in response to writes into
/// this render object, we instead mark the layout information as dirty, which
/// schedules a visual update. As part of the visual update, the rendering
/// pipeline will update this render object's layout information.
/// This mechanism batches the layout work so that multiple sequential writes
/// are coalesced, removing redundant computation.
/// Causes [needsLayout] to return true for this render object. If the parent
/// render object indicated that it uses the size of this render object in
/// computing its layout information, this function will also mark the parent
/// as needing layout.
void markNeedsLayout() {
if (_needsLayout) {
......@@ -418,6 +542,7 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
void _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRoot() {
if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) {
_relayoutSubtreeRoot = null;
......@@ -427,6 +552,13 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first layout
/// Requires this render object to be attached and that this render object
/// is the root of the render tree.
/// See [RenderView] for an example of how this function is used.
void scheduleInitialLayout() {
assert(parent is! RenderObject);
......@@ -439,6 +571,14 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Update the layout information for all dirty render objects
/// This function is one of the core stages of the rendering pipeline. Layout
/// information is cleaned prior to painting so that render objects will
/// appear on screen in their up-to-date locations.
/// See [SkyBinding] for an example of how this function is used.
static void flushLayout() {
_debugDoingLayout = true;
......@@ -449,7 +589,7 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
_nodesNeedingLayout = new List<RenderObject>();
dirtyNodes..sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth)..forEach((node) {
if (node._needsLayout && node.attached)
} finally {
......@@ -457,7 +597,7 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
void layoutWithoutResize() {
void _layoutWithoutResize() {
try {
assert(_relayoutSubtreeRoot == this);
RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout;
......@@ -485,6 +625,29 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
_needsLayout = false;
/// Compute the layout for this render object
/// This function is the main entry point for parents to ask their children to
/// update their layout information. The parent passes a constraints object,
/// which informs the child as which layouts are permissible. The child is
/// required to obey the given constraints.
/// If the parent reads information computed during the child's layout, the
/// parent must pass true for parentUsesSize. In that case, the parent will be
/// marked as needing layout whenever the child is marked as needing layout
/// because the parent's layout information depends on the child's layout
/// information. If the parent uses the default value (false) for
/// parentUsesSize, the child can change its layout information (subject to
/// the given constraints) without informing the parent.
/// Subclasses should not override layout directly. Instead, they should
/// override performResize and/or performLayout.
/// The parent's performLayout method should call the layout of all its
/// children unconditionally. It is the layout functions's responsibility (as
/// implemented here) to return early if the child does not need to do any
/// work to update its layout information.
void layout(Constraints constraints, { bool parentUsesSize: false }) {
final parent = this.parent; // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer
RenderObject relayoutSubtreeRoot;
......@@ -533,20 +696,51 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
assert(parent == this.parent); // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer
bool get sizedByParent => false; // return true if the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in particular, child nodes have no impact)
void performResize(); // set the local dimensions, using only the constraints (only called if sizedByParent is true)
/// Whether the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in
/// particular, child nodes have no impact)
/// Returning false is always correct, but returning true can be more
/// efficient when computing the size of this render object because we don't
/// need to recompute the size if the constraints don't change.
bool get sizedByParent => false;
/// Updates the render objects size using only the constraints
/// Do not call this function directly: call [layout] instead. This function
/// is called by [layout] when there is actually work to be done by this
/// render object during layout. The layout constraints provided by your
/// parent are available via the [constraints] getter.
/// Subclasses that set [sizedByParent] to true should override this function
/// to compute their size.
/// Note: This function is called only if [sizedByParent] is true.
void performResize();
/// Do the work of computing the layout for this render object
/// Do not call this function directly: call [layout] instead. This function
/// is called by [layout] when there is actually work to be done by this
/// render object during layout. The layout constraints provided by your
/// parent are available via the [constraints] getter.
/// If [sizedByParent] is true, then this function should not actually change
/// the dimensions of this render object. Instead, that work should be done by
/// [performResize]. If [sizedByParent] is false, then this function should
/// both change the dimensions of this render object and instruct its children
/// to layout.
/// In implementing this function, you must call [layout] on each of your
/// children, passing true for parentUsesSize if your layout information is
/// dependent on your child's layout information. Passing true for
/// parentUsesSize ensures that this render object will undergo layout if the
/// child undergoes layout. Otherwise, the child can changes its layout
/// information without informing this render object.
void performLayout();
// Override this to perform relayout without your parent's
// involvement.
// This is called during layout. If sizedByParent is true, then
// performLayout() should not change your dimensions, only do that
// in performResize(). If sizedByParent is false, then set both
// your dimensions and do your children's layout here.
// When calling layout() on your children, pass in
// "parentUsesSize: true" if your size or layout is dependent on
// your child's size or intrinsic dimensions.
/// Allows this render object to mutation its child list during layout and
/// invokes callback
void invokeLayoutCallback(LayoutCallback callback) {
......@@ -559,6 +753,13 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Rotate this render object (not yet implemented)
void rotate({
int oldAngle, // 0..3
int newAngle, // 0..3
Duration time
}) { }
// when the parent has rotated (e.g. when the screen has been turned
// 90 degrees), immediately prior to layout() being called for the
// new dimensions, rotate() is called with the old and new angles.
......@@ -569,12 +770,6 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
// pixel, on the output device. Then, the layout() method or
// equivalent will be invoked.
void rotate({
int oldAngle, // 0..3
int newAngle, // 0..3
Duration time
}) { }
......@@ -590,36 +785,54 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
static List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingPaint = new List<RenderObject>();
// Override this in subclasses to indicate that instances of your
// class need to have their own Layer. For example, videos.
/// Whether this render object paints using a composited layer
/// Override this in subclasses to indicate that instances of your class need
/// to have their own compositing layer. For example, videos should return
/// true if they use hardware decoders.
/// Note: This getter must not change value over the lifetime of this object.
bool get hasLayer => false;
ContainerLayer _layer;
/// The compositing layer that this render object uses to paint
/// Call only when [hasLayer] is true.
ContainerLayer get layer {
return _layer;
// When the subtree is mutated, we need to recompute our
// "needsCompositing" bit, and our ancestors need to do the
// same (in case ours changed). adoptChild() and dropChild() thus
// call markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate().
bool _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true;
void markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate() {
/// Mark the compositing state for this render object as dirty
/// When the subtree is mutated, we need to recompute our [needsCompositing]
/// bit, and our ancestors need to do the same (in case ours changed).
/// Therefore, [adoptChild] and [dropChild] call
/// [markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate].
void _markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate() {
if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
_needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true;
final AbstractNode parent = this.parent; // TODO(ianh): remove the once the analyzer is cleverer
if (parent is RenderObject)
bool _needsCompositing = false;
/// Whether we or one of our descendants has a compositing layer
/// Only legal to call after [flushLayout] and [updateCompositingBits] have
/// been called.
bool get needsCompositing {
// needsCompositing is true if either we have a layer or one of our descendants has a layer
assert(!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate); // make sure we don't use this bit when it is dirty
return _needsCompositing;
/// Updates the [needsCompositing] bits
/// Called as part of the rendering pipeline after [flushLayout] and before
/// [flushPaint].
void updateCompositingBits() {
if (!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
......@@ -637,7 +850,19 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
bool _needsPaint = true;
/// The visual appearance of this render object has changed since it last painted
bool get needsPaint => _needsPaint;
/// Mark this render object as having changed its visual appearance
/// Rather than eagerly updating this render object's display list
/// in response to writes, we instead mark the the render object as needing to
/// paint, which schedules a visual update. As part of the visual update, the
/// rendering pipeline will give this render object an opportunity to update
/// its display list.
/// This mechanism batches the painting work so that multiple sequential
/// writes are coalesced, removing redundant computation.
void markNeedsPaint() {
if (!attached) return; // Don't try painting things that aren't in the hierarchy
......@@ -664,6 +889,14 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Update the display lists for all render objects
/// This function is one of the core stages of the rendering pipeline.
/// Painting occurs after layout and before the scene is recomposited so that
/// scene is composited with up-to-date display lists for every render object.
/// See [SkyBinding] for an example of how this function is used.
static void flushPaint() {
_debugDoingPaint = true;
......@@ -682,6 +915,13 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first paint
/// Requires that this render object is attached, is the root of the render
/// tree, and has a composited layer.
/// See [RenderView] for an example of how this function is used.
void scheduleInitialPaint(ContainerLayer rootLayer) {
assert(parent is! RenderObject);
......@@ -736,18 +976,50 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// The bounds within which this render object will paint
/// A render object is permitted to paint outside the region it occupies
/// during layout but is not permitted to paint outside these paints bounds.
/// These paint bounds are used to construct memory-efficient composited
/// layers, which means attempting to paint outside these bounds can attempt
/// to write to pixels that do not exist in this render object's composited
/// layer.
Rect get paintBounds;
/// Override this function to paint debugging information
void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { }
/// Paint this render object into the given context at the given offset
/// Subclasses should override this function to provide a visual appearance
/// for themselves. The render object's local coordinate system is
/// axis-aligned with the coordinate system of the context's canvas and the
/// render object's local origin (i.e, x=0 and y=0) is placed at the given
/// offset in the context's canvas.
/// Do not call this function directly. If you wish to paint yourself, call
/// [markNeedsPaint] instead to schedule a call to this function. If you wish
/// to paint one of your children, call one of the paint child functions on
/// the given context, such as [paintChild] or [paintChildWithClipRect].
/// When painting one of your children (via a paint child function on the
/// given context), the current canvas held by the context might change
/// because draw operations before and after painting children might need to
/// be recorded on separate compositing layers.
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { }
/// If this render object applies a transform before painting, apply that
/// transform to the given matrix
/// Used by coordinate conversion functions to translate coordiantes local to
/// one render object into coordinates local to another render object.
void applyPaintTransform(Matrix4 transform) { }
/// Override this function to handle events that hit this render object
EventDisposition handleEvent(sky.Event event, HitTestEntry entry) {
// override this if you have a client, to hand it to the client
// override this if you want to do anything with the event
return EventDisposition.ignored;
......@@ -781,6 +1053,8 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
_debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout;
return result;
/// Returns a human understandable name
String toStringName() {
String header = '${runtimeType}';
if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != null && _relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) {
......@@ -798,11 +1072,13 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
header += ' DETACHED';
return header;
String debugDescribeSettings(String prefix) => '${prefix}parentData: ${parentData}\n${prefix}constraints: ${constraints}\n';
String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) => '';
/// Obsolete function that will be removed eventually
double clamp({ double min: 0.0, double value: 0.0, double max: double.INFINITY }) {
assert(min != null);
assert(value != null);
......@@ -811,10 +1087,12 @@ double clamp({ double min: 0.0, double value: 0.0, double max: double.INFINITY }
/// Generic mixin for render objects with one child
/// Provides a child model for a render object subclass that has a unique child
abstract class RenderObjectWithChildMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> implements RenderObject {
ChildType _child;
/// The render object's unique child
ChildType get child => _child;
void set child (ChildType value) {
if (_child != null)
......@@ -842,12 +1120,14 @@ abstract class RenderObjectWithChildMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> implem
/// Parent data to support a doubly-linked list of children
abstract class ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> {
/// The previous sibling in the parent's child list
ChildType previousSibling;
/// The next sibling in the parent's child list
ChildType nextSibling;
/// Clear the sibling pointers.
void detachSiblings() {
if (previousSibling != null) {
assert(previousSibling.parentData is ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>);
......@@ -866,6 +1146,10 @@ abstract class ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> {
/// Generic mixin for render objects with a list of children
/// Provides a child model for a render object subclass that has a doubly-linked
/// list of children.
abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, ParentDataType extends ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>> implements RenderObject {
bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(ChildType child, { ChildType equals }) {
......@@ -888,6 +1172,7 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
int _childCount = 0;
/// The number of children
int get childCount => _childCount;
ChildType _firstChild;
......@@ -934,6 +1219,9 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
/// Insert child into this render object's child list before the given child
/// To insert a child at the end of the child list, omit the before parameter.
void add(ChildType child, { ChildType before }) {
assert(child != this);
assert(before != this);
......@@ -943,11 +1231,14 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
_addToChildList(child, before: before);
/// Add all the children to the end of this render object's child list
void addAll(List<ChildType> children) {
if (children != null)
for (ChildType child in children)
void _removeFromChildList(ChildType child) {
assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType);
assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild));
......@@ -971,10 +1262,18 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
child.parentData.nextSibling = null;
_childCount -= 1;
/// Remove this child from the child list
/// Requires the child to be present in the child list.
void remove(ChildType child) {
/// Remove all their children from this render object's child list
/// More efficient than removing them individually.
void removeAll() {
ChildType child = _firstChild;
while (child != null) {
......@@ -989,6 +1288,12 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
_lastChild = null;
_childCount = 0;
/// Move this child in the child list to be before the given child
/// More efficient than removing and re-adding the child. Requires the child
/// to already be in the child list at some position. Pass null for before to
/// move the child to the end of the child list.
void move(ChildType child, { ChildType before }) {
assert(child != this);
assert(before != this);
......@@ -1033,8 +1338,13 @@ abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, Parent
/// The first child in the child list
ChildType get firstChild => _firstChild;
/// The last child in the child list
ChildType get lastChild => _lastChild;
/// The next child after the given child in the child list
ChildType childAfter(ChildType child) {
assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType);
return child.parentData.nextSibling;
......@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Includes and re-exports all Sky widgets classes.
// Includes and re-exports all Sky widgets classes.
/// The Sky widget framework
library widgets;
export 'package:sky/widgets/animated_component.dart';
export 'package:sky/widgets/animated_container.dart';
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