Unverified Commit bd03ef7c authored by liyuqian's avatar liyuqian Committed by GitHub

Create performance_others.md

parent 57e16a59
name: My app has some non-speed performance issues.
about: You are writing an application but have discovered that it uses too much memory, too much energy (e.g., CPU/GPU usage is high), or its app size is too large.
title: ''
labels: 'created via performance template'
assignees: ''
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If you are looking for support, please check out our documentation
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If you have found a performance problem, then fill our the template below.
Please read our guide to filing a bug first: https://flutter.dev/docs/resources/bug-reports
## Details
1. Please tell us exactly how to reproduce the problem you are running into, and how you measured the performance.
2. Please attach a small application (ideally just one main.dart file) that
reproduces the problem. You could use https://gist.github.com/ for this.
3. Switch flutter to master channel and run this app on a physical device
using profile mode with Skia tracing enabled, as follows:
flutter channel master
flutter run --profile --trace-skia
Then press ‘P’ to enable the performance overlay.
The bleeding edge master channel is encouraged here because Flutter is
constantly fixing bugs and improving its performance. Your problem in an
older Flutter version may have already been solved in the master channel.
Please tell us which target platform(s) the problem occurs (Android / iOS / Web / macOS / Linux / Windows)
Which target OS version, for Web, browser, is the test system running?
Does the problem occur on emulator/simulator as well as on physical devices?
**Target Platform:**
**Target OS version/browser:**
## Logs
Run `flutter analyze` and attach any output of that command below.
If there are any analysis errors, try resolving them before filing this issue.
<!-- Finally, paste the output of running `flutter doctor -v` here, with your device plugged in. -->
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