Unverified Commit b8609829 authored by chunhtai's avatar chunhtai Committed by GitHub

remove _AbortingSemanticsFragment (#88067)

parent 6e224ee0
......@@ -2754,25 +2754,11 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin im
final Set<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> toBeMarkedExplicit = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>{};
final bool childrenMergeIntoParent = mergeIntoParent || config.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants;
// When set to true there's currently not enough information in this subtree
// to compute semantics. In this case the walk needs to be aborted and no
// SemanticsNodes in the subtree should be updated.
// This will be true for subtrees that are currently kept alive by a
// viewport but not laid out.
bool abortWalk = false;
visitChildrenForSemantics((RenderObject renderChild) {
if (abortWalk || _needsLayout) {
abortWalk = true;
final _SemanticsFragment parentFragment = renderChild._getSemanticsForParent(
mergeIntoParent: childrenMergeIntoParent,
if (parentFragment.abortsWalk) {
abortWalk = true;
if (parentFragment.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings) {
......@@ -2803,10 +2789,6 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin im
if (abortWalk) {
return _AbortingSemanticsFragment(owner: this);
for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in toBeMarkedExplicit)
......@@ -3535,17 +3517,6 @@ abstract class _SemanticsFragment {
/// Returns [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] describing the actual semantic
/// information that this fragment wants to add to the parent.
List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> get interestingFragments;
/// Whether this fragment wants to abort the semantics walk because the
/// information in the tree are not sufficient to calculate semantics.
/// This happens for subtrees that are currently kept alive by a viewport but
/// not laid out.
/// See also:
/// * [_AbortingSemanticsFragment], which sets this to true.
bool get abortsWalk => false;
/// A container used when a [RenderObject] wants to add multiple independent
......@@ -3859,39 +3830,6 @@ class _SwitchableSemanticsFragment extends _InterestingSemanticsFragment {
bool get _needsGeometryUpdate => _ancestorChain.length > 1;
/// [_SemanticsFragment] used to indicate that the current information in this
/// subtree is not sufficient to update semantics.
/// Anybody processing this [_SemanticsFragment] should abort the walk of the
/// current subtree without updating any [SemanticsNode]s as there is no semantic
/// information to compute. As a result, this fragment also doesn't carry any
/// semantics information either.
class _AbortingSemanticsFragment extends _InterestingSemanticsFragment {
_AbortingSemanticsFragment({required RenderObject owner}) : super(owner: owner, dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings: false);
bool get abortsWalk => true;
SemanticsConfiguration? get config => null;
void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments) {
void compileChildren({ Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required double elevationAdjustment, required List<SemanticsNode> result }) {
void markAsExplicit() {
// Is never explicit.
/// Helper class that keeps track of the geometry of a [SemanticsNode].
/// It is used to annotate a [SemanticsNode] with the current information for
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