Unverified Commit b4270f7b authored by Loïc Sharma's avatar Loïc Sharma Committed by GitHub

Improve some scrollbar error messages (#143279)

Adds some missing spaces, rewords some errors, and splits some errors into more lines.
parent 14bce28f
......@@ -1466,17 +1466,23 @@ class RawScrollbarState<T extends RawScrollbar> extends State<T> with TickerProv
'The Scrollbar attempted to use the $controllerForError. This '
'ScrollController should be associated with the ScrollView that '
'the Scrollbar is being applied to.'
? 'When ScrollView.scrollDirection is Axis.vertical on mobile '
'platforms will automatically use the '
'PrimaryScrollController if the user has not provided a '
'ScrollController. To use the PrimaryScrollController '
'explicitly, set ScrollView.primary to true for the Scrollable '
: 'When providing your own ScrollController, ensure both the '
'Scrollbar and the Scrollable widget use the same one.'
'the Scrollbar is being applied to.',
if (tryPrimary) ...<ErrorHint>[
'If a ScrollController has not been provided, the '
'PrimaryScrollController is used by default on mobile platforms '
'for ScrollViews with an Axis.vertical scroll direction.',
'To use the PrimaryScrollController explicitly, '
'set ScrollView.primary to true on the Scrollable widget.',
'When providing your own ScrollController, ensure both the '
'Scrollbar and the Scrollable widget use the same one.',
......@@ -1491,25 +1497,31 @@ class RawScrollbarState<T extends RawScrollbar> extends State<T> with TickerProv
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
'The $controllerForError is currently attached to more than one '
'The $controllerForError is attached to more than one ScrollPosition.',
'The Scrollbar requires a single ScrollPosition in order to be painted.',
'When $when, the associated ScrollController must only have one '
'ScrollPosition attached.'
? 'If a ScrollController has not been provided, the '
'ScrollPosition attached.',
if (tryPrimary) ...<ErrorHint>[
'If a ScrollController has not been provided, the '
'PrimaryScrollController is used by default on mobile platforms '
'for ScrollViews with an Axis.vertical scroll direction. More '
'than one ScrollView may have tried to use the '
'for ScrollViews with an Axis.vertical scroll direction.'
'More than one ScrollView may have tried to use the '
'PrimaryScrollController of the current context. '
'ScrollView.primary can override this behavior.'
: 'The provided ScrollController must be unique to one '
'ScrollView widget.'
'The provided ScrollController cannot be shared by multiple '
'ScrollView widgets.'
......@@ -1810,7 +1810,12 @@ void main() {
FlutterError error = tester.takeException() as FlutterError;
contains('The PrimaryScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.'),
The PrimaryScrollController is attached to more than one ScrollPosition.
The Scrollbar requires a single ScrollPosition in order to be painted.
When Scrollbar.thumbVisibility is true, the associated ScrollController must only have one ScrollPosition attached.
If a ScrollController has not been provided, the PrimaryScrollController is used by default on mobile platforms for ScrollViews with an Axis.vertical scroll direction.
More than one ScrollView may have tried to use the PrimaryScrollController of the current context. ScrollView.primary can override this behavior.''',
// Asserts when using the ScrollController provided by the user.
......@@ -1829,7 +1834,11 @@ void main() {
error = tester.takeException() as FlutterError;
contains('The provided ScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.'),
The provided ScrollController is attached to more than one ScrollPosition.
The Scrollbar requires a single ScrollPosition in order to be painted.
When Scrollbar.thumbVisibility is true, the associated ScrollController must only have one ScrollPosition attached.
The provided ScrollController cannot be shared by multiple ScrollView widgets.''',
......@@ -1514,7 +1514,63 @@ void main() {
expect(exception, isAssertionError);
contains("The Scrollbar's ScrollController has no ScrollPosition attached."),
The Scrollbar's ScrollController has no ScrollPosition attached.
A Scrollbar cannot be painted without a ScrollPosition.
The Scrollbar attempted to use the PrimaryScrollController. This ScrollController should be associated with the ScrollView that the Scrollbar is being applied to.
If a ScrollController has not been provided, the PrimaryScrollController is used by default on mobile platforms for ScrollViews with an Axis.vertical scroll direction.
To use the PrimaryScrollController explicitly, set ScrollView.primary to true on the Scrollable widget.''',
testWidgets('Scrollbars assert on multiple scroll positions', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();
await tester.pumpWidget(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: MediaQuery(
data: const MediaQueryData(),
child: PrimaryScrollController(
controller: scrollController,
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
controller: scrollController,
child: const SingleChildScrollView(
child: SizedBox(width: 10.0, height: 4000.0),
controller: scrollController,
child: const SingleChildScrollView(
child: SizedBox(width: 10.0, height: 4000.0),
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
AssertionError? exception = tester.takeException() as AssertionError?;
// The scrollbar is not visible and cannot be interacted with, so no assertion.
expect(exception, isNull);
// Scroll to trigger the scrollbar to come into view.
final Finder scrollViews = find.byType(SingleChildScrollView);
final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(scrollViews.first));
await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -20.0));
exception = tester.takeException() as AssertionError;
expect(exception, isAssertionError);
The provided ScrollController is attached to more than one ScrollPosition.
The Scrollbar requires a single ScrollPosition in order to be painted.
When the scrollbar is interactive, the associated ScrollController must only have one ScrollPosition attached.
The provided ScrollController cannot be shared by multiple ScrollView widgets.''',
......@@ -2892,7 +2948,7 @@ void main() {
expect(scrollController.offset, greaterThan(lastPosition));
testWidgets('The bar support mouse wheel event', (WidgetTester tester) async {
testWidgets('The bar supports mouse wheel event', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/109659
final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();
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