Unverified Commit b1c1bdbf authored by Jan Mewes's avatar Jan Mewes Committed by GitHub

Fix typos (#82319)

parent a66e5a7f
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ message Repository {
// The remote commits will be fetched from.
Remote upstream = 5;
// The remote cherrypicks will be pushed to to create a Pull Request.
// The remote cherrypicks will be pushed to create a Pull Request.
// This should be a mirror owned by the user conducting the release.
Remote mirror = 6;
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class ElevatedButton extends ButtonStyleButton {
/// A static convenience method that constructs an elevated button
/// [ButtonStyle] given simple values.
/// The [onPrimary], and [onSurface] colors are used to to create a
/// The [onPrimary], and [onSurface] colors are used to create a
/// [MaterialStateProperty] [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] value in the same
/// way that [defaultStyleOf] uses the [ColorScheme] colors with the same
/// names. Specify a value for [onPrimary] to specify the color of the
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class OutlinedButton extends ButtonStyleButton {
/// A static convenience method that constructs an outlined button
/// [ButtonStyle] given simple values.
/// The [primary], and [onSurface] colors are used to to create a
/// The [primary], and [onSurface] colors are used to create a
/// [MaterialStateProperty] [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] value in the same
/// way that [defaultStyleOf] uses the [ColorScheme] colors with the same
/// names. Specify a value for [primary] to specify the color of the button's
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class TextButton extends ButtonStyleButton {
/// A static convenience method that constructs a text button
/// [ButtonStyle] given simple values.
/// The [primary], and [onSurface] colors are used to to create a
/// The [primary], and [onSurface] colors are used to create a
/// [MaterialStateProperty] [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] value in the same
/// way that [defaultStyleOf] uses the [ColorScheme] colors with the same
/// names. Specify a value for [primary] to specify the color of the button's
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class Router<T> extends StatefulWidget {
scope.routerState._setStateWithExplicitReportStatus(_IntentionToReportRouteInformation.must, callback);
/// Forces the [Router] to to run the [callback] without reporting the route
/// Forces the [Router] to run the [callback] without reporting the route
/// information back to the engine.
/// Use this method if you don't want the [Router] to report the new route
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ String testOutputsDirectory =
/// succeeds.
typedef ResponseDataCallback = FutureOr<void> Function(Map<String, dynamic>?);
/// Writes a json-serializable json data to to
/// Writes a json-serializable json data to
/// [testOutputsDirectory]/`testOutputFilename.json`.
/// This is the default `responseDataCallback` in [integrationDriver].
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