Unverified Commit b1094788 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Fix documentation for InputDecoration.focusColor (#111290)

parent 80711d1e
......@@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// When the [InputDecoration.labelText] is on top of the input field, the
/// text uses the [labelStyle] instead.
/// If [floatingLabelStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// If `floatingLabelStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
......@@ -2677,7 +2677,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// It's possible to override the label style for just the error state, or
/// just the default state, or both.
/// In this example the [floatingLabelStyle] is specified with a
/// In this example the `floatingLabelStyle` is specified with a
/// [MaterialStateProperty] which resolves to a text style whose color depends
/// on the decorator's error state.
......@@ -2696,7 +2696,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The style to use for the [helperText].
/// If [helperStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// If `helperStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
final TextStyle? helperStyle;
......@@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The style to use for the [hintText].
/// If [hintStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// If `hintStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
......@@ -2838,9 +2838,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The padding for the input decoration's container.
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is true
/// and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to [icon] and above
/// the widgets that contain [helperText], [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@macro flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
/// By default the `contentPadding` reflects [isDense] and the type of the
/// [border].
......@@ -2887,10 +2885,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// )
/// ```
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is
/// true and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to
/// [icon] and above the widgets that contain [helperText],
/// [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@macro flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
/// The prefix icon alignment can be changed using [Align] with a fixed `widthFactor` and
/// `heightFactor`.
......@@ -2923,7 +2918,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows the differences between two `TextField` widgets when
/// [prefixIconConstraints] is set to the default value and when one is not.
/// `prefixIconConstraints` is set to the default value and when one is not.
/// Note that [isDense] must be set to true to be able to
/// set the constraints smaller than 48px.
......@@ -2942,9 +2937,9 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// front of the input. The widget's baseline is lined up with the input
/// baseline.
/// Only one of [prefix] and [prefixText] can be specified.
/// Only one of `prefix` and [prefixText] can be specified.
/// The [prefix] appears after the [prefixIcon], if both are specified.
/// The `prefix` appears after the [prefixIcon], if both are specified.
/// See also:
......@@ -2957,9 +2952,9 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The prefix text is not returned as part of the user's input.
/// If a more elaborate prefix is required, consider using [prefix] instead.
/// Only one of [prefix] and [prefixText] can be specified.
/// Only one of [prefix] and `prefixText` can be specified.
/// The [prefixText] appears after the [prefixIcon], if both are specified.
/// The `prefixText` appears after the [prefixIcon], if both are specified.
/// See also:
......@@ -2968,7 +2963,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The style to use for the [prefixText].
/// If [prefixStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// If `prefixStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
......@@ -2983,7 +2978,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// Defaults to [iconColor]
/// If [prefixIconColor] is a [MaterialStateColor], then the effective
/// If `prefixIconColor` is a [MaterialStateColor], then the effective
/// color can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
final Color? prefixIconColor;
......@@ -3040,9 +3035,9 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// otherwise be specified using [suffixText], or to add a custom widget after
/// the input. The widget's baseline is lined up with the input baseline.
/// Only one of [suffix] and [suffixText] can be specified.
/// Only one of `suffix` and [suffixText] can be specified.
/// The [suffix] appears before the [suffixIcon], if both are specified.
/// The `suffix` appears before the [suffixIcon], if both are specified.
/// See also:
......@@ -3055,9 +3050,9 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The suffix text is not returned as part of the user's input.
/// If a more elaborate suffix is required, consider using [suffix] instead.
/// Only one of [suffix] and [suffixText] can be specified.
/// Only one of [suffix] and `suffixText` can be specified.
/// The [suffixText] appears before the [suffixIcon], if both are specified.
/// The `suffixText` appears before the [suffixIcon], if both are specified.
/// See also:
......@@ -3066,9 +3061,9 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The style to use for the [suffixText].
/// If [suffixStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
/// If `suffixStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective text
/// style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e. if the
/// [TextField] is focused or not.
/// If null, defaults to the [hintStyle].
......@@ -3077,7 +3072,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// * [prefixStyle], the equivalent but on the leading edge.
final TextStyle? suffixStyle;
/// Optional color of the suffixIcon
/// Optional color of the [suffixIcon].
/// Defaults to [iconColor]
......@@ -3130,7 +3125,7 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// The style to use for the [counterText].
/// If [counterStyle] is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// If `counterStyle` is a [MaterialStateTextStyle], then the effective
/// text style can depend on the [MaterialState.focused] state, i.e.
/// if the [TextField] is focused or not.
......@@ -3142,52 +3137,53 @@ class InputDecoration {
/// When [InputDecorator.isHovering] is true, the [hoverColor] is also blended
/// into the final fill color.
/// Typically this field set to true if [border] is an
/// [UnderlineInputBorder].
/// Typically this field set to true if [border] is an [UnderlineInputBorder].
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is
/// true and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to
/// [icon] and above the widgets that contain [helperText],
/// [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@template flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if `filled` is true
/// and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to [icon] and above
/// the widgets that contain [helperText], [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@endtemplate}
/// This property is false by default.
final bool? filled;
/// The base fill color of the decoration's container color.
/// When [InputDecorator.isHovering] is true, the
/// [hoverColor] is also blended into the final fill color.
/// When [InputDecorator.isHovering] is true, the [hoverColor] is also blended
/// into the final fill color.
/// By default the fillColor is based on the current [Theme].
/// By default the `fillColor` is based on the current
/// [InputDecorationTheme.fillColor].
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is true
/// and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to [icon] and above
/// the widgets that contain [helperText], [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@macro flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
final Color? fillColor;
/// By default the [focusColor] is based on the current [Theme].
/// The fill color of the decoration's container when it has the input focus.
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is
/// true and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to
/// [icon] and above the widgets that contain [helperText],
/// [errorText], and [counterText].
/// By default the `focusColor` is based on the current
/// [InputDecorationTheme.focusColor].
/// This `focusColor` is ignored by [TextField] and [TextFormField] because
/// they don't respond to focus changes by changing their decorator's
/// container color, they respond by changing their border to the
/// [focusedBorder], which you can change the color of.
/// {@macro flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
final Color? focusColor;
/// The color of the focus highlight for the decoration shown if the container
/// The color of the highlight for the decoration shown if the container
/// is being hovered over by a mouse.
/// If [filled] is true, the color is blended with [fillColor] and fills the
/// decoration's container.
/// If [filled] is true, the `hoverColor` is blended with [fillColor] and
/// fills the decoration's container.
/// If [filled] is false, and [InputDecorator.isFocused] is false, the color
/// is blended over the [enabledBorder]'s color.
/// By default the [hoverColor] is based on the current [Theme].
/// By default the `hoverColor` is based on the current [Theme].
/// The decoration's container is the area which is filled if [filled] is
/// true and bordered per the [border]. It's the area adjacent to
/// [icon] and above the widgets that contain [helperText],
/// [errorText], and [counterText].
/// {@macro flutter.material.input_decorator.container_description}
final Color? hoverColor;
/// The border to display when the [InputDecorator] does not have the focus and
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