Commit aedf41bf authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson

More elaborate exceptions.

The elaboration will continue until morale improves.

Specific exceptions considered here:

 - size setter checking when you set the size
 - layout verifying that you do set the size
 - hitTest verifying that you aren't dirty and have a size
 - flex complaining about canFlex
parent d312c9dc
......@@ -520,8 +520,36 @@ abstract class RenderBox extends RenderObject {
bool get hasSize => _size != null;
Size _size;
void set size(Size value) {
assert((sizedByParent && debugDoingThisResize) ||
(!sizedByParent && debugDoingThisLayout));
assert(!(debugDoingThisResize && debugDoingThisLayout));
assert(sizedByParent || !debugDoingThisResize);
assert(() {
if ((sizedByParent && debugDoingThisResize) ||
(!sizedByParent && debugDoingThisLayout))
return true;
String contract, violation, hint;
if (debugDoingThisLayout) {
violation = 'It appears that the size setter was called from performLayout().';
hint = '';
} else {
violation = 'The size setter was called from outside layout (neither performResize() nor performLayout() were being run for this object).';
if (owner != null && owner.debugDoingLayout)
hint = 'Only the object itself can set its size. It is a contract violation for other objects to set it.';
if (sizedByParent)
contract = 'Because this RenderBox has sizedByParent set to true, it must set its size in performResize().';
contract = 'Because this RenderBox has sizedByParent set to false, it must set its size in performLayout().';
throw new FlutterError(
'RenderBox size setter called incorrectly.\n'
'The RenderBox in question is:\n'
' $this'
assert(() {
if (value is _DebugSize) {
if (value._owner != this) {
......@@ -628,89 +656,106 @@ abstract class RenderBox extends RenderObject {
void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() {
assert(constraints != null);
assert(_size != null);
// verify that the size is not infinite
if (_size.isInfinite) {
StringBuffer information = new StringBuffer();
if (!constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
RenderBox node = this;
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedWidth && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
information.writeln('The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded width constraint is:');
information.writeln(' $node');
List<String> description = <String>[];
for (String line in description)
information.writeln(' $line');
assert(() {
if (!hasSize) {
assert(!needsLayout); // this is called in the size= setter during layout, but in that case we have a size
String contract;
if (sizedByParent)
contract = 'Because this RenderBox has sizedByParent set to true, it must set its size in performResize().\n';
contract = 'Because this RenderBox has sizedByParent set to false, it must set its size in performLayout().\n';
throw new FlutterError(
'RenderBox did not set its size during layout.\n'
'It appears that this did not happen; layout completed, but the size property is still null.\n'
'The RenderBox in question is:\n'
' $this'
if (!constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
RenderBox node = this;
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedHeight && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
information.writeln('The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded height constraint is:');
information.writeln(' $node');
List<String> description = <String>[];
for (String line in description)
information.writeln(' $line');
// verify that the size is not infinite
if (_size.isInfinite) {
StringBuffer information = new StringBuffer();
if (!constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
RenderBox node = this;
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedWidth && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
information.writeln('The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded width constraint is:');
information.writeln(' $node');
List<String> description = <String>[];
for (String line in description)
information.writeln(' $line');
if (!constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
RenderBox node = this;
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedHeight && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
information.writeln('The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded height constraint is:');
information.writeln(' $node');
List<String> description = <String>[];
for (String line in description)
information.writeln(' $line');
throw new FlutterError(
'$runtimeType object was given an infinite size during layout.\n'
'This probably means that it is a render object that tries to be '
'as big as possible, but it was put inside another render object '
'that allows its children to pick their own size.\n'
'See for more information.'
throw new FlutterError(
'$runtimeType object was given an infinite size during layout.\n'
'This probably means that it is a render object that tries to be\n'
'as big as possible, but it was put inside another render object\n'
'that allows its children to pick their own size.\n'
'See for more information.'
// verify that the size is within the constraints
if (!constraints.isSatisfiedBy(_size)) {
throw new FlutterError(
'$runtimeType does not meet its constraints.\n'
'Constraints: $constraints\n'
'Size: $_size\n'
'If you are not writing your own RenderBox subclass, then this is not\n'
'your fault. Contact support:'
// verify that the intrinsics are also within the constraints
RenderObject.debugCheckingIntrinsics = true;
double intrinsic;
StringBuffer failures = new StringBuffer();
int failureCount = 0;
intrinsic = getMinIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainWidth(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMinIntrinsicWidth() -- returned: w=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMaxIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainWidth(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMaxIntrinsicWidth() -- returned: w=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMinIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainHeight(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMinIntrinsicHeight() -- returned: h=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMaxIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainHeight(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMaxIntrinsicHeight() -- returned: h=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
RenderObject.debugCheckingIntrinsics = false;
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {
assert(failureCount > 0);
throw new FlutterError(
'The intrinsic dimension methods of the $runtimeType class returned values that violate the given constraints.\n'
'The constraints were: $constraints\n'
'The following method${failureCount > 1 ? "s" : ""} returned values outside of those constraints:\n'
'If you are not writing your own RenderBox subclass, then this is not\n'
'your fault. Contact support:'
// verify that the size is within the constraints
if (!constraints.isSatisfiedBy(_size)) {
throw new FlutterError(
'$runtimeType does not meet its constraints.\n'
'Constraints: $constraints\n'
'Size: $_size\n'
'If you are not writing your own RenderBox subclass, then this is not '
'your fault. Contact support:'
// verify that the intrinsics are also within the constraints
RenderObject.debugCheckingIntrinsics = true;
double intrinsic;
StringBuffer failures = new StringBuffer();
int failureCount = 0;
intrinsic = getMinIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainWidth(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMinIntrinsicWidth() -- returned: w=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMaxIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainWidth(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMaxIntrinsicWidth() -- returned: w=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMinIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainHeight(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMinIntrinsicHeight() -- returned: h=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
intrinsic = getMaxIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
if (intrinsic != constraints.constrainHeight(intrinsic)) {
failures.writeln(' * getMaxIntrinsicHeight() -- returned: h=$intrinsic');
failureCount += 1;
RenderObject.debugCheckingIntrinsics = false;
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {
assert(failureCount > 0);
throw new FlutterError(
'The intrinsic dimension methods of the $runtimeType class returned values that violate the given constraints.\n'
'The constraints were: $constraints\n'
'The following method${failureCount > 1 ? "s" : ""} returned values outside of those constraints:\n'
'If you are not writing your own RenderBox subclass, then this is not\n'
'your fault. Contact support:'
return true;
......@@ -763,8 +808,30 @@ abstract class RenderBox extends RenderObject {
/// coordinate space of the callee. The callee is responsible for checking
/// whether the given position is within its bounds.
bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
assert(_size != null && 'Missing size. Did you set a size during layout?' != null);
assert(() {
if (needsLayout) {
throw new FlutterError(
'Cannot hit test a dirty render box.\n'
'The hitTest() method was invoked on this RenderBox:\n'
' $this\n'
'Unfortunately, since this object has been marked as needing layout, its geometry is not known at this time. '
'This means it cannot be accurately hit-tested. Make sure to only mark nodes as needing layout during a pipeline '
'flush, so that it is marked clean before any event handling occurs. If you are trying to perform a hit test '
'during the layout phase itself, make sure you only hit test nodes that have completed layout (e.g. the node\'s '
'children, after their layout() method has been called).'
if (!hasSize) {
throw new FlutterError(
'Cannot hit test a render box with no size.\n'
'The hitTest() method was invoked on this RenderBox:\n'
' $this\n'
'Although this node is not marked as needing layout, its size is not set. A RenderBox object must have an '
'explicit size before it can be hit-tested. Make sure that the RenderBox in question sets its size during layout.'
return true;
if (position.x >= 0.0 && position.x < _size.width &&
position.y >= 0.0 && position.y < _size.height) {
if (hitTestChildren(result, position: position) || hitTestSelf(position)) {
......@@ -353,10 +353,69 @@ class RenderFlex extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, Fl
int flex = _getFlex(child);
if (flex > 0) {
// Flexible children can only be used when the RenderFlex box's container has a finite size.
// When the container is infinite, for example if you are in a scrollable viewport, then
// it wouldn't make any sense to have a flexible child.
assert(canFlex && 'See' is String);
assert(() {
final String identity = _direction == FlexDirection.horizontal ? 'row' : 'column';
final String axis = _direction == FlexDirection.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
final String dimension = _direction == FlexDirection.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height';
String error, message;
String addendum = '';
if (mainAxisAlignment == MainAxisAlignment.collapse) {
error = 'RenderFlex children have non-zero flex but mainAxisAlignment is set to "collapse".';
message = 'The MainAxisAlignment.collapse value indicates that the $identity is to shrink-wrap its children '
'along the $axis axis. Setting a flex on a child (e.g. using a Flexible) indicates that the '
'child is to expand to fill the remaining space in the $axis direction.';
} else if (mainSize == double.INFINITY) {
error = 'RenderFlex children have non-zero flex but incoming $dimension constraints are unbounded.';
message = 'When a $identity is in a parent that does not provide a finite $dimension constraint, for example '
'if it is in a $axis scrollable, it will try to shrink-wrap its children along the $axis '
'axis. Setting a flex on a child (e.g. using a Flexible) indicates that the child is to '
'expand to fill the remaining space in the $axis direction.';
StringBuffer information = new StringBuffer();
RenderBox node = this;
switch (_direction) {
case FlexDirection.horizontal:
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedWidth && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
if (!node.constraints.hasBoundedWidth)
node = null;
case FlexDirection.vertical:
while (!node.constraints.hasBoundedHeight && node.parent is RenderBox)
node = node.parent;
if (!node.constraints.hasBoundedHeight)
node = null;
if (node != null) {
information.writeln('The nearest ancestor providing an unbounded width constraint is:');
information.writeln(' $node');
List<String> description = <String>[];
for (String line in description)
information.writeln(' $line');
information.writeln('See also:');
addendum = information.toString();
} else {
return true;
throw new FlutterError(
'These two directives are mutually exclusive. If a parent is to shrink-wrap its child, the child '
'cannot simultaneously expand to fit its parent.\n'
'The affected RenderFlex is:\n'
' $this\n'
'The creator information is set to:\n'
' $debugCreator\n'
'If this message did not help you determine the problem, consider using debugDumpRenderTree():\n'
'If none of the above helps enough to fix this problem, please don\'t hesitate to file a bug:\n'
totalFlex += childParentData.flex;
} else {
BoxConstraints innerConstraints;
......@@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// Verify that the object's constraints are being met. Override
/// this function in a subclass to verify that your state matches
/// the constraints object. This function is only called in checked
/// mode. If the constraints are not met, it should assert or throw
/// an exception.
/// mode and only when needsLayout is false. If the constraints are
/// not met, it should assert or throw an exception.
void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints();
/// When true, debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() is currently
......@@ -1111,6 +1111,7 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
/// implemented here) to return early if the child does not need to do any
/// work to update its layout information.
void layout(Constraints constraints, { bool parentUsesSize: false }) {
assert(constraints != null);
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