Unverified Commit ac905b29 authored by Pierre-Louis's avatar Pierre-Louis Committed by GitHub

Add option to specify class name (#109865)

parent 360ac5bc
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ const String _iconsTemplatePathOption = 'icons-template';
const String _newCodepointsPathOption = 'new-codepoints';
const String _oldCodepointsPathOption = 'old-codepoints';
const String _fontFamilyOption = 'font-family';
const String _classNameOption = 'class-name';
const String _enforceSafetyChecks = 'enforce-safety-checks';
const String _dryRunOption = 'dry-run';
......@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ const String _defaultIconsPath = 'packages/flutter/lib/src/material/icons.dart';
const String _defaultNewCodepointsPath = 'codepoints';
const String _defaultOldCodepointsPath = 'bin/cache/artifacts/material_fonts/codepoints';
const String _defaultFontFamily = 'MaterialIcons';
const String _defaultClassName = 'Icons';
const String _defaultDemoFilePath = '/tmp/new_icons_demo.dart';
const String _beginGeneratedMark = '// BEGIN GENERATED ICONS';
......@@ -211,6 +213,7 @@ void main(List<String> args) {
argResults[_fontFamilyOption] as String,
argResults[_classNameOption] as String,
argResults[_enforceSafetyChecks] as bool,
......@@ -245,6 +248,9 @@ ArgResults _handleArguments(List<String> args) {
defaultsTo: _defaultFontFamily,
help: 'The font family to use for the IconData constants')
defaultsTo: _defaultClassName,
help: 'The containing class for all icons')
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Whether to exit if safety checks fail (e.g. codepoints are missing or unstable')
......@@ -280,10 +286,12 @@ String _regenerateIconsFile(
String templateFileContents,
Map<String, String> tokenPairMap,
String fontFamily,
String className,
bool enforceSafetyChecks,
) {
final List<Icon> newIcons = tokenPairMap.entries
.map((MapEntry<String, String> entry) => Icon(entry, fontFamily: fontFamily))
.map((MapEntry<String, String> entry) =>
Icon(entry, fontFamily: fontFamily, className: className))
newIcons.sort((Icon a, Icon b) => a._compareTo(b));
......@@ -309,7 +317,8 @@ String _regenerateIconsFile(
final Icon iOSIcon = newIcons.firstWhere(
(Icon icon) => icon.id == '${ids[1]}$style',
orElse: () => throw ids[1]);
platformAdaptiveDeclarations.add(Icon.platformAdaptiveDeclaration('$flutterId$style', agnosticIcon, iOSIcon),
agnosticIcon.platformAdaptiveDeclaration('$flutterId$style', iOSIcon),
} catch (e) {
if (style == '') {
......@@ -433,7 +442,10 @@ void _generateIconDemo(File demoFilePath, Map<String, String> tokenPairMap) {
class Icon {
// Parse tokenPair (e.g. {"6_ft_apart_outlined": "e004"}).
Icon(MapEntry<String, String> tokenPair, {this.fontFamily = _defaultFontFamily}) {
Icon(MapEntry<String, String> tokenPair, {
this.fontFamily = _defaultFontFamily,
this.className = _defaultClassName,
}) {
id = tokenPair.key;
hexCodepoint = tokenPair.value;
......@@ -485,6 +497,7 @@ class Icon {
late String hexCodepoint; // e.g. e547
late String htmlSuffix = ''; // The suffix for the 'material-icons' HTML class.
String fontFamily; // The IconData font family.
String className; // The containing class.
String get name => shortId.replaceAll('_', ' ').trim();
......@@ -493,7 +506,7 @@ class Icon {
String get dartDoc =>
'<i class="material-icons$htmlSuffix md-36">$shortId</i> &#x2014; $family icon named "$name"$style';
String get usage => 'Icon(Icons.$flutterId),';
String get usage => 'Icon($className.$flutterId),';
String get mirroredInRTL => _iconsMirroredWhenRTL.contains(shortId)
? ', matchTextDirection: true'
......@@ -508,10 +521,10 @@ class Icon {
static String platformAdaptiveDeclaration(String fullFlutterId, Icon agnosticIcon, Icon iOSIcon) => '''
String platformAdaptiveDeclaration(String fullFlutterId, Icon iOSIcon) => '''
/// Platform-adaptive icon for ${agnosticIcon.dartDoc} and ${iOSIcon.dartDoc}.;
IconData get $fullFlutterId => !_isCupertino() ? Icons.${agnosticIcon.flutterId} : Icons.${iOSIcon.flutterId};
/// Platform-adaptive icon for $dartDoc and ${iOSIcon.dartDoc}.;
IconData get $fullFlutterId => !_isCupertino() ? $className.$flutterId : $className.${iOSIcon.flutterId};
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