Unverified Commit a94c14e0 authored by Kate Lovett's avatar Kate Lovett Committed by GitHub

Add covariants to reduce subclass casts in 2D APIs (#141318)

While working in https://pub.dev/packages/two_dimensional_scrollables, I found I could eliminate some casts if we added covariants here in the framework.
Much of the 2D aPI in the framework is abstract, so I think it make sense to add these and make it easier/cleaner for subclasses using the APIs.
I made a similar change in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/131358, this would cover all of the cases I could find so its nice and accommodating now.
parent 30b0f729
......@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ abstract class TwoDimensionalChildDelegate extends ChangeNotifier {
/// widgets have changed, a new delegate must be provided, and the new
/// delegate's [shouldRebuild] method must return true. Alternatively,
/// calling [notifyListeners] will allow the same delegate to be used.
Widget? build(BuildContext context, ChildVicinity vicinity);
Widget? build(BuildContext context, covariant ChildVicinity vicinity);
/// Called whenever a new instance of the child delegate class is
/// provided.
......@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ abstract class RenderTwoDimensionalViewport extends RenderBox implements RenderA
/// Returns null if there is no active child for the given [ChildVicinity].
RenderBox? getChildFor(ChildVicinity vicinity) => _children[vicinity];
RenderBox? getChildFor(covariant ChildVicinity vicinity) => _children[vicinity];
void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
......@@ -2714,6 +2714,38 @@ void main() {
class _TestVicinity extends ChildVicinity {
const _TestVicinity({required super.xIndex, required super.yIndex});
class _TestBaseDelegate extends TwoDimensionalChildDelegate { //ignore: unused_element
// Would fail analysis without covariant
Widget? build(BuildContext context, _TestVicinity vicinity) => null;
bool shouldRebuild(covariant TwoDimensionalChildDelegate oldDelegate) => false;
class _TestBuilderDelegate extends TwoDimensionalChildBuilderDelegate { //ignore: unused_element
_TestBuilderDelegate({required super.builder});
// Would fail analysis without covariant
Widget? build(BuildContext context, _TestVicinity vicinity) {
return super.build(context, vicinity);
class _TestListDelegate extends TwoDimensionalChildListDelegate { //ignore: unused_element
_TestListDelegate({required super.children});
// Would fail analysis without covariant
Widget? build(BuildContext context, _TestVicinity vicinity) {
return super.build(context, vicinity);
RenderTwoDimensionalViewport getViewport(WidgetTester tester, Key childKey) {
return RenderAbstractViewport.of(
......@@ -2779,6 +2811,11 @@ class _SomeRenderTwoDimensionalViewport extends RenderTwoDimensionalViewport { /
super.delegate = value;
RenderBox? getChildFor(_TestVicinity vicinity) { // Analysis would fail without covariant
return super.getChildFor(vicinity);
void layoutChildSequence() {}
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