Unverified Commit a05f21ff authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Refine the directional traversal algorithm for out of band widgets (#122556)

Refine the directional traversal algorithm for out of band widgets
parent 1306d7f1
......@@ -496,11 +496,11 @@ class _DirectionalPolicyData {
/// only want to implement new next/previous policies.
/// Since hysteresis in the navigation order is undesirable, this implementation
/// maintains a stack of previous locations that have been visited on the
/// policy data for the affected [FocusScopeNode]. If the previous direction
/// was the opposite of the current direction, then the this policy will request
/// focus on the previously focused node. Change to another direction other than
/// the current one or its opposite will clear the stack.
/// maintains a stack of previous locations that have been visited on the policy
/// data for the affected [FocusScopeNode]. If the previous direction was the
/// opposite of the current direction, then the this policy will request focus
/// on the previously focused node. Change to another direction other than the
/// current one or its opposite will clear the stack.
/// For instance, if the focus moves down, down, down, and then up, up, up, it
/// will follow the same path through the widgets in both directions. However,
......@@ -508,17 +508,31 @@ class _DirectionalPolicyData {
/// follow the same path on the way up as it did on the way down, since changing
/// the axis of motion resets the history.
/// This class implements an algorithm that considers an infinite band extending
/// along the direction of movement, the width or height (depending on
/// direction) of the currently focused widget, and finds the closest widget in
/// that band along the direction of movement. If nothing is found in that band,
/// then it picks the widget with an edge closest to the band in the
/// perpendicular direction. If two out-of-band widgets are the same distance
/// from the band, then it picks the one closest along the direction of
/// movement.
/// The goal of this algorithm is to pick a widget that (to the user) doesn't
/// appear to traverse along the wrong axis, as it might if it only sorted
/// widgets by distance along one axis, but also jumps to the next logical
/// widget in a direction without skipping over widgets.
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget creation
/// order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order
/// explicitly using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order explicitly
/// using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
mixin DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin on FocusTraversalPolicy {
final Map<FocusScopeNode, _DirectionalPolicyData> _policyData = <FocusScopeNode, _DirectionalPolicyData>{};
......@@ -622,6 +636,54 @@ mixin DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin on FocusTraversalPolicy {
return sorted;
static int _verticalCompareClosestEdge(Offset target, Rect a, Rect b) {
// Find which edge is closest to the target for each.
final double aCoord = (a.top - target.dy).abs() < (a.bottom - target.dy).abs() ? a.top : a.bottom;
final double bCoord = (b.top - target.dy).abs() < (b.bottom - target.dy).abs() ? b.top : b.bottom;
return (aCoord - target.dy).abs().compareTo((bCoord - target.dy).abs());
static int _horizontalCompareClosestEdge(Offset target, Rect a, Rect b) {
// Find which edge is closest to the target for each.
final double aCoord = (a.left - target.dx).abs() < (a.right - target.dx).abs() ? a.left : a.right;
final double bCoord = (b.left - target.dx).abs() < (b.right - target.dx).abs() ? b.left : b.right;
return (aCoord - target.dx).abs().compareTo((bCoord - target.dx).abs());
// Sort the ones that have edges that are closest horizontally first, and if
// two are the same horizontal distance, pick the one that is closest
// vertically.
static Iterable<FocusNode> _sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal(Offset target, Iterable<FocusNode> nodes) {
final List<FocusNode> sorted = nodes.toList();
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode nodeA, FocusNode nodeB) {
final int horizontal = _horizontalCompareClosestEdge(target, nodeA.rect, nodeB.rect);
if (horizontal == 0) {
// If they're the same distance horizontally, pick the closest one
// vertically.
return _verticalCompare(target, nodeA.rect.center, nodeB.rect.center);
return horizontal;
return sorted;
// Sort the ones that have edges that are closest vertically first, and if
// two are the same vertical distance, pick the one that is closest
// horizontally.
static Iterable<FocusNode> _sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical(Offset target, Iterable<FocusNode> nodes) {
final List<FocusNode> sorted = nodes.toList();
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode nodeA, FocusNode nodeB) {
final int vertical = _verticalCompareClosestEdge(target, nodeA.rect, nodeB.rect);
if (vertical == 0) {
// If they're the same distance vertically, pick the closest one
// horizontally.
return _horizontalCompare(target, nodeA.rect.center, nodeB.rect.center);
return vertical;
return sorted;
// Sorts nodes from left to right horizontally, and removes nodes that are
// either to the right of the left side of the target node if we're going
// left, or to the left of the right side of the target node if we're going
......@@ -843,8 +905,9 @@ mixin DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin on FocusTraversalPolicy {
// Only out-of-band targets are eligible, so pick the one that is
// closest the to the center line horizontally.
found = _sortByDistancePreferHorizontal(focusedChild.rect.center, eligibleNodes).first;
// closest to the center line horizontally, and if any are the same
// distance horizontally, pick the closest one of those vertically.
found = _sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal(focusedChild.rect.center, eligibleNodes).first;
case TraversalDirection.right:
case TraversalDirection.left:
......@@ -869,8 +932,9 @@ mixin DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin on FocusTraversalPolicy {
// Only out-of-band targets are eligible, so pick the one that is
// to the center line vertically.
found = _sortByDistancePreferVertical(focusedChild.rect.center, eligibleNodes).first;
// closest to the center line vertically, and if any are the same
// distance vertically, pick the closest one of those horizontally.
found = _sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical(focusedChild.rect.center, eligibleNodes).first;
if (found != null) {
......@@ -1585,6 +1585,178 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('Closest vertical is picked when only out of band items are considered', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const int rows = 4;
List<bool?> focus = List<bool?>.generate(rows, (int _) => null);
final List<FocusNode> nodes = List<FocusNode>.generate(rows, (int index) => FocusNode(debugLabel: 'Node $index'));
Widget makeFocus(int row) {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: row != 0 ? 110.0 : 0),
child: Focus(
focusNode: nodes[row],
onFocusChange: (bool isFocused) => focus[row] = isFocused,
child: Container(
width: row == 1 ? 150 : 100,
height: 100,
color: Colors.primaries[row],
child: Text('[$row]'),
/// Layout is:
/// [0]
/// [ 1]
/// [ 2]
/// [ 3]
/// The important feature is that nothing is in the vertical band defined
/// by widget [0]. We want it to traverse to 1, 2, 3 in order, even though
/// the center of [2] is horizontally closer to the vertical axis of [0]'s
/// center than [1]'s.
await tester.pumpWidget(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: FocusTraversalGroup(
policy: WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy(),
child: FocusScope(
debugLabel: 'Scope',
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
children: <Widget>[
void clear() {
focus = List<bool?>.generate(focus.length, (int _) => null);
final FocusNode scope = nodes[0].enclosingScope!;
// Go down the column and make sure that the focus goes to the next
// closest one.
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[true, null, null, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.down), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[false, true, null, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.down), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, false, true, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.down), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, null, false, true]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.down), isFalse);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, null, null, null]));
testWidgets('Closest horizontal is picked when only out of band items are considered', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const int cols = 4;
List<bool?> focus = List<bool?>.generate(cols, (int _) => null);
final List<FocusNode> nodes = List<FocusNode>.generate(cols, (int index) => FocusNode(debugLabel: 'Node $index'));
Widget makeFocus(int col) {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(top: col != 0 ? 110.0 : 0),
child: Focus(
focusNode: nodes[col],
onFocusChange: (bool isFocused) => focus[col] = isFocused,
child: Container(
width: 100,
height: col == 1 ? 150 : 100,
color: Colors.primaries[col],
child: Text('[$col]'),
/// Layout is:
/// [0]
/// [ ][2][3]
/// [1]
/// ([ ] is part of [1], [1] is just taller than [2] and [3]).
/// The important feature is that nothing is in the horizontal band
/// defined by widget [0]. We want it to traverse to 1, 2, 3 in order,
/// even though the center of [2] is vertically closer to the horizontal
/// axis of [0]'s center than [1]'s.
await tester.pumpWidget(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: FocusTraversalGroup(
policy: WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy(),
child: FocusScope(
debugLabel: 'Scope',
child: Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
void clear() {
focus = List<bool?>.generate(focus.length, (int _) => null);
final FocusNode scope = nodes[0].enclosingScope!;
// Go down the row and make sure that the focus goes to the next
// closest one.
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[true, null, null, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.right), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[false, true, null, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.right), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, false, true, null]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.right), isTrue);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, null, false, true]));
expect(scope.focusInDirection(TraversalDirection.right), isFalse);
await tester.pump();
expect(focus, orderedEquals(<bool?>[null, null, null, null]));
testWidgets('Can find first focus in all directions.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey upperLeftKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'upperLeftKey');
final GlobalKey upperRightKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'upperRightKey');
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