Unverified Commit 9a6bda87 authored by Andrew Kolos's avatar Andrew Kolos Committed by GitHub

rebuild the asset bundle if a file has been modified between `flutter test` runs (#143569)

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143513
Should be cherry-picked to beta.
parent 1b8742b9
......@@ -620,7 +620,10 @@ class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand with DeviceBasedDevelopmentArtifacts {
return true;
for (final DevFSFileContent entry in entries.values.whereType<DevFSFileContent>()) {
final Iterable<DevFSFileContent> files = entries.values
.map((AssetBundleEntry asset) => asset.content)
for (final DevFSFileContent entry in files) {
// Calling isModified to access file stats first in order for isModifiedAfter
// to work.
if (entry.isModified && entry.isModifiedAfter(lastModified)) {
......@@ -955,6 +955,41 @@ dev_dependencies:
DeviceManager: () => _FakeDeviceManager(<Device>[]),
testUsingContext('Rebuild the asset bundle if an asset file has changed since previous build', () async {
final FakeFlutterTestRunner testRunner = FakeFlutterTestRunner(0);
- asset.txt
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter''');
final TestCommand testCommand = TestCommand(testRunner: testRunner);
final CommandRunner<void> commandRunner = createTestCommandRunner(testCommand);
await commandRunner.run(const <String>[
await commandRunner.run(const <String>[
final String fileContent = fs.file(globals.fs.path.join('build', 'unit_test_assets', 'asset.txt')).readAsStringSync();
expect(fileContent, '2');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => fs,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.empty(),
DeviceManager: () => _FakeDeviceManager(<Device>[]),
group('Fatal Logs', () {
testUsingContext("doesn't fail when --fatal-warnings is set and no warning output", () async {
final FakeFlutterTestRunner testRunner = FakeFlutterTestRunner(0);
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