Commit 9802ee18 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Merge pull request #2906 from vlidholt/master

First pass at new Flutter gallery front page
parents 3a84cef2 d563f508
......@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ assets:
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/top_10_australian_beaches.png
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/jumpingjack.json
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/jumpingjack.png
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/grain.png
......@@ -28,10 +28,20 @@ class GalleryAppState extends State<GalleryApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Material Gallery',
theme: lightTheme ? new ThemeData.light() : new ThemeData.dark(),
theme: lightTheme ? _kGalleryLightTheme : _kGalleryDarkTheme,
routes: {
'/': (BuildContext context) => new GalleryHome()
ThemeData _kGalleryLightTheme = new ThemeData(
brightness: ThemeBrightness.light,
primarySwatch: Colors.purple
ThemeData _kGalleryDarkTheme = new ThemeData(
brightness: ThemeBrightness.dark,
primarySwatch: Colors.purple
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
typedef Widget GalleryDemoBuilder();
class GalleryDemo {
GalleryDemo({ this.title, this.builder }) {
assert(title != null);
assert(builder != null);
final String title;
final GalleryDemoBuilder builder;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_sprites/flutter_sprites.dart';
class GalleryHeader extends StatefulWidget {
_GalleryHeaderState createState() => new _GalleryHeaderState();
class _GalleryHeaderState extends State<GalleryHeader> {
_FlutterHeaderNode _headerNode;
ImageMap _images;
Future<Null> _loadAssets() async {
final AssetBundle bundle = DefaultAssetBundle.of(context);
_images = new ImageMap(bundle);
await _images.load(<String>[
void initState() {
_loadAssets().then((_) {
setState(() {
_headerNode = new _FlutterHeaderNode(_images);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _headerNode == null ? new Container() : new SpriteWidget(_headerNode);
const Size _kCanvasSize = const Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
const Point _kCenterPoint = const Point(512.0, 512.0);
class _FlutterHeaderNode extends NodeWithSize {
_FlutterHeaderNode(this._images) : super(_kCanvasSize) {
clippingLayer.opacity = 0.0; ActionTween((double a) => clippingLayer.opacity = a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5));
clippingLayer.addChild(new _BackgroundBox());
paperAnimation.position = _kCenterPoint;
final Sprite grain = new Sprite.fromImage(_images['packages/flutter_gallery_assets/grain.png'])
..position = _kCenterPoint;
userInteractionEnabled = true;
final ImageMap _images;
final Layer clippingLayer = new Layer();
final _PaperAnimation paperAnimation = new _PaperAnimation();
void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
clippingLayer.layerRect = spriteBox.visibleArea;
final List<_PaperConfig> _kPaperConfigs = <_PaperConfig>[
new _PaperConfig(
color: Colors.deepPurple[500],
startPosition: const Point(-300.0, -300.0),
startRotation: -10.0,
rotationSpeed: -1.0,
parallaxDepth: 0.0,
rect: new Rect.fromLTRB(-1024.0, -280.0, 1024.0, 280.0)
new _PaperConfig(
color: Colors.purple[400],
startPosition: const Point(550.0, 0.0),
startRotation: 45.0,
rotationSpeed: 0.7,
parallaxDepth: 1.0,
rect: new Rect.fromLTRB(-512.0, -512.0, 512.0, 512.0)
new _PaperConfig(
color: Colors.purple[600],
startPosition: const Point(550.0, 0.0),
startRotation: 55.0,
rotationSpeed: 0.9,
parallaxDepth: 2.0,
rect: new Rect.fromLTRB(-512.0, -512.0, 512.0, 512.0)
new _PaperConfig(
color: Colors.purple[700],
startPosition: const Point(550.0, 0.0),
startRotation: 65.0,
rotationSpeed: 1.1,
parallaxDepth: 3.0,
rect: new Rect.fromLTRB(-512.0, -512.0, 512.0, 512.0)
class _PaperAnimation extends Node {
_PaperAnimation() {
for (_PaperConfig config in _kPaperConfigs) {
final _PaperSheet sheet = new _PaperSheet(config);
final _PaperSheetShadow shadow = new _PaperSheetShadow(config);
shadow.constraints = <Constraint>[
new ConstraintRotationToNodeRotation(sheet),
new ConstraintPositionToNode(sheet, offset: const Offset(0.0, 10.0))
final List<_PaperSheet> _sheets = <_PaperSheet>[];
class _PaperConfig {
final Color color;
final Point startPosition;
final double startRotation;
final double rotationSpeed;
final double parallaxDepth;
final Rect rect;
class _PaperSheet extends Node {
_PaperSheet(this._config) {
_paperPaint.color = _config.color;
position = _config.startPosition;
rotation = _config.startRotation;
final _PaperConfig _config;
final Paint _paperPaint = new Paint();
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(_config.rect, _paperPaint);
void update(double dt) {
rotation += _config.rotationSpeed * dt;
class _PaperSheetShadow extends Node {
_PaperSheetShadow(this._config) {
_paperPaint.color = Colors.black45;
_paperPaint.maskFilter = new MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, 10.0);
final _PaperConfig _config;
final Paint _paperPaint = new Paint();
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(_config.rect, _paperPaint);
class _BackgroundBox extends Node {
final Paint _boxPaint = new Paint()..color = Colors.purple[500];
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, _kCanvasSize.width, _kCanvasSize.height), _boxPaint);
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'demo.dart';
import 'drawer.dart';
import 'section.dart';
import 'header.dart';
import 'item.dart';
import '../demo/buttons_demo.dart';
import '../demo/cards_demo.dart';
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import '../demo/page_selector_demo.dart';
import '../demo/persistent_bottom_sheet_demo.dart';
import '../demo/progress_indicator_demo.dart';
import '../demo/toggle_controls_demo.dart';
import '../demo/scrolling_techniques_demo.dart';
import '../demo/slider_demo.dart';
import '../demo/snack_bar_demo.dart';
import '../demo/scrollable_tabs_demo.dart';
......@@ -41,6 +40,8 @@ import '../demo/two_level_list_demo.dart';
import '../demo/typography_demo.dart';
import '../demo/weather_demo.dart';
const double _kFlexibleSpaceMaxHeight = 256.0;
class GalleryHome extends StatefulWidget {
GalleryHome({ Key key }) : super(key: key);
......@@ -49,109 +50,75 @@ class GalleryHome extends StatefulWidget {
class GalleryHomeState extends State<GalleryHome> {
final Key _scrollableKey = new UniqueKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final double appBarHeight = 128.0;
final double statusBarHight = (MediaQuery.of(context)?.padding ??;
return new Scaffold(
drawer: new GalleryDrawer(),
appBar: new AppBar(
expandedHeight: appBarHeight,
flexibleSpace: (BuildContext context) {
return new Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 64.0),
height: appBarHeight,
child: new Align(
alignment: const FractionalOffset(0.0, 1.0),
child: new Text('Flutter Gallery', style: Typography.white.headline)
expandedHeight: _kFlexibleSpaceMaxHeight,
flexibleSpace: (BuildContext context) => new FlexibleSpaceBar(
image: new GalleryHeader(),
title: new Text("Flutter Gallery")
body: new Block(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
scrollableKey: _scrollableKey,
appBarBehavior: AppBarBehavior.under,
body: new TwoLevelList(
scrollablePadding: new EdgeInsets.only(top: _kFlexibleSpaceMaxHeight + statusBarHight),
key: _scrollableKey,
type: MaterialListType.oneLine,
scrollableKey: _scrollableKey,
items: <Widget>[
new TwoLevelSublist(
leading: new Icon(icon:,
title: new Text("Demos"),
children: <Widget>[
new Row(
children: <Widget>[
new GallerySection(
title: 'Animation',
image: 'assets/section_animation.png',
colors: Colors.purple,
demos: <GalleryDemo>[
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Weather', builder: () => new WeatherDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Fitness', builder: () => new FitnessDemo())
new GalleryItem(title: "Weather", builder: () => new WeatherDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: "Fitness", builder: () => new FitnessDemo()),
new GallerySection(
title: 'Style',
image: 'assets/section_style.png',
demos: <GalleryDemo>[
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Colors', builder: () => new ColorsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Typography', builder: () => new TypographyDemo())
new Row(
new TwoLevelSublist(
leading: new Icon(icon: Icons.extension),
title: new Text("Components"),
children: <Widget>[
new GallerySection(
title: 'Layout',
image: 'assets/section_layout.png',
new GallerySection(
title: 'Components',
image: 'assets/section_components.png',
colors: Colors.amber,
demos: <GalleryDemo>[
new GalleryDemo(title: 'App Bar', builder: () => new FlexibleSpaceDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Buttons', builder: () => new ButtonsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Buttons: Floating Action Button', builder: () => new TabsFabDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Cards', builder: () => new CardsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Chips', builder: () => new ChipDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Date Picker', builder: () => new DatePickerDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Dialog', builder: () => new DialogDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Dropdown Button', builder: () => new DropDownDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Expand/Collapse List Control', builder: () => new TwoLevelListDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Grid', builder: () => new GridListDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Icons', builder: () => new IconsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Leave-behind List Items', builder: () => new LeaveBehindDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'List', builder: () => new ListDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Modal Bottom Sheet', builder: () => new ModalBottomSheetDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Menus', builder: () => new MenuDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Page Selector', builder: () => new PageSelectorDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Persistent Bottom Sheet', builder: () => new PersistentBottomSheetDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Progress Indicators', builder: () => new ProgressIndicatorDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Scrollable Tabs', builder: () => new ScrollableTabsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Selection Controls', builder: () => new ToggleControlsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Sliders', builder: () => new SliderDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'SnackBar', builder: () => new SnackBarDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Tabs', builder: () => new TabsDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Text Fields', builder: () => new TextFieldDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Time Picker', builder: () => new TimePickerDemo()),
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Tooltips', builder: () => new TooltipDemo())
new GalleryItem(title: 'App Bar', builder: () => new FlexibleSpaceDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Buttons', builder: () => new ButtonsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Buttons: Floating Action Button', builder: () => new TabsFabDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Cards', builder: () => new CardsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Chips', builder: () => new ChipDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Date Picker', builder: () => new DatePickerDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Dialog', builder: () => new DialogDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Dropdown Button', builder: () => new DropDownDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Expand/Collapse List Control', builder: () => new TwoLevelListDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Grid', builder: () => new GridListDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Icons', builder: () => new IconsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Leave-behind List Items', builder: () => new LeaveBehindDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'List', builder: () => new ListDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Modal Bottom Sheet', builder: () => new ModalBottomSheetDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Menus', builder: () => new MenuDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Page Selector', builder: () => new PageSelectorDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Persistent Bottom Sheet', builder: () => new PersistentBottomSheetDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Progress Indicators', builder: () => new ProgressIndicatorDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Scrollable Tabs', builder: () => new ScrollableTabsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Selection Controls', builder: () => new ToggleControlsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Sliders', builder: () => new SliderDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'SnackBar', builder: () => new SnackBarDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Tabs', builder: () => new TabsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Text Fields', builder: () => new TextFieldDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Time Picker', builder: () => new TimePickerDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Tooltips', builder: () => new TooltipDemo()),
new Row(
new TwoLevelSublist(
leading: new Icon(icon: Icons.color_lens),
title: new Text("Style"),
children: <Widget>[
new GallerySection(
title: 'Patterns',
image: 'assets/section_patterns.png',
colors: Colors.cyan,
demos: <GalleryDemo>[
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Scrolling Techniques', builder: () => new ScrollingTechniquesDemo())
new GallerySection(
title: 'Usability',
image: 'assets/section_usability.png',
colors: Colors.lightGreen,
demos: <GalleryDemo>[
new GalleryDemo(title: 'Tooltips', builder: () => new TooltipDemo())
new GalleryItem(title: 'Colors', builder: () => new ColorsDemo()),
new GalleryItem(title: 'Typography', builder: () => new TypographyDemo()),
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
typedef Widget GalleryDemoBuilder();
class GalleryItem extends StatelessWidget {
GalleryItem({ this.title, this.icon, this.builder });
final String title;
final IconData icon;
final GalleryDemoBuilder builder;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget leading = icon == null ? new Container() : new Icon(icon: icon);
return new TwoLevelListItem(
leading: leading,
title: new Text(title),
onTap: () {
if (builder != null) {
Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute<Null>(
builder: (BuildContext context) => builder()
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'demo.dart';
class GallerySection extends StatelessWidget {
GallerySection({ this.title, this.image, this.colors, this.demos });
final String title;
final String image;
final Map<int, Color> colors;
final List<GalleryDemo> demos;
void showDemo(GalleryDemo demo, BuildContext context, ThemeData theme) {
Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute<Null>(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
Widget child = (demo.builder == null) ? null : demo.builder();
return new Theme(data: theme, child: child);
void showDemos(BuildContext context) {
final double statusBarHeight = MediaQuery.of(context);
final ThemeData theme = new ThemeData(
brightness: Theme.of(context).brightness,
primarySwatch: colors
final double appBarHeight = 200.0;
final Key scrollableKey = new ValueKey<String>(title); // assume section titles differ
Navigator.push(context, new MaterialPageRoute<Null>(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return new Theme(
data: theme,
child: new Scaffold(
appBarBehavior: AppBarBehavior.under,
scrollableKey: scrollableKey,
appBar: new AppBar(
expandedHeight: appBarHeight,
flexibleSpace: (BuildContext context) => new FlexibleSpaceBar(title: new Text(title))
body: new Material(
child: new MaterialList(
scrollableKey: scrollableKey,
scrollablePadding: new EdgeInsets.only(top: appBarHeight + statusBarHeight),
type: MaterialListType.oneLine,
children: (demos ?? const <GalleryDemo>[]).map((GalleryDemo demo) {
return new ListItem(
title: new Text(demo.title),
onTap: () { showDemo(demo, context, theme); }
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
final ThemeData theme = new ThemeData(
brightness: Theme.of(context).brightness,
primarySwatch: colors
final TextStyle titleTextStyle = theme.textTheme.title.copyWith(
color: Colors.white
return new Flexible(
child: new GestureDetector(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
onTap: () { showDemos(context); },
child: new Container(
height: 256.0,
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: theme.primaryColor),
child: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
new Flexible(
child: new Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0),
child: new AssetImage(
name: image,
alignment: const FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.5),
fit: ImageFit.contain
new Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: new Align(
alignment: const FractionalOffset(0.0, 1.0),
child: new Text(title, style: titleTextStyle)
......@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ dependencies:
path: ../../packages/flutter
path: ../../packages/flutter_sprites
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.9'
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.12'
......@@ -154,14 +154,25 @@ class _TwoLevelSublistState extends State<TwoLevelSublist> {
class TwoLevelList extends StatelessWidget {
TwoLevelList({ Key key, this.scrollableKey, this.items, this.type: MaterialListType.twoLine }) : super(key: key);
Key key,
this.type: MaterialListType.twoLine,
}) : super(key: key);
final List<Widget> items;
final MaterialListType type;
final Key scrollableKey;
final EdgeInsets scrollablePadding;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Block(children: KeyedSubtree.ensureUniqueKeysForList(items), scrollableKey: scrollableKey);
return new Block(
padding: scrollablePadding,
children: KeyedSubtree.ensureUniqueKeysForList(items),
scrollableKey: scrollableKey
......@@ -66,6 +66,29 @@ class ConstraintRotationToMovement extends Constraint {
/// A [Constraint] that copies a node's rotation, optionally with [dampening].
class ConstraintRotationToNodeRotation extends Constraint {
/// Creates a new constraint that copies a node's rotation, optionally
/// with a [baseRotation] added and using [dampening].
ConstraintRotationToNodeRotation(this.targetNode, { this.baseRotation: 0.0, this.dampening });
/// The node to copy the rotation from
final Node targetNode;
/// The base rotation will be added to the rotation that copied from the targetNode
final double baseRotation;
/// The filter factor used when constraining the rotation of the node. Valid
/// values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0
final double dampening;
void constrain(Node node, double dt) {
double target = targetNode.rotation + baseRotation;
node.rotation = _dampenRotation(node.rotation, target, dampening);
/// A [Constraint] that rotates a node to point towards another node. The target
/// node is allowed to have a different parent, but they must be in the same
/// [SpriteBox].
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