Unverified Commit 97e03104 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Make the 'time to update' message depend up on the channel. (#24173)

Fixes #24158
parent 72b6a706
......@@ -207,20 +207,34 @@ class FlutterVersion {
/// The amount of time we wait before pinging the server to check for the
/// availability of a newer version of Flutter.
static const Duration kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate = Duration(days: 3);
static const Duration checkAgeConsideredUpToDate = Duration(days: 3);
/// We warn the user if the age of their Flutter installation is greater than
/// this duration.
/// this duration. The durations are slightly longer than the expected release
/// cadence for each channel, to give the user a grace period before they get
/// notified.
/// This is set to 5 weeks because releases are currently around every 4 weeks.
/// For example, for the beta channel, this is set to five weeks because
/// beta releases happen approximately every month.
static const Duration kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate = Duration(days: 35);
static Duration versionAgeConsideredUpToDate(String channel) {
switch (channel) {
case 'stable':
return const Duration(days: 365 ~/ 2); // Six months
case 'beta':
return const Duration(days: 7 * 8); // Eight weeks
case 'dev':
return const Duration(days: 7 * 4); // Four weeks
return const Duration(days: 7 * 3); // Three weeks
/// The amount of time we wait between issuing a warning.
/// This is to avoid annoying users who are unable to upgrade right away.
static const Duration kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning = Duration(days: 1);
static const Duration maxTimeSinceLastWarning = Duration(days: 1);
/// The amount of time we pause for to let the user read the message about
/// outdated Flutter installation.
......@@ -238,7 +252,7 @@ class FlutterVersion {
static Future<void> resetFlutterVersionFreshnessCheck() async {
try {
await Cache.instance.getStampFileFor(
} on FileSystemException {
// Ignore, since we don't mind if the file didn't exist in the first place.
......@@ -258,7 +272,7 @@ class FlutterVersion {
final DateTime localFrameworkCommitDate = DateTime.parse(frameworkCommitDate);
final Duration frameworkAge = _clock.now().difference(localFrameworkCommitDate);
final bool installationSeemsOutdated = frameworkAge > kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate;
final bool installationSeemsOutdated = frameworkAge > versionAgeConsideredUpToDate(channel);
// Get whether there's a newer version on the remote. This only goes
// to the server if we haven't checked recently so won't happen on every
......@@ -273,8 +287,8 @@ class FlutterVersion {
// Do not load the stamp before the above server check as it may modify the stamp file.
final VersionCheckStamp stamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();
final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted = stamp.lastTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? _clock.ago(kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning * 2);
final bool beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted = _clock.now().difference(lastTimeWarningWasPrinted) > kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning;
final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted = stamp.lastTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? _clock.ago(maxTimeSinceLastWarning * 2);
final bool beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted = _clock.now().difference(lastTimeWarningWasPrinted) > maxTimeSinceLastWarning;
// We show a warning if either we know there is a new remote version, or we couldn't tell but the local
// version is outdated.
......@@ -327,7 +341,7 @@ class FlutterVersion {
/// Gets the release date of the latest available Flutter version.
/// This method sends a server request if it's been more than
/// [kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate] since the last version check.
/// [checkAgeConsideredUpToDate] since the last version check.
/// Returns null if the cached version is out-of-date or missing, and we are
/// unable to reach the server to get the latest version.
......@@ -339,7 +353,7 @@ class FlutterVersion {
final Duration timeSinceLastCheck = _clock.now().difference(versionCheckStamp.lastTimeVersionWasChecked);
// Don't ping the server too often. Return cached value if it's fresh.
if (timeSinceLastCheck < kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate)
if (timeSinceLastCheck < checkAgeConsideredUpToDate)
return versionCheckStamp.lastKnownRemoteVersion;
......@@ -381,10 +395,10 @@ class VersionCheckStamp {
/// The prefix of the stamp file where we cache Flutter version check data.
static const String kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile = 'flutter_version_check';
static const String flutterVersionCheckStampFile = 'flutter_version_check';
static Future<VersionCheckStamp> load() async {
final String versionCheckStamp = Cache.instance.getStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile);
final String versionCheckStamp = Cache.instance.getStampFor(flutterVersionCheckStampFile);
if (versionCheckStamp != null) {
// Attempt to parse stamp JSON.
......@@ -435,8 +449,8 @@ class VersionCheckStamp {
if (newTimeWarningWasPrinted != null)
jsonData['lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'] = '$newTimeWarningWasPrinted';
const JsonEncoder kPrettyJsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
Cache.instance.setStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile, kPrettyJsonEncoder.convert(jsonData));
const JsonEncoder prettyJsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
Cache.instance.setStampFor(flutterVersionCheckStampFile, prettyJsonEncoder.convert(jsonData));
Map<String, String> toJson({
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void main() {
)).thenAnswer((_) => Future<Process>.value(createMockProcess()));
final File versionCheckFile = Cache.instance.getStampFileFor(
/// Create a bogus "leftover" version check file to make sure it gets
......@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ import 'src/common.dart';
import 'src/context.dart';
final SystemClock _testClock = SystemClock.fixed(DateTime(2015, 1, 1));
final DateTime _upToDateVersion = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate ~/ 2);
final DateTime _outOfDateVersion = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate * 2);
final DateTime _stampUpToDate = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate ~/ 2);
final DateTime _stampOutOfDate = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate * 2);
final DateTime _stampUpToDate = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.checkAgeConsideredUpToDate ~/ 2);
final DateTime _stampOutOfDate = _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.checkAgeConsideredUpToDate * 2);
void main() {
MockProcessManager mockProcessManager;
......@@ -33,7 +31,16 @@ void main() {
mockCache = MockCache();
group('$FlutterVersion', () {
for (String channel in FlutterVersion.officialChannels) {
DateTime getChannelUpToDateVersion() {
return _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.versionAgeConsideredUpToDate(channel) ~/ 2);
DateTime getChannelOutOfDateVersion() {
return _testClock.ago(FlutterVersion.versionAgeConsideredUpToDate(channel) * 2);
group('$FlutterVersion for $channel', () {
setUpAll(() {
FlutterVersion.timeToPauseToLetUserReadTheMessage = Duration.zero;
......@@ -43,11 +50,13 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _upToDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
// Server will be pinged because we haven't pinged within last x days
expectServerPing: true,
remoteCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
expectSetStamp: true);
remoteCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
await FlutterVersion.instance.checkFlutterVersionFreshness();
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
......@@ -56,18 +65,19 @@ void main() {
Cache: () => mockCache,
testUsingContext('prints nothing when Flutter installation looks out-of-date by is actually up-to-date', () async {
testUsingContext('prints nothing when Flutter installation looks out-of-date but is actually up-to-date', () async {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
stamp: VersionCheckStamp(
lastTimeVersionWasChecked: _stampOutOfDate,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: _outOfDateVersion,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
remoteCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
remoteCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
expectServerPing: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -83,12 +93,13 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
stamp: VersionCheckStamp(
lastTimeVersionWasChecked: _stampUpToDate,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: _upToDateVersion,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -104,12 +115,13 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
stamp: VersionCheckStamp(
lastTimeVersionWasChecked: _stampUpToDate,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: _upToDateVersion,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -129,10 +141,11 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
remoteCommitDate: _upToDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
remoteCommitDate: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
expectServerPing: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -143,8 +156,9 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
stamp: await VersionCheckStamp.load(),
channel: channel,
await version.checkFlutterVersionFreshness();
......@@ -158,14 +172,15 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
stamp: VersionCheckStamp(
lastTimeVersionWasChecked: _stampOutOfDate,
lastKnownRemoteVersion: _testClock.ago(const Duration(days: 2)),
remoteCommitDate: _upToDateVersion,
remoteCommitDate: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
expectSetStamp: true,
expectServerPing: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -181,10 +196,11 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _upToDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelUpToDateVersion(),
errorOnFetch: true,
expectServerPing: true,
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -200,15 +216,16 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
errorOnFetch: true,
expectServerPing: true,
expectSetStamp: true
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
await version.checkFlutterVersionFreshness();
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FlutterVersion: () => FlutterVersion(_testClock),
ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager,
......@@ -219,10 +236,11 @@ void main() {
localCommitDate: _outOfDateVersion,
localCommitDate: getChannelOutOfDateVersion(),
errorOnFetch: true,
expectServerPing: true,
expectSetStamp: true
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
final FlutterVersion version = FlutterVersion.instance;
......@@ -236,21 +254,19 @@ void main() {
tentativeDescendantRevision: '123456',
tentativeAncestorRevision: 'abcdef',
<String>['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', 'abcdef', '123456'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
overrides: <Type, Generator>{
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FlutterVersion: () => FlutterVersion(_testClock),
ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager,
group('$VersionCheckStamp', () {
group('$VersionCheckStamp for $channel', () {
void _expectDefault(VersionCheckStamp stamp) {
expect(stamp.lastKnownRemoteVersion, isNull);
expect(stamp.lastTimeVersionWasChecked, isNull);
......@@ -258,7 +274,7 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('loads blank when stamp file missing', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache);
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, channel: channel);
_expectDefault(await VersionCheckStamp.load());
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FlutterVersion: () => FlutterVersion(_testClock),
......@@ -267,7 +283,7 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('loads blank when stamp file is malformed JSON', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, stampJson: '<');
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, stampJson: '<', channel: channel);
_expectDefault(await VersionCheckStamp.load());
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FlutterVersion: () => FlutterVersion(_testClock),
......@@ -276,7 +292,12 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('loads blank when stamp file is well-formed but invalid JSON', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, stampJson: '[]');
stampJson: '[]',
channel: channel,
_expectDefault(await VersionCheckStamp.load());
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FlutterVersion: () => FlutterVersion(_testClock),
......@@ -285,13 +306,18 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('loads valid JSON', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, stampJson: '''
stampJson: '''
"lastKnownRemoteVersion": "${_testClock.ago(const Duration(days: 1))}",
"lastTimeVersionWasChecked": "${_testClock.ago(const Duration(days: 2))}",
"lastTimeWarningWasPrinted": "${_testClock.now()}"
channel: channel,
final VersionCheckStamp stamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();
expect(stamp.lastKnownRemoteVersion, _testClock.ago(const Duration(days: 1)));
......@@ -304,7 +330,12 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('stores version stamp', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, expectSetStamp: true);
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
_expectDefault(await VersionCheckStamp.load());
......@@ -326,7 +357,12 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('overwrites individual fields', () async {
fakeData(mockProcessManager, mockCache, expectSetStamp: true);
expectSetStamp: true,
channel: channel,
_expectDefault(await VersionCheckStamp.load());
......@@ -351,6 +387,7 @@ void main() {
Cache: () => mockCache,
void _expectVersionMessage(String message) {
......@@ -369,6 +406,7 @@ void fakeData(
bool errorOnFetch = false,
bool expectSetStamp = false,
bool expectServerPing = false,
String channel = 'master',
}) {
ProcessResult success(String standardOutput) {
return ProcessResult(1, 0, standardOutput, '');
......@@ -379,19 +417,21 @@ void fakeData(
when(cache.getStampFor(any)).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
expect(invocation.positionalArguments.single, VersionCheckStamp.kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile);
expect(invocation.positionalArguments.single, VersionCheckStamp.flutterVersionCheckStampFile);
if (stampJson != null)
if (stampJson != null) {
return stampJson;
if (stamp != null)
if (stamp != null) {
return json.encode(stamp.toJson());
return null;
when(cache.setStampFor(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
expect(invocation.positionalArguments.first, VersionCheckStamp.kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile);
expect(invocation.positionalArguments.first, VersionCheckStamp.flutterVersionCheckStampFile);
if (expectSetStamp) {
stamp = VersionCheckStamp.fromJson(json.decode(invocation.positionalArguments[1]));
......@@ -405,10 +445,7 @@ void fakeData(
bool argsAre(String a1, [String a2, String a3, String a4, String a5, String a6, String a7, String a8]) {
const ListEquality<String> equality = ListEquality<String>();
final List<String> args = invocation.positionalArguments.single;
final List<String> expectedArgs =
<String>[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8]
.where((String arg) => arg != null)
final List<String> expectedArgs = <String>[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8].where((String arg) => arg != null).toList();
return equality.equals(args, expectedArgs);
......@@ -418,11 +455,12 @@ void fakeData(
return success('');
} else if (argsAre('git', 'remote', 'add', '__flutter_version_check__', 'https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git')) {
return success('');
} else if (argsAre('git', 'fetch', '__flutter_version_check__', 'master')) {
if (!expectServerPing)
} else if (argsAre('git', 'fetch', '__flutter_version_check__', channel)) {
if (!expectServerPing) {
fail('Did not expect server ping');
return errorOnFetch ? failure(128) : success('');
} else if (remoteCommitDate != null && argsAre('git', 'log', '__flutter_version_check__/master', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%ad', '--date=iso')) {
} else if (remoteCommitDate != null && argsAre('git', 'log', '__flutter_version_check__/$channel', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%ad', '--date=iso')) {
return success(remoteCommitDate.toString());
......@@ -438,7 +476,7 @@ void fakeData(
<String>['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--symbolic', '@{u}'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(101, 0, 'master', ''));
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(101, 0, channel, ''));
<String>['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
......@@ -462,4 +500,5 @@ void fakeData(
class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {}
class MockCache extends Mock implements Cache {}
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