Unverified Commit 93c4b09e authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Add `RestorableEnumN<T>` and `RestorableEnum<T>` to restorable primitive types (#115050)

* Add RestorableEnumN and RestorableEnum to restorable primitive types

* Review Changes

* Change to assert if not part of the valid set.

* Assert if default value isn't in the enum
parent 7d2b0113
......@@ -496,3 +496,177 @@ class RestorableTextEditingController extends RestorableChangeNotifier<TextEditi
return value.text;
/// A [RestorableProperty] that knows how to store and restore a nullable [Enum]
/// type.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.RestorableNum}
/// The values are serialized using the name of the enum, obtained using the
/// [EnumName.name] extension accessor.
/// The represented value is accessible via the [value] getter. The set of
/// values in the enum are accessible via the [values] getter. Since
/// [RestorableEnumN] allows null, this set will include null.
/// See also:
/// * [RestorableEnum], a class similar to this one that knows how to store and
/// restore non-nullable [Enum] types.
class RestorableEnumN<T extends Enum> extends RestorableValue<T?> {
/// Creates a [RestorableEnumN].
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.RestorableNum.constructor}
RestorableEnumN(T? defaultValue, { required Iterable<T> values })
: assert(defaultValue == null || values.contains(defaultValue),
'Default value $defaultValue not found in $T values: $values'),
_defaultValue = defaultValue,
values = values.toSet();
T? createDefaultValue() => _defaultValue;
final T? _defaultValue;
set value(T? newValue) {
assert(newValue == null || values.contains(newValue),
'Attempted to set an unknown enum value "$newValue" that is not null, or '
'in the valid set of enum values for the $T type: '
'${values.map<String>((T value) => value.name).toSet()}');
super.value = newValue;
/// The set of non-null values that this [RestorableEnumN] may represent.
/// This is a required field that supplies the enum values that are serialized
/// and restored.
/// If a value is encountered that is not null or a value in this set,
/// [fromPrimitives] will assert when restoring.
/// It is typically set to the `values` list of the enum type.
/// In addition to this set, because [RestorableEnumN] allows nullable values,
/// null is also a valid value, even though it doesn't appear in this set.
/// {@tool snippet} For example, to create a [RestorableEnumN] with an
/// [AxisDirection] enum value, with a default value of null, you would build
/// it like the code below:
/// ```dart
/// RestorableEnumN<AxisDirection> axis = RestorableEnumN<AxisDirection>(null, values: AxisDirection.values);
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Set<T> values;
void didUpdateValue(T? oldValue) {
T? fromPrimitives(Object? data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data is String) {
for (final T allowed in values) {
if (allowed.name == data) {
return allowed;
'Attempted to set an unknown enum value "$data" that is not null, or '
'in the valid set of enum values for the $T type: '
'${values.map<String>((T value) => value.name).toSet()}');
return _defaultValue;
Object? toPrimitives() => value?.name;
/// A [RestorableProperty] that knows how to store and restore an [Enum]
/// type.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.RestorableNum}
/// The values are serialized using the name of the enum, obtained using the
/// [EnumName.name] extension accessor.
/// The represented value is accessible via the [value] getter.
/// See also:
/// * [RestorableEnumN], a class similar to this one that knows how to store and
/// restore nullable [Enum] types.
class RestorableEnum<T extends Enum> extends RestorableValue<T> {
/// Creates a [RestorableEnum].
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.RestorableNum.constructor}
RestorableEnum(T defaultValue, { required Iterable<T> values })
: assert(values.contains(defaultValue),
'Default value $defaultValue not found in $T values: $values'),
_defaultValue = defaultValue,
values = values.toSet();
T createDefaultValue() => _defaultValue;
final T _defaultValue;
set value(T newValue) {
'Attempted to set an unknown enum value "$newValue" that is not in the '
'valid set of enum values for the $T type: '
'${values.map<String>((T value) => value.name).toSet()}');
super.value = newValue;
/// The set of values that this [RestorableEnum] may represent.
/// This is a required field that supplies the possible enum values that can
/// be serialized and restored.
/// If a value is encountered that is not in this set, [fromPrimitives] will
/// assert when restoring.
/// It is typically set to the `values` list of the enum type.
/// {@tool snippet} For example, to create a [RestorableEnum] with an
/// [AxisDirection] enum value, with a default value of [AxisDirection.up],
/// you would build it like the code below:
/// ```dart
/// RestorableEnum<AxisDirection> axis = RestorableEnum<AxisDirection>(AxisDirection.up, values: AxisDirection.values);
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
Set<T> values;
void didUpdateValue(T? oldValue) {
T fromPrimitives(Object? data) {
if (data != null && data is String) {
for (final T allowed in values) {
if (allowed.name == data) {
return allowed;
'Attempted to restore an unknown enum value "$data" that is not in the '
'valid set of enum values for the $T type: '
'${values.map<String>((T value) => value.name).toSet()}');
return _defaultValue;
Object toPrimitives() => value.name;
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ void main() {
expect(() => RestorableTextEditingController().value, throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => RestorableDateTime(DateTime(2020, 4, 3)).value, throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => RestorableDateTimeN(DateTime(2020, 4, 3)).value, throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => RestorableEnumN<TestEnum>(TestEnum.one, values: TestEnum.values).value, throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => RestorableEnum<TestEnum>(TestEnum.one, values: TestEnum.values).value, throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => _TestRestorableValue().value, throwsAssertionError);
......@@ -36,12 +38,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'hello world');
expect(state.boolValue.value, false);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2021, 3, 16));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.one);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, null);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'FooBar');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 55);
......@@ -53,12 +57,14 @@ void main() {
state.stringValue.value = 'guten tag';
state.boolValue.value = true;
state.dateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 7, 4);
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
state.nullableNumValue.value = 5.0;
state.nullableDoubleValue.value = 2.0;
state.nullableIntValue.value = 1;
state.nullableStringValue.value = 'hullo';
state.nullableBoolValue.value = false;
state.nullableDateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 4, 4);
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.three;
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'blabla';
state.objectValue.value = 53;
......@@ -70,12 +76,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'guten tag');
expect(state.boolValue.value, true);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 7, 4));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.two);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, 5.0);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, 2.0);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, 1);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, 'hullo');
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, false);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 4, 4));
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, TestEnum.three);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'blabla');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 53);
expect(find.text('guten tag'), findsOneWidget);
......@@ -97,12 +105,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'hello world');
expect(state.boolValue.value, false);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2021, 3, 16));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.one);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, null);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'FooBar');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 55);
......@@ -114,12 +124,14 @@ void main() {
state.stringValue.value = 'guten tag';
state.boolValue.value = true;
state.dateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 7, 4);
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
state.nullableNumValue.value = 5.0;
state.nullableDoubleValue.value = 2.0;
state.nullableIntValue.value = 1;
state.nullableStringValue.value = 'hullo';
state.nullableBoolValue.value = false;
state.nullableDateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 4, 4);
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.three;
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'blabla';
state.objectValue.value = 53;
......@@ -131,12 +143,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'guten tag');
expect(state.boolValue.value, true);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 7, 4));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.two);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, 5.0);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, 2.0);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, 1);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, 'hullo');
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, false);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 4, 4));
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, TestEnum.three);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'blabla');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 53);
expect(find.text('guten tag'), findsOneWidget);
......@@ -153,12 +167,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'guten tag');
expect(state.boolValue.value, true);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 7, 4));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.two);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, 5.0);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, 2.0);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, 1);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, 'hullo');
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, false);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 4, 4));
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, TestEnum.three);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'blabla');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 53);
expect(find.text('guten tag'), findsOneWidget);
......@@ -181,12 +197,14 @@ void main() {
state.stringValue.value = 'guten tag';
state.boolValue.value = true;
state.dateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 7, 4);
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
state.nullableNumValue.value = 5.0;
state.nullableDoubleValue.value = 2.0;
state.nullableIntValue.value = 1;
state.nullableStringValue.value = 'hullo';
state.nullableBoolValue.value = false;
state.nullableDateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 4, 4);
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.three;
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'blabla';
state.objectValue.value = 53;
......@@ -203,12 +221,14 @@ void main() {
state.stringValue.value = 'ciao';
state.boolValue.value = false;
state.dateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 3, 2);
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.four;
state.nullableNumValue.value = 20.0;
state.nullableDoubleValue.value = 20.0;
state.nullableIntValue.value = 20;
state.nullableStringValue.value = 'ni hao';
state.nullableBoolValue.value = null;
state.nullableDateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 5, 5);
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'blub';
state.objectValue.value = 20;
......@@ -224,12 +244,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'guten tag');
expect(state.boolValue.value, true);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 7, 4));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.two);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, 5.0);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, 2.0);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, 1);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, 'hullo');
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, false);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2020, 4, 4));
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, TestEnum.three);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'blabla');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 53);
expect(find.text('guten tag'), findsOneWidget);
......@@ -243,12 +265,14 @@ void main() {
expect(state.stringValue.value, 'hello world');
expect(state.boolValue.value, false);
expect(state.dateTimeValue.value, DateTime(2021, 3, 16));
expect(state.enumValue.value, TestEnum.one);
expect(state.nullableNumValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDoubleValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableIntValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableStringValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableBoolValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableDateTimeValue.value, null);
expect(state.nullableEnumValue.value, null);
expect(state.controllerValue.value.text, 'FooBar');
expect(state.objectValue.value, 55);
expect(find.text('hello world'), findsOneWidget);
......@@ -283,6 +307,9 @@ void main() {
state.dateTimeValue.addListener(() {
state.enumValue.addListener(() {
state.nullableNumValue.addListener(() {
......@@ -301,6 +328,9 @@ void main() {
state.nullableDateTimeValue.addListener(() {
state.nullableEnumValue.addListener(() {
state.controllerValue.addListener(() {
......@@ -344,6 +374,12 @@ void main() {
expect(notifyLog.single, 'date-time');
state.setProperties(() {
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
expect(notifyLog.single, 'enum');
state.setProperties(() {
state.nullableNumValue.value = 42.2;
......@@ -380,6 +416,12 @@ void main() {
expect(notifyLog.single, 'nullable-date-time');
state.setProperties(() {
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.three;
expect(notifyLog.single, 'nullable-enum');
state.setProperties(() {
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'foo';
......@@ -403,12 +445,14 @@ void main() {
state.stringValue.value = 'bar';
state.boolValue.value = true;
state.dateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 7, 4);
state.enumValue.value = TestEnum.two;
state.nullableNumValue.value = 42.2;
state.nullableDoubleValue.value = 42.2;
state.nullableIntValue.value = 45;
state.nullableStringValue.value = 'bar';
state.nullableBoolValue.value = true;
state.nullableDateTimeValue.value = DateTime(2020, 4, 4);
state.nullableEnumValue.value = TestEnum.three;
state.controllerValue.value.text = 'foo';
state.objectValue.value = 42;
......@@ -440,6 +484,40 @@ void main() {
expect(state.objectValue.didUpdateValueCallCount, 1);
testWidgets('RestorableEnum and RestorableEnumN assert if default value is not in enum', (WidgetTester tester) async {
expect(() => RestorableEnum<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four})), throwsAssertionError);
expect(() => RestorableEnumN<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four})), throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('RestorableEnum and RestorableEnumN assert if unknown values are set', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final RestorableEnum<TestEnum> enumMissingValue = RestorableEnum<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four}),
expect(() => enumMissingValue.value = TestEnum.four, throwsAssertionError);
final RestorableEnumN<TestEnum> nullableEnumMissingValue = RestorableEnumN<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four}),
expect(() => nullableEnumMissingValue.value = TestEnum.four, throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('RestorableEnum and RestorableEnumN assert if unknown values are restored', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final RestorableEnum<TestEnum> enumMissingValue = RestorableEnum<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four}),
expect(() => enumMissingValue.fromPrimitives('four'), throwsAssertionError);
final RestorableEnumN<TestEnum> nullableEnumMissingValue = RestorableEnumN<TestEnum>(
values: TestEnum.values.toSet().difference(<TestEnum>{TestEnum.four}),
expect(() => nullableEnumMissingValue.fromPrimitives('four'), throwsAssertionError);
testWidgets('RestorableN types are properly defined', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(const RootRestorationScope(
......@@ -517,12 +595,14 @@ class _RestorableWidgetState extends State<_RestorableWidget> with RestorationMi
final RestorableString stringValue = RestorableString('hello world');
final RestorableBool boolValue = RestorableBool(false);
final RestorableDateTime dateTimeValue = RestorableDateTime(DateTime(2021, 3, 16));
final RestorableEnum<TestEnum> enumValue = RestorableEnum<TestEnum>(TestEnum.one, values: TestEnum.values);
final RestorableNumN<num?> nullableNumValue = RestorableNumN<num?>(null);
final RestorableDoubleN nullableDoubleValue = RestorableDoubleN(null);
final RestorableIntN nullableIntValue = RestorableIntN(null);
final RestorableStringN nullableStringValue = RestorableStringN(null);
final RestorableBoolN nullableBoolValue = RestorableBoolN(null);
final RestorableDateTimeN nullableDateTimeValue = RestorableDateTimeN(null);
final RestorableEnumN<TestEnum> nullableEnumValue = RestorableEnumN<TestEnum>(null, values: TestEnum.values);
final RestorableTextEditingController controllerValue = RestorableTextEditingController(text: 'FooBar');
final _TestRestorableValue objectValue = _TestRestorableValue();
......@@ -534,12 +614,14 @@ class _RestorableWidgetState extends State<_RestorableWidget> with RestorationMi
registerForRestoration(stringValue, 'string');
registerForRestoration(boolValue, 'bool');
registerForRestoration(dateTimeValue, 'dateTime');
registerForRestoration(enumValue, 'enum');
registerForRestoration(nullableNumValue, 'nullableNum');
registerForRestoration(nullableDoubleValue, 'nullableDouble');
registerForRestoration(nullableIntValue, 'nullableInt');
registerForRestoration(nullableStringValue, 'nullableString');
registerForRestoration(nullableBoolValue, 'nullableBool');
registerForRestoration(nullableDateTimeValue, 'nullableDateTime');
registerForRestoration(nullableEnumValue, 'nullableEnum');
registerForRestoration(controllerValue, 'controller');
registerForRestoration(objectValue, 'object');
......@@ -556,3 +638,10 @@ class _RestorableWidgetState extends State<_RestorableWidget> with RestorationMi
String get restorationId => 'widget';
enum TestEnum {
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