Commit 921c0fa5 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Improve and document SliverGrid delegate structure (#7884)

We now create a GridLayout object that memoizes the layout information
for a given SliverConstraints. This approach is both more efficient
(because the delegate no longer needs to re-solve its layout for each
child) and allows for more code sharing between delegates.

The SliverGridRegularTileLayout will also be useful for the date

Also, document the grid delegates.
parent 7f79cced
......@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ import 'sliver_multi_box_adaptor.dart';
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridDelegate.getGeometryForChildIndex], which returns this object
/// * [SliverGridLayout], which represents the geometry of all the tiles in a
/// grid.
/// * [SliverGridLayout.getGeometryForChildIndex], which returns this object
/// to describe the child's placement.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which uses this class during its
/// [RenderSliverGrid.performLayout] method.
......@@ -77,30 +79,183 @@ class SliverGridGeometry {
class SliverGridParentData extends SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData {
double crossAxisOffset;
/// The size and position of all the tiles in a [RenderSliverGrid].
/// Rather that providing a grid with a [SliverGridLayout] directly, you instead
/// provide the grid a [SliverGridDelegate], which can compute a
/// [SliverGridLayout] given the current [SliverConstraints].
/// The tiles can be placed arbitrarily, but it is more efficient to place tiles
/// in roughly in order by scroll offset because grids reify a contiguous
/// sequence of children.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridRegularTileLayout], which represents a layout that uses
/// equally sized and spaced tiles.
/// * [SliverGridGeometry], which represents the size and position of a single
/// tile in a grid.
/// * [SliverGridDelegate.getLayout], which returns this object to describe the
/// delegates's layout.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which uses this class during its
/// [RenderSliverGrid.performLayout] method.
abstract class SliverGridLayout {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const SliverGridLayout();
/// The minimum child index that is visible at (or after) this scroll offset.
int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(double scrollOffset);
/// The maximum child index that is visible at (or before) this scroll offset.
int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(double scrollOffset);
/// The size and position of the child with the given index.
SliverGridGeometry getGeometryForChildIndex(int index);
/// An estimate of the scroll extent needed to fully display all the tiles if
/// there are `childCount` children in total.
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(int childCount);
/// A [SliverGridLayout] that uses equally sized and spaced tiles.
/// Rather that providing a grid with a [SliverGridLayout] directly, you instead
/// provide the grid a [SliverGridDelegate], which can compute a
/// [SliverGridLayout] given the current [SliverConstraints].
/// This layout is used by [SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount] and
/// [SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent].
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount], which uses this layout.
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent], which uses this layout.
/// * [SliverGridLayout], which represents an abitrary tile layout.
/// * [SliverGridGeometry], which represents the size and position of a single
/// tile in a grid.
/// * [SliverGridDelegate.getLayout], which returns this object to describe the
/// delegates's layout.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which uses this class during its
/// [RenderSliverGrid.performLayout] method.
class SliverGridRegularTileLayout extends SliverGridLayout {
/// Creates a layout that uses equally sized and spaced tiles.
/// All of the arguments must not be null and must not be negative. The
/// `crossAxisCount` argument must be greater than zero.
@required this.crossAxisCount,
@required this.mainAxisStride,
@required this.crossAxisStride,
@required this.childMainAxisExtent,
@required this.childCrossAxisExtent,
/// The number of children in the cross axis.
final int crossAxisCount;
/// The number of pixels from the leading edge of one tile to the leading edge
/// of the next tile in the main axis.
final double mainAxisStride;
/// The number of pixels from the leading edge of one tile to the leading edge
/// of the next tile in the cross axis.
final double crossAxisStride;
/// The number of pixels from the leading edge of one tile to the trailing
/// edge of the same tile in the main axis.
final double childMainAxisExtent;
/// The number of pixels from the leading edge of one tile to the trailing
/// edge of the same tile in the cross axis.
final double childCrossAxisExtent;
String toString() => 'crossAxisOffset=$crossAxisOffset; ${super.toString()}';
int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(double scrollOffset) {
return crossAxisCount * (scrollOffset ~/ mainAxisStride);
int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(double scrollOffset) {
final int mainAxisCount = (scrollOffset / mainAxisStride).ceil();
return math.max(0, crossAxisCount * mainAxisCount - 1);
SliverGridGeometry getGeometryForChildIndex(int index) {
return new SliverGridGeometry(
scrollOffset: (index ~/ crossAxisCount) * mainAxisStride,
crossAxisOffset: (index % crossAxisCount) * crossAxisStride,
mainAxisExtent: childMainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: childCrossAxisExtent,
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(int childCount) {
if (childCount == null)
return null;
final int mainAxisCount = ((childCount - 1) / crossAxisCount).floor() + 1;
final double mainAxisSpacing = mainAxisStride - childMainAxisExtent;
return mainAxisStride * mainAxisCount - mainAxisSpacing;
/// Controls the layout of tiles in a grid.
/// Given the current constraints on the grid, a [SliverGridDelegate] computes
/// the layout for the tiles in the grid. The tiles can be placed arbitrarily,
/// but it is more efficient to place tiles in roughly in order by scroll offset
/// because grids reify a contiguous sequence of children.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount], which creates a layout with
/// a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis.
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent], which creates a layout with
/// tiles that have a maximum cross-axis extent.
/// * [GridView], which uses this delegate to control the layout of its tiles.
/// * [SliverGrid], which uses this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which uses this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
abstract class SliverGridDelegate {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const SliverGridDelegate();
int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset);
int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset);
SliverGridGeometry getGeometryForChildIndex(SliverConstraints constraints, int index);
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, int childCount);
/// Returns information about the size and position of the tiles in the grid.
SliverGridLayout getLayout(SliverConstraints constraints);
bool shouldRelayout(@checked SliverGridDelegate oldDelegate);
/// Creates grid layouts with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis.
/// For example, if the grid is vertical, this delegate will create a layout
/// with a fixed number of columns. If the grid is horizontal, this delegate
/// will create a layout with a fixed number of rows.
/// This delegate creates grids with equally sized and spaced tiles.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent], which creates a layout with
/// tiles that have a maximum cross-axis extent.
/// * [SliverGridDelegate], which creates arbitrary layouts.
/// * [GridView], which can use this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
/// * [SliverGrid], which can use this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which can use this delegate to control the layout of
/// its tiles.
class SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount extends SliverGridDelegate {
/// Creates a delegate that makes grid layouts with a fixed number of tiles in
/// the cross axis.
/// All of the arguments must not be null. The `mainAxisSpacing` and
/// `crossAxisSpacing` arguments must not be negative. The `crossAxisCount`
/// and `childAspectRatio` arguments must be greater than zero.
const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount({
@required this.crossAxisCount,
this.mainAxisSpacing: 0.0,
......@@ -128,51 +283,21 @@ class SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount extends SliverGridDelegate {
return true;
double _getMainAxisStride(double crossAxisExtent) {
final double usableCrossAxisExtent = crossAxisExtent - crossAxisSpacing * (crossAxisCount - 1);
final double childCrossAxisExtent = usableCrossAxisExtent / crossAxisCount;
final double childMainAxisExtent = childCrossAxisExtent / childAspectRatio;
return childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing;
int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset) {
return crossAxisCount * (scrollOffset ~/ _getMainAxisStride(constraints.crossAxisExtent));
int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset) {
SliverGridLayout getLayout(SliverConstraints constraints) {
final int mainAxisCount = (scrollOffset / _getMainAxisStride(constraints.crossAxisExtent)).ceil();
return math.max(0, crossAxisCount * mainAxisCount - 1);
SliverGridGeometry getGeometryForChildIndex(SliverConstraints constraints, int index) {
final double usableCrossAxisExtent = constraints.crossAxisExtent - crossAxisSpacing * (crossAxisCount - 1);
final double childCrossAxisExtent = usableCrossAxisExtent / crossAxisCount;
final double childMainAxisExtent = childCrossAxisExtent / childAspectRatio;
final double mainAxisStride = childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing;
final double crossAxisStrid = childCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing;
assert(mainAxisStride == _getMainAxisStride(constraints.crossAxisExtent));
return new SliverGridGeometry(
scrollOffset: (index ~/ crossAxisCount) * mainAxisStride,
crossAxisOffset: (index % crossAxisCount) * crossAxisStrid,
mainAxisExtent: childMainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: childCrossAxisExtent,
return new SliverGridRegularTileLayout(
crossAxisCount: crossAxisCount,
mainAxisStride: childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing,
crossAxisStride: childCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing,
childMainAxisExtent: childMainAxisExtent,
childCrossAxisExtent: childCrossAxisExtent,
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, int childCount) {
if (childCount == null)
return null;
final int mainAxisCount = ((childCount - 1) / crossAxisCount).floor() + 1;
return _getMainAxisStride(constraints.crossAxisExtent) * mainAxisCount - mainAxisSpacing;
bool shouldRelayout(SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount oldDelegate) {
return oldDelegate.crossAxisCount != crossAxisCount
......@@ -182,17 +307,38 @@ class SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount extends SliverGridDelegate {
/// A [GridDelegate] that fills the width with a variable number of tiles.
/// Creates grid layouts with tiles that have a maximum cross-axis extent.
/// This delegate will select a cross-axis extent for the tiles that is as
/// large as possible subject to the following conditions:
/// This delegate will select a tile width that is as large as possible subject
/// to the following conditions:
/// - The extent evenly divides the cross-axis extent of the grid.
/// - The extent is at most [maxCrossAxisExtent].
/// - The tile width evenly divides the width of the grid.
/// - The tile width is at most [maxTileWidth].
/// For example, if the grid is vertical, the grid is 500.0 pixels wide, and
/// [maxCrossAxisExtent] is 150.0, this delegate will create a grid with 4
/// columns that are 125.0 pixels wide.
/// This delegate creates grids with equally sized and spaced tiles.
/// See also:
/// * [SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount], which creates a layout with
/// a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis.
/// * [SliverGridDelegate], which creates arbitrary layouts.
/// * [GridView], which can use this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
/// * [SliverGrid], which can use this delegate to control the layout of its
/// tiles.
/// * [RenderSliverGrid], which can use this delegate to control the layout of
/// its tiles.
class SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent extends SliverGridDelegate {
/// Creates a grid delegate that uses a max tile width.
/// Creates a delegate that makes grid layouts with tiles that have a maximum
/// cross-axis extent.
/// The [maxTileWidth] argument must not be null.
/// All of the arguments must not be null. The `maxCrossAxisExtent` and
/// `crossAxisSpacing` arguments must not be negative. The `crossAxisCount`
/// and `childAspectRatio` arguments must be greater than zero.
const SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent({
@required this.maxCrossAxisExtent,
this.mainAxisSpacing: 0.0,
......@@ -200,7 +346,17 @@ class SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent extends SliverGridDelegate {
this.childAspectRatio: 1.0,
/// The number of children in the cross axis.
/// The maximum extent of tiles in the cross axis.
/// This delegate will select a cross-axis extent for the tiles that is as
/// large as possible subject to the following conditions:
/// - The extent evenly divides the cross-axis extent of the grid.
/// - The extent is at most [maxCrossAxisExtent].
/// For example, if the grid is vertical, the grid is 500.0 pixels wide, and
/// [maxCrossAxisExtent] is 150.0, this delegate will create a grid with 4
/// columns that are 125.0 pixels wide.
final double maxCrossAxisExtent;
/// The number of logical pixels between each child along the main axis.
......@@ -220,62 +376,22 @@ class SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent extends SliverGridDelegate {
return true;
int _getCrossAxisCount(double crossAxisExtent) {
return (crossAxisExtent / (maxCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing)).ceil();
double _getMainAxisStride(double crossAxisExtent, int crossAxisCount) {
final double usableCrossAxisExtent = crossAxisExtent - crossAxisSpacing * (crossAxisCount - 1);
final double childCrossAxisExtent = usableCrossAxisExtent / crossAxisCount;
final double childMainAxisExtent = childCrossAxisExtent / childAspectRatio;
return childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing;
int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset) {
SliverGridLayout getLayout(SliverConstraints constraints) {
final double crossAxisExtent = constraints.crossAxisExtent;
final int crossAxisCount = _getCrossAxisCount(crossAxisExtent);
return crossAxisCount * (scrollOffset ~/ _getMainAxisStride(crossAxisExtent, crossAxisCount));
int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double scrollOffset) {
final double crossAxisExtent = constraints.crossAxisExtent;
final int crossAxisCount = _getCrossAxisCount(crossAxisExtent);
final int mainAxisCount = (scrollOffset / _getMainAxisStride(crossAxisExtent, crossAxisCount)).ceil();
return math.max(0, crossAxisCount * mainAxisCount - 1);
SliverGridGeometry getGeometryForChildIndex(SliverConstraints constraints, int index) {
final int crossAxisCount = _getCrossAxisCount(constraints.crossAxisExtent);
final int crossAxisCount = (constraints.crossAxisExtent / (maxCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing)).ceil();
final double usableCrossAxisExtent = constraints.crossAxisExtent - crossAxisSpacing * (crossAxisCount - 1);
final double childCrossAxisExtent = usableCrossAxisExtent / crossAxisCount;
final double childMainAxisExtent = childCrossAxisExtent / childAspectRatio;
final double mainAxisStride = childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing;
final double crossAxisStrid = childCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing;
assert(mainAxisStride == _getMainAxisStride(constraints.crossAxisExtent, crossAxisCount));
return new SliverGridGeometry(
scrollOffset: (index ~/ crossAxisCount) * mainAxisStride,
crossAxisOffset: (index % crossAxisCount) * crossAxisStrid,
mainAxisExtent: childMainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: childCrossAxisExtent,
return new SliverGridRegularTileLayout(
crossAxisCount: crossAxisCount,
mainAxisStride: childMainAxisExtent + mainAxisSpacing,
crossAxisStride: childCrossAxisExtent + crossAxisSpacing,
childMainAxisExtent: childMainAxisExtent,
childCrossAxisExtent: childCrossAxisExtent,
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, int childCount) {
if (childCount == null)
return null;
final double crossAxisExtent = constraints.crossAxisExtent;
final int crossAxisCount = _getCrossAxisCount(crossAxisExtent);
final int mainAxisCount = ((childCount - 1) / crossAxisCount).floor() + 1;
return _getMainAxisStride(crossAxisExtent, crossAxisCount) * mainAxisCount - mainAxisSpacing;
bool shouldRelayout(SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent oldDelegate) {
return oldDelegate.maxCrossAxisExtent != maxCrossAxisExtent
......@@ -285,6 +401,13 @@ class SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent extends SliverGridDelegate {
class SliverGridParentData extends SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData {
double crossAxisOffset;
String toString() => 'crossAxisOffset=$crossAxisOffset; ${super.toString()}';
class RenderSliverGrid extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
@required RenderSliverBoxChildManager childManager,
......@@ -328,8 +451,10 @@ class RenderSliverGrid extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
assert(remainingPaintExtent >= 0.0);
final double targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + remainingPaintExtent;
final int firstIndex = _gridDelegate.getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(constraints, scrollOffset);
final int targetLastIndex = _gridDelegate.getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(constraints, targetEndScrollOffset);
final SliverGridLayout layout = _gridDelegate.getLayout(constraints);
final int firstIndex = layout.getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(scrollOffset);
final int targetLastIndex = layout.getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(targetEndScrollOffset);
if (firstChild != null) {
final int oldFirstIndex = indexOf(firstChild);
......@@ -340,8 +465,7 @@ class RenderSliverGrid extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
collectGarbage(leadingGarbage, trailingGarbage);
final SliverGridGeometry firstChildGridGeometry = _gridDelegate
.getGeometryForChildIndex(constraints, firstIndex);
final SliverGridGeometry firstChildGridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex(firstIndex);
double leadingScrollOffset = firstChildGridGeometry.scrollOffset;
double trailingScrollOffset = firstChildGridGeometry.trailingScrollOffset;
......@@ -357,8 +481,7 @@ class RenderSliverGrid extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
RenderBox trailingChildWithLayout;
for (int index = indexOf(firstChild) - 1; index >= firstIndex; --index) {
final SliverGridGeometry gridGeometry = _gridDelegate
.getGeometryForChildIndex(constraints, index);
final SliverGridGeometry gridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex(index);
final RenderBox child = insertAndLayoutLeadingChild(
final SliverGridParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
......@@ -380,12 +503,9 @@ class RenderSliverGrid extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
trailingChildWithLayout = firstChild;
for (int index = indexOf(trailingChildWithLayout) + 1; index <=
targetLastIndex; ++index) {
final SliverGridGeometry gridGeometry = _gridDelegate
.getGeometryForChildIndex(constraints, index);
final BoxConstraints childConstraints = gridGeometry.getBoxConstraints(
for (int index = indexOf(trailingChildWithLayout) + 1; index <= targetLastIndex; ++index) {
final SliverGridGeometry gridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex(index);
final BoxConstraints childConstraints = gridGeometry.getBoxConstraints(constraints);
RenderBox child = childAfter(trailingChildWithLayout);
if (child == null) {
child = insertAndLayoutChild(childConstraints, after: trailingChildWithLayout);
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class SliverGrid extends SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
) ?? gridDelegate.estimateMaxScrollOffset(constraints, delegate.estimatedChildCount);
) ?? gridDelegate.getLayout(constraints).estimateMaxScrollOffset(delegate.estimatedChildCount);
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