Commit 8e66c53f authored by Dmitriy Zaitsev's avatar Dmitriy Zaitsev Committed by Michael Goderbauer

Fix the documentation for UiKitView#creationParams (#31619)

It looks like the documentation for UiKitView has been copy-pasted from AndroidView or so.
This PR fixes the word 'Android' to 'iOS' for the `creationParams`.
parent 9d16b84b
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class UiKitView extends StatefulWidget {
/// Passed as the `arguments` argument of [-\[FlutterPlatformViewFactory createWithFrame:viewIdentifier:arguments:\]](/objcdoc/Protocols/FlutterPlatformViewFactory.html#/c:objc(pl)FlutterPlatformViewFactory(im)createWithFrame:viewIdentifier:arguments:)
/// This can be used by plugins to pass constructor parameters to the embedded Android view.
/// This can be used by plugins to pass constructor parameters to the embedded iOS view.
final dynamic creationParams;
/// The codec used to encode `creationParams` before sending it to the
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