Unverified Commit 8dbfc82b authored by Danny Tuppeny's avatar Danny Tuppeny Committed by GitHub

Tweak the display name of emulators (#34785)

parent 39597ce7
......@@ -32,15 +32,14 @@ class AndroidEmulator extends Emulator {
Map<String, String> _properties;
// Android Studio uses the ID with underscores replaced with spaces
// for the name if displayname is not set so we do the same.
String get name => _prop('hw.device.name');
String get name => _prop('avd.ini.displayname') ?? id.replaceAll('_', ' ').trim();
String get manufacturer => _prop('hw.device.manufacturer');
String get label => _prop('avd.ini.displayname');
Category get category => Category.mobile;
......@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ abstract class Emulator {
final bool hasConfig;
String get name;
String get manufacturer;
String get label;
Category get category;
PlatformType get platformType;
......@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ abstract class Emulator {
emulator.id ?? '',
emulator.name ?? '',
emulator.manufacturer ?? '',
emulator.label ?? '',
emulator.platformType?.toString() ?? '',
......@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ class IOSEmulator extends Emulator {
String get manufacturer => 'Apple';
String get label => null;
Category get category => Category.mobile;
......@@ -23,25 +23,43 @@ void main() {
expect(emulator.id, emulatorID);
expect(emulator.hasConfig, true);
testUsingContext('stores expected metadata', () {
testUsingContext('reads expected metadata', () {
const String emulatorID = '1234';
const String name = 'My Test Name';
const String manufacturer = 'Me';
const String label = 'The best one';
const String displayName = 'The best one';
final Map<String, String> properties = <String, String>{
'hw.device.name': name,
'hw.device.manufacturer': manufacturer,
'avd.ini.displayname': label,
'avd.ini.displayname': displayName,
final AndroidEmulator emulator =
AndroidEmulator(emulatorID, properties);
expect(emulator.id, emulatorID);
expect(emulator.name, name);
expect(emulator.name, displayName);
expect(emulator.manufacturer, manufacturer);
expect(emulator.label, label);
expect(emulator.category, Category.mobile);
expect(emulator.platformType, PlatformType.android);
testUsingContext('prefers displayname for name', () {
const String emulatorID = '1234';
const String displayName = 'The best one';
final Map<String, String> properties = <String, String>{
'avd.ini.displayname': displayName,
final AndroidEmulator emulator =
AndroidEmulator(emulatorID, properties);
expect(emulator.name, displayName);
testUsingContext('uses cleaned up ID if no displayname is set', () {
// Android Studio uses the ID with underscores replaced with spaces
// for the name if displayname is not set so we do the same.
const String emulatorID = 'This_is_my_ID';
final Map<String, String> properties = <String, String>{
'avd.ini.notadisplayname': 'this is not a display name',
final AndroidEmulator emulator =
AndroidEmulator(emulatorID, properties);
expect(emulator.name, 'This is my ID');
testUsingContext('parses ini files', () {
const String iniFile = '''
hw.device.name=My Test Name
......@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('getEmulatorsById', () async {
final _MockEmulator emulator1 =
_MockEmulator('Nexus_5', 'Nexus 5', 'Google', '');
_MockEmulator('Nexus_5', 'Nexus 5', 'Google');
final _MockEmulator emulator2 =
_MockEmulator('Nexus_5X_API_27_x86', 'Nexus 5X', 'Google', '');
_MockEmulator('Nexus_5X_API_27_x86', 'Nexus 5X', 'Google');
final _MockEmulator emulator3 =
_MockEmulator('iOS Simulator', 'iOS Simulator', 'Apple', '');
_MockEmulator('iOS Simulator', 'iOS Simulator', 'Apple');
final List<Emulator> emulators = <Emulator>[
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class TestEmulatorManager extends EmulatorManager {
class _MockEmulator extends Emulator {
_MockEmulator(String id, this.name, this.manufacturer, this.label)
_MockEmulator(String id, this.name, this.manufacturer)
: super(id, true);
......@@ -169,9 +169,6 @@ class _MockEmulator extends Emulator {
final String manufacturer;
final String label;
Category get category => Category.mobile;
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