Unverified Commit 86c79a83 authored by LongCatIsLooong's avatar LongCatIsLooong Committed by GitHub

[TextPainter] Don't invalidate layout cache for paint only changes (#89515)

parent e0b56dbf
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' show min, max;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Paragraph, ParagraphBuilder, ParagraphConstraints, ParagraphStyle, PlaceholderAlignment, LineMetrics, TextHeightBehavior, BoxHeightStyle, BoxWidthStyle;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Paragraph, ParagraphBuilder, ParagraphConstraints, ParagraphStyle, PlaceholderAlignment, LineMetrics, TextHeightBehavior, TextStyle, BoxHeightStyle, BoxWidthStyle;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
......@@ -185,8 +185,18 @@ class TextPainter {
_textWidthBasis = textWidthBasis,
_textHeightBehavior = textHeightBehavior;
// _paragraph being null means the text needs layout because of style changes.
// Setting _paragraph to null invalidates all the layout cache.
// The TextPainter class should not aggressively invalidate the layout as long
// as `markNeedsLayout` is not called (i.e., the layout cache is still valid).
// See: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85108
ui.Paragraph? _paragraph;
bool _needsLayout = true;
// Whether _paragraph contains outdated paint information and needs to be
// rebuilt before painting.
bool _rebuildParagraphForPaint = true;
bool get _debugNeedsLayout => _paragraph == null;
/// Marks this text painter's layout information as dirty and removes cached
/// information.
......@@ -196,7 +206,6 @@ class TextPainter {
/// in framework will automatically invoke this method.
void markNeedsLayout() {
_paragraph = null;
_needsLayout = true;
_previousCaretPosition = null;
_previousCaretPrototype = null;
......@@ -219,8 +228,21 @@ class TextPainter {
if (_text?.style != value?.style)
_layoutTemplate = null;
final RenderComparison comparison = value == null
? RenderComparison.layout
: _text?.compareTo(value) ?? RenderComparison.layout;
_text = value;
if (comparison.index >= RenderComparison.layout.index) {
} else if (comparison.index >= RenderComparison.paint.index) {
// Don't clear the _paragraph instance variable just yet. It still
// contains valid layout information.
_rebuildParagraphForPaint = true;
// Neither relayout or repaint is needed.
/// How the text should be aligned horizontally.
......@@ -378,8 +400,6 @@ class TextPainter {
ui.Paragraph? _layoutTemplate;
/// An ordered list of [TextBox]es that bound the positions of the placeholders
/// in the paragraph.
......@@ -454,6 +474,18 @@ class TextPainter {
ui.Paragraph? _layoutTemplate;
ui.Paragraph _createLayoutTemplate() {
final ui.ParagraphBuilder builder = ui.ParagraphBuilder(
); // direction doesn't matter, text is just a space
final ui.TextStyle? textStyle = text?.style?.getTextStyle(textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor);
if (textStyle != null)
builder.addText(' ');
return builder.build()
..layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
/// The height of a space in [text] in logical pixels.
/// Not every line of text in [text] will have this height, but this height
......@@ -466,19 +498,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// that contribute to the [preferredLineHeight]. If [text] is null or if it
/// specifies no styles, the default [TextStyle] values are used (a 10 pixel
/// sans-serif font).
double get preferredLineHeight {
if (_layoutTemplate == null) {
final ui.ParagraphBuilder builder = ui.ParagraphBuilder(
); // direction doesn't matter, text is just a space
if (text?.style != null)
builder.pushStyle(text!.style!.getTextStyle(textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor));
builder.addText(' ');
_layoutTemplate = builder.build()
..layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
return _layoutTemplate!.height;
double get preferredLineHeight => (_layoutTemplate ??= _createLayoutTemplate()).height;
// Unfortunately, using full precision floating point here causes bad layouts
// because floating point math isn't associative. If we add and subtract
......@@ -496,7 +516,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get minIntrinsicWidth {
return _applyFloatingPointHack(_paragraph!.minIntrinsicWidth);
......@@ -504,7 +524,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get maxIntrinsicWidth {
return _applyFloatingPointHack(_paragraph!.maxIntrinsicWidth);
......@@ -512,7 +532,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get width {
return _applyFloatingPointHack(
textWidthBasis == TextWidthBasis.longestLine ? _paragraph!.longestLine : _paragraph!.width,
......@@ -522,7 +542,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get height {
return _applyFloatingPointHack(_paragraph!.height);
......@@ -530,7 +550,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
Size get size {
return Size(width, height);
......@@ -539,7 +559,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
assert(baseline != null);
switch (baseline) {
case TextBaseline.alphabetic:
......@@ -561,38 +581,29 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
bool get didExceedMaxLines {
return _paragraph!.didExceedMaxLines;
double? _lastMinWidth;
double? _lastMaxWidth;
/// Computes the visual position of the glyphs for painting the text.
/// The text will layout with a width that's as close to its max intrinsic
/// width as possible while still being greater than or equal to `minWidth` and
/// less than or equal to `maxWidth`.
/// The [text] and [textDirection] properties must be non-null before this is
/// called.
void layout({ double minWidth = 0.0, double maxWidth = double.infinity }) {
assert(text != null, 'TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.');
assert(textDirection != null, 'TextPainter.textDirection must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.');
if (!_needsLayout && minWidth == _lastMinWidth && maxWidth == _lastMaxWidth)
_needsLayout = false;
if (_paragraph == null) {
// Creates a ui.Paragraph using the current configurations in this class and
// assign it to _paragraph.
void _createParagraph() {
assert(_paragraph == null || _rebuildParagraphForPaint);
final InlineSpan? text = this.text;
if (text == null) {
throw StateError('TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.');
final ui.ParagraphBuilder builder = ui.ParagraphBuilder(_createParagraphStyle());
_text!.build(builder, textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor, dimensions: _placeholderDimensions);
text.build(builder, textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor, dimensions: _placeholderDimensions);
_inlinePlaceholderScales = builder.placeholderScales;
_paragraph = builder.build();
_rebuildParagraphForPaint = false;
_lastMinWidth = minWidth;
_lastMaxWidth = maxWidth;
// A change in layout invalidates the cached caret metrics as well.
_previousCaretPosition = null;
_previousCaretPrototype = null;
void _layoutParagraph(double minWidth, double maxWidth) {
_paragraph!.layout(ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: maxWidth));
if (minWidth != maxWidth) {
double newWidth;
......@@ -614,6 +625,32 @@ class TextPainter {
_paragraph!.layout(ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: newWidth));
/// Computes the visual position of the glyphs for painting the text.
/// The text will layout with a width that's as close to its max intrinsic
/// width as possible while still being greater than or equal to `minWidth` and
/// less than or equal to `maxWidth`.
/// The [text] and [textDirection] properties must be non-null before this is
/// called.
void layout({ double minWidth = 0.0, double maxWidth = double.infinity }) {
assert(text != null, 'TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.');
assert(textDirection != null, 'TextPainter.textDirection must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.');
// Return early if the current layout information is not outdated, even if
// _needsPaint is true (in which case _paragraph will be rebuilt in paint).
if (_paragraph != null && minWidth == _lastMinWidth && maxWidth == _lastMaxWidth)
if (_rebuildParagraphForPaint || _paragraph == null)
_lastMinWidth = minWidth;
_lastMaxWidth = maxWidth;
// A change in layout invalidates the cached caret metrics as well.
_previousCaretPosition = null;
_previousCaretPrototype = null;
_layoutParagraph(minWidth, maxWidth);
_inlinePlaceholderBoxes = _paragraph!.getBoxesForPlaceholders();
......@@ -630,15 +667,30 @@ class TextPainter {
/// To set the text style, specify a [TextStyle] when creating the [TextSpan]
/// that you pass to the [TextPainter] constructor or to the [text] property.
void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset) {
assert(() {
if (_needsLayout) {
throw FlutterError(
final double? minWidth = _lastMinWidth;
final double? maxWidth = _lastMaxWidth;
if (_paragraph == null || minWidth == null || maxWidth == null) {
throw StateError(
'TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated.\n'
'Please call layout() before paint() to position the text before painting it.',
if (_rebuildParagraphForPaint) {
Size? debugSize;
assert(() {
debugSize = size;
return true;
// Unfortunately we have to redo the layout using the same constraints,
// since we've created a new ui.Paragraph. But there's no extra work being
// done: if _needsPaint is true and _paragraph is not null, the previous
// `layout` call didn't invoke _layoutParagraph.
_layoutParagraph(minWidth, maxWidth);
assert(debugSize == size);
canvas.drawParagraph(_paragraph!, offset);
......@@ -775,7 +827,7 @@ class TextPainter {
Offset get _emptyOffset {
assert(!_needsLayout); // implies textDirection is non-null
assert(!_debugNeedsLayout); // implies textDirection is non-null
assert(textAlign != null);
switch (textAlign) {
case TextAlign.left:
......@@ -836,7 +888,7 @@ class TextPainter {
// Checks if the [position] and [caretPrototype] have changed from the cached
// version and recomputes the metrics required to position the caret.
void _computeCaretMetrics(TextPosition position, Rect caretPrototype) {
if (position == _previousCaretPosition && caretPrototype == _previousCaretPrototype)
final int offset = position.offset;
......@@ -884,7 +936,7 @@ class TextPainter {
ui.BoxHeightStyle boxHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
ui.BoxWidthStyle boxWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
}) {
assert(boxHeightStyle != null);
assert(boxWidthStyle != null);
return _paragraph!.getBoxesForRange(
......@@ -897,7 +949,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// Returns the position within the text for the given pixel offset.
TextPosition getPositionForOffset(Offset offset) {
return _paragraph!.getPositionForOffset(offset);
......@@ -911,7 +963,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Word_Boundaries>.
/// {@endtemplate}
TextRange getWordBoundary(TextPosition position) {
return _paragraph!.getWordBoundary(position);
......@@ -919,7 +971,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// The newline (if any) is not returned as part of the range.
TextRange getLineBoundary(TextPosition position) {
return _paragraph!.getLineBoundary(position);
......@@ -939,7 +991,7 @@ class TextPainter {
/// to repeatedly call this. Instead, cache the results. The cached results
/// should be invalidated upon the next successful [layout].
List<ui.LineMetrics> computeLineMetrics() {
return _paragraph!.computeLineMetrics();
......@@ -152,7 +152,16 @@ void main() {
test('TextPainter error test', () {
final TextPainter painter = TextPainter(textDirection: TextDirection.ltr);
expect(() { painter.paint(MockCanvas(), Offset.zero); }, anyOf(throwsFlutterError, throwsAssertionError));
Object? e;
try {
painter.paint(MockCanvas(), Offset.zero);
} catch (exception) {
e = exception;
contains('TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated'),
test('TextPainter requires textDirection', () {
......@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('Text uses TextStyle.overflow', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const TextOverflow overflow = TextOverflow.fade;
await tester.pumpWidget( const Text(
await tester.pumpWidget(const Text(
'Hello World',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
style: TextStyle(overflow: overflow),
......@@ -1272,6 +1272,42 @@ void main() {
expect(richText.overflow, overflow);
expect(richText.text.style!.overflow, overflow);
'Text can be hit-tested without layout or paint being called in a frame',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
// Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85108.
await tester.pumpWidget(
const Opacity(
opacity: 1.0,
child: Text(
'Hello World',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
style: TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF123456)),
// The color changed and the opacity is set to 0:
// * 0 opacity will prevent RenderParagraph.paint from being called.
// * Only changing the color will prevent RenderParagraph.performLayout
// from being called.
// The underlying TextPainter should not evict its layout cache in this
// case, for hit-testing.
await tester.pumpWidget(
const Opacity(
opacity: 0.0,
child: Text(
'Hello World',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
style: TextStyle(color: Color(0x87654321)),
await tester.tap(find.text('Hello World'));
expect(tester.takeException(), isNull);
Future<void> _pumpTextWidget({
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