Unverified Commit 831d82c8 authored by Anna Gringauze's avatar Anna Gringauze Committed by GitHub

Fix race conditions in test_driver for tool tests (#88322)

parent 4053b4b1
......@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
// @dart = 2.8
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import '../src/common.dart';
......@@ -32,8 +30,7 @@ void main() {
await _flutter.run(withDebugger: true, startPaused: true);
await _flutter.addBreakpoint(_project.breakpointUri, _project.breakpointLine);
await _flutter.resume();
await _flutter.waitForPause(); // Now we should be on the breakpoint.
await _flutter.resume(waitForNextPause: true); // Now we should be on the breakpoint.
expect((await _flutter.getSourceLocation()).line, equals(_project.breakpointLine));
......@@ -53,5 +50,5 @@ void main() {
await _flutter.stop();
}, skip: Platform.isWindows); // Skipping for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/87481
......@@ -235,8 +235,10 @@ abstract class FlutterTestDriver {
/// an hour before setting the breakpoint. Would the code still eventually hit
/// the breakpoint and stop?
Future<void> breakAt(Uri uri, int line) async {
final String isolateId = await _getFlutterIsolateId();
final Future<Event> event = subscribeToPauseEvent(isolateId);
await addBreakpoint(uri, line);
await waitForPause();
await waitForPauseEvent(isolateId, event);
Future<void> addBreakpoint(Uri uri, int line) async {
......@@ -248,44 +250,64 @@ abstract class FlutterTestDriver {
// This method isn't racy. If the isolate is already paused,
// it will immediately return.
Future<Isolate> waitForPause() => waitForDebugEvent('Pause');
Future<Isolate> waitForResume() => waitForDebugEvent('Resume');
Future<Event> subscribeToPauseEvent(String isolateId) => subscribeToDebugEvent('Pause', isolateId);
Future<Event> subscribeToResumeEvent(String isolateId) => subscribeToDebugEvent('Resume', isolateId);
Future<Isolate> waitForPauseEvent(String isolateId, Future<Event> event) =>
waitForDebugEvent('Pause', isolateId, event);
Future<Isolate> waitForResumeEvent(String isolateId, Future<Event> event) =>
waitForDebugEvent('Resume', isolateId, event);
Future<Isolate> waitForPause() async => subscribeAndWaitForDebugEvent('Pause', await _getFlutterIsolateId());
Future<Isolate> waitForResume() async => subscribeAndWaitForDebugEvent('Resume', await _getFlutterIsolateId());
Future<Isolate> waitForDebugEvent(String kind) async {
return _timeoutWithMessages<Isolate>(
() async {
final String flutterIsolate = await _getFlutterIsolateId();
final Completer<Event> pauseEvent = Completer<Event>();
// Start listening for events containing 'kind'.
final StreamSubscription<Event> pauseSubscription = _vmService.onDebugEvent
Future<Isolate> subscribeAndWaitForDebugEvent(String kind, String isolateId) {
final Future<Event> event = subscribeToDebugEvent(kind, isolateId);
return waitForDebugEvent(kind, isolateId, event);
/// Subscribes to debug events containing [kind].
/// Returns a future that completes when the [kind] event is received.
/// Note that this method should be called before the command that triggers
/// the event to subscribe to the event in time, for example:
/// ```
/// var event = subscribeToDebugEvent('Pause', id); // Subscribe to 'pause' events.
/// ... // Code that pauses the app.
/// await waitForDebugEvent('Pause', id, event); // Isolate is paused now.
/// ```
Future<Event> subscribeToDebugEvent(String kind, String isolateId) {
_debugPrint('Start listening for $kind events');
return _vmService.onDebugEvent
.where((Event event) {
return event.isolate.id == flutterIsolate
return event.isolate.id == isolateId
&& event.kind.startsWith(kind);
.listen((Event event) {
if (!pauseEvent.isCompleted) {
// But also check if the isolate was already at the stae we need (only after we've
// set up the subscription) to avoid races. If it was paused, we don't need to wait
// for the event.
final Isolate isolate = await _vmService.getIsolate(flutterIsolate);
/// Wait for the [event] if needed.
/// Return immediately if the isolate is already in the desired state.
Future<Isolate> waitForDebugEvent(String kind, String isolateId, Future<Event> event) {
return _timeoutWithMessages<Isolate>(
() async {
// But also check if the isolate was already at the state we need (only after we've
// set up the subscription) to avoid races. If it already in the desired state, we
// don't need to wait for the event.
final Isolate isolate = await _vmService.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (isolate.pauseEvent.kind.startsWith(kind)) {
_debugPrint('Isolate was already at "$kind" (${isolate.pauseEvent.kind}).');
} else {
_debugPrint('Waiting for "$kind" event to arrive...');
await pauseEvent.future;
await event;
// Cancel the subscription on either of the above.
await pauseSubscription.cancel();
return getFlutterIsolate();
return _vmService.getIsolate(isolateId);
task: 'Waiting for isolate to $kind',
......@@ -311,12 +333,17 @@ abstract class FlutterTestDriver {
Future<Isolate> _resume(String step, bool waitForNextPause) async {
assert(waitForNextPause != null);
final String isolateId = await _getFlutterIsolateId();
final Future<Event> resume = subscribeToResumeEvent(isolateId);
final Future<Event> pause = subscribeToPauseEvent(isolateId);
await _timeoutWithMessages<dynamic>(
() async => _vmService.resume(await _getFlutterIsolateId(), step: step),
() async => _vmService.resume(isolateId, step: step),
task: 'Resuming isolate (step=$step)',
await waitForResume();
return waitForNextPause ? waitForPause() : null;
await waitForResumeEvent(isolateId, resume);
return waitForNextPause? waitForPauseEvent(isolateId, pause): null;
Future<ObjRef> evaluateInFrame(String expression) async {
......@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ void main() {
withDebugger: true, startPaused: true, chrome: true,
additionalCommandArgs: <String>['--verbose', '--web-renderer=html']);
await flutter.addBreakpoint(_project.breakpointUri, _project.breakpointLine);
await flutter.resume();
await flutter.waitForPause(); // Now we should be on the breakpoint.
await flutter.resume(waitForNextPause: true); // Now we should be on the breakpoint.
expect((await flutter.getSourceLocation()).line, equals(_project.breakpointLine));
// Issue 5 steps, ensuring that we end up on the annotated lines each time.
......@@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ void main() {
await flutter.resume();
return flutter.waitForPause();
return flutter.resume(waitForNextPause: true);
Future<void> startPaused({bool expressionEvaluation}) {
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void main() {
}, skip: true); // DDS failure: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/45569
}, skip: true); // DDS failure: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/46696
group('Clients of flutter run on web with DDS disabled', () {
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