Unverified Commit 807b6025 authored by Christopher Fujino's avatar Christopher Fujino Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] Update roll_dev.dart (#59215)

parent e66a5cf5
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ const String kJustPrint = 'just-print';
const String kYes = 'yes';
const String kHelp = 'help';
const String kForce = 'force';
const String kSkipTagging = 'skip-tagging';
const String kUpstreamRemote = 'git@github.com:flutter/flutter.git';
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ bool run({
final bool autoApprove = argResults[kYes] as bool;
final bool help = argResults[kHelp] as bool;
final bool force = argResults[kForce] as bool;
final bool skipTagging = argResults[kSkipTagging] as bool;
if (help || level == null || commit == null) {
......@@ -79,8 +81,8 @@ bool run({
if (remote != kUpstreamRemote) {
throw Exception(
'The current directory is not a Flutter repository checkout with a '
'correctly configured upstream remote.\nFor more details see: '
'The remote named $origin is set to $remote, when $kUpstreamRemote was '
'expected.\nFor more details see: '
......@@ -92,22 +94,45 @@ bool run({
// TODO(fujino): move this after `justPrint`
git.run('fetch $origin', 'fetch $origin');
git.run('reset $commit --hard', 'reset to the release commit');
String version = getFullTag(git, origin);
final String lastVersion = getFullTag(git, origin);
final String version = skipTagging
? lastVersion
: incrementLevel(lastVersion, level);
version = incrementLevel(version, level);
if (git.getOutput(
'rev-parse $lastVersion',
'check if commit is already on dev',
).contains(commit.trim())) {
throw Exception('Commit $commit is already on the dev branch as $lastVersion.');
if (justPrint) {
return false;
final String hash = git.getOutput('rev-parse HEAD', 'Get git hash for $commit');
if (skipTagging) {
'describe --exact-match --tags $commit',
'verify $commit is already tagged. You can only use the flag '
'`$kSkipTagging` if the commit has already been tagged.'
git.run('tag $version', 'tag the commit with the version label');
if (!force) {
'merge-base --is-ancestor $lastVersion $commit',
'verify $lastVersion is a direct ancestor of $commit. The flag `$kForce`'
'is required to force push a new release past a cherry-pick',
git.run('reset $commit --hard', 'reset to the release commit');
final String hash = git.getOutput('rev-parse HEAD', 'Get git hash for $commit');
......@@ -118,13 +143,15 @@ bool run({
'to the "dev" channel.');
stdout.write('Are you? [yes/no] ');
if (stdin.readLineSync() != 'yes') {
git.run('tag -d $version', 'remove the tag you did not want to publish');
print('The dev roll has been aborted.');
return false;
if (!skipTagging) {
git.run('tag $version', 'tag the commit with the version label');
git.run('push $origin $version', 'publish the version');
'push ${force ? "--force " : ""}$origin HEAD:dev',
'land the new version on the "dev" branch',
......@@ -170,6 +197,12 @@ ArgResults parseArguments(ArgParser argParser, List<String> args) {
"Don't actually roll the dev channel; "
'just print the would-be version and quit.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Do not create tag and push to remote, only update release branch. '
'For recovering when the script fails trying to git push to the release branch.'
argParser.addFlag(kYes, negatable: false, abbr: 'y', help: 'Skip the confirmation prompt.');
argParser.addFlag(kHelp, negatable: false, help: 'Show this help message.', hide: true);
......@@ -208,6 +241,7 @@ String getVersionFromParts(List<int> parts) {
return buf.toString();
/// A wrapper around git process calls that can be mocked for unit testing.
class Git {
const Git();
......@@ -230,16 +264,17 @@ class Git {
void _reportFailureAndExit(ProcessResult result, String explanation) {
final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print('Failed to $explanation. Git exited with error code ${result.exitCode}.');
message.writeln('Failed to $explanation. Git exited with error code ${result.exitCode}.');
} else {
print('Failed to $explanation.');
message.writeln('Failed to $explanation.');
if ((result.stdout as String).isNotEmpty)
print('stdout from git:\n${result.stdout}\n');
message.writeln('stdout from git:\n${result.stdout}\n');
if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty)
print('stderr from git:\n${result.stderr}\n');
message.writeln('stderr from git:\n${result.stderr}\n');
throw Exception(message);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ void main() {
timeout: timeout,
timeoutRetries: 0,
), throwsA(isA<ProcessException>()));
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