Unverified Commit 7fc9165e authored by Danny Tuppeny's avatar Danny Tuppeny Committed by GitHub

Add a detach command to detach without terminating (#21490)

* Add a detach command to detach without terminating (#21376)

* Add a detach command to detach without terminating

Fixes #21154.

* Bump protocol version for app.detach

* Tweak to detach/quit text

* Change logPrefix to named param

* Fix the text that the devicelab attach test looks for
parent e55b0f52
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Future<void> testReload(Process process, { Future<void> Function() onListening }
if (line.contains('Waiting') && onListening != null)
if (line.contains('To quit, press "q".'))
if (line.contains('To detach, press "d"; to quit, press "q".'))
if (line.contains('Reloaded '))
......@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@ The `callServiceExtension()` allows clients to make arbitrary calls to service p
- `methodName`: the name of the service protocol extension to invoke; this is required.
- `params`: an optional Map of parameters to pass to the service protocol extension.
#### app.detach
The `detach()` command takes one parameter, `appId`. It returns a `bool` to indicate success or failure in detaching from an app without stopping it.
- `appId`: the id of a previously started app; this is required.
#### app.stop
The `stop()` command takes one parameter, `appId`. It returns a `bool` to indicate success or failure in stopping an app.
......@@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ This is sent when an observatory port is available for a started app. The `param
#### app.started
This is sent once the application launch process is complete and the app is either paused before main() (if `startPaused` is true) or main() has begun running. The `params` field will be a map containing the field `appId`.
This is sent once the application launch process is complete and the app is either paused before main() (if `startPaused` is true) or main() has begun running. When attaching, this even will be fired once attached. The `params` field will be a map containing the field `appId`.
#### app.log
......@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ This is sent when an operation starts and again when it stops. When an operation
#### app.stop
This is sent when an app is stopped. The `params` field will be a map with the field `appId`.
This is sent when an app is stopped or detached from. The `params` field will be a map with the field `appId`.
### device domain
......@@ -204,6 +210,7 @@ The following subset of the app domain is available in `flutter run --machine`.
- Commands
- [`restart`](#apprestart)
- [`callServiceExtension`](#appcallserviceextension)
- [`detach`](#appdetach)
- [`stop`](#appstop)
- Events
- [`start`](#appstart)
......@@ -219,6 +226,7 @@ See the [source](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter
## Changelog
- 0.4.2: Added `app.detach` command
- 0.4.1: Added `flutter attach --machine`
- 0.4.0: Added `emulator.create` command
- 0.3.0: Added `daemon.connected` event at startup
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import '../tester/flutter_tester.dart';
import '../vmservice.dart';
const String protocolVersion = '0.4.1';
const String protocolVersion = '0.4.2';
/// A server process command. This command will start up a long-lived server.
/// It reads JSON-RPC based commands from stdin, executes them, and returns
......@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
registerHandler('restart', restart);
registerHandler('callServiceExtension', callServiceExtension);
registerHandler('stop', stop);
registerHandler('detach', detach);
static final Uuid _uuidGenerator = new Uuid();
......@@ -516,6 +517,23 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
Future<bool> detach(Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
final String appId = _getStringArg(args, 'appId', required: true);
final AppInstance app = _getApp(appId);
if (app == null)
throw "app '$appId' not found";
return app.detach().timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5)).then<bool>((_) {
return true;
}).catchError((dynamic error) {
_sendAppEvent(app, 'log', <String, dynamic>{ 'log': '$error', 'error': true });
return false;
AppInstance _getApp(String id) {
return _apps.firstWhere((AppInstance app) => app.id == id, orElse: () => null);
......@@ -769,6 +787,7 @@ class AppInstance {
Future<Null> stop() => runner.stop();
Future<Null> detach() => runner.detach();
void closeLogger() {
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
final bool benchmarkMode;
final File applicationBinary;
final bool hostIsIde;
bool _didAttach = false;
Set<String> _dartDependencies;
final String dillOutputPath;
......@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
Completer<void> appStartedCompleter,
String viewFilter,
}) async {
_didAttach = true;
try {
await connectToServiceProtocol(viewFilter: viewFilter,
reloadSources: _reloadSourcesService,
......@@ -751,19 +753,26 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
for (Uri uri in device.observatoryUris)
printStatus('An Observatory debugger and profiler on $dname is available at: $uri');
final String quitMessage = _didAttach
? 'To detach, press "d"; to quit, press "q".'
: 'To quit, press "q".';
if (details) {
printStatus('To repeat this help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".');
printStatus('To repeat this help message, press "h". $quitMessage');
} else {
printStatus('For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".');
printStatus('For a more detailed help message, press "h". $quitMessage');
Future<Null> cleanupAfterSignal() async {
await stopEchoingDeviceLog();
if (_didAttach) {
} else {
await stopApp();
Future<Null> preStop() => _cleanupDevFS();
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import '../src/common.dart';
import '../src/context.dart';
import 'test_data/basic_project.dart';
import 'test_driver.dart';
......@@ -18,23 +17,35 @@ void main() {
setUp(() async {
tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_attach_test.');
await _project.setUpIn(tempDir);
_flutterRun = new FlutterTestDriver(tempDir);
_flutterAttach = new FlutterTestDriver(tempDir);
_flutterRun = new FlutterTestDriver(tempDir, logPrefix: 'RUN');
_flutterAttach = new FlutterTestDriver(tempDir, logPrefix: 'ATTACH');
tearDown(() async {
// We can't call stop() on both of these because they'll both try to stop the
// same app. Just quit the attach process and then send a stop to the original
// process.
await _flutterAttach.detach();
await _flutterRun.stop();
await _flutterAttach.quit();
group('attached process', () {
testUsingContext('can hot reload', () async {
test('can hot reload', () async {
await _flutterRun.run(withDebugger: true);
await _flutterAttach.attach(_flutterRun.vmServicePort);
await _flutterAttach.hotReload();
test('can detach, reattach, hot reload', () async {
await _flutterRun.run(withDebugger: true);
await _flutterAttach.attach(_flutterRun.vmServicePort);
await _flutterAttach.detach();
await _flutterAttach.attach(_flutterRun.vmServicePort);
await _flutterAttach.hotReload();
test('killing process behaves the same as detach ', () async {
await _flutterRun.run(withDebugger: true);
await _flutterAttach.attach(_flutterRun.vmServicePort);
await _flutterAttach.quit();
_flutterAttach = new FlutterTestDriver(tempDir, logPrefix: 'ATTACH-2');
await _flutterAttach.attach(_flutterRun.vmServicePort);
await _flutterAttach.hotReload();
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(6));
......@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ const Duration appStartTimeout = Duration(seconds: 120);
const Duration quitTimeout = Duration(seconds: 10);
class FlutterTestDriver {
FlutterTestDriver(this._projectFolder, {String logPrefix}):
this._logPrefix = logPrefix != null ? '$logPrefix: ' : '';
final Directory _projectFolder;
final String _logPrefix;
Process _proc;
int _procPid;
final StreamController<String> _stdout = new StreamController<String>.broadcast();
......@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
msg.length > maxLength ? msg.substring(0, maxLength) + '...' : msg;
if (_printJsonAndStderr) {
return msg;
......@@ -162,6 +164,31 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
_throwErrorResponse('Hot ${fullRestart ? 'restart' : 'reload'} request failed');
Future<int> detach() async {
if (vmService != null) {
_debugPrint('Closing VM service');
await vmService.close()
onTimeout: () { _debugPrint('VM Service did not quit within $quitTimeout'); });
if (_currentRunningAppId != null) {
_debugPrint('Detaching from app');
await Future.any<void>(<Future<void>>[
<String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId}
onTimeout: () { _debugPrint('app.detach did not return within $quitTimeout'); }
_currentRunningAppId = null;
_debugPrint('Waiting for process to end');
return _proc.exitCode.timeout(quitTimeout, onTimeout: _killGracefully);
Future<int> stop() async {
if (vmService != null) {
_debugPrint('Closing VM service');
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