Commit 7d5dece1 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Adds documentation for actions.

parent 9b898cff
......@@ -2,12 +2,31 @@ part of sprites;
typedef void ActionCallback();
/// Actions are used to animate properties of nodes or any other type of
/// objects. The actions are powered by an [ActionController], typically
/// associated with a [Node]. The most commonly used action is the
/// [ActionTween] which interpolates a property between two values over time.
/// Actions can be nested in different ways; played in sequence using the
/// [ActionSequence], or looped using the [ActionRepeat].
/// You should typically not override this class directly, instead override
/// [ActionInterval] or [ActionInstant] if you need to create a new action
/// class.
abstract class Action {
Object _tag;
bool _finished = false;
bool _added = false;
/// Moves to the next time step in an action, [dt] is the delta time since
/// the last time step in seconds. Typically this method is called from the
/// [ActionController].
void step(double dt);
/// Sets the action to a specific point in time. The [t] value that is passed
/// in is a normalized value 0.0 to 1.0 of the duration of the action. Every
/// action will always recieve a callback with the end time point (1.0),
/// unless it is cancelled.
void update(double t) {
......@@ -18,13 +37,22 @@ abstract class Action {
double get duration => 0.0;
/// The abstract class for an action that changes properties over a time
/// interval, optionally using an easing curve.
abstract class ActionInterval extends Action {
double _duration;
bool _firstTick = true;
double _elapsed = 0.0;
/// The duration, in seconds, of the action.
/// double myTime = myAction.duration;
double get duration => _duration;
/// The animation curve used to ease the animation.
/// myAction.curve = bounceOut;
Curve curve;
ActionInterval([this._duration = 0.0, this.curve]);
......@@ -53,11 +81,16 @@ abstract class ActionInterval extends Action {
/// An action that repeats an action a fixed number of times.
class ActionRepeat extends ActionInterval {
final int numRepeats;
final ActionInterval action;
int _lastFinishedRepeat = -1;
/// Creates a new action that is repeats the passed in action a fixed number
/// of times.
/// var myLoop = new ActionRepeat(myAction);
ActionRepeat(this.action, this.numRepeats) {
_duration = action.duration * numRepeats;
......@@ -80,10 +113,14 @@ class ActionRepeat extends ActionInterval {
/// An action that repeats an action an indefinite number of times.
class ActionRepeatForever extends Action {
final ActionInterval action;
double _elapsedInAction = 0.0;
/// Creates a new action with the action that is passed in.
/// var myInifiniteLoop = new ActionRepeatForever(myAction);
step(double dt) {
......@@ -106,11 +143,17 @@ class ActionRepeatForever extends Action {
/// An action that plays a number of supplied actions in sequence. The duration
/// of the [ActionSequence] with be the sum of the durations of the actions
/// passed in to the constructor.
class ActionSequence extends ActionInterval {
Action _a;
Action _b;
double _split;
/// Creates a new action with the list of actions passed in.
/// var mySequence = new ActionSequence([myAction0, myAction1, myAction2]);
ActionSequence(List<Action> actions) {
assert(actions.length >= 2);
......@@ -188,9 +231,15 @@ class ActionSequence extends ActionInterval {
/// An action that plays the supplied actions in parallell. The duration of the
/// [ActionGroup] will be the maximum of the durations of the actions used to
/// compose this action.
class ActionGroup extends ActionInterval {
List<Action> _actions;
/// Creates a new action with the list of actions passed in.
/// var myGroup = new ActionGroup([myAction0, myAction1, myAction2]);
ActionGroup(this._actions) {
for (Action action in _actions) {
if (action.duration > _duration) {
......@@ -246,6 +295,8 @@ class ActionGroup extends ActionInterval {
/// An action that doesn't have a duration. If this class is overridden to
/// create custom instant actions, only the [fire] method should be overriden.
abstract class ActionInstant extends Action {
void step(double dt) {
......@@ -259,9 +310,13 @@ abstract class ActionInstant extends Action {
void fire();
/// An action that calls a custom function when it is fired.
class ActionCallFunction extends ActionInstant {
ActionCallback _function;
/// Creates a new callback action with the supplied callback.
/// var myAction = new ActionCallFunction(() { print("Hello!";) });
void fire() {
......@@ -269,9 +324,13 @@ class ActionCallFunction extends ActionInstant {
/// An action that removes the supplied node from its parent when it's fired.
class ActionRemoveNode extends ActionInstant {
Node _node;
/// Creates a new action with the node to remove as its argument.
/// var myAction = new ActionRemoveNode(myNode);
void fire() {
......@@ -279,13 +338,38 @@ class ActionRemoveNode extends ActionInstant {
/// An action that tweens a property between two values, optionally using an
/// animation curve. This is one of the most common building blocks when
/// creating actions. The tween class can be used to animate properties of the
/// type [Point], [Size], [Rect], [double], or [Color].
class ActionTween extends ActionInterval {
/// The setter method used to set the property being animated.
final Function setter;
/// The start value of the animation.
final startVal;
/// The end value of the animation.
final endVal;
var _delta;
/// Creates a new tween action. The [setter] will be called to update the
/// animated property from [startVal] to [endVal] over the [duration] time in
/// seconds. Optionally an animation [curve] can be passed in for easing the
/// animation.
/// // Animate myNode from its current position to 100.0, 100.0 during
/// // 1.0 second and a bounceOut easing
/// var myTween = new ActionTween(
/// (a) => myNode.position = a,
/// myNode.position,
/// new Point(100.0, 100.0,
/// 1.0,
/// bounceOut
/// );
ActionTween(this.setter, this.startVal, this.endVal, double duration, [Curve curve]) : super(duration, curve) {
......@@ -378,12 +462,21 @@ class ActionTween extends ActionInterval {
/// A class the controls the playback of actions. To play back an action it is
/// passed to the [ActionController]'s [run] method. The [ActionController]
/// itself is typically a property of a [Node] and powered by the [SpriteBox].
class ActionController {
List<Action> _actions = [];
/// Creates a new [ActionController]. However, for most uses a reference to
/// an [ActionController] is acquired through the [Node.actions] property.
/// Runs an [action], can optionally be passed a [tag]. The [tag] can be used
/// to reference the action or a set of actions with the same tag.
///, "myActionGroup");
void run(Action action, [Object tag]) {
......@@ -393,6 +486,9 @@ class ActionController {
/// Stops an [action] and removes it from the controller.
/// myNode.actions.stop(myAction);
void stop(Action action) {
if (_actions.remove(action)) {
action._added = false;
......@@ -407,6 +503,10 @@ class ActionController {
/// Stops all actions with the specified tag and removes them from the
/// controller.
/// myNode.actions.stopWithTag("myActionGroup");
void stopWithTag(Object tag) {
for (int i = _actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Action action = _actions[i];
......@@ -416,6 +516,9 @@ class ActionController {
/// Stops all actions currently being run by the controller and removes them.
/// myNode.actions.stopAll();
void stopAll() {
for (int i = _actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
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