Unverified Commit 7837d3ea authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Upgrade to stable flutter_lints 1.0.0 (#82365)

parent 25815877
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ dev_dependencies:
# activated in the `analysis_options.yaml` file located at the root of your
# package. See that file for information about deactivating specific lint
# rules and activating additional ones.
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0-0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ dependencies:
sdk: flutter
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0-0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dependencies:
sdk: flutter
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0-0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ dependencies:
sdk: flutter
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0-0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.0
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
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