Unverified Commit 7802c7ac authored by Tae Hyung Kim's avatar Tae Hyung Kim Committed by GitHub

[gen_l10n] Improvements to `gen_l10n` (#116202)

* init

* fix tests

* fix lint

* extra changes

* oops missed some merge conflicts

* fix lexer add tests

* consistent warnings and errors

* throw error at the end

* improve efficiency, improve code generation

* fix

* nit

* fix test

* remove helper method class

* two d's

* oops

* empty commit as google testing won't pass :(
parent 43d5cbb1
......@@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ class GenerateLocalizationsCommand extends FlutterCommand {
'contained within pairs of single quotes as normal strings and treat all '
'consecutive pairs of single quotes as a single quote character.',
help: 'When specified, all warnings will be suppressed.\n'
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
......@@ -258,6 +262,7 @@ class GenerateLocalizationsCommand extends FlutterCommand {
final bool areResourceAttributesRequired = boolArgDeprecated('required-resource-attributes');
final bool usesNullableGetter = boolArgDeprecated('nullable-getter');
final bool useEscaping = boolArgDeprecated('use-escaping');
final bool suppressWarnings = boolArgDeprecated('suppress-warnings');
......@@ -281,6 +286,7 @@ class GenerateLocalizationsCommand extends FlutterCommand {
usesNullableGetter: usesNullableGetter,
useEscaping: useEscaping,
logger: _logger,
suppressWarnings: suppressWarnings,
......@@ -139,33 +139,23 @@ const String methodTemplate = '''
String @(name)(@(parameters)) {
return @(message);
@(tempVars) return @(message);
const String messageHelperTemplate = '''
String @(name)(@(parameters)) {
return @(message);
const String pluralHelperTemplate = '''
String @(name)(@(parameters)) {
return intl.Intl.pluralLogic(
const String pluralVariableTemplate = '''
String @(varName) = intl.Intl.pluralLogic(
locale: localeName,
const String selectHelperTemplate = '''
String @(name)(@(parameters)) {
return intl.Intl.selectLogic(
const String selectVariableTemplate = '''
String @(varName) = intl.Intl.selectLogic(
const String classFileTemplate = '''
@(header)@(requiresIntlImport)import '@(fileName)';
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import 'package:intl/locale.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import 'localizations_utils.dart';
import 'message_parser.dart';
......@@ -138,17 +139,31 @@ class L10nParserException extends L10nException {
): super('''
[$fileName:$messageId] $messageString
${List<String>.filled(4 + fileName.length + messageId.length + charNumber, ' ').join()}^''');
[$fileName:$messageId] $error
${List<String>.filled(charNumber, ' ').join()}^''');
final String error;
final String fileName;
final String messageId;
final String messageString;
// Position of character within the "messageString" where the error is.
final int charNumber;
class L10nMissingPlaceholderException extends L10nParserException {
final String placeholderName;
// One optional named parameter to be used by a NumberFormat.
// Some of the NumberFormat factory constructors have optional named parameters.
......@@ -319,7 +334,10 @@ class Message {
AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles,
bool isResourceAttributeRequired,
{ this.useEscaping = false }
this.useEscaping = false,
) : assert(templateBundle != null),
assert(allBundles != null),
assert(resourceId != null && resourceId.isNotEmpty),
......@@ -335,64 +353,16 @@ class Message {
filenames[bundle.locale] = bundle.file.basename;
final String? translation = bundle.translationFor(resourceId);
messages[bundle.locale] = translation;
parsedMessages[bundle.locale] = translation == null ? null : Parser(resourceId, bundle.file.basename, translation, useEscaping: useEscaping).parse();
// Using parsed translations, attempt to infer types of placeholders used by plurals and selects.
for (final LocaleInfo locale in parsedMessages.keys) {
if (parsedMessages[locale] == null) {
final List<Node> traversalStack = <Node>[parsedMessages[locale]!];
while (traversalStack.isNotEmpty) {
final Node node = traversalStack.removeLast();
if (node.type == ST.pluralExpr) {
final Placeholder? placeholder = placeholders[node.children[1].value!];
if (placeholder == null) {
throw L10nParserException(
'Make sure that the specified plural placeholder is defined in your arb file.',
placeholders[node.children[1].value!]!.isPlural = true;
if (node.type == ST.selectExpr) {
final Placeholder? placeholder = placeholders[node.children[1].value!];
if (placeholder == null) {
throw L10nParserException(
'Make sure that the specified select placeholder is defined in your arb file.',
parsedMessages[bundle.locale] = translation == null ? null : Parser(
placeholders[node.children[1].value!]!.isSelect = true;
for (final Placeholder placeholder in placeholders.values) {
if (placeholder.isPlural && placeholder.isSelect) {
throw L10nException('Placeholder is used as both a plural and select in certain languages.');
} else if (placeholder.isPlural) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'num';
else if (!<String>['num', 'int'].contains(placeholder.type)) {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in plurals must be of type 'num' or 'int'");
} else if (placeholder.isSelect) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'String';
} else if (placeholder.type != 'String') {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in selects must be of type 'String'");
placeholder.type ??= 'Object';
useEscaping: useEscaping,
logger: logger
// Infer the placeholders
final String resourceId;
......@@ -402,6 +372,7 @@ class Message {
final Map<LocaleInfo, Node?> parsedMessages;
final Map<String, Placeholder> placeholders;
final bool useEscaping;
final Logger? logger;
bool get placeholdersRequireFormatting => placeholders.values.any((Placeholder p) => p.requiresFormatting);
......@@ -496,6 +467,63 @@ class Message {
// Using parsed translations, attempt to infer types of placeholders used by plurals and selects.
// For undeclared placeholders, create a new placeholder.
void _inferPlaceholders(Map<LocaleInfo, String> filenames) {
// We keep the undeclared placeholders separate so that we can sort them alphabetically afterwards.
final Map<String, Placeholder> undeclaredPlaceholders = <String, Placeholder>{};
// Helper for getting placeholder by name.
Placeholder? getPlaceholder(String name) => placeholders[name] ?? undeclaredPlaceholders[name];
for (final LocaleInfo locale in parsedMessages.keys) {
if (parsedMessages[locale] == null) {
final List<Node> traversalStack = <Node>[parsedMessages[locale]!];
while (traversalStack.isNotEmpty) {
final Node node = traversalStack.removeLast();
if (<ST>[ST.placeholderExpr, ST.pluralExpr, ST.selectExpr].contains(node.type)) {
final String identifier = node.children[1].value!;
Placeholder? placeholder = getPlaceholder(identifier);
if (placeholder == null) {
placeholder = Placeholder(resourceId, identifier, <String, Object?>{});
undeclaredPlaceholders[identifier] = placeholder;
if (node.type == ST.pluralExpr) {
placeholder.isPlural = true;
} else if (node.type == ST.selectExpr) {
placeholder.isSelect = true;
..sort((MapEntry<String, Placeholder> p1, MapEntry<String, Placeholder> p2) => p1.key.compareTo(p2.key))
for (final Placeholder placeholder in placeholders.values) {
if (placeholder.isPlural && placeholder.isSelect) {
throw L10nException('Placeholder is used as both a plural and select in certain languages.');
} else if (placeholder.isPlural) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'num';
else if (!<String>['num', 'int'].contains(placeholder.type)) {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in plurals must be of type 'num' or 'int'");
} else if (placeholder.isSelect) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'String';
} else if (placeholder.type != 'String') {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in selects must be of type 'String'");
placeholder.type ??= 'Object';
// Represents the contents of one ARB file.
......@@ -834,50 +862,3 @@ final Set<String> _iso639Languages = <String>{
// Used in LocalizationsGenerator._generateMethod.generateHelperMethod.
class HelperMethod {
HelperMethod(this.dependentPlaceholders, {this.helper, this.placeholder, this.string }):
assert((() {
// At least one of helper, placeholder, string must be nonnull.
final bool a = helper == null;
final bool b = placeholder == null;
final bool c = string == null;
return (!a && b && c) || (a && !b && c) || (a && b && !c);
Set<Placeholder> dependentPlaceholders;
String? helper;
Placeholder? placeholder;
String? string;
String get helperOrPlaceholder {
if (helper != null) {
return '$helper($methodArguments)';
} else if (string != null) {
return '$string';
} else {
if (placeholder!.requiresFormatting) {
return '${placeholder!.name}String';
} else {
return placeholder!.name;
String get methodParameters {
assert(helper != null);
return dependentPlaceholders.map((Placeholder placeholder) =>
? 'String ${placeholder.name}String'
: '${placeholder.type} ${placeholder.name}').join(', ');
String get methodArguments {
assert(helper != null);
return dependentPlaceholders.map((Placeholder placeholder) =>
? '${placeholder.name}String'
: placeholder.name).join(', ');
......@@ -297,25 +297,23 @@ String generateString(String value) {
/// Given a list of strings, placeholders, or helper function calls, concatenate
/// them into one expression to be returned.
String generateReturnExpr(List<HelperMethod> helpers) {
if (helpers.isEmpty) {
/// If isSingleStringVar is passed, then we want to convert "'$expr'" to simply "expr".
String generateReturnExpr(List<String> expressions, { bool isSingleStringVar = false }) {
if (expressions.isEmpty) {
return "''";
} else if (
helpers.length == 1
&& helpers[0].string == null
&& (helpers[0].placeholder?.type == 'String' || helpers[0].helper != null)
) {
return helpers[0].helperOrPlaceholder;
} else if (isSingleStringVar) {
// If our expression is "$varName" where varName is a String, this is equivalent to just varName.
return expressions[0].substring(1);
} else {
final String string = helpers.reversed.fold<String>('', (String string, HelperMethod helper) {
if (helper.string != null) {
return generateString(helper.string!) + string;
final String string = expressions.reversed.fold<String>('', (String string, String expression) {
if (expression[0] != r'$') {
return generateString(expression) + string;
final RegExp alphanumeric = RegExp(r'^([0-9a-zA-Z]|_)+$');
if (alphanumeric.hasMatch(helper.helperOrPlaceholder) && !(string.isNotEmpty && alphanumeric.hasMatch(string[0]))) {
return '\$${helper.helperOrPlaceholder}$string';
if (alphanumeric.hasMatch(expression.substring(1)) && !(string.isNotEmpty && alphanumeric.hasMatch(string[0]))) {
return '$expression$string';
} else {
return '\${${helper.helperOrPlaceholder}}$string';
return '\${${expression.substring(1)}}$string';
return "'$string'";
......@@ -340,6 +338,7 @@ class LocalizationOptions {
this.usesNullableGetter = true,
this.format = false,
this.useEscaping = false,
this.suppressWarnings = false,
}) : assert(useSyntheticPackage != null);
/// The `--arb-dir` argument.
......@@ -416,6 +415,11 @@ class LocalizationOptions {
/// Whether or not the ICU escaping syntax is used.
final bool useEscaping;
/// The `suppress-warnings` argument.
/// Whether or not to suppress warnings.
final bool suppressWarnings;
/// Parse the localizations configuration options from [file].
......@@ -450,8 +454,9 @@ LocalizationOptions parseLocalizationsOptions({
useSyntheticPackage: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'synthetic-package', logger) ?? true,
areResourceAttributesRequired: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'required-resource-attributes', logger) ?? false,
usesNullableGetter: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'nullable-getter', logger) ?? true,
format: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'format', logger) ?? true,
format: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'format', logger) ?? false,
useEscaping: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'use-escaping', logger) ?? false,
suppressWarnings: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'suppress-warnings', logger) ?? false,
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
// See https://flutter.dev/go/icu-message-parser.
// Symbol Types
import '../base/logger.dart';
import 'gen_l10n_types.dart';
enum ST {
......@@ -181,13 +182,17 @@ class Parser {
{ this.useEscaping = false }
this.useEscaping = false,
final String messageId;
final String messageString;
final String filename;
final bool useEscaping;
final Logger? logger;
static String indentForError(int position) {
return '${List<String>.filled(position, ' ').join()}^';
......@@ -297,6 +302,11 @@ class Parser {
// Do not add whitespace as a token.
startIndex = match.end;
} else if (<ST>[ST.plural, ST.select].contains(matchedType) && tokens.last.type == ST.openBrace) {
// Treat "plural" or "select" as identifier if it comes right after an open brace.
tokens.add(Node(ST.identifier, startIndex, value: match.group(0)));
startIndex = match.end;
} else {
tokens.add(Node(matchedType!, startIndex, value: match.group(0)));
startIndex = match.end;
......@@ -566,8 +576,13 @@ class Parser {
Node parse() {
try {
final Node syntaxTree = compress(parseIntoTree());
return syntaxTree;
} on L10nParserException catch (error) {
return Node(ST.empty, 0, value: '');
......@@ -218,6 +218,14 @@ void main() {
testWithoutContext('lexer identifier names can be "select" or "plural"', () {
final List<Node> tokens = Parser('keywords', 'app_en.arb', '{ select } { plural, select, singular{test} other{hmm} }').lexIntoTokens();
expect(tokens[1].value, equals('select'));
expect(tokens[1].type, equals(ST.identifier));
expect(tokens[5].value, equals('plural'));
expect(tokens[5].type, equals(ST.identifier));
testWithoutContext('lexer: lexically correct but syntactically incorrect', () {
final List<Node> tokens = Parser(
......@@ -242,8 +250,8 @@ void main() {
testWithoutContext('lexer unmatched single quote', () {
const String message = "here''s an unmatched single quote: '";
const String expectedError = '''
ICU Lexing Error: Unmatched single quotes.
[app_en.arb:escaping] here''s an unmatched single quote: '
[app_en.arb:escaping] ICU Lexing Error: Unmatched single quotes.
here''s an unmatched single quote: '
() => Parser('escaping', 'app_en.arb', message, useEscaping: true).lexIntoTokens(),
......@@ -257,8 +265,8 @@ ICU Lexing Error: Unmatched single quotes.
testWithoutContext('lexer unexpected character', () {
const String message = '{ * }';
const String expectedError = '''
ICU Lexing Error: Unexpected character.
[app_en.arb:lex] { * }
[app_en.arb:lex] ICU Lexing Error: Unexpected character.
{ * }
() => Parser('lex', 'app_en.arb', message).lexIntoTokens(),
......@@ -460,11 +468,11 @@ ICU Lexing Error: Unexpected character.
testWithoutContext('parser unexpected token', () {
// unexpected token
const String expectedError1 = '''
ICU Syntax Error: Expected "}" but found "=".
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] { placeholder =
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] ICU Syntax Error: Expected "}" but found "=".
{ placeholder =
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ placeholder =').parse(),
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ placeholder =').parseIntoTree(),
(L10nException e) => e.message,
......@@ -472,11 +480,11 @@ ICU Syntax Error: Expected "}" but found "=".
const String expectedError2 = '''
ICU Syntax Error: Expected "number" but found "}".
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] { count, plural, = }
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] ICU Syntax Error: Expected "number" but found "}".
{ count, plural, = }
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ count, plural, = }').parse(),
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ count, plural, = }').parseIntoTree(),
(L10nException e) => e.message,
......@@ -484,11 +492,11 @@ ICU Syntax Error: Expected "number" but found "}".
const String expectedError3 = '''
ICU Syntax Error: Expected "identifier" but found ",".
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] { , plural , = }
[app_en.arb:unexpectedToken] ICU Syntax Error: Expected "identifier" but found ",".
{ , plural , = }
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ , plural , = }').parse(),
() => Parser('unexpectedToken', 'app_en.arb', '{ , plural , = }').parseIntoTree(),
(L10nException e) => e.message,
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